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When I absolutely need it out I take mag07 and stool softeners. Just make sure it’s a lazy day where you have nothing to do lol


I drink ginger tea in the morning on an empty stomach. I swear it’s helping with my digestion. I also started drinking kefir (half a cup) with my lunch, I’m not super fond of its tartness but that also has been helping, it’s full of probiotics and healthy bacteria, worth a look into to see if you’d like to try it. I’m really trying to avoid laxatives as much as possible.


As an untended discovery, I found that oatmeal and dried plums (prunes) make for some VERY regular BMs. I love oatmeal, and there was a bag of dried plums on sale at the organic market by me a while ago. I was snaking on them throughout the week and by day three I was on a strict schedule every morning. Agreeing with others about the mag07 - and obviously, TONS of water. I shoot for two to three liters a day MINIMUM.


I use mag 07. I got it on amazon. Works fantastic. I've noticed when I take zofran for my nausea the constipation was worse. I keep up on the Mag 07 when I have to take zofran.


I have had to take a lot of Zofran recently!


I’d suggest Miralax. Costco sells it. You can take it every day and is very safe compared to other options like magnesium and stool softeners. My mom Has chrons disease and she swears by it. She’s taken it every day for a few decades


Mago7 is a lifesaver. Check Amazon!


Does it work overnight or take a few nights of taking it to work?


Overnight for me


I do magnesium oxide every night. 1000-2000 mg. No problems with constipation.


After experiencing this and trying different things what works for me is 1/2 capful of Miralax in my morning coffee DAILY, even if I’d gone the day before. Seriously, it does the trick. My primary MD approves.


This is the safest way. Other options have risks. Only downside is it can give you some serious gas


I take stool softeners and dulcolax chews mine was horrible I almost stopped and water was not helping because nothing was moving so I would vomit


Lots of water. Fiber gummies, and sometimes a really strong cup of coffee


The only thing that works for me is Dulcolax chewables. Huge help


Metamucil gets the job done and it’s gentle enough to be taken daily


I’m in the same boat. Week 1 -no issues week 2 feels like I have a brick in my gut. It’s awful and gives me anxiety. After reading the comments here I ordered the mag07 off Amazon and fortunately it’s same day delivery


Fiber gummies!


Align probiotic everyday.  2 Gatorade and lots of water . Haven’t had any issues following this . Good luck :) 


Try Metamusil - tastes like Tang - orange flavor. 2 teaspoons in a bottle of water substantially helps!