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Vegas is going to get both him and Marner, aren't they?


Mark Stone stirs in his cryo-chamber…


​ https://i.redd.it/suwem3exx86d1.gif


*Mark Stone injured during training camp; recovery from surgery should have him available in late April.*


Stone shows up to training camp in a hot air balloon…


It’s perfect because Laine might not have his cap hit count for half the season. It’s the perfect match Edit: on second thought…. Not sure Vegas is the right place for someone with mental health battles


We can squeeze two good seasons out of him before his soul collapses.


And starts breeding snakes


Watch Laine and Marner switch teams...... and then Columbus gets the wildcard and beats Toronto in the 1st round.


I like that just for chaos factor


Laine has been better in Columbus than I think most people realize, he’s just really struggled health wise. That being said I don’t know if anyone is taking the full contract.


>Laine has been better in Columbus than I think most people realize, he’s just really struggled health wise. All that training he did to come out strong for this season and then he gets hit in the head in like the sixth game of the season when he was putting the puck into an empty net in a game that was effectively over already. I can't blame if he he's beginning to think that he's cursed or something.


I’d be fairly certain the Flames are in his “no team” list. No fucking way I would think he would want to play on a team with the guy who did that to him and set him back so badly this year.


What happened with the player on his team? I’m out of the loop


https://x.com/hockeydaily365/status/1715542593528836277?s=46 When he came back, he was not the same player. Our play by play commentators would notice and point out he struggled with decision making, reflexes, puck handling - he insisted he was fine but the effects were pretty obvious. He has a history of concussion issues, and this one was just really bad,


Should we add also, I think he suffered his first concussion in his rookie season ? And it was a hard one. And then to make things worse his concussion hit became a shooting star meme and other kinds of memes. His suffering was a meme. Add to this a toxic battle the fan put him in with Austin Matthews, that he didn't really ask about. Give this to a rather introvert 19 yo kid who just arrived in America and that might explain a lot of his psychological trauma. Then also being part of the toxic environment created by Wheeler and Scheifele in Winnipeg's locker room. Kid's mental health is also always under the lights. It seems like a big topic of discussion in hockey circles and media, by pros or amateurs and to top it off this year one guy literally was betting on his suicide. Since season 1, I think this kid has been failed by the NHL and the DOPS. He has everything to succeed and if he can't be the best of the best, he has been an excellent player and has always had the potential to remain one. But when you see hits like Anderson's going unpunished or barely punished, fans encouraging this kind of dirty play, some players who seem to thrive on giving such low shots to hurt you sharing the ice with you... And honestly... In 15 or 20 minutes of intense TOI every game you just can't be aware of everything at all times, so you know there is always this sword floating over your head... He's not cursed, nor unlucky. He just has a precedent of concussions and some players take pleasure in targeting him. And this is something that needs to be addressed. I have always heard fans ranting about Sid Crosby being protected by the refs, but I'm thankful he was, because that gave us years of watching his greatness and most importantly that more or less protected the health of a human being, that shouldn't beat stake at every game, which is, for us who pay for this to happen, is in the end just an entertainment.


That’s brutal. I know from first hand experience how hard it is gain your confidence back after concussions. I hope he finds his rhythm again.


Sweet fuck I forget how bad that was, Anderson should have not played another game this year. It could take Laine years for him to bounce back and he might never bounce back. Let alone the long term risk that he just got from that pointless hit. NHL really loves to prove all their PR slogans mean nothing.


The health issues and fans joking about a “Remington retirement” when he joined the Player Assistance Program after his dad died It yeah CBJ likely has to eat 2-3M to get a decent return


Tbf that was 2 guys on a podcast nobody listened to and they were publicly shamed


Yeah, the first time I ever heard about that podcast was for those comments, and I haven't heard from them since. Definitely for the best.




Yeah. I criticize the guys play in game, but I ain't making fun of his mental health. Two different things entirely.


You’re going to blame an entire fan base for the actions of two people? The same fan base who put together a mental health donation campaign in response and donated $10k the next day?


People love blaming entire fanbases for actions of individuals out of their control. Ask me how I know.


So by that take I would be a rioter and you a cabbie assaulter. True rioting gets old but I know why people keep saying it just gets old when being brought up constantly.


I think people would associate the Kyle beach thing before they would Patrick Kane beating up a cab driver 20 years ago


Remember when this guy was 2nd in league goal scoring? And was legitimately in the discussion to have a more productive career than Auston Matthews? Seems like eons ago, but the dude is still only 25 years old.


He's scored at a 34-goal pace the past few years. It's not like he's been bad when he *has* played


He's averaged 35ish goals per 82 games for his career (if I mathed correctly!). Someone's going to take a chance on him at the right price and I hope it is Hughes/Gorton.


