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Whoever voted McDavid at 5th in Hart voting should have their credentials revoked. Honestly it's embarrassing.


Pretty sure there were 2 voters last year who left both McDavid and Matthews off their ballot. This is just embarrassing because it wasn’t even close.


100%. Far more deserving people who actually understand the game should have a vote.


It is stupid having media pick the top award.


There’s no perfect solution. Fan voting is too much of an circlejerk and too open to trolling - especially nowadays. Players don’t give a shit about voting for awards so will just fill in whatever without any thought put into it. Media picking is fine when you can get the perfect voting pool. Meaning no beat writers and decreasing the number of voters. It feels like there’s too many in all sports. The sad thing is, the idiot who voted McDavid 5th was likely thinking, “Well he’s just gonna win unanimously anyway so why don’t I just vote for other people so they can get the shine!”


How about the pro scouts from each team? I just think the media can get caught up in a circle jerk too often (Hall) and many of them only know the local players because that is who they have to write about every day. Many are good writers too, but clearly don't understand the details of hockey. Scouts, GMs, but not fans for sure.


Pro scouts is a good idea for sure.


At least the players have the Lindsay


There needs to be a committee that can decide to who to remove from picking the award. There should be no room for egregious personal biases.


There were about 4 or 5 based in Montreal that had Matthews 5th last year and another 2 who left him off completely.


Besides those Montreal writers, I also remember that Craig Button also voted Matthews 5th last year.


It's unconscionable that Craig Button keeps being held up as some sort of hockey brain.


He's the only Hockey expert on TSN that I can't stand watching.


That’s why they assign him to international hockey only.


When he talks about NHL teams it's embarrassing. For example he said Toronto needs to do what Florida did using the Matthew Tkachuk trade as an example, because they went to the Stanley Cup Final. He forgets that Florida only made the playoffs because Pittsburgh lost their last two games against Chicago and Columbus. So if that doesn't happen Florida misses this year and doesn't make the Finals.


Don't get me started on this, people were frothing at the mouth yesterday at the suggestion that luck had anything to do with Florida making the playoffs.


Everyone also forgets that Tkachuk was a bonafide playoff bum in Calgary as well. Like congrats to him for changing that part of his career but he never got as much shit from the hockey media like Marner does who is just below a point per game in the playoffs because everyone thinks Tkachuk's game is better for playoff hockey. 27 games, 13 points **52** penalty minutes. The dude had almost twice as many PIMs as games played.


And we’d have a pick in the top 15 instead of a fucking glorified 2nd round pick fugggggg


I don't normally like to comment on people's appearance, but his hair fascinates me. I'm not saying I like it or hate it, I just find myself in a trance when he is on the screen because of that hair. It reminds me a bit of AC Green during the Lakers glory years.


Especially after he publicly admitted that he had never heard of top prospect Lic Mysak.


Him and Suq Madiq were an amazing defence pairing for the Omaha Lancers of the USHL


Dom Luszczyszyn left Draisaitl off his ballot completely the year he won it


probably let "the model" do the voting


Draisaitl was a defensive liability that season and the Hart shouldn't just be a 2nd Art Ross.


Turns out. It's the same guy. Seth Rorabaugh from Pittsburgh.




Its the one downside to the 1st-5th voting system. There is 0 chance even if the person is biased and thinks Pasta deserved the Hart over McDavid that they dont have McDavid at 2nd. But they want to give their pick a points boost so put McDavid at 5 to point and say "he's on my ballot" but maximize the difference in points Pastrnak makes up on him had the vote been closer. But since it was unanimous besides them they just look like a bigger fucking tool.


And possibly even tarred and feathered.


Pasta got one first place vote. So it has to be whoever gave Pasta that vote. No way McDavid deserves a 5th place vote. And yes, someone like that has no business having voting credentials.


Right, that was a test and that one voter failed miserably.


Does Jack Edwards have a vote? He's a Bruins homer and easily this stupid.


Unless something changed from last year, Edward's does not. Joe Haggerty did put McDavid 5th on his list last year so maybe it's just a trend with him lol


Thank you!


Guilty guy was a Pittsburgh writer.


Thanks for the heads up, I stand corrected. So, now can we revoke THAT guys credentials?


Does Jack Edwards have a vote?


It probably was the same guy who voted Pasternak first. Which means it was a Boston writer 🤣


Unpopular opinion, bring on the downvotes: It's not insane to not vote for McDavid. Don't get me wrong, *I* would have voted for McDavid. But the Hart Trophy is for the player **most valuable to their team**. I think a perfectly reasonable way to decide this is to look for the biggest gap between who led their team in scoring and who was second on their team in scoring. Pastrnak had 46 more points than Marchand, McDavid only had 25 more points than Draisaitl. I don't think it's *insane* to suggest Pastrnak was more valuable to Boston than McDavid to Edmonton. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a good argument. There's better statistical or eye-test ways to determine who is most valuable to their team. We also know that despite the wording, the Hart trophy is de facto awarded to the best player. But to demand credentials being revoked is a bit of a stretch. Mind you, while whoever put McDavid 5th might use my argument, if I were a betting man they probably put him 5th solely out of spite. But we aren't mind readers.


