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A new class isn’t the answer when they can’t even figure out fucking the runes on death knight lol


How do you fuck runes




Insert runes in holes as desired


Very orthographically.


You can fuck anything if you got the runestones choomba


With a big corpse- I mean body count.


-someone who doesn’t play Hearthstone


We need better cards, not more classes. I'd say it's harder to balance interesting cards the more classes there are. And less time spent per card, too.


What's the point of introducing yet another class when Death Knight is still fundamentally broken due to its rune system and Demon Hunter is still a thrown-together pile of parasitic card mechanics with no synergy? They have two "new" classes to fix before adding yet another would make any sense. The Monk class would be nothing but a gimmicky burden at this point. Basically a white elephant. 


Don't forget about Priest, they still don't know what the fuck to do with them.


Honestly, it feels like they *do* know what to do with Priests (resurrection, healing, minion copying, AoE removal and thiving) - the community just hates it, lol. 


LMAO DH in a nutshell sadly


Wdym? When DH had relics everyone cried about how broken they are lol


Balancing is obviously also a problem, but the parasitic nature of all the cards DH got every expansion is definitely the main culprit. Since the mechanics rarely synergize, each individual card bundle has to be strong enough to carry the deck on its own - which results in either busted OP plays if drawn timely and balanced above the curve, or unplayable. There's no in-between. 


I don’t fully agree with this. Card draw, fel, nagas, no minion, outcast, there is overlaps here. Obviously nagas and no minion don’t do anything, and I think the card draw synergy package isn’t great. But there is still things going on. Relics maybe fit this “parasitic” idea, maybe death rattle from gryphon too a little. But then I look at DH I see a class with a very clear theme and identity, just one that isn’t really strong right now. Bearing in mind relic DH, fel no minion DH, and s’theno combo DH have all been decent decks within the last like year and a bit of the game.


Regardless of balance, relics are a parastic mechanic though


I have no proof, but im 100% sure we will have a new class this year, might be right in the first expansion with the 10 year celebration or in the next one.




Yes please, this has gotta be our year


If they want to add more classes, they need to add more cards in packs and also up the chances on getting legendaries. My collection has been all over the place since the addition of DH and DK, to the point that I disenchanted all my DK cards to play my favorite classes.


I'd rather have a viable means to play a dragon deck for each class before we get more new classes.


Can we just get less, higher-quality cards instead of garbage filler and cards used in one specific, unsupported archetype? How about balancing that doesn't immediately destroy entire archetypes and cards.


They need to work on identities of each class. Look at shaman over the years; for the most part it’s been ‘throw fun cards that do fun stuff’ approach. Juggling Evolve, Aggro Murloc, Aggro Totem, midrange Elemental, Control just doesn’t lead to anything coherent. I’d like to see them do more murloc and totem synergy cards that fit into the control archetype. That’s just an example but it applies to a lot of classes. At the end of the year a lot of the cards from early expansions are dead because there isn’t enough support to the archetype.


I hope the new class can have an op 3 mana hero power


🙏 please don't put Evokers in before monks. Those lame ass geckos can stay in WoW. ![gif](giphy|SRrOYXNffvPtrE742h|downsized)


Nah. I'd buy a legendary deathwing portrait or any aspects because im a sucker for dragons


Okay, but you can add a deathwing skin to another class. Normal evokers aren't real dragons. They're the "dragons" your mom has at home


I feel like the aspects in their draconic form would be weird as other classes, and it'll take a while before blizzard has an actual cool skin idea like C'thun. (Seriously why sheriff jaina is a legendary skin)


True, that would be weird. It would need to be awesome like the C'thun skin.....for druid.


They never should have added DK or DH friend Game would be in a much better state if they kept the vanilla 9




I wouldn’t say that it made it worse. It certainly upped engagement temporarily. But I thing pretty much everything they added, could have been done with other classes too.


Evoker please. Way more interesting than monk


Show me posts of people wanting evoker?. Exactly none. Monk is far more popular.


True but completely new Tinkerer class that Millie Manastorm could be the face of would also work While I’m here, who here remembers the art for BG season 2? Anyone notice a trend of the four characters being shown?


Look at my post. I want Evoker.


I like monks. But still, I am against it. Because DK was a mistake and I am still on the fence if DH was ever needed. The game needs more love and thought for existing classes.


I’m not on this ship. For sure prefer if they keep the game from bloating up and keeping their existing classes in working order. I will however take an entire rework of Death Knight and the clunky as hell rune system. Just so unnatural and makes balancing one class like balancing three classes. I say ditch the concept, rebalance the existing cards to match


We need another class like we need an atomic winter. Nope. DH and DK haven’t freshened up the game. DH is incredibly difficult to balance, while DK is difficult to make varied. Another class wouldn’t solve any issues with the game. What we need is good balance.


They need to balance their game before adding yet another friggin’ class Latest VS report says this is a 3 class meta


u/Johnmarston_01 wants monk class better add another year to its release date


Nah, minks gonna come out and your all gonna complain ,they'll nerf it and it will fade into irrelevancy


death knight should be reworked from the ground up honestly


I really want them to release evoker before monk, just because everyone always asks for monk


Show me posts of people wanting evoker?. Exactly none. Monk is far more popular.


... Did you even read their comment? Yours doesn't make any sense. 


I know, thats exactly what i said. Also evoker is a more unique class to add into hearthstone, monk would just be dh with beer.


you’re a moron


Enjoy being on the shit list


That’s what he said lmao


Personally, I'd like to see evoker before monk, just to throw a curveball in there.


Make it an entirely new class just to make it even curvier. What about an Alchemist? Tinkerer or Engineer? Miner, Treasure Hunter or Archeologist (cards are things and creatures found in the depth/dungeons)? Banshee? Chronomancer? 


Now we're cooking!


I'd also take a Chef class, lol. Cards generate or consume 'Heat', you combine multiple ingredients (may still be alive) to different recipes to summon and buff powerful minions. Living spaghetti monsters are absolutely fitting Hearthstone. Spells are mostly ingredients (food, potions, toxins and essences or minion parts like meat, claws, scales) that can be casted for mediocre effects or cooked into stronger recipe spells with more powerful effects. Depending on the ingredients used the class allows for different recipe combinations for flexible uses. Can probably be combined with the Alchemist class to also mix Amalgam minions a la Zombeast. Basically: Flexibility - the Class


Mama mia!


They should also increase pack card amount then. May as well give us 6 cards per pack.


My infos about next expac (deduced by multiple sources) * PANDARIA themed * Releases March 12th * MONK will be the 12th playable class in HS * Several classes (if not all) will get an Hero Card * Some kind of Overhaul will take place in standard (maybe the core set structure will get revised, idk)


They aren't able to make >3 classes playable at one time. What's the point of making another one? So few old players will return for 2 weeks to check it and delete the game again?


And how do you surmise they can properly balance 12 classes if they can't get 11 right now