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If you're adamant that there's no future with him, then this constant on and off situation you guys keeping going through will only prolong your suffering. You know what you need to do, either commit or let go. There's no happiness in what you're doing. I'm sorry for all the pain you're going through. Hopefully if he's the one, you guys can make it work.


Thank you for your words. I agree with you totally. I was ready to see him and attempt to start things on a clean slate but unfortunately he was too conflicted to make a choice. I tried to be patient but it was making me really miserable. I am trying to do what makes me happy. I think the most difficult part is that we want to be together but there are issues that can’t be worked out currently. It’s so sad to realize that love isn’t enough.


My question is when you were talking about sex did you hold her dick πŸ—ΏπŸ˜†πŸ˜©πŸŽ??


I guess ! You should date him again now you have experience with other guys too 😁, it's better for your future πŸ˜€ , Decide wisely πŸ˜€, no one wants a divorce, so it's better to analyse before marriage then after marriage