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[Michael Russo is reporting that this is not true.](https://x.com/RussoHockey/status/1800921132599762963)


I trust Russo before I trust Bleacher Report


Icethetics are usually pretty good, but I figure an insider would know more


It should be noted that they did recently get some things wrong that they had to correct when releasing this news about the Wild. They said that Flames were retiring their black third jersey with the horse head with a really bad nose bleed, when that is not the case, and that the Caps were retaining their blue W third jerseys, when the team itself said it was done with it when they last wore it this season. Obviously doesn't mean that they're wrong on this, just that their sources haven't been 100% reliable


I like the horse head


Icethetics did post an update on their community YT feed with the new info.


Icethetics says that they never said it was confirmed, and that they deliberately hedged with phrases like 'looks like', but will be more clear in the future about that. Seems like the fault lies somewhere between icethetics not making it clear that it was just a rumor, and BR for running with that and declaring it confirmed


Thank god Russo is refuting this. The North Stars are dead and gone


You’d rather have the Wild than the North Stars? Weird Minnesotan take…


Their corpse is shambling around in texas, just let it go man


Lots of people are younger than the Wild. The North Stars didn't have any more success and their sweaters aren't nicer without the nostalgia


I hope so goddamn their current colours are so fire.


this should be on the top


Thank god, I love those north stars jerseys, but I love their normal colour way more + it fits more with their beautiful logo (best in sports btw)


Wow, that is genuinely a hot take I’ve never heard before. Not saying it’s bad but surprising especially coming from a Blackhawks flair


Well you have to take stuff like history and prestige out of it, since it doesn’t matter what the logo is, if the teams good, the logo would become recognisable by default so I don’t think it’s fair to say. Like the Yankees are obviously one of the most recognisable logos ever, but they sure as hell ain’t one of the best ones - most notably because they’re more known for their secondary logo and also like c’mon, it’s just interconnected letters..that’s just weak sauce. On the other hand, the bulls really are a great logo paired with great success, in that one it’s simple enough to be memorable, but complex enough to look professional and polished. So comparing it to Chicagos logo? I love our logo, I think it looks neat and it’s most definitely unique. boy am I glad that they did sort the issues out with the natives, because unlike other native inspired sports logos, I genuinely believe that the Blackhawks one isn’t neither offensive nor reductive and its deeply rooted into team history what with the name and it being a depiction of The Chief Black Hawk, not just a caricature of a native. But the Wild logo has just layers of beauty to it. Firstly, the colour way perfectly fits Minnesota, the cream and the perfect shade of green just scream forests and wilderness to me. Then the shape of the logo itself being a wild bear (most likely) and though I’m not 100% sure if it’s a bear, I can still damn sure see that it’s definitely a predator, so it works either way. Thirdly, anyone who has ever been to a forest summer camp or lived near a forest or in a rural area knows how beautiful the sky is just before sunset and the smells and feelings associated with it. The combination of the trees on the horizon, with the sunset colours in the back provides a nice pop of colour and also fully represents the logo and the state. Also what’s always present when you picture a calm, quiet place in the wild? The babbling brook or a nearby river and they cleverly incorporated that by doubling it as a mouth for the bear. Not to mention the North Star which I don’t need to explain the significance of also fits both into the sunset horizon and doubles as an eye. It has everything you want in a logo. Is it memorable? I think so, it has unique colours (compared to the rest of the teams) and when you look at it you clearly see the shape of an animal. Does it represent the team name? I think so, the colours (again), the animal and the scenery perfectly fit the quiet rural place near or inside a forest. And lastly, does it represent the city/state? I sure as hell think so.. I also love that it doesn’t fall into the trap of many sports team logos of trying to cleverly fit in a puck (looking at you basketball logos - minus Milwaukee, you did it right), that’s boring and usually only clutters or restricts the space So all around perfect grades! TL;DR take out the prestige that comes with more renown logos. It has everything. It represents the team name, it represents the state and its pretty to look at and fairly easy to remember the vibe and general shape of it


