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Do teams normally release statements on these things? Can’t remember ever seeing one. Is there a reason for this one?


a lot of speculation that he would sign with and join the Caps if they made the playoffs


Friedman and Marek mentioned how players that currently attend elite college programs and don’t have a guarantee of NHL time by their GM sometimes opt to return to school rather than kick it in the AHL for 60+ games. Makes sense, BC will be amongst the best teams again next year.


Pretty sure he’d have a guaranteed spot in the nhl, it wouldn’t start his elc clock though so there’s absolutely no benefit to it from his perspective.


Pretty sure it does start his ELC, players who sign after college burn it (Makar, McAvoy e.g.)


Pretty sure you have to play in 9 nhl regular season games to burn the first year before you turn 20. See Kreider, chris Playoff games do not count to burn the first year. His elc would start, but he would still have another 3 years before rfa.


https://www.capfriendly.com/players/cale-makar Signed his ELC 4/14/19, went on to only play in the playoffs in 2019, and had his ELC end after the 2021 season. https://www.capfriendly.com/players/chris-kreider In fact, Kreider had the same thing happen. Look at the dates they signed their next contracts


It’s based on age - both Makar and Kreider were 20 in the calendar year they signed their deals. Leonard only turned 19 this past January so his deal would slide if he only played in this upcoming postseason. [Per CapFriendly:](https://www.capfriendly.com/faq#:~:text=If%20a%20player%20who%20is%20signed%20to%20an%20entry%2Dlevel,or%20extend%2C%20by%20one%20year.) >*If a player who is signed to an entry-level contract and is 18 or 19 years of age (as of September 15 of the signing year), does not play in a minimum of 10 NHL games (including both regular season and playoffs; AHL games do not count), their contract is considered to ‘slide’, or extend, by one year.*


My mistake, looks like the slide includes playoff games. It does burn the year.


They only need to play one game to burn the year, regular season or playoffs. 10 games applies to arbitration rights and things like that


I probably should’ve worded that differently. By guarantee, their talking about never seeing the AHL. Starting on the team in October but potentially being sent to Hershey come November while your college eligibility has been obliterated would be tough. If you win a college championship, maybe you think differently, but having not won yet, it may be preferable to playing in the minors.


Blues released one when Snuggy decided a third year. That Jets propsect maybe got one.


McGroarty didn’t get an official one but it was made clear to media that the Jets were supportive of his decision


Maybe just to put the speculation to rest, saw a bunch of people claiming to have sources making claims one way or the other


Bummer but not mad. Getting him another year of that and heavy play time is better than him trying to play his physical game in the NHL as a 19 year old or not getting top minutes in the AHL, imo I’ll just be watching BC games next season again


In due time, the future will arrive


I wonder if the entire line stays to try and win a championship next year, haven't seen any talk of Will Smith leaving even tho you'd expect him to after a season like that


Smith staying would be a huge surprise


I think he’ll stay, his entire family went to BC for generations and it means a lot to him. They just lost the championship and he could use the extra time in the gym to put some more muscle on. And as others have said, the Sharks are a mess.


I think there is no rush from Griers end. We still have a few contracts left on the books and some young guys who will be itching for spots. Maybe he is ready now but i doubt one extra year will hurt. But on the other hand if he looks at the sharks he has to see an good opportunity to break into the NHL. Our offense is so weak right now and he would likely slot in ASAP.


He should stay, I’m speaking out of my ass, but it must be rough to play for the SJS right now.


Probably. But he’d also be making about 950k as opposed to nothing. And he’s a year closer to ufa.


With NIL I think a few of these boys don’t have to worry about money in college


I don't think hockey NIL is anything like football or basketball.


Yea na nowhere near it but as a college kid I don’t think you need all that much


Rumors for top tier players are apparently in the low 6 figures. So not close NHL ELC money, but more than AHL ELC money, and not nothing.


I think I saw a sharks writer theorize he won’t decide either way until the draft lottery


The concern for that whole line is their individual development stagnating. Potentially dominating the NCAA again doesn't seem challenging enough on paper, and even if BC does try splitting them up I feel it's inevitable they are reunited to assure winning. I think the best thing is Smith turning pro and spending a year in the AHL. That'll give him time to up his conditioning and get used to the faster pace without the pressure the Sharks will feel if next season is just as bad record-wise.


No problem, sadly there will be unwarranted hate for his decision.


Doubt there will be much hate, just some disappointment. Obviously his decision.


Anyone who expected otherwise is a tad delusional. Run it back with your boys on one of the best ncaa teams or go to a struggling caps, and you still get to play with ovi if you come next year or the year after


$92,000 signing bonus to go pro though.


I mean he’s basically guaranteed a shit ton of money at some point


Its amplified if he signs now, since would reach UFA a year earlier. Amplified to an even crazier extent if Caps somehow won a round and he played 10 games to burn a year. Obviously he'd rather return than chase the $$$, though, so good for him.


How much is a year of tuition, books, room and board at Boston College if you give up your sports scholarship, though? Isn't it around that amount? The NHL isn't a degree-granting institution; it can wait.


