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I started mid March and I’m down 15lbs. I know it’s not a huge number but I wanted to throw it out there because not everyone loses a ton of weight right away on the meds, or loses quickly, and that’s perfectly fine. If you respond at low doses and lose a lot immediately, awesome! But if not don’t be discouraged. I’m steadily losing 5lbs per month, which is 60lbs in a year, which is a life-changing amount on its own. Stay the course!


Four weeks on .5 and lost 10 pounds.


SW 267.8 CW 199.6 68.2 down, started end of March 2023 And that was with a couple eff ups. So I could probably be down a good few more pounds. But I’m happy with my progress and still working on it.


That is so amazing! Thank you for sharing! 🫶🏻


Good for you! You're really putting in the work!


https://preview.redd.it/pamltwf7wh4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a5a109fbc0f3e0c4a97bae11d2e638a45920e2 70lbs down using Henry Meds this past year! The entire process has been a dream and the medical team has been so so lovely to work with. You've totally got this!!


Omg, I teared up!! Thank you for your encouragement and go you, omg! Can I ask how long it took? 🫶🏻


Thank you, it's been a wild ride!! It's taken a year, and I am losing slowly but steadily! Minimal loose skin which is wild because I've lost a total of 100lbs (tried the Kaiser weight loss medical program during COVID). I do low impact Pilates one day a week, and that seemed to help with not losing much muscle mass. Honestly, I did have some pretty nasty nausea at the beginning but the medical team was super quick to help fix that. It's really been a wonderful experience and I'm so excited for you!!


Oh woooow! That is incredible. Thank you so so much again. 🫶🏻💜


FedEx says my package comes tomorrow! Thank you so much for your encouragement as I’m so excited now!


I just got my package today and just took my first dose! I'm a bit nervous so I really appreciate this thread! Good luck to you! Hope everything goes well :)


That’s amazing! I’m so happy to see people reaching their goals! 😃


You look like a different person!


You look amazing!


I’m 5 weeks in and down 12 lbs


I'm 6 weeks in on Henry Meds. Sw 243 cw 217. You got this! ❤️


I definitely needed to hear that. Congratulations on your success and thank you for the hope! 🫶🏻🥹


Third shot tomorrow ...three weeks in down 11 lbs. Still on the starter dose. No issues. The largest tip I can share is it is a mind shift it will not do the work for you. Need to change what you eat and the need to exercise. Started 218 now 207. Riding the bike every night and watch what I eat.


I started in early March, and I'm down 33 lbs. It's changed my relationship with food and helped put me on a healthier way of living. I'm more active now than ever before and loving it. Wishing you the best on your journey!!


33 pounds in 3 months?! Incredible!!!


Started mid March and am down 25 lbs. I haven’t really gone out of my way to change my eating habits, (other than volume and frequency due to the meds), so it’s been more or less effortless, haha


Started at 193 and I’m now down to 170 5mo of progress. STICK TO IT!!!


3 months in, 14 lbs down. Of course I wanted to lose weight rapidly as some do but I’ll definitely say that if I didn’t start.. I would not be 14 lbs lighter and still going


Started March 27th and I'm down 17 lbs! Below 200lbs for the first time in 2 years and feeling so so good.


Onederland is such a rewarding place to be!!! Amazing!! Thank you for sharing!!


Started week 11 and down 22 pounds. No side effects for me so that’s a bonus. Food noise is a bit quiet but not gone completely but that’s ok because I get full very quickly. I also work out daily in some capacity so it’s a habit can attempt to continue along with better eating habits. Good luck and just be patient!


Thank you!!! 🫶🏻 22 pounds is amazing!


Started late March and 28lbs down. Food noise and craving way down and logging all my food on lose it app. Every morning I wake up and my first thought is to get on the scale. It is highly motivating to tolerate any mild side effects when you see the chart and its trending down.


Thank you so much for this! Congratulations on 28!!


Hi, two weeks, down 5.5 pounds. I know others have lost more, but I am totally happy with the results. The change in cravings and how fast one becomes full is nothing short of a miracle. Best decision ever.


5.5 pounds is no small thing!! Thank you so much for sharing!!


Lost 8 pounds in my first month. My biggest fear starting was that I’d be really nauseous or feel sick. Didn’t happen. I was just less hungry. I have also been trying out intuitive eating and was worried I’d never be hungry and have to force myself to eat, or track. Neither of things happened. I get hungry, but never intensely so. I’m able to make more intentional choices. I’m much less interested in sweets. I have had some constipation but as long as I eat food with fiber and some fermented food, add some psyllium to my smoothie or juice- it works out. I was also worried about feeling low energy or moody - that hasn’t happened either. Im really pleased. I think you have to stay on it. The expense is the only con. But I’ll make it work.


Thank you so much for sharing this! Congratulations on 8 pounds!!!


That’s an incredible amount. Thank you so much for sharing.


Curious if m/any of the success stories below are using oral meds. I'm not feeling anything on the sublingual, but then again it's only been a week. 


Same for me. I’m on the drops. It’s only been 1 week but no change. I Would love to hear any stories from people using the oral Semaglutide.


Female, 5’6” SW: 207 CW: 147 GW: 125 Congratulations on starting this journey!! I have been on Tirzepatide for 11 months. But I was really sick for 2 months during that time so I didn’t take it this past January and February. I’m down 60 pounds, and I’ve gone from a size 16/18 to a size 4/6. I will caution 3 things: 1. Be careful with alcohol. The hangovers while taking this medicine were the worse ever! So much so, I quit drinking! 2. Zofran (Onandestron) is your friend. I am super-glad I got a script for it. The nausea was bad when I was first taking it and when I was titrating up to the next dose. 3. Just a heads-up: I have noticed that my antidepressant (Paxil) and my narcotic pain medication both do not work as well since I started on Tirzepatide. The latter affects how other medications are absorbed in the body. I had to increase the dosages of both my antidepressant and my pain medication in order to feel the same effects from them. You’ve got this!!


2 weeks down 25


You are 25 pounds down after two weeks? 😳


Yes. I'm sure these aren't average results, but I did nothing but flush water out the first week or so


Female 5’3” SW: 151 CW: 132 GW: ?? More about body fat for me. I am aiming for 21% I started the last week of February. My weight loss was very slow for the first 6 weeks. Maybe 2 lbs. I am up to 20 units of semiglutide and once I hit that amount the weight is now coming off quicker 1-2lbs a week. I exercise regularly and am on my feet a lot with my job but I do not track what I eat. I rarely drink. Maybe one drink a month. I am amazed at how I don’t feel like eating and when I do eat I can’t finish the amount of food that I normally could eat quickly. I don’t think about food constantly and am not thinking about what I will be eating for my next meal.