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This brawl is hot ass. Very bad


I mean, at least it's quick, you either win or lose by turn 3 at most


Serious questions to be asked about how this got through more than 20 minutes of playtesting.


Just a shout out to one of the worst brawls I've played in a long time


I feel like I see this comment every week and every week I agree with it


“One” of? This seems like the worst Brawl ever designed. Pretty much whoever goes first auto wins by Turn 2-3. Whoever made this Brawl needs a serious crash course in game design. 


Did you skip the last 3 weeks or…


At least it is quick.


Yep yep yep! Mulligan for 1 and 2 cost minions, spam em out, get enough things to stick to get VOLTR0N first, and then it's basically over 👍


It's the only redeeming quality.


but god it starts so slow with the voice lines


And not even any emotes to antagonise your opponent when you win again on turn 3.


>Both sides have the same passive Hero Powers. On odd-numbered turns you have "At the end of your turn, summon a random 1-cost Mech. Then flip this Hero Power." Then on even-numbered turns you have "At the start of your turn, if you have at least 3 Mechs, destroy them and form . Then flip this Hero Power It's not odd and even. During your turn you have the one that summon a mech when the turn end, during the enemy turn you have the other one. So you aways summon a 1 mana mech, and at the start of every turn, you may summon the big mech


Don't donate to charity this month. Instead, just queue up for this garbage and concede about a dozen times. You'll earn your way though Heaven's gates in 15 minutes.


First person to stick 3 mechs after their opponents turn is over wins, basically.


My opponents always have the dream hand me with a bunch of yetis and sprints. The brawl sucks


Or better yet, the Yetis and Sprints are your mulligan **after** trying to improve from 3 costs and weak 2s 🤪 fml for real


its a fucking joke. as most of tavern brawls


I wonder why can't they just reduce the number of tavern brawls, increase the chances of the ones people like and then add a couple with simple rules such as "both players start with 40 health" or "you can only draw two cards per turn" I doubt it will take more than a couple of a employee's afternoon


Ironically that's what twist could be too but instead, twist is offline 60% of the time


So glad we got the quest changes. The just do tavern brawls they are always fast and easy crowd has been shambles of late.


Back to back all-time terrible Tavern Brawls 😭🔫


The worst brawl that i can recall, playing since beta. It's not fun for either of players. The one who came up with this should not be allowed to create anything.


Yeah, whichever developer cooked up this mess was clearly thinking he had a cool idea. The fact that the person who summons Voltron just clears the other person's board for free while refilling their own to then summon ANOTHER Voltron for free the next turn... I'll never understand how they don't foresee how one sided some of these brawls end up being.


AKA "if you get VOLTRON first you win.


Why cant they just bring back yogg saron try outs brawl


I got very lucky. Summoned the Voltron thing, swapped it's health and attack and the opponent left 🤣


Just a terrible brawl, basically RNG to see who can get three mechs on board first. Very little agency


- **[Mimiron's Head](https://imgur.com/a/N1KVsS2)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/2079) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Mimiron's_Head) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/2079/?hl=en#gameType=RANKED_WILD) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Goblins vs Gnomes)* - **5 Mana - 4/5 - Mech** - At the start of your turn, if you have at least 3 Mechs, destroy them all and form V-07-TR-0N. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1d3g2gu/tavern_brawl_this_week_is_mimirons_faceoff_may_29/l66yq4y/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l66yq4y).*


This is my first time doing this one and wow this one sucks so much


I feel like a fucking idiot for playing these things


This brawl is just hot ass rng. If you or the opponent gets the mech that summons 2 bombs. That player just wins.


HOLY SHIT, THIS IS THE WORST EXPERIENCE I HAVE EVER HAD LMAO. Who ever lands two early mechs wins, and for some reason the decks have yeti's and sprints. Meanwhile your opponent has jor els and bumper cars.


After a few games, I quickly learned that the winner is determined by whoever goes first.


They've been on a bit of a streak of bad brawls lately.


#[FUCK](https://gyazo.com/2185eac0f5626a617b4a4289044bac0a) this brawl... Oh... FIRST TIME after 7 losses I finally get a good board, nope [of course he has whirlwind](https://gyazo.com/6b2c435ee482645afed6fdf3ce42d1e3) (Like the 4 games before)


"Always remember that extra wins do not award additional packs -- it's just for 'fun' " 😜


["Also always remember that sometimes you just have to suffer a lot to get that damn $1 pack, just give up, but wait it's a quick game type of brawl, just tryyyy oneee more tiiimeee."](https://gyazo.com/d2815e4157c6fe908d8c049fde63032a)


After doing about 15 matches of this cuz I'm a masochist, I can safely say this TB is just "Get the coin, Win" I've done 9 matches as first player and only won 3, while I did 6 where I went 2nd and won all of 'em. It's just such a huge advantage to be able to drop an extra 1 mana mech, or a 1/1 rush from the Warrior Minion to clear an enemy's 1-drop.


I have the opposite experience