>Well you have to take stuff like history and prestige out of it, since it doesn’t matter what the logo is, if the teams good, the logo would become recognisable by default so I don’t think it’s fair to say. I think it depends. The Blackhawks have an amazingly unique and distinctive logo but they’ve been mediocre to awful for most of their long history. On the flip side you have Montreal who were dominant for like 80 years but their logo is kinda meh to me. Or Vegas who have been contending since their inception and their logo is underwhelming. >So comparing it to Chicagos logo? I love our logo, I think it looks neat and it’s most definitely unique. boy am I glad that they did sort the issues out with the natives, because unlike other native inspired sports logos, I genuinely believe that the Blackhawks one isn’t neither offensive nor reductive and its deeply rooted into team history what with the name and it being a depiction of The Chief Black Hawk, not just a caricature of a native. Agreed. It was very frustrating and disingenuous when people were lumping it into the same category as the controversial logos in NFL/MLB. It was never the same thing as those and there’s a history/tribute aspect to it that didn’t exist in the other cases. >But the Wild logo has just layers of beauty to it. Firstly, the colour way perfectly fits Minnesota, the cream and the perfect shade of green just scream forests and wilderness to me. Then the shape of the logo itself being a wild bear (most likely) and though I’m not 100% sure if it’s a bear, I can still damn sure see that it’s definitely a predator, so it works either way. Thirdly, anyone who has ever been to a forest summer camp or lived near a forest or in a rural area knows how beautiful the sky is just before sunset and the smells and feelings associated with it. The combination of the trees on the horizon, with the sunset colours in the back provides a nice pop of colour and also fully represents the logo and the state. Also what’s always present when you picture a calm, quiet place in the wild? The babbling brook or a nearby river and they cleverly incorporated that by doubling it as a mouth for the bear. Not to mention the North Star which I don’t need to explain the significance of also fits both into the sunset horizon and doubles as an eye. It has everything you want in a logo. Is it memorable? I think so, it has unique colours (compared to the rest of the teams) and when you look at it you clearly see the shape of an animal. Does it represent the team name? I think so, the colours (again), the animal and the scenery perfectly fit the quiet rural place near or inside a forest. And lastly, does it represent the city/state? I sure as hell think so.. I agree with pretty much all of that but to me it loses points for the bear head because there’s literally already a team named for bears playing in Boston. Same thing if it’s supposed to be a mountain lion (though I see a bear) and the comparable with the Panthers. But it gains points back cuz you’ve just made me realize the bears mouth is a river…🤯 >I also love that it doesn’t fall into the trap of many sports team logos of trying to cleverly fit in a puck (looking at you basketball logos - minus Milwaukee, you did it right), that’s boring and usually only clutters or restricts the space That’s true but I think that’s fairly rare when it comes to NHL logos I can only think of 4 (SJ, NYI, Pens and Caps and they use sticks instead of pucks) and they all flow pretty well. I actually like the logo and love how it uses the negative space and stuff but it’s not in my top 5 in the NHL let alone all of sports. But hey it’s a totally subjective thing and I respect the effort you put into the initial claim.


Thank god. Subway wild is gross.


I see this comment a lot but would never think of a fast food brand just based on seeing two colors together Idk clearly I do not interact with Subway nearly enough for this to ring true for me lmao


Yeah by that weird logic you guys are currently the Christmas Wild by having red and green together


Am a Jewish wild fan, have indeed hated how much so many of our jerseys look like Christmas sweaters for over a decade so… yeah. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Where's our Purim jerseys?!




Lol reminds me of when I was telling a friend how I like the San Diego Padres uniforms and they said they look like poop and pee. And apparently I was the weirdo for not immediately associating brown and yellow uniforms with that 🤷🏻‍♂️


Watch out the [Utah Jazz unveiled](https://www.nba.com/jazz/news/utah-jazz-unveil-new-uniforms-and-expanded-color-palette-influenced-by-mountain-basketball) their new [Taco Bell](https://www.tacobell.com/medias/Taco-Bell-Logo-Bell-Only2.svg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTk0fGltYWdlL3N2Zyt4bWx8aW1hZ2VzL2gxNi9oM2YvODgyNTMyNjE3NDIzOC5zdmd8MTg2NWZhODE0YTA1ZWNiZWMyMzc5YmQ3MDQzN2U1OTJjYmUwMzFhNTAzMGRhNWNjODFkMGIyOTE1OTJmZTE0MQ) uniforms!!


Good! The Wild's look is one of my top five in the league.