Would have been the only player in history with multiple unanimous Hart wins. Fuck off, Boston voter lol


That’s gross. It’s not like we can prostest it or anything, but that’s honestly really disappointing


>Fuck off, Boston Here here


Fuck Boston. *”Why use many word when few word do trick”*


Or a Calgary reporter. The perfect disguise as everyone will blame someone from Boston.


The ballots get published so it doesn’t matter


Really? So the name will come out? Maybe more than I should, but I find it [infuriating to rob someone of history](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/14k0pa9/sportsnet_stats_connor_mcdavid_was_1_vote_shy_of/jpovuas?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). I just could never imagine myself being that type of person.


I would hope not, Flames fans/writers should know better than anyone how good McDavid is.


Jack Edwards has a vote


I’d be shocked if it was Jack. He LOVES McDavid.


For all his faults he does love hockey and wouldn’t do it dirty like that. Dude is also obsessed with McDavid so.


Pittsburgh voter...


It was a valid guess at the time lol


Definitely lol


Fucking knew it would be a bruins guy


And he voted for Connor 5th???!!!


His totally unbiased ballot: 1. Pasta 2. Bergeron 3. Marchand 4. McAvoy 5. McDavid


My guess is Joe Haggerty. Has a history of this behavior. Can't wait to see him roasted to hell tomorrow.


Wasn't him lol https://twitter.com/HackswithHaggs/status/1673520436712292352?t=EtySur1jfySCEvbjRep84g&s=19


He did have McDavid at 5th last year as well. Maybe he just really hates McDavid lol


Having the 4 best players in the game and not making it past the first round is a bit sad.


1. Gregory Campbell but specifically for the shift where he blocked a shot with a broken leg


Lol what a hater McDavid should not be 5th regardless of how much that guy that voted doesn’t like him His performance just doesn’t match those rankings


What a loser lol


Ullmark was his number 2 choice.


Least douchebag homer Bruins fan


Still holding a grudge for 88 and 90


**This voter is saying F you to McDavid and the voting process.** I don't know why I find this so upsetting. Maybe because I could never fathom having the hubris and gall to: **a) rob someone of making history -- McDavid would have been the only player ever w/ two unanimous Harts** and **b) doing it in an F you manner (5th place)** I honestly think the person's vote should be stricken because they obviously voted in an unserious manner. (As an aside, it's just one model, but The Athletic has McD as 44.9% better than Pastr: [7.1](https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2023/01/03132742/Screenshot-2023-04-03-at-1.01.21-PM.png) versus [4.9](https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2023/01/27151315/Screenshot-2023-03-27-at-12.53.29-PM.png))


Pittsburgh voter!


Wait, who was it?


Yeah and he’s a fucking pussy. Probably some miserable old prick


Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bruins guy just cuz it’s Pasta lol. He still has the most second place votes.


There is no other reason to pull this move other than straight up bias, Boston player got Boosted I’m fairly certain that was done by a Boston guy


Funny how the comment that ended up being correct got downvoted like crazy and this one got upvoted lol


It also could have been a flames writer or a leafs writer…


Maybe this comment will age like milk, but I would be shocked if this was a Flames writer. We know more than any other fanbase how fucking good McDavid is


I agree it was probably a Boston guy but knowing how good mcdavid definitely isn’t a good reason. Whoever made this absolutely knows how good he is and did this just to fuck him over. Everybody knows at this point lol


I got news for ya if you think anyone associated with Toronto is voting for Bruins guys over McDavid lol


You’d be surprised the McDavid Matthews rivalry is a very real thing to some people even though most other people don’t see it as a rivalry


No way is it a bigger thing than Toronto and Boston...every Toronto fan I know hates Boston with a burning passion


Why would a Toronto writer do this to the home town kid??


So you think the person who voted Pasta 1st left McDavid off their ballot completely?


Flames guy being petty?


If a Flames guy was being petty, he’d probably just leave McDavid off the ballot entirely, no?


I think a Flames guy probably would have voted Tkachuk first too


You didn’t answer my question. There are, iirc, 200 voters. 195 cast ballots with McDavid in 1st. 4 of 200 eligible voters did not vote for McDavid for Hart at all (have to wonder if those ballots were even turned in). 1 cast a ballot for McDavid in 5th. 1 cast a ballot for Pastrnak in 1st. If someone else voted for McDavid in 5th, who did they have at 1st?


there are 196 voters. The one guy that didn't have McDavid at 1 had him at 5, with Pasta at 1.