If the guy is still struggling in any way he should avoid Montreal.


I keep saying any player who’s ever requested a trade should immediately go on Montreal’s No list. It’s just too intense an environment for players who have shown they get frustrated.


Montreal would bury him, he can't handle that market.


Unfortunately, he *hasn't* played. He hasn't hit 60 games in a season since 2019-20, and he hasn't hit 30 goals since 2018-19. Pace is all well and good but it's been 5-6 years now, at some point you gotta prove that you can show up consistently enough for teams to want you


His poor performance seems almost entirely a result of a severe downturn in the state of his mental health, which he's fortunately getting help for. I know personally depression can really cripple you, so his struggles don't surprise me one bit. Hopefully with professional help he can get back to what he loves doing and is good at, and like you said, he's only 25 so still time for him to get back among the best goal scorers in the game. Edit: noticed /u/DinoRexasaur comment, and I'd completely forgotten his multiple concussions, which certainly won't make dealing with mental health issues easier.


People always think of the physical symptoms, but depression and anxiety are symptoms of post-concussion syndrome as well.


The fact that this is public knowledge yet tons of people online still love to dunk on him is really sad


internet is just disproportionately full of unhappy people


People on the internet are often losers who would be way too cowardly to say that shit in real life. And if they did, I hope anyone would tell them to STFU.


As always, [Charles Barkley said it best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSl75SDn8PQ). For background, Markelle Fultz was the previous year's top overall pick. His rookie season did not go well, but he had a couple of nice games early in the next season...and that led to this. All I know is that I can't walk past the frozen chicken pot pies at the grocery store without thinking about this.


Charles Barkley (and Shaq) are so awesome as commentators, you can tell they're good people.


Laine's 6"5 and probably jacked, none of them would say it to his face lol


6.5 inches tall? What a tiny hockey player!


What is this, a hockey arena for ants?


It must be at least.... three times as big!


That statement confuses me, I know I'm old but feel like Laine drama has be going on for like 10yrs, almost like some sort of time warp/vortex/spell happened


Didn't he score something like 18 goals just in November that one year?


He's had, what, like 3 or 4 concussions since then? He was never the same after the one sustained this year from Calgary. He played a few games after missing more than a month...then was done for the season.


Didnt his dad pass away as well


He did a while before the concussion


I know it probably wouldn’t work trade wise or be a good fit but I want him on Peteys wing.


Vancouver has the space to make it happen if they want to. They're also very active on the trade market and have a history of making multi-faceted moves. So if they don't have the assets Columbus wants they might be willing to go get them. I could see a scenario where they move Hronek for assets and then some of those assets for Laine. Similar to what they did to acquire Hronek. Horvat for Raty + 17th OA + Beau then 17th OA + 2nd for Hronek.


Best one-timer I've ever seen. If you gave Ovechkin the raw mechanical output of Laine's shot he'd have a few G/GP seasons in his career. I've just never seen a dude teleport a puck into the net with as much accuracy as Patrik Laine in those first 3 years.




Pure sniper!


And yet this coaching staff attempted to put him in as center and also somehow couldn't figure out how to make him lethal on the PP. Literally the only thing they needed to do was copy the PP that the Caps run with Ovi. His shot is incredible and if he ever gets to play with another legitimate threat that can open up ice for him he's going to be putting up silly numbers.


26, and yeah for a couple years there he looked like he’d be the next Ovechkin, right hand shot winger who can shoot the puck. His career numbers aren’t even that bad, his health just hasn’t kept up


Would love for him to come back honestly. Was such a bummer when they shipped him for that whiny little bitch PLD.


I remember when he was considered a Top 10 player in the league. I’d love to see him go back to Winnipeg where he shined.


The teams that can afford him likely shouldn’t be moving assets anyways (i.e. Chicago, San Jose). It’s tough for me to envision a fit. Maybe Anaheim?


Maybe Seattle?


Seattle makes a lot of sense. They need goal scoring, and if Laine has his head right that’s one thing he can certainly do


PNW gloom can be tough on anyone's mental state that's not used to it.


Dude's from Finland, he was born in the gloom


He's also only played for Winnipeg and Columbus in North America so somehow I doubt any other team is gonna seem 'gloomy' by comparison to his entire career so far.


Hey, fuck you. You're correct.


Winnipeg is actually really sunny for most of the year it’s just the days get very short.


Doesn't Finland have snow in the winter though? When Vancouver has snow it makes a huge difference even on dreary days, problem is that's usually only one week of the entire winter.


Yeah I gotta say as someone who's spent time in Cleveland and Vermont, and experienced my first Seattle winter this year, the lack of snow is fucking brutal. You don't realize how much you miss it until its February and it's been the same wet flat grey for 4 months.


