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There is one nirjala ekadasi that you can do in case you broke ekadasi that year Also I’ve heard that you can fast the next day , like if you accidentally broke an ekadasi on Wednesday because you didn’t check the calendar or whatever you can do the same fast the next day to make up for it 


OP this is the only correct answer.


Thanks, currently doing an second option right now


There is no blasphemy in Hinduism. Just ask your God for forgiveness. He is too big to notice your minor mistakes. And no, you didn't fast in vain. You did fast. A small mistake won't affect you negatively. Have faith in your God.


Thanks, I hope myself not to screw up next time


You are doing the fast for your own good, which in turn pleases Mahavishnu who is the master of your system. So just keep up with this universal system following the rules and reap the rewards of a healthy & peaceful life. Though your body received the rest it needs, it still broke the rule of the overall system. If you get what i mean. So you can just disregard this fast, you wont be punished or anything. Only love :)


So it's just like I failed this one so try better on the next one?