The same person voted Pasta 1st and McDavid 5th. To put the unanimous winner and Connor McDavid at 5th is a joke and pretty apt for a Boston meathead


Pittsburgh meathead*


these downvotes didn't age well


Woah you got downvoted into oblivion for saying what turned out to be true. I hope everyone who downvoted this is issuing you an apology


Haha I’m still waiting..


Damn, downvoted this hard when you're right the whole time. Lmao


Haha alll good


yeah it does


Probably Haggerty.


This comment aged well


someone gave him 5th place just out of spite lol


The person who voted pasta 1st is who ranked McDavid 5th


>The ~~person~~Boston writer who voted pasta 1st is who ranked McDavid 5th FTFY Also I remember an article going around where Im pretty sure a Boston writer wrote that if Pastrnak scores 60 he should be the Hart winner because it would set a new single season high *for a Bruin not named Phil Esposito*. His argument was that Pastrnak was having the 5th best goal scoring season in *team* history therefore should be the *league* MVP. If that person had a vote, I guarantee they are the one who had Pasta at 1 and McDavid 5. Should have their voting privileges revoked.


Do you remember where you found that article or would you be able to find it?


Found it. So I misremembered a bit. It was a generic article on the awards but the quote from one voter was >"Pasta is on pace for 57 goals, which would be the most in franchise history by any player not named Phil Esposito," one voter said. It was highly speculated that was a Boston writer since who else would care about team records. Id put money on that quote being from the same person who voted Pasta at 1 and McDavid 5. https://www.espn.com/nhl/insider/insider/story/_/id/35793554/nhl-awards-watch-leading-hart-norris-calder


I wonder if someone just filled in their card upside down lol.


That would *almost* be more egregious


At least it would be funny and egregious not just frustrating lol


Well McDavid was of course the best player in the league, so I'll give him 5 points.


The only way McDavid should ever be #5 on your ballot is if he is also 1 through 4.


If there are 196 people voting for MVP and 195 of them agree on a player who you think is 5th, you should lose your right to vote.


Every single other voter, 195 other individuals, put McDavid as best and this voter puts McDavid as fifth [as an F you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/14k0pa9/sportsnet_stats_connor_mcdavid_was_1_vote_shy_of/jpovuas?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) I absolutely cannot relate to humans like this. Like, if I really felt McDavid wasn't the best and I found out my second place vote was the only one robbing him of history I'd be writing to explain myself but also to apologize to McDavid saying so sorry I just genuinely felt xyz player was better. But no, this human had to say F you to the process and to McDavid and have the world revolve around him. I honestly think the vote should be stricken because the person obviously voted in an unserious manner.


Honestly, if 1 dude had legitimately voted him 2nd I think it wouldn't look half as bad. But 5th best? That's just an insult


I’d like to hear the explanation for 5th place. Thinking Pasta deserves 1st over Mcdavid is one thing, but 3 additional players as well? Embarrassing


Yeah, strip their voting rights.




Whoever voted McDavid 5th is just ragebaiting, probably has an article ready to drop for why they voted that way.


And we will give some relative nobody a kilo of fame for their stunt. It will be a successful maneuver.


5th place vote needs his votes revoked and all media credibility taken away immediately not even an exaggeration


Yeah, I agree. There were some Hollywood stars years ago giving their Oscar ballots to their kids. The Academy threatened to boot them, rightfully so.


That’s simply a douche move and should cost them their vote next year.


Whomever voted him 5th needs to have their voting rights stripped.


The surprising part is that there was only 1 contrarian asshole tbh


It’s an absolute joke it wasn’t unanimous, especially that he got a 5th place vote. Easily the most dominant hockey player we’ve seen this century


I wonder who voted for Pasta lol


We will find out tomorrow they disclose the votes


That dude is gonna get shelled lmao




And in any other year Pasta would have deserved that vote with this years stats lol


Sure but not this year, listen I'm biased af when it comes to the bruins, pasta included but everyone who watches hockey knows the hart goes to mcdavid and there's no discussion to be had no matter how well pasta did. This voter is a disgrace to the sport and honestly to the bruins fandom, he's making us look like idiots. The only possible saving grace is he's not a boston media guy and he's just an idiot from Calgary that hates edmonton but let's be real the chances are slim and it's most likely a boston guy.


Nah, it's 99% Haggerty. He has form.




He's so embarrassing 🤦‍♀️


Not sure I agree. Connor McDavid has been the best player in the league year in, year out for most of a decade. There hasn't even been a debatable #2 ever since Sid started to slow down. Unless he falls off a cliff or misses a lot of time due to injury, anyone other than McDavid (including Matthews last year or Pastrnak in your hypothetical) does not deserve the Hart.


I’m an absurd Avs fan and in no world would I argue in good faith that MacK is a hard #2. Not that I don’t think he’s on the short list, but anyone acting like it isn’t McJesus, a massive gap, and then everyone else is off their rocker.


