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Yes! Fury would be amazing in the deck! Maybe they thought it was too good?


i tried the deck and had the same thought, the deck would be much better without chaos creation, another fel spell, maybe an additional piece of card draw and the deck would feel way better in my opinion.


I just lost to Illidan who decked me in the face with 4 of those that have been replayed by the dude that replays fel spells.


Yea I was gonna say, those things have been great for me. I just keep a couple 0 cost ones in my hand then play them on the same turn as I Jace and nuke them for 40. Who cares if my deck is gone if I hit my opponent for 40 on turn 9


Chaos Creation only ever just destroys my Jace, Dryscale Deputy & Grave Defiler only ever duplicate Sigil of Time when I've already got a full enough hand, and Jotun only ever casts Chaos Creation. Love the deck but very frustrating sometimes! If some of the other stronger decks were toned down though Illidan would be really fun.


Play chaos creation earlier. Summoning the 5 drop puts on some pressure and chances are you'll never see the bottom of your deck so a win condition there would have been irrelevant anyways. The only times I've run out of cards as Illidan I've played 3-4 chaos creations through various copies.


Edit: I also am enjoying Illidan butI think Chaos Creation is great in the deck. Also works as a bit of a limiter on him too.


It’s nice as a spell to pump discounts into for big turns, it’s felt pretty solid in the deck. Honestly, Jotun has felt way worse to me as he doesn't really further the gameplan.


Maybe just a few low rolls, but I feel like illidan’s deck lacks draw. I do like it in general however


Its the best card in the deck. You just wait til you have Jace (or hope you don't get very unlucky), cast it face twice, then play Jace. Thats like the decks entire plan. Its also one of the best decks now isn't it? Not sure it needs Fury.


That's the problem though, I don't like that I have to hold it all game and only play it when I have the win set up. Fury would be pretty much the same amount of damage but be far more versatile and consistent with the deck.


Chaos creation is essential for finishing the opponent


it already does 30 damage from no board, and unless enemy has 4hp+ minions it also clears enemy board.


This deck seems to fucking suck, actually.


Yeah fuxk that card! I’ve lost twice now due to choas being auto cast and deleting Jace.


So you died to fatigue? Because if burning Jace is what lost you the game, that means you must have drawn your entire deck, since he was at the bottom before being burned. Otherwise, if you had even a single card left in deck, you wouldn't have drawn him anyways and burning him had zero effect on the outcome of your match. And if you're going into fatigue with an aggressive 40 card deck that's a different issue.


I disagree with this logic. Chaos creation burns the bottom 5 cards, not the 1 very bottom card, meaning Jace could have been 5th from the bottom, that's a 5 turn difference. And if he played 2 chaos creations that's a whole 1/4 of your deck burned, a 25% chance to burn Jace. As for losing cause the game went on too long, that's exactly what Jace is for. If you kill your opponent by turn 7 then obviously there was no need for Jace, but that doesn't happen every game, sometimes they drag out and when they do Jace can easily OTK your opponent after you've played most of your fell spells.


There is no logic to disagree with. It's a matter of fact. You should try to kill your enemy quickly with that deck. It's absolutely nonsensical to stall, until you need Jace, because you're afraid of losing him. That's the same logic as putting every tech card into your deck, just so you don't lose to a specific thing...ignoring the fact that only trying to not lose, doesn't actually win you a game by itself. They said they lost because of chaos creation being auto cast and burning jace. Which means we're talking about 5 cards burned. Even if jace was the 5th card from the bottom, in order to actually draw him, you have to go a minimum of 1 turn into fatigue. The turn that you would have drawn him once. If jace is at the bottom of your deck, chances are you were going to lose that match anyways, and you lost because he was at the bottom of your deck, not because it got burned.


Illidan's deck is a 40 cards deck, and one of the few (the only ? don't remember) to not be singleton. just cast it for the damage and tempo, you were never going to see those bottom 5 cards anyway for me the worst card in the deck is by far metamorphosis, ironically since it's the card you need to unlock the deck, you rarely even want to play it seeing how important attacking as much as possible is with this deck and it SUCK to duplicate with the 2/1, the naga or jotun


You can play meta without missing a turn of using the attack hero power as long as you use the first charge on the turn you play it.. Personally it's one of the cards I look to dupe as it's 10 burn at the end of the day.