Yea, I'd hate if this were true. Current colors are quite nice. These just look too bright. Green and yellow can work if done well together, but this ain't it.


Good. The current Wild jerseys are some of the best in all sports


Eat Fresh


[Minnesota's new mascot](https://imgur.com/gallery/INRaIq3)


Is that the [Dudemeister](https://scrubs.fandom.com/wiki/Keith_Dudemeister#:~:text=Keith%20is%20an%20affable%20and,six%2C%20seven%2C%20and%20eight.)?


No, it’s [Ben the Soldier](https://itsalwayssunny.fandom.com/wiki/Ben_Smith)


Man... I used to have some jean shorts like that too. I slept in them shits, man! Eventually, I blew the crotch out of them things. But you CAN'T wear 'em every day and expect for 'em to hold up! That was some nice-ass denim too. I miss them shorts.... But you... you GOTTA take 'em off every now and then. You gotta take 'em off, son!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ8Zz-Xgqpk I didn't realize until a couple weeks ago that it's the same actor as Cutty from the wire lol


Yeah he's an awesome actor, been in a ton of great shows, Walking Dead and The Expanse to mention a couple more.


I love Keith.


This comment is streets ahead.


Now if someone could hand me my jacket


It’s on the coat rack by the door.


[Jared from Minnesota](https://wallpapers.com/images/hd/minnesota-wild-defenseman-jared-spurgeon-still-45c8opglcdr5jr1y.jpg)


I hope when you turn your pillow when your trying to sleep it’s warm on both sides


[Subway, I love you!!!](https://imgur.com/7dc961d3-db86-46c0-b8ce-d28ca6de639e)


Five Five Five dollar foot loooooooong


I was watching a Canadian broadcast of Game 2 and they currently have a five dollar six inch promo going on lol. Not the same magic


Not the only 5 dollar 6-inch out there


5 bucks is 5 bucks


Are... are you a prostitute?


Don’t remind me. I used to eat Subway after work a lot a few years ago and grab an extra sub for work the next day. 1 sub now is basically what those two were. I am paying like $20+ for a just okay sub. Haven’t had it in a long time now.


yeah at a certain point I was like "wtf am I doing" and just started going to local delis instead lol. it's way too damn expensive. the real kicker is that they always mail out these coupons, then when I get to the store they're like "[oh sorrrrrry we don't accept coupons at this location](https://i.imgur.com/e3nY9BF.mp4)".


I got a six inch promo *right here*


Subway is advertising six inch turkey subs for $5 up here in Canada. This is what they took from us.


That's all that I could think of when I saw one of those commercials. It's like... you are giving us half of what you used to, and are trying to tell us that it's a good deal.




Am I crazy or wasn't it: Five Five dollar Five dollar foot looooong


Eat flesh Five Five Jared had pictures of five year oooooolds


LA needs to bring back the Burger King jersey for 2025-2026.




why did you have to do that? i love this jersey and now i see subway. you sir, are a monster.


Blame Subway. The North Stars are ~~older~~ similar age as that company, and their company didn't brand to kelly green and yellow colors until the ('00s?).


Founded in 65 but went through some name changes before Subway in the 70’s. So Subway is older. Correct on the colors, Green and Yellow was not adopted until 02.


Damn, got wellachuallied. Thanks for the correction. Similar vintage between the company and the team.


Was gonna say this looks better than their current "Christmas colours" until I saw this comment.


the wild’s current colors/jerseys were my favorite, dang


Not my fav, but arguably bottom 5 on my list of "needed rebrands" But I guess they'll sell some jerseys... Any big contracts coming up for the Wild? Maybe that's why haha


> Any big contracts coming up for the Wild? Kaprizov in 2 years, and to a lesser extent Faber in 1.


Well, the new jerseys will pay for one signing bonuses


It's the same season they get all their dead cap space back, and they've had a lot of new young players coming up and changing over to a new era of Wild hockey with a couple more on the way. So it could honestly be about as good of timing as there is for a rebrand if they're able to finally add to those young players and shed the 15m handicap they've been playing with and start competing for division titles.