Joe Haggerty would be my guess


It’s gotta be him, in 2019 McDavid was second in scoring with 116 points and Haggerty didn’t have him on his Hart ballot


I think he's the one. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day for him, deservedly so.


Dude even Boston fans are going to roast whoever put pasta at 1 and McDavid at 5th, they legit won't have any friends defending this.


Won't hear any disagreement from me. Connor should have been unanimous but Pasta had a hell of a season.


i thought this award was for the best player for their team, not the best player in the league. am i wrong? if not, i can understand pasta at #1. by far better than anyone else on his team, hit over 60 goals, best player for the best team in the history. while mcdavid was crazy aswell, draisaitl was on his team.


Problem is, every team will have a "best" player for their team. You still need to take overall effectiveness into account. Pasta was great, no doubt about it, but McDavid was better. This is just one of the dumber trophies to exist because the winner isn't always quite so clear


yeah. but pasta was much more ahead of the 2nd best player in the team than mcdavid was ahead of drai.


Great argument to vote for him 1st and probably wouldn’t get too much hate but like it’s the fifth place vote here that’s the issue I think


yeah i get that, thats just dumb af


If you’re going to be a contrarian dickhead, why not try to hide it and give a 2nd place vote. This is so dumb


Edgelord writer


The person who didn’t vote for McDavid should be sent to a prison in northern Canada


Given that there are like 200 hundred votey, I wonder if you could have a system where the best 3 and worst 3 votes get scratched. To prevent this sort of obvious sheaningans. I wouldn't have said shit if McDavid was 2nd on the guy's list, but to put him 5th is just obviously on purpose.


Whoever had mcdavid 5th should not be allowed to ever volte again


100% Jack Edwards


He doesn’t get a vote


Yeah but fuck that guy regardless


Can’t argue with that


If Pastrnak had the exact same stats McDavid had this year and didn't get 100% of the vote for the Hart Trophy, Jack Edwards would complain how that wasn't fair and say what a travesty that would be.


It certainly would have been much closer if Pasta overtook Connor for the goals lead by the end of the season. But he didn't. Connor should've been unanimous winner.


I meant if Pastrnak had 64 goals, 89 assists, and 153 points and didn't get 100% of the vote for the Hart Trophy, Edwards would be the first person who would be the loudest voice to complain about that. I didn't mean a hypothetical where Pastrnak wins the Rocket Richard and McDavid still wins the Art Ross with 153 points.


Don't get me going on Jack Edwards lol. I'm ready for a much younger broadcasting team to take over.


They need to start taking these idiot’s voting privileges away when they do blatantly biased contrarian shit like this. I think someone didn’t even vote Bergeron top-5 for Selke too.


Connor is gonna take that personally isn’t he? League is fucked next year.


Who voted mcdavid 5th. I understand pasta had an amazing season but it's just miles away from mcdavids season.


Reminds me of the baseball hall of fame and how certain writers will not vote for certain players on the first ballot because Babe Ruth wasn’t voted in unanimously so they think no one else should ever be either. It’s such stupid logic.




Probably marked them in the wrong order on the ballot.


Would be hilarious if it was some EDM homer that didn’t think McDavid deserved a second unanimous Hart because Gretzky only got one.


Hell, even Matheson and Spector aren't that brain dead.....yet.


God I hate Boston sports media


Whoever did this did it so people would start talking about Boston And it's working.


Maybe, just maybe someone messed up and put his list in reverse order, coz McD 1st and Pasta 5th makes more sense than other way...Probably not what happened, but it would be funny.


McJesus on the ice


Seth Rorabaugh from Pittsburgh. Evidently, he’s done stuff like this before.


Had he put McDavid at second then I could have seen his point of view and he would have made a decent case. Pasternak was also a beast. But putting him 5th is an embarrassment. He did it on purpose out of spite and deserves to get his future voting taken away. Guaranteed many writers and people of the media think he's a joke now (if they didn't know already).


Idiot alert


Maybe that one Boston guy set his ballot card to wumbo


Someone needs their voting rights revoked.


Dude also looks like he came from traffic court


It being Unanimous makes zero difference and nobody honestly cares. How many times have you seen some arguing about awards and saying something like “but was his unanimous?” Lol


It was 100% Jack Edwards


McDavid wouldn’t be in my top 5, imo


If voting included playoffs, Tkachuk should of won. I'm a Pasta fan. Matty Tkachuk almost won a cup for his team. McDavid was a dominant offensive performer all season, but not as valuable to his team as Matty was.


Damn right. Tkatchuk and Rantanen were robbed. McDavid wasnt most valuable to his team. Even Draisatl was more important in playoffs. Hart trophy = most marketable scorer award


Hart Trophy has nothing to do with the playoffs...