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Probably not a good idea. They will get very stressed, and they should basically always stay in their tank save for measurements and wellness checks. There’s a risk of damaging their gills if they’re out for long enough. It was a nice thought though! :) But they should stay in their enclosure where they’ll be safe and not stressed


Okay! Thank you


It’s a cute idea but I wouldn’t. They’ve gotten use to their home now and it will stress them out.


Makes sense!


You would likely stress them out and risk bringing back parasites. It's a very sweet thought but they almost certainly wouldn't enjoy it. If you're wanting to bring them back a souvenir from a beach trip, you could possibly bring back some driftwood, but don't just chuck any random stick you find on the ground right into their enclosure, make sure you've sterilized it and all that.


OMG the souvenir idea is so smart!!


As others mentioned, not a good idea BUT if your seaside town has a nice shell shop they do sometimes carry good shells or even shells that would make good decor for the tank. Bring them a souvenir. :)


Will do thanks!!


Super cute idea, but also a bad one. He won’t get any sort of extra joy from a vacation or beach. His joy comes in his nice safe crabitat. Taking him to the beach and out of his tank could only cause harm (parasites, stress, etc.) Definitely bring him back a souvenier!! I love the driftwood idea someone shared. Just make sure you look up how to properly clean/prep it for your crabbies before adding to the tank!


This is a classic case of anthropomorphic thinking. Placing human emotions on animals. The crabs will be extremely frightened and it will be torture for them. They will be suffocating without proper heat and humidity. The Florida Keys are the only place land hermits are naturally found and even then they would be extremely scared while handled. So the answer is a no. Please do more research on hermit crabs. Your heart is in the right place but you aren't thinking about them correctly Read this https://crabstreetjournal.org/blog/2020/03/26/hermit-crabs-a-hands-off-pet/


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


Okay so I hope you are joking because you more than likely have land hermit crabs and they would not appreciate a trip to the beach in the slightest. Also that beach is highly unlikely to be your hermits native beach. Just moving their tank alone would be a task if you are set up properly. I really want to say more but I'm going to just stop here.


I was not joking I was thinking maybe they would like it, but I see that they would not! Edit: by the way, what else did you want to say? 🤔


People come here on occasion and make posts like this, just to piss people off. That is why I said I'd stop, since I needed to not assume. After nearly 3 years on this sub I've seen it a couple times. But since these poor creatures are already taken from their native beaches and stressed out beyond belief I try to help prevent any further stressing. The hermit world is full of misinformation and I like happy hermits. I've seen people want to buy and take them to the beach to release them and crazy stuff like that.


Okay thanks for not assuming, I thought maybe they’d have fun, I wasn’t baiting


Don’t cause unnecessary stress to them for your own entertainment


Not for my own entertainment. I thought it would be like taking your dog for a walk, how they like exploring and stuff. Please do not make rude assumptions.


my bad I’m sorry. But it would still stress them out


No problem! And I will not bring them haha


Hey so I just read through all the comments and I just wanna say it's been really cool to see OP take the advice so graciously, and for others to offer it in good faith. Makes me proud to be a part of the community.


You could, but you might bring some parasites back with them.