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That goal against the Rangers will never be topped. The combination of the comeback, an insane 1v4 humiliation and the iconic "what can you say?!" play call. It's perfect.


My favorite is McDavid's reaction, even he couldn't believe what he just pulled off.


His post game presser after the Dallas goal was basically: "Well, I like playing along the left side of the boards, then I figured I should get to the middle of the ice, then I threw it on net and I guess it went in." I'm starting to think he's just possessed out there and along for the ride with the rest of us while his body magically does things.


That's more or less how I play hockey. The difference is McDavid is possessed by the spirit of Hockey itself, and I'm possessed by the spirit of a small child who was never very good at hockey.


When you follow his eyes, they almost don't make any sense to the play he's in. That one where he's just drifting backwards and looking across the ice, and then he just plucks it in is unfathomable.


I play beer league and once in a while like once a season. I do everything right and score a few times. Teammates are totally bamboozled, next game I go back to being a total wrecking ball playing like a dog in ball pit


The flow zone. When your body just knows what to do and your brain has nothing to do with it anymore.


So he's like Yu-gi-oh when he plays: possessed and has his body taken over by an ancient pharaoh


The day McDavid impressed McDavid




"McDavid, there's 4 of them. FOUR!" "Then it is a fair fight"


Nothing personal kid(s)


"Yeah exactly got to capitalize on the fifth guy being out of position"


Exactly. Who looks up, sees 4 defenders in his way and goes "I'll go right through them"?


Me in beer league, but that’s because I’m not good at hockey. 


I watched all of these while they were happening and I think the one against Toronto was better. The highlights don't do it justice. When he got the pass from Nuge and it was a clear one on one, the whole place was holding it's breath, knowing something was about to happen but with no idea what it could be. You had a player on one side of the defenceman and the goalie on the other. There is no goal happening there unless he shoots from distance and picks a corner. He ended up behind the Toronto defenceman. I can't think of another goal I have ever seen scored like that, ever.


The first one, vs Morgan Rielly? It's my favourite one as well. You can basically put Thanos' voice over it and it would be perfect. "Fine, I'll do it myself"


I think he just topped it in game 6 against Dallas. Completely beat Miro. Can't wait for the new highlights he is going to add in the cup finals.


That was a disgusting play Edit: https://youtu.be/K-earI3cj5k?si=l5fnEyILTmx-D9wm


I see why that oilers girl did what she did now


The Definition of a Dirty Dangle.. Connor McDavid goal against Dallas Stars Game 6 Western Final..June 2 , 2024 Main Victims … Miro Heiskanen and Jake Oettinger .. McDirty Dangle..


I had to pause the broadcast and show my wife again.  I almost couldn't believe how crazy that was.  It's even more insane in slow motion, just a disgusting goal.  Thank fuck he plays for us.  


I think given the situation, the quality of the goal, and who he did it to, this is McDavid's biggest goal. I was in the building for this one and the crowd exploded. Maybe loudest goal reaction I've ever witnessed. Unforgettable goal.


yeah Miro is easily a top 5 defender in the league and he absolutely dog walked him, just disgusting


Elite defensive pairing of Jacob Trouba and Patrik Nemeth. I probably haven't screamed at my TV that hard since


idm man, Olympics 2028 could be a chance for him, not to mention the upcoming, yknow, SCF.


The way he purposefully goes offside to pull the opposing team up and away from the goaltender to give himself space to skate through is so masterfully done.


Just wait for his game 6 cup winning and to end rush in a few weeks...I hope


Missing his OT goal where he almost broke his stick when he missed only for draisaitl to give the puck back to him so he could do it again. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/ueE-P-Uu7mQ


Man jack just gets me so fired up. We are so blessed


His call of the final minute of game 6 vs Dallas was just elite. https://dailyhive.com/edmonton/jack-michaels-radio-call-oilers-win I was racing home while listening to it on the radio app and the end just had me in emotional shudders. Some might say it's over the top, and in a vacuum maybe it is, but like, "You just had to be there".


God damn I miss his voice. I really need to sync the radio for the finals. The few Jack clips in this thread gave me goosebumps


I try to sync with Jack and fail everytime, but I don't give a damn. I listen to Jack with a delay it's still better.


I can't get over we won that game with 10 fucking shots


The pass on that play lives in my head rent-free. Draisaitl with the spinning, no-look, backhand, hundred-foot pass that hits McDavid perfectly in stride for a breakaway. It's disgusting. [GOTTA SEE IT: Connor McDavid Scores 60th Goal With Dramatic OT Winner (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ep8S9rMUMM) Like, that's one of the greatest passes I've ever seen, and no one mentions it at all.