It's one of those things I just never realized was a thing until I went to uni and a lot of the kids from other areas were struggling. Was like the first week of rain in late September and they're like "when will it be sunny" and you're just like uhhh we might get a week of snow and clear sky's in a few months, but in reality we had a record breaking number of rainy days that winter and some kids wanted to go home.


Columbus isn’t too far behind Seattle in days of heavy cloud cover each year.


He should go to Utah. They have tons of sunshine and tons of cap space


Everyone in the Utah front office seems so hyped to have that team there, it’d probably be a great environment for anyone


Yeah that’s a good one as well, barring Seattle doesn’t give up assets only to play him 13 minutes on the wing with Yanni Gourde.


But that's the Seattle style, everyone is a 3rd liner over there.


Hakstol is gone, and the roster next year will be very different to the playoff run, so maybe not anymore.


I don't think they will look for a big return. Will just be happy with the cap space.


Eh I think they would maximize retention to get a bigger return. I’m sure Waddell wants to add at least one free agent dman but the jackets need a center and there’s not much there in the free agent market


We have center depth though. Fantilli, Sillinger, Voronkov, and Kuraly with Boone and Danforth having the ability to play there, plus potentially drafting one


I would say Florida since Laine's best years were under PoMo, but that's probably only if they can't get something done with Reinhart and Columbus eats some salary


His bff Barkov is there too.


Anaheim is looking for a right shot top 6 forward this off season I could see us taking a gamble on him if the price is not too steep


Vegas? They can't afford him, but they can afford him, y'know


"How long til you can play hockey again?" "I should be good to go in a few months" "Can we make it ten months?"


Utah seems like the obvious choice.


We will take him


Finnish Kovalev


Maybe a Necas for Laine type package? Carolina needs high caliber scoring, Columbus needs to start showing progress, Don Waddell obviously knows Carolina’s roster quite well?


Rumors abounded about trying to get Laine multiple times over the years.


Laine isn’t what you’d call a Brind’Amour type of player. Hard to envision Carolina would give up Necas for him unless they were low on other options


Back to wpg with fly


Please….i do wonder if that would rejuvenate him


I doubt he would want to go back to Scheifele's team.


No Wheeler or pomo. Why not


>No Wheeler or pomo i did a double take it looked like you said "porno" finally the real locker room rift surfaces lol


Meh a big factor in him leaving is gone, Wheeler


His issue was Wheeler. He desperately wanted to play with Sheifele if I remember.


I don't think it was as much with Scheifele as just any top level center. He's never really had that in his career besides the random occasions he got a look as 1st line RW at Winnipeg.


That's Bryan Little erasure and I won't abide by it!


He had more of an issue with wheeler


I’d love the Sharks to take a flyer on him if the price is right


Laine isnt a flyer, he's gonna cost a pretty penny.


Yeah he's a blue jacket


Feels like a great fit for you guys tbh


Okay but realistically who's going to want Laine at 8.7m AAV for 2 more years.


By God that's Utah HC music


Laine's new fetish unlocked: Mormon Mom's.


Clapping bombs and reciting psalms


Wheel soak celly boys fuck


The gift that just keeps on not giving!


Get with a mormon mom and then 17 years later you've got another mormon mom!


Depending on the ask, I wouldn't mind seeing Anaheim get him. Laine's contract won't be an issue since Anaheim is still $6 million *below* the cap floor, so they don't need to move any money out, and the only major players needed to re-sign that will be getting a raise while Laine is under contract are McTavish and Dostal, both of whom are RFA's. Anaheim is in real need of secondary scoring (well just about everything), so they could slot him in as the 2RW behind Terry. Since he'd be on the second line, he'll have easier match ups. Plus Anaheim is also a small market, so he won't get a whole lot of media pressure.


I think Laine could also stand to work with Teemu while in SoCal.


Johnny Superbman?


Idk, will he fit in with Vesce?


Nah, only if they go with a grinder on the first line


Well it seemed crazy but it worked lol


holy shit that guy is still making videos?


San Jose?


Yes, please! I would love to see him in teal. Plus we love reclamation projects.


We will take Laine, his entire contract, and a 2nd round pick for Vegas’s 4th rounder.


Jackets may eat some salary but I doubt they have to give assets to move him


CBJ will have $23.75 million in cap space next year before making any moves. They do have some spots to fill, so it's not remotely like they have TONS of room, but they could probably retain some amount of that AAV to make a trade more attractive. Just depends how much they'll get in return.