Frig I actually forgot about the penalty for Parise/Sutter's 13yr contracts lol


Yeah I think it's kinda nuts, as long as they don't make any massive desperation blunders with that new space they are going to JUMP from a middle of the road team to a powerhouse team in the league after next season. That's more than a McDavid *or* Matthews caliber player worth of salary cap space, and it should arguably bring more to the team than just that alone when you consider adding a couple different 9m players, or three 6m players, or any other mix of depth to shore up positions they're lacking from.


13Mx8 Marner trade/sign incoming


"you mean 8Mx13" - Chuck Fletcher


Marners #16, so it might even be for 16years!


Yea I lowkey hate this lol. That dark green is so unique. Not a big fan of this at all.


I absolutely hate this. The green/yellow looks okay on an alternate as a throwback, but I don't want the whole arena and aesthetic branded that way. I like the current green/red. Once the nostalgia wears off in a couple years, it'll just be meh. I'd even rather have our alternate jersey be red again. We aren't the North Stars, it's time to move on.


My wife loved the cream and green to an unusual degree, and she's got a knack for color combinations. I'd rather they changed from the Wild to a new team name (Northmen?) and keep other aspects of the brand.


Northmen is the same as Nordiques. Can't have that.


Minnesota is a team that has pretty well nailed it on every jersey they have had. I really don’t see the need for the change, but I don’t doubt that they will also look great in the new colours.


[[Russo] Zero truth to this the #mnwild  tell me. “Not based in fact.”](https://x.com/russohockey/status/1800921132599762963?s=46)


I'm surprised this is so unpopular tbh, although I am squarely in the nostalgia demographic. Personally I feel the late 90s through early 00s were a terrible time for jersey and logo design and am unsurprised teams are moving away from them, particularly those that have other historic designs and colour schemes to draw from (unlike a team like the Preds).


I think it’s just the fact that it was such a unique color scheme. Many teams if you recall from that era, not just in the NHL but in all sports, had dark colors and there was a TON of navy blue and black. It was so bland and boring. The wild were very different. A true green color being added.


Personally I'm just not a fan of the bright green/yellow combo in general. At least it's different than others though.


The yellow/white portion looks unfinished without some type of border between them.


Yep for sure. Sabres went to red/black, Flames introduced black, Yotes and (a bit late in the era) Ducks had black jerseys, so did the Sharks, the Caps.. and that's excluding all the navy.


Yeah the haters came out to play today. I would prefer the old north star jerseys, especially the white ones


I like it :/


Minnesota nailed it. One of the few, but they didn't rely on nostalgia nor did they go overly trendy. Ended up being unique, iconic and undeniably felt like hockey. Sad to see it go.


Seems like this report is being disputed now, but yeah they did pretty well with theirs. I like the North Stars too, personally


I don’t even really care about the nostalgia factor, I just adore the North Stars colourway and the Wild kit has always been a bit bland to me personally. Not ugly by any stretch but I definitely agree, it looks exactly like “generic 2000 hockey jersey colour and template” to me and I would be stoked to see a bit more life. Agains that’s just me personally.


May be in the minority here but this is an L. Wild had some of the nicest looking jerseys and although I liked the North Stars look as an alternate I think it sucks as a main sweater. EDIT: Definitely NOT in the minority


The colors just don't work as well for the visual identity they have going now. North Stars colors on the current Wild logo are such a huge downgrade on how it looks now. Shame since it's one of the best logos in pro sports. At least other elements of the jerseys they can tweak.


It definitely feels like one half of a rebrand if they're not also moving away from the animal head tableau. Maybe that's coming in the next few years as well?


Which would be tragic because the 2-for-1 logo is an incredible piece of art.


Agreed, as a Wild fan, I hate this with a passion. The colors clash horribly with our logo and identity and are awful and garish. It's just a shameless nostalgia cash-grab that alienates a not insignificant amount of the fanbase. I'm not from Minnesota and even if I was the North Stars left before I was born. I have zero connection to them, these colors mean nothing to me. I fell in love with he *Wild* as a kid, this team—not the old one. And the branding was a big part of it, it was unique and cohesive and spoke to me. I'm pretty crushed they're apparently going for this gross Subway look. Guess I need to buy a couple shirts and stuff now before we become one of the worst looking teams in the league for no reason and I stop buying merch. Brainless nostalgia-bait is just throttling so much these days.


Right there with you. I love the North Stars colors, and think they're a fun alt for the Wild, but this is a huge mistake on their part. They have, well had, a unique look and should've kept their own identity intact.