It’s easy to worry about any prospect deferring a pro contract with the risk of injury tbh. The wrong hit and your potential eight figures in career earnings are down the toilet.


Highly doubt it, seems like a great kid, has done everything (and more) that’s asked of him, getting top line minutes in a great program…I see zero downside


Will be rooting for the Caps except if they play the Bruins. Thank you


Good for him, he will be great once he turns pro 


Sucks he will be on the team during Ovi’s final season.


He can still change his mind before the start of next season. He’ll join the Caps for development camp and camp and that may sway his mind. Or he stays and plays another season on college.


This is so dramatic lol


He has the potential to be the best player from west of Worcester since Bill Guerin.


I assume this means Will Smith will do the same.


Back to back world juniors for Team USA incoming


Even Makar took two years in the NCAA and it did wonders for his game, nothing going on here IMO.


Is there smoke or he really just wants to compete again with BU next year?


No smoke, I think the statement is just because many were speculating that he *might* be interested in signing now because the Caps somehow made the playoffs.


I mean... the Capitals cup window is negative currently. I'd delay as long as I can if I was him.


Made playoffs ahead of schedule with a ton of their core 24 and under (McMichael, Protas, Sandin, Fehervary, Lapierre, Alexeyev - also Strome arguably their best F this year is 26) big prospects like Miroshnichenko, Leonard, and Cristall in the pipeline, and an expected 10-12M in cap space (after re-signing McMichael and Malenstyn) going into next season, but go off.


One of 5 teams the that could have made the playoffs on a coin toss. Oooh boy


The fact that they were even in the discussion in what was supposed to be a rebuilding year where they sold at the deadline trends towards their future looking pretty decent. Also you ignored everything else in my post to take a dig at their record, lol.


Well yeah because you're only viewed as positive because of the weak competition around you. The caps currently aren't a cup team and won't be until the shed the old contracts.


Even if they finished 10 points back their future would be viewed positively. They've already shed a lot of old contracts, that's entirely my point, a ton of their core is young. No player over 30 is signed beyond the next two years.


Don’t really see what he has to gain from going back to BC. He already bossed college hockey as a freshman, another year against kids won’t help him develop much.


I'd like to see him get time away from Smith and Perreault if things can work that way for BC next year. I really wonder what it must be like for those guys to be so closely tied together for 3+ years and whether that's going to do weird things to their development. I bet they could all grow a little if given a little room to expand their games with other linemates.


Just an FYI, Leonard didn't play with Smith to start the year in BC. He was 2nd line where as smith was playing with cutter on the top line.


> Don’t really see what he has to gain from going back to BC Outside of a free ride to a well-respected school and another year towards a degree?


Unless he's gonna be a brain surgeon, that degree isnt gonna be worth the money you pass up from starting the nhl route. these guys make CRAZY money and if managed well they wont need a degree or a post hockey occupation at all. im quite surprised that someone would risk getting injured playing for a college team and not setting your family up for generations. the sooner they are in, the sooner they can start making millions


If managed well, or if not traumatically injured in any way. There are plenty of reasons an NHL career can go south quickly. Never hurts to get a degree and have a fallback.


He can always go back to finish his degree if pro hockey doesn't workout.


ill use 2 examples of winnipegers, Nolan Patrick with a slew of injuries and health issues has made 6M career earning around 200 NHL games. wont have to work another day in his life. Dylan Mcilrath, 75 NHL Games and much more of an AHLer, career earnings around 4M. Even if Leonard barely got to sniff the NHL he would be able to pay for tuition to any Ivy league university out there after. I dont see the upside of returning to Boston College compared to what you can do with the NHL route. Maybe im missing something but the reasons stated so far do not seem very convincing or logical.


Hockey could use some good brain surgeons


Sign now with a team whose cup window wont be reopening for years, or wait 3 years and end up where you want to be.


This is sour grapes fan fiction, by all accounts caps have a great room with a supportive coach


Their team is old as dirt and structured to get ovi his title. No way are they a serious cup contender.


Hahah who is out here calling them a serious contender lol? What kind of straw man is that? Having said that, Im guessing more than a few fans in buffalo would give their left nut to even get a whiff of the playoffs


If I'm a NCAA prospect I'd want a team exiting a rebuild not delaying it.


Yea, top line prospects are dying to join perpetually rebuilding shitshows of organizations (thinks sabres), that’s the dream…caps have been a top org for a long while with a respected veteran core, young exciting prospects getting integrated and a good young coach, still making the playoffs, not bad


Oh I'm not advocating that buffalo is a landing spot. Though they're closer to a cup than washington


For sure, you guys just need one more year, the plan is all coming together


By that logic, 2/3 of NHL teams’ draft picks would just stay in college all 4 years and go to FA, because realistically, at best, 1/3 of the teams are a “serious contender”


Interesting, Friedman said on the Marek show today that the Capitals were going to try to get Leonard signed and in for the playoffs EDIT: Didn't see the other post from within the last hour that indicated this.


New Cutter Gauthier just dropped