Even the second pass, where Draisaitl wins the puck battle on the boards then passes it for a second attempt from his knees, was a hell of a play.


This is like when you defeat a boss only to find out he has a final form


Whoever cropped that video needs to be murdered


That's hilarious how he got on a breakaway, turns around... and just gets another one?? Lmao where tf was the defence.


not seen in the link i posted is draisaitl winning the board battle against 2 yote players and dishing it back to mcdavid


it was 3v3 ot




Couldn't be worse camera work and editing to watch it.


What a 60th goal haha


I just realized the NHL has an official reddit account. I love it. What a time to be alive.


The nhl Reddit account is also a Jakub Vrana stan if you check the post history. Pretty funny.


That's actually hilarious.


Hm maybe I didn't look hard enough but I didnt see any evidence of that.


It was just one post from a year ago


When Pete Jensen was doing an AMA?


Sometimes I wonder if Gretzky got the same hate as McDavid does from rival fans. I just want the best player in hockey to win a cup here but apparently that sentiment is controversial.


Oh yes. Oilers fans in the 80s heard it all. Just some I remember: - "Gretzky can't play defense" - "Gretzky's always whining to the ref" - "Gretzky's overrated and will never be considered one of the greats" Meanwhile in reality, Gretzky killed penalties, was the captain (which is why he was constantly talking to the ref), and set dozens of records which will stand until we are all dead and gone. I mean, his nickname was 'The Great One'. And he had that name while he was still playing!


Gretzky never existed. His numbers and highlights are just AI generated hockey deepfakes. No human could put up so many damn near unbreakable records. No one can convince me otherwise. /s


they've been calling him "The Great One" since he was 10 years old, according to the man himself.


Can confirm he did and still does. I have family members in Manitoba who refuse to accept Gretz is the best ever just because of how he toyed with their franchise for a decade.


I don't want any blemish on his record when he's done with his career. I don't want anyone to try and hold "never winning a cup" against him. I want him to be like Lebron James, Wayne Gretzky, Tom Brady, and Willie Mays, and not like John Stockton, Marcel Dionne, Dan Marino, and Ted Williams.


I remember watching that one against the Rangers live. I still think that's his best highlight just for the sheer balls of it all.


My favourite is a week later he [did the same thing against the Jets](https://youtu.be/EqWVG8QItQg?si=JrG96dRpGEpLgZW0), and the only thing Jack could say was “HE DID IT AGAIN!!” And Louis DeBrusk had to fill in the silence because what CAN you say?


Just absolutely beyond plain "audacious" and well into straight "disrespectful" territory.


Easiest assist ever lmao


Kings fans watching this like… https://preview.redd.it/0wbcfr7fi65d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6dcca3060f9067e04a7b667fc0049c4cb40652c


He's a nightmare for them LA boys.


Very nice 1-3-1 you'd have there. It would be a shame if some fuck ass team spent a decade losing and lucked into a player basically designed to beat it


Upvoted for fuck ass team. Had me chucklin


LA be like "damn glad we got those 2 cups before this guys showed up"


Honestly can’t believe none of these were against us


the game 7 goal in 22-23 where he beat durzi would be a good one


This is Sean Durzi we’re talking about here


It’s one of those situations where you are getting close to being called out but you just stay quiet to not bring attention to yourself


Best player on the planet and it isn’t even remotely close. And I’m not an Oilers fan.


Insane that so many people (myself included) got mass down voted for saying this a month into the season lmao


He made Morgan Reilly look like a legit pylon. Half a stutter step… and he’s gone.


The thing with McDavid is while he is an incredible stick handler he's not burning guys the way Paval Datsyuk used to with just mind numbing control of the stick. McDavid just gives nothing away, more so than possibly any athlete I have ever seen in my life. He stick handles much more in front than to his side so his hips, torso, and feet are completely square. You have next to no information here. Then you move up to his eyes which tell you nothing. McDavid is almost never looking in the direction he's about to go. In fact in the The very first clip with Reilly getting burned, Reilly does the right thing and he doesn't bite on the head fake. But where does that leave you. You have to react of gamble, those are your options. And oh yeah, if your wrong that's the fastest guy in the NHL so you might as well just skate to the bench and think about next shift. You see the exact same thing with the last #12 in the Rangers clip. His only recourse is to make himself as big as possible and react to the move.