I mean the Northstar colors are unique as well, aren't they? I've always disliked the Christmas color scheme. The Northstar color scheme has always been one of my favorites. I'm a bit surprised that I seem to be in the minority. The Wild always used to get clowned for the Christmas colors but now that they're reportedly gone everyone seems to love them haha


The best color scheme you guys ever had was the dark green and off white third.


That’s literally our current primary’s color scheme


Agreed, the green and yellow color scheme is so good.


Yep. Their home and away with the Northstars color alt is an absolutely perfect setup, one of the best in sports. This is a downgrade even though I absolutely love this uniform too. They were already honoring their past, they didn't need to adopt it entirely.


Yeah for for real, the Wild had a great look and I'd put them near the end of the line in terms of teams that need a refresh. The green and yellow are all fine and well for a fun third jersey, but it's a shame to lose their original look.


I think the Kelly green/yellow combo works extremely well for the Athletics on a baseball field, but I don’t think it fits as well on a hockey rink for whatever reason.




I’m from Philly and the eagles are like this. Lots of folks, me included, want to go back to our older jersey scheme, the Kelly greens. And when we wore those, we were trash most of the time and won zero super bowls. But they looked cool and were unique to us. Think MN is thinking the same thing


They want to look like a successful team.


> They want to look like a successful team. The Minnesota North Stars were hardly a successful team. One conference championship and two division wins in their history from 1967 to 1993.


which is still much more successful than the wild


Their Modano/60 was off the charts.


And I'll never forgive Babcock for screwing Modano over.


This is a bit weaselly worded. They won the semi finals the year before the conference champion trophy started being awarded to such. Went to two Cups.


At least they had 2 Stanley Cup finals, The Wild`s biggest achievement is to be swept in the only time they reached the Conference Finals.


Yeah but they were featured in The Mighty Ducks. So...


As compared to the Wild's zero conference championships and one division win


They went to the stanley cup twice so two conference titles




what i really miss more than anything is the fuzzy numbers


Wonder how far the rebrand goes because the current main logo looks like absolute trash with the north stars color scheme.


I wonder if they can use both the lighter and darker green to make it look better.


this is such a massive fucking L. a quarter century of brand build up thrown away to please nostalgiabrain. don’t get me wrong, i own a 78s jersey. i love them as alternates. i wish we had the north stars team history. but the wild aren’t the north stars.


They pulled a Cleveland Browns!


That's the part I really don't get, it's not the same team. The actual heritage belongs to the Dallas Stars.


maybe i’m an old head but i feel like the heritage should stay with the city. no one in dallas cared about the north stars, they care about the dallas stars. it’s like jets 1.0 vs. 2.0, most of the fans claim the whole winnipeg history even though it doesn’t all belong to the franchise, and don’t care much, if at all, about the atlanta history. i get why it doesn’t for practical reasons but it’s more of an emotional thing for fans.


1 million percent a teams heritage should stay with the city. Fans drive sports and they want the history of players they grew up with. Do people in Arizona/Utah really GAF about the old Jets players? Or do the fans in Winnipeg of the current Jets? No brainer.


IIRC Utah is technically a “new” franchise and the Coyotes a defunct franchise, with all the staff and players moving from one team to another. So Utah is a legitimate fresh start and if Arizona gets a team again, they have a chance to keep the Coyotes records


even utah didn't want that shit


If the Coyotes don't reemerge, the Jets 2.0 should acquire the Jets 1.0 history. Probably can't work like that, but it would be cool.


Team heritage should stay with the city. Seeing the Rams have a banner for a super bowl won in St. Louis hanging up in SoFi Stadium pisses me off tbh.


I'm with you. As soon as you leave a city, you forfeit the position, and everything associated with it.


The LA transplant teams feel so soulless, but the Rams might be the worst of them all


> Do people in Arizona/Utah really GAF about the old Jets players? No, in fact I was often annoyed having to hear about Dale Hawerchuk holding all of our team records simply because he played in the 80's.


Indeed, and Dallas shouldn't have named themselves Stars. They should have gone with a brand new identity.


I don't know, I think it made sense to become the Stars. The franchise shift, and combined with Texas being the "Lone Star" state, and how Dallas has the powerful presence of the Cowboys who also use a Star for their logo.


