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JD doesn’t plant a gun on Betty, he does it to the one girl Chandler was mentoring cuz she outshone her. Betty gets shipped off to military school because the police don’t believe her testimony that JD assaulted her (god that was painful to watch). And she comes back at the very end just to die like?? What was that? *Love* that the black girl dies first, that they kill off Mac /s Mac is also a lot meaner than her previous iterations. Also love that no one knows what bisexuality is /s Mrs. Dean is heavily implied to be the OG Heather Duke, which fucks with continuity so much. Did you know they originally wanted Winona for the role? It’s in the script. But Shannen did it instead. You know the show is weird when Kurt and Ram are the only decent characters of the bunch. **Kurt and Ram**. They’re no longer assholes, and Kurt is actually gay and has a thing for the genderqueer Heather Duke, and Ram is actually really sweet to Veronica. He sees she’s not having fun at laser tag with Kurt and Duke so he sets up this really nice little picnic with music and fairy lights by a bridge with some story about how his parents did that. And then JD kills Ram out of jealousy and Veronica is *so* turned on by it. They actually managed to make Veronica *worse* than JD here, it’s as impressive as it is jarring. (Don’t worry, JD gets Kurt later). Veronica also fake-hangs herself and when JD finds her reveals she’s alive and they make out. Since Chandler made being fat cool, the Martha character (Brianna “Trailer” Parker) is now poor. There’s also another character named Shelby Dunnstock who’s just *dumb*. The slang is so strange not even the actors knew what was coming out of their mouths. And they’re the ones who have to sell it. It’s a WILD ride. Best turn your brain off, it’s way more enjoyable when you’re not thinking. Did you see the stinger? Heathers: Revolution?


Oh BOY, the fake suicide scene. I would like to know what the fuck was running through the director's mind when they had to film JD climbing into her window, giving a big monologue about how he was totes coming to kill her after she did a casual little psychological abuse and gaslighting session to him and got him committed, but how he's so sad she did it first, then she wakes up, electric beats start blaring and JD's only reaction is a subdued "Damn" to his gf pulling a Lazarus before they artistically hook up. What were they smoking?? I never understood hatewatching before this show. I get it now.


Summary: I am confused and concerned


I read that the producers thought the Heathers were good guys in the original, which explains why the thing with the minorities didn’t seem problematic to them when they wrote it. Imagine…imagine being so out of touch that you think the heathers were the good guys…


main character = good guy duh 🤓 /lh


How out of touch were they? Did they even watch the original before creating this spinoff?!


They probably can’t understand nuance and said “JD is bad and he doesn’t like the Heathers so they must be good, because no bad people have ever disagreed before”


Are they fr? 😭


It sounds like a fever dream tbh (? Personally I just saw a couple of clips and I don't get if it's trying to be "woke" or is a weird right-wing satire of "woke" ppl or what it's trying to achieve but it seems sucks either way. I'd have to see it for myself tho but I don't feel like it so I can say much (?


This feels like a "we have heathers at home situation", and this is what we have at home


Just forget that it has anything to do with Heather's and that it's its own thing and it's way less hard to watch because that is basically what it is Most hate seems to come from those who compare it. Just stop comparing and let it be its own thing.


I get what you mean, but then don’t call it heathers if it’s not going to be heathers…


Yeah I agree. It's more like a heavily inspired non-canon alternate universe spinoff thing...


The dialogue in the first episode and storyline is pretty damn faithful though. Just flipping what’s cool and not cool from different times. Still the same vibe of wtf everyone is so awful, but in opposite ways. Loving it so far as a fresh remake, but not that far in. Wish they kept up with the vibe I thought they were going for in my mind, but yall made me realise it’s not 😭 damn


A fanfic rewrite on copious amounts of drugs


Yeah, it's one of those fanfics that's nothing like the actual story it's based on except for names of characters pretty much and yet it's not a bad fanfic but it's not good either.


Man it sounds so bad I'm kinda tempted to watch it but I don't think I have the streaming service it's on. Honestly dude it sounds like a completely different story and they're just ripping off the name and characters of Heathers.


I watched the series when it first came out. I found it entertaining. Its deeply flawed and doesn’t hold a candle to the movie or musical, but I didn’t completely hate it.


Where can I watch this? My brain hurts now


So I just discovered it tonight. For me, it feels like a satire of current times, like the old one. (Although I’m only 20 minutes in). Almost 35 years later, and it’s now all reversed, what’s popular and not. Popular clique is snubbing the cheerleader. Instead of the frat party, it’s a stuffy art party. Veronica is embarrassed that she used to play croquet with Betty. But this new take seems to stay pretty true to the dialogue and hostility/clique-iness behind the words. It’s just flipping the tropes in a 180. “Big Fun” was on the chips in the vending machine scene, fun fact. Idk for me right now, it feels like a fresh, different take on something I LOVE, while still keeping true to the meaning behind the words. But I’m only 20 minutes in and I’m way too excited. lol I wear a red scrunchy every day, and the songs are always stuck in my head. Disappointed to find out the flaws behind it on this thread


I think you misunderstood the plot. It's a satire like the original. The difference is what behaviour and stuffs were stereotipically and whats are now. Comparison is a mistake in this case.


I just think it should have been closer to the original in plot, at least. Like sure, change the references and parodied stereotypes to be more modern, but keep the general feel and story.


Its literally one of the best shows I've ever watched, its \*so\* good.


Definitely a good plot that doesn't parody Gen Z, and is totally creative and not confusing at all. (Nice sarcasm.)


I'm Gen Z and I love it. I don't find it confusing lmaoo It's genuinely incredibly entertaining except for maybe the pilot which is mid.


Those aren’t the heathers, They’re the Audrey’s.


Why the Audrey's???


First name I could think off.


Ohhh! Makes sense. It lowkey jumpscared me because that's my name lmao


Wtf did I just read ??? Im so confused 😭




You can watch it on 123movies at least that’s where I watched and abandoned it after 2 episodes


Please don't. Also I'm not sure.








isn’t brett cooper in that show and she’s like one of the most transphobic problematic conservatives?😭


Edit: I just checked who she plays. It's trailer park girl.


im confused why having diverse characters is such a problem for you the show sucks sure but the “wokeness” isnt the problem


I can't help but compare it to the original. It wouldn't be a problem if it was its own individual show, but when it has the same names and characters... The original was based in the 80s. And clearly, from both the musical (also 80s-based) and the original movie, there was a distinct lack of variation in skin color, size, identity, and general diversity. The whole reason the Heathers were popular is because they knew how to take charge and because they were stereotypically attractive. Consider the musical, where Martha, being the only fat girl, is specifically bullied for that reason. Or when JD is called a "fag" by one of the jocks (Kurt or Ram, I don't remember which). To have every single popular kid be this "woke Gen-Z activist" type essentially takes away some of the original impact and story. Heather C in the show is quite literally a self-proclaimed social justice warrior. And to have Duke be a masculine and genderqueer person...don't even get me started. I fully support diversity in popular media, but when you force it into a story that's already established, or force it in general, it doesn't help.


for me it expanded and refreshed the original. Kept very true to the dialogue and story, but mixed some scenes around, and at times gave them to other characters entirely. But 40 years later, times have changed. Popular people are different. Main thing for me is whenever the faculty have conversations, different scenes, but makes your blood boil the same way. Intent feels the same. It feels like a very fresh remake, but I get why it never got ground and never will


“Can you please get off the spectrum for once!” As an autistic spectrum person that line went so og heathers