I was in the building for that one. That it was against the leafs was god damn buttercream.


It's the reaction that kills me. Guts Reilly for sport, then points to the crowd like "are you not entertained???"


To be fair, defense has never been Reilly's strong suit.


How he doesn't break his own ankles...


I know everyone loves the play against the Rangers (1:17), but I still think his best is against the Blue Jackets (:46).


I believe that was his first game back from injury in his rookie season.


It was, yes.


Both have context that makes them better than just the on ice highlight, but I think the context behind the Rangers goal makes it a tiny bit better. Oilers were down 4-1 at one point in the 2nd, forced their way back to 4-4, then fell behind again in the 3rd. Then with 3 minutes left in the game McDavid does *that* to tie it. And for the cherry on top assists the GWG in OT. Watching that is easily one of my favorite hockey viewing moments. It was insane. The Columbus goal is his first game back from his clavicle injury in his rookie season, so also even more insane given the context.


that rangers goal. I was flat laying on the ground to three feet in the air in a nanosecond


The other context for the goal against the rangers is that it was Kevin Lowe's jersey retirement night. So all the legends from the 80's were in the building to witness that goal live


I've seen like every single second of Connor McDavid since we drafted him, and IMO his most underrated goal is the Chicago play-ins one at 0:15. He whacks it out of the air at full speed. Puck is bouncing and spinning and whacks it again to keep up with him without losing a step, blows by the defender, then roofs it over the shoulder of the goalie point blank on his backhand like it's nothing. It's maybe not as flashy as dangling all 5 skaters... but there's no other player on the planet who catches that puck in stride, keeps it with them, and still dusts the defender, then to top it off goes roof daddy like that. That's a McDavid special.


I was sitting there live for the blue jackets goal. Mid sentence talking to the person with me I blurted out "oh my god, what the fuck" as he pulls that move.


Most recently on the Dallas goal I was watching him go for it and immediately went "what the fuck, holy fuck he's fucking back he fucking did it holy fuck what a beauty"


I was mid sentence talking to my fiancee and her friend and couldn't get words out and just basically started moaning.


Sill unsure how he emerges with the puck on the CBJ goal.


I fucking love that goal. As someone else said, his first game back from injury. Everyone was worried he would be tentative or just… not the same. Then he goes 1 on 3 and scores a goal that is just pure creative instinct and nearly impossible to recreate. The guy is from another planet.


And up unto the heavens the puck was risen aloft and so he spoketh, goal (Senators 2:57).


The top candidate ever for the statement "He only plays in the NHL because there isn't a better league."


I don't get that shot at 56 seconds. It's already in slow motion. I keep rewatching it. And I just don't understand the physics there. Like, if that happened in NHL24, my first thought would be "well that's absolutely bullshit videogame physics!" He goes from backhand to forehand...but there's literally no time or movement between that and the puck flying off his stick topshelf. Like he just moves backhand to forehand and that movement somehow is a shot? And not just a shot but like a fucking ripper to embarass everyone. He's unreal.


There are a couple like that - somehow in the push from back to fore (and one the opposite way), he stands the puck on edge and all he has to do is lift it up. That's gotta be the key. That and a bullet-time brain. Jesus.


Gretzky will always be the GOAT but when McDavid retires he'll have the best career highlight package of all time.


I think he already does maybe Datsyuk is better but it won't be for long.


Grew up in Toronto as the Leafs were winning three straight Stanley Cups and have tracked the greats of the game from Gordie Howe to Alex Ovechkin. I have never seen anyone who could stickhandle a puck like McDavid. Has there been another?


And not just stickhandle like that, but somehow doing it at 30 fucking miles per hour. Like most people wish they could stick handle like that while they're standing still without anyone pressuring them and he's flying past everyone and somehow the world slows down around him.


also able to carry that level of control through his spins, quick decelerations, stutter steps and the rest of his 'skating bag'. Feel like it flies under the radar how hard maintaining that perfect puck control would be when you go from 30 to 10 mph and immediately change direction. Its like he can split his mind in two, one to control his hands and one to make skating decisions.


He’s so fucking good. What a privilege it is to witness him play.


I feel the same way and I am on the other side of the continent and routing for a different team


How is the [goal](https://youtu.be/x3x9UV4-IpE?feature=shared) against Nashville not in this?


I love that goal. The only reason I can think it's not included is that it wasn't really an intentional deke to beat the defender, the defender just botched the play and McDavid had insane awareness to track the puck and recover after his spin with no one in front of him.