Practically every TX sports team has a star incorporated as a main element on some level


Texas is the Lone Star state. I get it with teams like the Lakers or Jazz that completely lost the reasoning behind their name when they moved, but dropping the "North" totally makes sense for a team based in Texas. I do think "Dallas Lone Star" would've been an even cooler name, though.


We didn't. The "Stars" rebrand happened while the team was still in Minnesota. There was never a rebrand after the team moved to Dallas.


When were they the Minnesota Stars?


They never were. They had adopted the 90s Stars logo before they left Minnesota but they didn’t change the team name.


More a distinction without a difference. They knew they were leaving. They didn't go with just Stars, and then 6 months later, oh, weird thing, but we're going to up and move even though everything is cool here in terms of business.


They never dropped the North Stars name, But by 92 the team had dropped its classic jersey look and were using the ones the early Dallas Stars are known for. https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/photo/eb2b-119923519/VMH_Jerseys_NorthStars1991-1992-Home.jpg https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/photo/5711-187968004/North_Stars_Away_25th_Patch.jpg The reason they dropped the "North" from all the team branding and went with simply the "Stars" is because they knew they were selling the team and wanted the name to be fitting regardless of where the team ended up.


Just wait until you hear what the newest NHL team in Winnipeg is named. They stole it right from the Coyotes heritage. 


Does Winnipeg get that history back now? As part of the move to Utah, they are leaving their old history behind and are considered an expansion team. So no team is currently claiming the Jets 1.0 history.  If the Coyotes 2.0 get claim to it over the Jets 2.0, it'd be insane but very NHL


Could be wrong but I don’t think this has been officially sorted out yet.


The obvious solution is that the Jets get all Winnipeg history, the new Arizona team gets all the Arizona history, and Utah starts fresh (which they've already agreed to and there's no reason why they'd want any of the old history) So since that's such a clear solution, it guarantees the NHL will do something else


NHL has been slow to do this, but you'd expect they would once Merulo loses his 5 yr clock to bring the Yotes back.


I disagree with this, at least partially. The Stars own the history officially, but the nostalgia belongs to the fans. Dallas fans don’t care, so let them have it.


By the books, yes. But fans in Dallas weren't tailgating outside the Met in 90 or whenever it was when we got shredded by the Pens in the SCF. Those memories are in Minnesota, so obviously there's a lot of nostalgia there. I'm not old enough to remember the Northstars, but I've always loved the colors and logo


Fuck that lol


How does 26 years of memories in Bloomington Minnesota belong to Dallas? The North Stars never played one game in Dallas. Dallas is the Minnesota North Stars only by administrative bookkeeping. Like I said above, if the Cowboys move to Albuquerque, all their "heritage" suddenly exclusively belongs to Albuquerque?


This really sucks. Just cause the fans with the deepest pockets are so far lost in their nostalgia they're throwing a quarter century's worth of brand identity buildup because one front office can't get its head out of the past. The north stars colors were good for a novelty third jersey but we have no business going back to them full time


Gotta say as a Bears fan that Minnesota's hockey team switching to Packer's colors kinda seems sus






This has been my take all along. Xcel Center where the Wild play is going to look like a Packers game.


Their inaugural jerseys were their best. Original logo, original color scheme, great number font. LOVE this look as a 3rd, not as a main kit.


that number font is so amazing, that's why i don't like what they have now too bland.


One of you has gotta be under 25. Those original jerseys look so dated now, but the kids love 90s NBA and NHL cartoony jerseys.


Team subway has returned


Lol, for some reason when I see the old North Stars jerseys I don't think Subway, but these newer retros that's all I can think about. Weird.


It’s because the old north star jerseys had black trim


Not a fan. The current colours are way nicer than the North Stars colours ever were.


I wouldn’t go as far to say way nicer. But they fit the wild identity much more than the north stars colors imo.


Damn Minnesota jerseys where my favourite jersey second to the Canucks :(


Yeah. I’d argue they have the sickest logo and name in the league.


If we are being honest the Wild name is kind of weak on its own. The thing that makes the whole brand work is the deep woods aesthetic the brand cultivates. Thus the wild beast logo. Thus the cabin theming in Xcel ECT ECT. The dark green communicates that so much better than the old North Stars colors; And I say this as I'm getting my RR2 customized. All going back to the North Stars colors full time says is "hey remember our heritage? Remember when we were better?"




