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r/hiking quickly becoming r/medicaladvice


IM SORRY!!! I only get it when I’m hiking so I figured someone may relate hahaha


God give a girl a break!! Aren’t you all supposed to be nice


Tight hip flexor maybe?


I’d guess underdeveloped hip flexor.


Yep. Just needs more trail time.


I’m hypermobile and stretch a lot so I’m not too sure!!


If you’re hypermobile, I am betting you have some muscles that aren’t strong enough to adequately support and stabilize your muscles/joint doing the work here, which I agree is likely the hip flexors. You need to strengthen the surrounding muscles, and maybe do something to tighten them up to increase stability. I can’t tell you which muscles to work on, but I would start with your abs. You can develop the ability to transfer some of the work from your hip flexors to your abs to provide some relief.


Thank you so much! Super helpful


Slowly disapeared for me.


“Sharp pain” is not something to mess with. Go see a Dr or PT before you really mess something up.


Go see an orthopedist and get an x-ray. You might not like the answer he/she might give....


Uh ohhh.. Why?


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I have pain right there when hiking long distances with a heavy pack. It could be related to a few things, but one thing to look for is tight/weak hip flexors. You're essentially pointing to your TFL. Google, "4 Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL) Exercises" by Rehab Science for some ideas.


That’s your iliac crest. Depending on your age, how often you hike, etc it could be a few different things. Do you stretch before and after hiking? How long has this been happening? Have you iced it or taken advil? If it keeps happening go see your doctor or one that specializes in sports medicine, wouldn’t want anything to be wrong with the socket.


Your iliac crest is going to be located much higher than what the OP is pointing at.


If that’s where their iliac crest is, OP should not be hiking. Or walking. Or sitting.