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Jets šŸ¤ Nucks Having elite third lines


Maybe we can have a third line dance off in mid May. That would be cool.


Lowry vs Joshua is a heavyweight battle Iā€™d love to see


As a Canucks fan, Lowry would easily win this hands down. He's a tough sob


Yeah heā€™s a monster. Thankful heā€™s a Jet lol




Whatā€™s crazy is that Bones always puts this line against other teams top lines. And they still produce.


More impressively is they allow sweet fuck all as well. Look at the goals for and goals against per 60. When that line is on the ice, basically nothing happens.


Zary-Kadri-Pospisil was such a fun line to watch. Itā€™s a shame Zary got injured cuz it put the lines in the blenders and Huska never went back


But it gave Zary some good time as a centre at the end.


It also made room for Kuzy to join Kadri and Pospisil. What a dynamic line that turned out to be. But yeah, I loved Kadri and the kids while it lasted. I do have high hopes for Zary as a center moving forward. :)


Some people didnā€™t believe Canuck fans when they said their third line was the best in the league for a peroid


Always comes down to what you're facing matchup wise on the third. The key to a good third line is a center that can win faceoffs, Teddy was 53.1% this year. When your center can win faceoffs, play a good defensive game, and be serviceable offensively... You get a great third line.


since he has come back, Lindholm has looked amazing between garland and Joshua. That moves Bleuger down and give us so much depth own the middle


Iā€™ve thought for a while that replacing bleuger with lindholm should amp that line up to another level.


I think from both an offensive standpoint, in addition to making it a real matchup line. I want that line up against he ROR line. I also thinks it makes that 4th line so good too. Podz has been playing like a bat out of hell since coming up


While I agree, I can't help but think it decreases the top two lines effectiveness though. I hope I'm wrong but Hoggy-Petey-Mikheyev and Suter on the top line doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence


Good to see Blueger finally show his true worth! Absolute favorite player when in Pittsburgh.


Thing is, while he was good in that spot, he wasn't the driver. Garland and Joshua ran the show. They also played with Pius Suter and now Lindholm and they're always effective no matter the C.


When they were with Miller, that line just ran the show


I honestly think they should play head to head with O'Reilly but we know Miller Suter and Boeser will get that duty.


Both are fine choices but I think the Garland line is slightly hotter offensively so might want to give them an easier opponent to get more scoring opportunities


Blueger is the 3rd wheel, but he can definitely hold his own against tough competition. He doesnā€™t add much offense, but heā€™s very good defensively. Teddy always has his stick in lanes and does not give the opposition any room to get to the slot. He plays very hard. Blueger has been arguably our best defensive forward. Itā€™s a real luxury to have him on the 4th line. As Lindholm has taken his 3C spot, for now anyways I hope we can keep him around for cheap. But if he wants a pay raise, he is going to have to play elsewhere


blueger always will dive to clear the zone. second best hustle after garland


If anything, his defensive capabilities allow Garland and Joshua to be a bit more aggressive with the puck, and to have an aggressive forecheck going. There's great chemistry on that line, but I'm excited for Lindholm to be centering it right now


So when Barkov is voted the most underrated player and every comment is like "everyone knows how underrated he is therefore he's not underrated," it makes more sense when you realize his line tops this chart by quite a margin yet nobody's talking about him.


Exactly! Barky is a treasure.


Holy shit, Barkov is literally Kopitar. Same accolades, same narratives, literally just him but like a decade younger.


Keep that first line together the duration of cats contract


Honestly if Raymond matures enough we want to split them up because Larks and Ray can drive their own line


Yes but together they are a lethal weapon As ras and copp will be the shutdown line with an added RW Compher and the holes on line 2 is a problem. You hope for Kane resigning that would be huge and if berggren could grab that Role. That said we might need to add a Top 6 forward if Kane doesnā€™t resign or if berggren was to struggle


Yeah it felt like the problem this year was that any time that like was together the rest of the lines suffered, Raymond was needed to carry the Compher line


Yup. Compher is a good player but he's not a guy that carries the offense. And I'm not poo pooing Kane to cope that he might leave but his lack of speed meant he also needed someone with him. This isn't the Kane that could carry Artem Ansimiov or an ancient Brad Richard's. We really need to add some speed to help that second line.


Tbf kane was very specific in his post season interview that he kept mentioning foot speed. Kept using the phrase multiple times ā€œI need to work on quick and explosiveness in the offseasonā€ or along those lines. Heā€™s obviously aware of this problem he had this year and hopefully itā€™s addressed Itā€™s no secret he couldnā€™t train hard with his surgery and heā€™s 35 so I wouldnā€™t expect him to be the showtime we are used to but I would expect him to be quicker. Iā€™m with you kane definitely looked slow out their no doubt a lot of turnoverā€™s towards the end of the year. That said Iā€™ve been on the fence about him coming back but honestly we need that hole to be filled so we should look at an extension for him.


We need to get him resigned and get him a linemate or two with some speed. As much as I like him with Cat, we are more dangerous with him on he first line with Larkin and Raymond.