Hopefully see more of McDavid's talent against Florida. Go Oilers Go. Take them out in 4 straight games. YOU CAN DO IT.


I knew the Rangers highlight would be saved for last. That was absolutely staggeringly beautiful.


I was holding it was in there


That last goal was amazing to watch live on TV. I bet it was even greater in person!


Rogers Place basically exploded can confirm


That. Is. Amazing! Wish I was there to watch, I was on the couch with the kid and wife. I probably scared them by my reaction! lol 😝


These look like prospect highlight reels where they embarrass Junior A defensemen and you say "sure but you can't play like that against NHL defenders"


That goal vs CBJ is the stupidest shit I have ever seen there is no reason for any one human’s feet to move that fast and have a set of hands to match it. We’re watching one of the best to ever do it right now


I think most of is would have a hard time with kind of puck control while stading still, let alone moving 40 km/h and opponents hacking at us. 


God, those are amazing. There’s more than this too. He just repeatedly clowns some of the best players in the world. It looks like what would happen if an NHL player showed up to beer league.


Just get the feeling he wakes up some mornings and decides the NHL is too easy


This video is about an hour too short


He’s god damn cheat code. Sometimes you don’t realize just how good he is until you see reels like this. On a play where 90%+ of the players in the league would lose the puck, he maintains control and goes right through everyone.




Not having his spin around on his knees goal against Nashville is crazy.


What really gets me is that he is able to completely change direction without losing much speed at all. Defies all physics


As a Canadian, yes I would like to see the Oilers win it all but the Stanly Cup NEEDS to have this mans name on it. He has too much talent


This video’s is incomplete. It should be 40 minutes long.


It's still early in the season I know... But maybe the kid just isn't ready for the NHL yet? With the media hounding him, the pressure of being considered the next "great one", fuck I wouldn't be able to handle that shit. Maybe having him in the minors for another year or two to develop a bit wouldn't have been a bad idea. The kid is only 18. At 18 I was complete fucktard who had no idea what I wanted to do. Not much has changed... but I'd like to think I have a bit of a better head on my shoulders now. I actually feel really bad for Mcdavid, and I hope we don't ruin him. Edit: I'm being lynched for ever daring to doubt the greatness of Connor Mcdavid. How dare I say such blasphmey after only THREE games. You're right, he may only be 18 years old, but he has the emotional maturity of a Buddhist monk, and the body and athleticism as a top olympic athlete. He may have hit puberty only 3 to 4 years ago, but he is a grown man now, capable of all pressure and criticism that comes his way. I am but a lowly neckbeard maple leafs fan who lives in my mothers basement here to shit on him for not getting 50 goals in his first 3 games. I am a rodent, and he is a golden god. I'm going to go light myself on fire now. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways with you jamming the downvote arrow on your computer screen with all your might and telling me how much of an idiot I am.


I legitimately do not understand why people still think this is funny


Because even at the time it was nothing but pure unadulterated jealous hateraid poorly disguised as well meaning concern trolling.


As a copypasta enjoyer, this one has really lost it's spark.


To be fair it’s been used consistently over the last 9 years. Anything gets old over that time


The "I saw [insert celebrity] at a grocery store" pasta is older than that and I still find it funny. But then again, that is just me.


To be fair, I laugh every time I read the "Buddhist monk" line


I'm a rodent and he is a golden god 


This copypasta has been around for a long time I know... But maybe the meme just isn't fit to be posted on hockey subs anymore? With the redditors hounding it, the pressure of being considered the next "evergreen pasta", fuck I wouldn't be able to expect that shit. Maybe shelving it for another year or two to regain it's freshness a bit wouldn't be a bad Idea. The meme is already 9. At 9 I was a complete fucktard who had no idea what kind of copypastas I enjoyed. Not much has changed... but I'd like to think I have a better appreciation for them now. I actually feel really bad for the McDavid pasta, and I hope we don't ruin it. Edit: I'm being lynched for ever daring to doubt the greatness of the Connor McDavid copypasta. How dare I say such blasphemy after only NINE years. You're right, it may be only 9, but it has the longevity of Homer's epics, and the fame and popularity of a top tier shit post. It may have gotten stale only 3 to 4 years ago, but it's a reddit legend now, capable of withstanding all downvotes and blocks that comes its way. I am but a lowly neckbeard Oilers fan who lives on my grandma's couch here to shit on it for not getting 50 awards in its first 9 years. I am a rodent, and it is a top tier copypasta. I'm going to go light myself on fire now. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways with you jamming the downvote arrow on your computer screen with all your might and telling me how much of an idiot I am.




