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Sounds like you pretty much nailed it. MG has eclipsed the minigun against bugs. Rocket is durable enough to do important work against bots. Autocannon sentry is hax, and if it doesn't solve your problem then it's operator error. It's not a win button. You've got to place them right and terrain will often jam you up. But if you're doing a good job with sentries, you have the right of it.


I feel the only time you'd bring Gatling is maybe Defense or Eradicate missions nowadays. Maybe on regular missions if you're truly worried about taking care of breaches fast. MG is good for pulling aggro on bots, tho. Picks off small bots pretty good, too.


I'm majorly in the bug front but Gatling and MG have two different roles for me now. MG can do the base requirement of killing the small fry, or bugs in small numbers. If I want a sentry to absolutely decimate a horde, apart from heavies, I would choose to bring the Gatling. Autocannon sentry will always be the lord of the sentries because of its stagger ability against certain heavies. Love seeing it blast a Charger. But Rocket sentry now has reign on firepower per projectile. If I could have my way, I would have the Tesla sentry take over the Gatling and MG sentries.... With how it doesn't rely on ammo, and is insanely powerful against bugs, plus it lasts as long as any of the other sentries. Makes it the ideal sentry to lock down an area. But teammates are wild in the bug front. Always ending up on the Tesla's grasp just as much as the enemy. So I don't bring the Tesla, for I pity the teammate who doesn't learn their lesson. Emplacement like the HMG are something I bring from time to time. When I know we're gonna face a horde, and the Gatling runs out of ammo too many times, then I bring it. Faster cooldown and stronger bullets makes HMG the better sentry against breaches, though it still sucks at fighting small fry - too many of them and you just get surrounded when without team support. On the other hand, I've wanted to bring mines for the longest time. But they detonate too soon that they're no better than an MG turret. Perhaps they are reliable against breaches, since the mines are never affected by modifiers like Scatter. I do combine them from time to time. Best example is that If I wanna sentry the bots, I always go with both Mortars. Another is Tesla protecting an AC, that I set up on a hill then leave it there to defend against any opponent in a 75 meter radius. Anyway, full sentry loadout is MG, Gatling, AC, Rocket. Alternatively, Tesla, Gatling, AC, EMS mortar. Regular loadout (Blue strategem), Gatling or MG, (Red strategem - usually Eagle Airstrike, but if I want 2nd sentry, then usually Autocannon or any other Sentry), (Red strategem like Orbital Rail cannon or 380mm). Bots, if I want to sentry - (any strategem - usually Spear), (any strategem), Mortar, EMS Mortar. And did you know both Mortars are immune to smoke? Two games I ran Smoke Orbital to cover both sentries so the enemy can't shoot back. I don't know if this has been patched, because I haven't done it in a long time, but Mortars rely on area detections, not line of sight. So it'll sit comfy within my smoke orbital while it blasts enemies from over yonder. But I suppose I should start experimenting again. Those Teslas and Mines can't get tested if I don't bring them.


Spear, shield, deployable HMG, gatling sentry. While on the HMG. The gatling helps kill the lighter targets. Hmg cleans up the rest. If a tank comes by, just off and use the spear.


Full area denial. I dig it


MG and Rocket sentry.. sometimes mines to help defend the MG


Mines are such a fun and under used strat


I am the Engineer Helldivers 2 Wear armor with the Engineering Kit passive, my favorite shotgun, my favorite pistol, grenades that explode. Machine Gun Sentry because hahah Mini-Sentry spam. Minigun Sentry because bug mulcher. Autocannon Sentry because it shoots everything and kills stuff good. Rocket Sentry because it's actually good now. Also a mic so I can ask my teammates to give me support weapons.


Bold of you to take 4 sentries. I respect that


I bring either ac rockets tesla and one of the machine gun turrets. Or I bring ac rockets and both machine guns.


I almost never run Tesla since I feel I don't see enough bottleneck areas to utilize it in. How do you prefer to use it? Toss it at a nest or breach?


