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The good news is a lot of energetic herbalists consider almost any heart health herbs to also be energetic heart healers. If you support the cardiovascular system generally (and there are loads for this), you'll probably find yourself on a more even keel emotionally as your body will process everything better. If you haven't tried either before, try motherwort (named Leonurus *cardiaca* for obvious reasons) and/or linden.


Hawthorn is a good heart remedy


This!!! Hawthorn all day every day for the heart. It is incredible. It has helped me through the loss of a child, marriage strife, and conflict with friends over the years. Mimosa is a great pairing where the heart is heavy with grief, too.


Thanks for the share, never tried mimosa. How did you take it? I have mostly used the flowered branches as tea and berries tincture. I like to combine the tea with bitter orange flowers and mallow. It's delicious and soothing.


I took it as a tincture. I buy it locally from Texas Medicinals- they make a lovely blend called Sweet Mimosa Grief Elixir that has Hawthorn, primrose, strawberry and rose as well!


Where is that located?


They don’t have a storefront but you can buy online or at various herbal shops in Austin!


Ooh ok thank you! ❤️


Lemon balm all day


The Rose…


Do you prefer a specific form or species of Rose?


Great question. I really don’t. But now you have me thinking.


Right? Its an interesting thing Well, what have you used so far?


Albizia, motherwort, also I think flower essences really shine in this kind of situation




If you can find a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner near you I would really recommend it. They are the original flower essences created by Dr. Bach in the 1930s specifically to help balance and heal the emotions. I have been working with them for about a year and a half and they are so effective and gentle and beautiful. I love them so much that I am training to become a practitioner myself.


The best way to heal the heart is through your own examination of its grievances. However, as an animist I must implore you, if you are looking g for energetic healing. Spend time in water, listen to its sounds, and allow it to speak to you. Water can teach you so much about healing and life if you let it.


Motherwort, lemon balm and hawthorn!


Bleeding heart. But not the hybrid variant. I’ve only seen them in WA state.


Cayenne pepper Will heal the arterial walls ,thin the blood,stimulate circulation,Hawthorne berries are vasodilators and olive leaf lowers blood pressure


Okay I know it’s not an herb but it’s natural plant based medicine— ARTICHOKES. They have a spiritual capacity to help heal the heart due to their nature of having a “heart” as well. They are an amazing food!


Haha no way! I was just given a hunch to buy and eat some :) interesting


Your intuition is working haha!


Flower essences of bleeding heart, foxglove, Hawthorne, rose, wild rose can be supportive. For plants like foxglove and bleeding heart it is essential they are flower essences and not whole plants.


arjun, jatamansi, jatamansi eo is lovely topically




I've never tried it, but you may want to look into bobinsana.


Rose Glycerite in my experience


I used rose and cape chamomile (essential oils) for this


Morherwort, hawthorn, rose, pacific bleeding heart, cayenne


Red maca and cacao are wonderful for the heart.


Hawthorn is great put if you don’t need it for physical support it won’t be helpful and it will dry you out as it’s pretty astringent. Rose is less potent and more geared towards the emotional heart so that’s a good option. You could also look into FES and Bach flower essences for heart remedies. They are energetic/homeopathic and FES has a hawthorn remedy as well as many other single and combo remedies for heart matters




I really like hibiscus and rosehip :)


Marijuana 😊


Maybe grapefruit essential oil. Not sure how you would use it.


Rhodiola rosea


Kratom in dose of about 1 level teaspoon may be helpful although many people seem to fear it . Honokiol is very good . Kava might be helpful . Cannabis has possibilities.


Agreed. Rose oil is also beneficial.


I will have to try that sometime !


I don’t know why anyone is down on Kratom. It’s wonderful. Green and white varieties are good for energy and a sense of well being. Red strains are good for relaxation. They are both good for pain relief and addiction. If you are trying to quit smoking, it helps with withdrawals. I told my Dr that I was taking it for pain and she thinks it’s wonderful. She lost her son to addiction and set up a foundation.


People are ending up in rehabs in droves due to Kratom addiction.


The benefits far outweigh the negative aspects. I’ve been taking Kratom for years. Sometimes every day, mainly for work issues. But there has been several times that I have been off work for months due to Covid, or a surgery, etc and I haven’t felt the need for it. The only thing is, it should not be taken by individuals with high blood pressure. Everyone should consult their Dr before taking any supplements to be safe.


I think it’s very helpful


I agree with you about the Cannabis and Kava also. Going back over a decade,I don’t recall the brand, but there was a tea sold in gallon jugs- It was labeled Stress relief tea. It had Kava Kava root in it. That is around the time that a lot of unregulated herbal products started out and they were not using Kava Kava root- just parts of the plant. People were said to be having reactions and it wasn’t the same effects, etc and they took it out of the stress relief tea. I Loved that tea lol