Because this is still funny


He’s alright I guess


Maybe one day he might get a good season together. Maybe like a 30 point season?


McDavid Is the King of the Dirty Dangle .. McDirty Dangle.. 🤔 Connor is on a Mission in the Stanley Cup finals….


Cup or bust. 




I love the orange home jerseys, I hope they bring them back one day


I see him doing this stuff, and part of me puts him going "beep beep" in.


I was at a buddies house when that first one against the Leafs happened and we were befuddled. He's just so slick and smooth that we were still popping off about the move on rielly and it was already in the net


I'm throwing something if he does any of these against us ngl


better stock up on throwables then =]


Stocking up on foam nerf balls as we speak. Might fuck around and bite a chunk out of a few of them


oh damn! it's on! XD


Haha good luck bro I hope it's as entertaining as I think it's gonna be. Could be one of the best SCFs ever if both teams are on their A-game


hell yeah buddy! should be proper wild. enjoy!


He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen go on a solo rush while his team has already established possession in the offensive zone.


A preview of the first game already!


He makes it look so easy.


If they told me he was engineered with genes from a mongoose and cheetah it would make sense, otherwise I'm not sure how to process this witchcraft.


Liked how several of these were assists


I think his development time is over. Call him up already.


He's a pleasure to watch. 👍


The COVID goal is fucking sick. Doesn’t glance down at the puck one time in that sequence


That move where he fucked up Reilly is IMO his greatest of all time. Many players have gone end to end or through 2 guys. Almost nobody has flat out skated around a guy from a gentle coast.


Could watch this all day


That third goal in the video, where Connor scores against the Hawks in the play-ins is one of my favourite Connor goals. The whole sequences of knocking the puck down, keeping his feet moving while handling a bouncing puck, only to go top corner on the backhand is simply brilliant and a prototypical McDavid goal.


McDavid is the goat, fight me.


The crazy thing is that this isn't even half of them. There's another 10 minutes of highlights that are just filthy as 90% of these. I really think he has the most impressive reel of any athlete.


With MJ Both are the biggest highlight reel machines ive ever seen.


The best all around player in NHL rt


I'm still salty that Edmonton won that draft lottery


Stupid sexy McDavid


spoon rain provide wild lavish quickest kiss busy encourage rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


None against the wings none against the wings none...fuck!


There was an audible gasp from the Toronto crowd when McDavid pulled that move on Reilly


How is this guy legal?? He's so damn good


The Canucks weren't in this!!! (Please ignore this message Connor)


So is he the best skater ever to lace them up? Obviously his hands play a big part in all these but the movement is just on another level.


He's definitely the most evolved player of all time.


What about that one against Nashville at the beginning of the season? Yeah the defense man blew his coverage but McDavid still pulled off a sick move


(so far) so this doesn't include future footage?


Kids a fucking animal


Bro is a human cheat code.


There’s something about that Maple Leafs goal (first one shown) that I just love. I think it’s the look off followed by the speed burst. Had the D totally fooled.


Alright alright he’s pretty good.


Well that was fun.


Im torn... Id love to see McDavid get a cup. But Florida is nasty of a team... I think Florida got it but it for sure will be a great fight.


He's so fucking good.




He’s playing on Arcade mode.


this reminds me of when the semi-pro players come to drop in


Can we just call him Mr. Hockey at this point? Mr. Hockey doing Mr. Hockey things.


now I know why they call him "McJesus".....


Im gonna say it... AIR MCDAVID


Nice preview at the end there of what McDavid would have done to the Rangers if they made the Cup. Trouba of course out there flailing around like a moron.


I get its shootout but I always love this one of him undressing Saros https://youtu.be/KY1KiCQ7fpE?si=RVsKpWUfxX3S_BVo




Some of those moves I've done in ball hockey.  Some of those moves I could probably do if the right situation happened.  Some of those moves are simply way beyond my level.  It's crazy how good NHLers are. 


The craziest part is he's doing those moves against the other top 0.1% best players in the world and making it look like Saturday morning shinny.


(1) None of those moves you’ve done in ball hockey (2) None of those moves you could probably do if the right situation happened. (3) All of those moves are simply way beyond your level.


Now do one for Matthew Tkachuk


He's my fav https://youtu.be/owDK0bqIFP4?si=k8HeF2FJ-UBUihGV




A name we will all soon forget