Yep thris it on bug breaches and it'll Tage care of most of what spawns. Or in the musks of nests and it'll kill bugs while you run around rim grenade pistoling the holes shut. Also works good for of you need to run away just drop it and keep running it'll stop what's chasing you.


Nice. I've only used it a couple times so I'll have to try it out more


It works good best to host though cause alot of players show bug brains and like to run towards the flashing light tower lol. I'm usually the guy that runs off alone to do objectives so it works well if you're with the team tho they'll probably destroy it with stratagems before it can actually do much. Or they'll die to it and get mad about it.


It’s great for bug swarms without titans or chargers to one shot it lol. Otherwise it’s a literal bug zapper for the fodder horde. It’s like they’re drawn to the electricity of their doom lol.


Good ol bug zapper


Tesla Tower, Autocannon Sentry, Rocket Sentry My last slot is a toss up between Gatling Sentry or Spear. I wear the arc resist armor, pop all my stuff down in a good spot, lay down and just go to town lol. It's fun, other players get a bit fussy when they get zapped


Yeah that's my biggest worry is Tking with the Tesla lol. It's cool but I can see killing teammates a bit more often than not.


Heavy armor (nades), AC, static mortar, and mortar


I like AC and Mortar for bots. And for bugs these days I like to go Gatling and MG combo with the spear. Spear hits the heaviest and the sentries take care of pretty much everything else.


AC kills heavies, mortar kills groups of smalls. I agree with this. If bringing a third, EMS because it makes your other 2 sentries crazy good.


Standard loadout for bugs is railgun strike, eagle strike, AC, and supply bag to feed my incendiary breaker. Always the AC since it can offset bad random players.


I don't use sentries but as a joke we once took on a level 7 eradicate bugs mission (the one where you're on one circular platform and bug breaches spawn all around). All four of us ONLY brought sentries, nothing else. I have zero idea how we managed but we won hahaha. Everyone was just dodging chargers and sentry fire the entire time.


You're missing out! Sentries are as good as a second diver. Great for pulling aggro and killing swarms!


Will definitely try them more! Which missions do you think they're best suited for?


Personally, I'd say any mission but base Defense and Eradicate, obviously. Really, any objective needing defense.


AC, Rockets, a weapon of choice and a stratagem


Same setup as myself


If you get everyone to wear arc resistant armour and blitzers and arc towers. You’re in for a fun time. But arc towers otherwise are a bit, well they hurt a lot


Wish we could do cool arc builds with more flexibility


I go triple sentry all the time. Gatling, Rocket and AC. Fourth stratagem is usually the HMG Emplacement. Combine that with the Eruptor as a primary and you've got a tool for every job. Hordes of little ones? Gatling or Rocket. Heavies? Rocket or AC. Need to hold a position? ALL OF THEM Also constantly placing HMGs has absolutely no downside since they don't despawn. Having an emplacement already down in a good position can be amazing.


That is the upside of Emplacements having ammo


The HMG Emplacement is to my RR like the EAT is to the Stalwart


I run GS and AC, 500kg, RR. For bugs. The cooldown doesn’t bother me on the Gat. I usually stagger deploy so I always have at least one. I drop them as a fall back or as high as I can. The gat for shriekers is a must.


MG and Gat are great for Shreikers. Usually I run RR or Spear to take care of the nests from afar.


I'd bring a full four mortar sentries if only the devs would let me.


That's a lot of hell to rain down


Just stick near me and we'll both crawl around a lot while the democracy blossoms!


Ems mortar and auto cannon combo locks


Stun and Gun


I'll usually take one at sentry and one chaff sentry. But if my whole team is taking support weapons for heavy, I'll do double chaff, or vice-versa. But if I had to choose I'd say rocket sentry has longer sustained fire if protected. And machine gun sentry tends to kill my teammates less than the gatling.


One heavy one chaff is usually the best way to go. That way, you're being an all rounder. If I see tons of eagles sometimes I bring a third sentry so I'm the same.


Mortar sentry, ems mortar, with the tesla coil sentry in between both to protect them, then an HMG emplacement


There are sentry mains??


Of course my friend!