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The harsh reality is that she wasn't that into you. Whether it be physical attraction, personality compatability or both. Its very rare for someone to say no to someone they're attracted to. Just because she gave in and flirted, does not mean she was in love with you or anything even close. She's with someone else because she finds him attractive. You can sit and be sad about it or you can work on yourself and move on. As I say, not trying to be mean, but you're hung up because you're manipulating your mind to feel this way. You never had a relationship with her, you shouldn't be jealous.


I didnt take it as you being mean, and you’re right. It just really surprised me. Thank you for the kind words and motivation


Yes, that's often the way it is. They didn't even exist; it was just you.


Well… considering her talk about her career, it seems like a kind of fked up power dynamic to date her boss but whatevs ig


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Every HR training I’ve done said this is extremely unprofessional and a power imbalance. I don’t want to get my emotions riled up but it makes me unhappy thinking about it.