I actually liked the forest green and red look they had. The North Star’s lighter green/yellow look is still good though, but with the new logo it just looks weird.


"let's do a thing" "A good thing?" "Nah, not a good thing" Conversations in Wild boardrooms


I like their kinda olive drab and cream look tbh. I think that's super fresh and the best colors in the league and I am not a wild fan lol, just extremely jealous of how those colors look together and on ice. The north star colors are ugly and gross.


Icethetics (Chris Smith) confirming this is not true https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxr9GcAxhCo [Top/Pinned comment] >UPDATE: The Minnesota Wild have reached out to let me know the reported redesign is, in fact, not true. With super early reports like this, things don’t always pan out. Here is their statement: “The Minnesota Wild does not have any plans to make a permanent switch to our alternate uniforms for the 2025-26 season.”


What? Why? There are many teams who need a refresh. The Wild are not high on that list.


The current ones are my all time favorites 🥲 And I have an intense dislike for the color yellow, due to it reminding me of mustard bottles. At least the green is still awesome.


The North Stars colours on the Wild jersey are objectively beautiful but as some other users pointed out, the Wild don’t have the North Stars history. The Wild jerseys were unique, had 20+ years of history behind them, and were just cool looking. Keep it as the alt with the State of Hockey patch and State patch for the captains. It’s a nice tribute and I’m sure sells well.


Nothing objective about it. That logo is too intricate and calls for colour details to highlight those intricacies.


> The North Stars colours on the Wild jersey are objectively beautiful Well, subjectively the colors are hideous.


Not a fan at all, I love the Minn Wild jerseys currently


If this were true: Dear people, Fuck you norm green, dallas and the rest of you nhl fucktards. Sincerely, the entire state of hockey


Really hope not, they have some of the best jerseys in the league. Can one of the boring blue (lightning, Columbus), red (Florida, Ottawa), or black (ducks, LA) teams do it instead? At least it looks like the ducks and LA are.


Wild fan that doesn't like this. The North Stars left Minnesota 30 years ago. Get over it, boomers. Quit this pandering bullshit and create an identity rather than getting tired and bringing back an old one. What a dumb decision. But I'm sure it was Guerin's idea so it's another in a long series of dumb decisions.


JFR, Billy G. isn't a boomer in fact there are not any of them in the front office.


I think these look great. I didn’t expect that opinion to be so unpopular on here.


same. green and gold is a classic combo that doesn't get used enough in pro sports, and frankly, i feel like red and green generally don't actually look good together outside of an ugly christmas sweater -- although the current wild uni's minimize the red enough that it doesn't look that bad.


Honestly surprised how many are against this, I think their reverse retro (this exact look) are some of the nicest looking uniforms in the NHL, if it’s all subjective I guess. 🤷‍♂️


Big ass L


the logo and those colors just don't work together.


I wish they could be the North Stars.


This better not be fucking true


But the North stars are in Dallas. Also did dallas do a throwback to North Star colours one season?


I’m still missing the Christmas Red jerseys


So they keep the name and logo but change the colours? This might be the worst outcome possible.


Lol no they're not


If they did those colors with a "M" on the front Id be all for it. The state of hockey should have have a more classic jersey. almost every highschool has a better logo, sweater than what the wild have had recently.


I don't know, This would kind of piss me off if I was a Wild fan. I get having alt jerseys to remember teams from the past but to rebrand your whole team around a completely separate team would just feel like a slap in the face to me.


It's not that serious (slap in the face), but yes you've summed up how most people here probably feel. They're nice 3rd jerseys and I don't have a problem with the Wild embracing the history of the previous pro team, but they should've stayed as 3rd jerseys only.


Poor Mild.... always finding unique ways to fail.




Totally dumb. North Stars are in Dallas now, just move on.


Yeah, I don’t like it sorry The green and red always looked really nice and warm coloring


Apparently this is not actually happening, the Wild have come out and said so.


is this real?? awesome!!!!


Nah. I like the North Stars stuff but they're in Dallas now and the Wild colors have a heritage all their own now that they're 25 years in.


Are they going back to being named the North Stars?