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u/SovietPower28, post your sources! It is required to have the source of your meme **in the comments**, failure to do so will warrant your post's removal. If your post does not have an image(s) taken from an anime/manga/hentai/doujin/artist or similar related medium then ignore this comment. If the source contains materials that violate the Reddit TOS (a la loli/shota), leave the source in the form of just the title/artist or the magic number, do not link to it. ---- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hentaimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't you know what name of doujin it was?


# You have been warned. 515148


>draws a girl, slaps a dick on it >this is now a femboi


That's yaoi for ya


Unfortunately. I’d rather my dudes have the builds of dudes and cocks, not the builds of women and cocks. Wanking it to girls with dicks drawn on them is what I did before I even came out to myself. Now I know what I want and don’t want to compromise.


Damn... Kinda gay, but hella respect.


I appreciate it homie




This is too real.


Honestly, with the protag being like "By the way, *this is a MAN*" just makes it seem like the pov char is a transphobe with a transfem doctor lmao I didn't read past the first 2 pages, cause im only here for the memes not the horny. but i wanted to see the design


Oh. I've seen it before, but thanks. Really good art style, but this damn blackmail. However, this femboy is sooo cute




>[515148](https://nhentai.net/g/515148/) **Title**: Majime Sugiru Isha6 **Number of pages**: 16 **Parodies**: original (81,914) **Tags**: sole male (121,452), anal (96,146), stockings (90,380), schoolgirl uniform (73,745), blowjob (70,584), yaoi (49,032), males only (41,723), sex toys (31,477), swimsuit (27,196), twintails (25,398), crossdressing (18,098), bikini (17,487), tomgirl (16,393), beauty mark (10,831), filming (8,170), blackmail (8,114), nurse (4,281), eye-covering bang (3,336), feminization (2,231), solo action (1,984), randoseru (1,556), mouth mask (1,089) **Artists**: testame (27) **Languages**: japanese (268,935), translated (201,191), english (110,773) **Categories**: doujinshi (369,337) --- ^(nHentai), )Tsumino(, }e-hentai/token{ | min 5 digits | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nHentaiTagBot/wiki/index) | [/r/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nHentaiTagBot/) | [Source](https://github.com/TheVexedGerman/nHentai-Tag-Bot)


Where do i put that number to find it?




>[515148](https://nhentai.net/g/515148/) **Title**: Majime Sugiru Isha6 **Number of pages**: 16 **Parodies**: original (81,914) **Tags**: sole male (121,452), anal (96,146), stockings (90,380), schoolgirl uniform (73,745), blowjob (70,584), yaoi (49,032), males only (41,723), sex toys (31,477), swimsuit (27,196), twintails (25,398), crossdressing (18,098), bikini (17,487), tomgirl (16,393), beauty mark (10,831), filming (8,170), blackmail (8,114), nurse (4,281), eye-covering bang (3,336), feminization (2,231), solo action (1,984), randoseru (1,556), mouth mask (1,089) **Artists**: testame (27) **Languages**: japanese (268,935), translated (201,191), english (110,773) **Categories**: doujinshi (369,337) --- ^(nHentai), )Tsumino(, }e-hentai/token{ | min 5 digits | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nHentaiTagBot/wiki/index) | [/r/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nHentaiTagBot/) | [Source](https://github.com/TheVexedGerman/nHentai-Tag-Bot)


I know I asked for it but I didn't expect you to actually reply with the sauce, Goddamit.


I seceond this motion.


i third


[Fatalpulse (Asanagi)] DANKE DANKEI REVOLUTION


I'm starting to think the reason we are starting to like femboys is because we are lonely and so horny it doesn't matter what they fuck they are, so long they look like a girl we'll do it.


As the saying goes "if there's a hole there's a goal".


I can't disagree, each day that passes where I see a happy couple. The less and less I care about it my potential partner might just be a guy that looks really femine.


I recommend the artist Dibhi, mostly femdom, a few yaoi and all the boys in them are basically twinks.


I think you meant "Dhibi" but either way, i thank you for your service soldier


Nah I liked both even when I wasn't lonely. Just alot more socially acceptable to admit now than it was growing up


"Looks female enough"?


or more like yall fuckers are just bis or gays in denial


If sexually was in degree's. I'd be 360.


What do you mean "we" bruh lol


That could be the case for some, but for me getting into femboys helped me realize I was bi and I’m into all sorts of men so it definitely doesn’t apply in every case And in case you were wondering, I’d felt attraction to men before but brushed it off as intrusive thoughts and stuff so it’s not like it “turned me gay” or anything


Nah, I think it’s less taboo so people are more ok with being open about being queer (anonymously via reddit and hentai sites, at least). It’s not like doing homo stuff is bad for you so it’s not bad to try with others much less yourself in the form of looking at guys (that includes femboys). If I’m looking at porn (used to be just women until this past year but now it’s almost exclusively guys) I want a someone who takes care of themself. People who don’t take care of themselves or leave that impression are a turn off. The lazy crotch close up pic or a gross amount of pubes or bad lighting are all signs that they don’t care. Go look at nsfw subreddits of dudes and you’ll get a huge amount of don’t care-signs I listed. Femboys appear to care more. I can go to r/femboys4real and more reliably find pics of dudes who groom themselves and dress with a sense of direction. men aren’t socialized to care about their looks like women are so I look at the better groomed, more feminine men. Women post lazy gross pictures too but typically put more effort into them then guys do. This is all my qualitative analysis from looking at a lot of porn over my relatively brief life. There is probably considerable bias due to me finding dudes in thigh highs peak. I still like looking at women’s boobs sometimes but most of the time when I finish I want to see some dick. This unsolicited comment could probably use editing but I’m tired so I’m posting it.


That's... A oddly factual statement, that I Weirdly enough agree with it. Good to see someone with a sense of logic and factuality in these times, Have a good day stranger.


It takes same effort to draw a female’s face regardless of the character’s sex


i checked the source that is not a man artist drew a girl and slapped a dick on it


Well in that case, as a futa enjoyer, I might have to check then. Edit: after also checking the source, I can confirm that's a fuckin girl. And the doujin is short but not half bad.


I am straight so whatever makes my dick hard is straight.


Flawless logic 😂


One soldier gained!! 💪💪💪


Bangs over the eyes and looking like a long haired Totsuka Saika from Oregairu. I don’t blame my man in the slightest.


Oh man some of those 2d boys sure do look fuckable.


You're gay, Collins


I might be lost too 😔


What do you mean lost, his eyes are finally opened


This is me but with 100000