Canucks don't have the season they've had without their 3rd line. Period.


Itā€™s been a limited sample size (due to Joshua and Lindholms injuries) but adding Lindholm to that line looks like itā€™s going be a game changer in playoffs. Theyā€™ve been great in the few games together. Having a third line that can play a matchup role against other teams top lines is going to open up so much extra room for Miller and Pettersson to control the rest of the game


Trade you Chychrun for Garland


Canucks would love to do that, however if Chychrun wants Top 2 D money, weā€™ll pass. Garland adds a lot of value to our team at 5v5, offensively and defensively. He plays like a dog, chasing a bone. For a rental who may or may not re-sign, thatā€™s a tough piece to give up. But trade value for both is roughly the same, assuming Chychrun re-signs for around $5-6M


Yeah Iā€™ll keep Garland thanks.


Blueger>McDavid confirmed.


Is that the capitals 4th line?


Yes. The Dowd line has been our best statistical one for years


They also take the hardest matchups typically and almost always start in the D-zone.


Yes. Mcmichael has been terrible on the ovechkin line and nobody else has really played together long enough.


Kaprizov part of 2 of the the top 15 lines


Also part of 1 of the 16 non playoff teams


Probably for the best at this point. Granted we will probably still get a shit pick šŸ˜‚


Byfield-Kopitar-Kempe has been really good since they came together last year, although January-February saw Kopitar/Kempe be very cold and Byfield has been cold for awhile now too. They'll have to be big for us in the playoffs


Byfield breakout has been feeding families in LA


Come back, Jake! *reaches out in agony*


Heā€™s been even better in Carolina.


Read #7 and wondered very briefly why it had 4 players listed. That's my cue to sleep.


No wonder they keep scoring so much they have an extra man on the ice šŸ˜”


Marchment-Seguin-Duchene averaging a +2 over 600+ minutes of ice time šŸ˜µ


Their chemistry is insane. Duchene really helped that line click this year, one of my favs to watch


I like many wrote Seguin off a while ago, good to see heā€™s flourishing again. He played on Bennā€™s line at first right?


I must say I am a little nervous that if the caps can somehow shutdown the Panarin line and make the others beat themā€¦ They might succeed. So hopefully Mika wakes up.


What is goals%


The lines share of goals while they're on the ice So if they're on the ice for 10 goals for and 5 against, they have a 66% goal% The stat is only at 5v5, and is a little more fair than just using goal differential since it balances out ice time and defense, rewarding lines who play low event hockey as much as those who play a high event style


damn impressive that the Lowry line has such good numbers considering they are hard matched against other teams best lines


[When there's no Carolina or Tampa Bay on the list...](https://media1.tenor.com/m/czqF1IwbIqgAAAAC/pepa-encanto.gif)


I'm not surprised we're not on the list. Cooper shakes up the lines quite frequently. The only permanent thing we have is Point plays with Kucherov. Who plays on the left wing of that line varies night to night.


Love seeing the French Bread Pizza line up there sustained with the highest minutes together of that list.


Really surprised that the Small - Medium - Large isnā€™t there


The craziest part about the Lowry line is thatā€™s the jets shutdown line. They are constantly going up against the other teams best, and starting 70% of their shifts in the defensive end. Lowry should be getting some Selke votes this year


Canucks undervalued him hugely and Garland responded by drivingĀ their 3rd line to glory, he led their team in xG this season


should have traded eichel for barkov


Not the jets line I expected


It should've been, Bowness spent too long trying to make Connor+Scheif work


Knobby has abandoned #7 and continues to blend. Frustrating how he refuses to settle on lines outside of McDavid/Hyms.


Cool. All the Wild need is two Kaprizovs and they will be great.


Just double-shift the one you've got and be happy!


lol! Trueā€¦ they actually did that the last 2-3 games of the season with an 11/7 lineup.


Damn Oilers only 7th with a forward group of four players


Leafs not going with any of the lines on this list in the playoffs.Ā  Makes sense to spread it out, don't get me wrong, but won't have as much of a single dominant line.


The Domi-Bert-AM34 line would be top-20, but they don't meet the TOI cutoff


Ooh interesting, if it's not too much effort do you know generally where they'd land if they met the criteria?


If you expand the TOI cutoff to include them they'd be 47th out of 121, but if you compared them to just this list they'd be tied with the Kaprizov-Rossi line


Cool! Thanks!


Pretty unfair that the Washington line gets a fourth forward imo


Caps 4th line continues to be fantastic every year


Canes are never on these lists lol


They only have one line that meets the TOI minimum lol


I know thats my point lol


I figured but I couldn't believe it was that extreme aha


Kaprizov is so good lol


Relatively minor note, but in such small sample sizes expected goals % would be optimal


I respect that, in the grand scheme of things 300 minutes isn't that long, but when it's the end of the season the goals are the thing that happened We're not trying to predict which lines will be the best going forward, just which lines had the best results


love seeing drou up there šŸ„¹ power of friendship stays winning


Why are the leafs lines from November up there?