An almost ppg winger the two years before this, injury riddled one? 40 goal potential? Lots I imagine




Spite-based management, I like it




At 50% retained, that could be very attractive for us. Lindholm seems like he's going to UFA and we need top-six wing talent. Maybe Laine isn't good enough, I don't watch him too much these days. Others might know more about how he plays these days. Petey can set up open wingers for good shots like it's nothing, and Laine feels like a big step up from Mikheyev when it comes to finishing


This Laine sucks stuff is so absurd. He literally has been a 30 goal pace every year he’s played but 20-21


I'm not saying Laine sucks, I just know that his reputation has dropped since I last watched him closely so I may be inflating his impact in my head


his reputation dropped because he went to a bad team no one watches with a non functional power play and then had an absurd stretch of bad injury luck lol when he’s been healthy here he’s been a point per game player (post-torts) and has had the two most productive 5v5 seasons of his career. he’s turned into a more complete player. the perception is driven almost entirely by the jackets’ power play being ass


Even at 25% retained.


Shit even 20% put the cap just shy of $7M. I’d take that in a heartbeat


I think the Kraken should consider it


I'm sure VGK will find a way to make it work.


Vegas is somehow going to find a way to start the year with a first line of Laine, Eichel and Marner while keeping Marchessault




My condolences to Adam Fantilli, he seemed very fond of Laine and his girlfriend (believe he lived with them for a while)


Severson is his new dad


Good luck Laine!! I truly hope the best which ever way this turns out. Good dude and good vibes


Rob Blake now is your chance


1:1 for PLD, who says no?


Anaheim desperately needs a top 6 RW. We're also 6mil below the cap and our main prospects are two years away from their elc's ending If we're not at minimum asking then I donno what our gm is up to


2018 Laine was a vibe. Really hope he gets back to that level.


2018 was 6 years ago. What. The. Fuck.


2018 was 2 years ago and you can’t convince me otherwise.


> 2018 was 2 years ago and you can’t convince me otherwise. Well then why the hell didn't you warn us about this pandemic?


First thought I had when I saw this. I hope where ever he goes he can stay healthy and get to clapping bombs.


he surpassed that level (his overall game, anyway) in 21-22 and 22-23, just happened to be on a shitty team with an atrocious power play, so no one saw it.


Scrolled down to far for a positive comment


I think this is for the best. I'm hoping Laine can have a second-wind to his career.


Leafs and Jackets could do the funniest thing.


I'm here for it honestly. Imagine that powerplay. Whew.


Try and stack on just Matthews now, they're clapping moms on both sides


Eiffel Tower PP format


Jim, here's another Fin you can collect.


We are losing Finns and need to restock the mafia for the boys.


I hope he’s able to find what he needs in terms of his mental health. Even if that means retiring, but hopefully it would mean being able to play to his abilities again. Pulling for him to feel better one day!




Get ready to speak mormon-ese buddy


Imagine if he went back to wpg lol.


Wish we would’ve kept instead of trading for Dubois, he looked really good in the game he played for us that year and would’ve been way better in the playoffs than PLD was


I know there's no realistic way it could happen, but Laine's really good friends with Barkov. It would be nice if we got him somehow and he got a second chance like Drouin with Mackinnon.


Berggren straight up. I’ll help move them both, I’ve got a truck.


I don't think they'd do it without retention, but the bruins kinda desperately need top 6 talent this offseason and have a lot of cap space. Not really a typical bruins type of player, but I wonder if Sweeney kicks the tires on this.


Great leadership in the locker room + great coach in Montgomery would probably do wonders for Laime


Seems like his issues were off the ice though. Never was a problem with CBJ. I hate to generalize but I still think that cheap shot concussion really fucked him up.


Feels like Boston desperately needs a center though


Friedman seems to believe we're gonna go hard after Elias Lindholm, but we have enough to do that and add another player (assuming we trade Ullmark)


Hall bedard laine line sounds kinda nice.


Love Hallsey but if he’s your best defensive forward on a line you’re cooked


And a disaster in their own zone


I can fix him.


Boeser-Miller/Petey-Laine line combos Boeser-Petey-Laine-Miller-Hughes PP 💦


Can I interest you in a slightly used Jacob Trouba?


Future Vancouver canuck


8.7aav over 2 years and at what cost? Hasn't played over 60 games since 19/20. He could pop with Petey but it's a hard cap hit to take on even if Mikheyev was going the other way (cap penalty on OEL is going up in 25/26)


ok but counter-argument https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OiY4kiArwk


So that trade is looking like a lose/lose, no? I suppose it depends on the return the jackets get.


> So that trade is looking like a lose/lose, Not given the return the Jets got for Dubois.


We were the catalyst for a lose/lose between the Kings/Jackets


Im a firm believer that all the deals involving Laine need to be undone


The jets were able to get some good assets for Dubious at least


“Dubious” is cracking me up, was that intentional?


Nope but im leaving it lol


Columbus got good quality play out of Laine


I believe he’s good friends with Barkov. If we can’t keep Reinhart might be a good option with some retention.


I would love to have him on the bruins but idk how we could facilitate a trade Columbus would be interested in.


Laine for Ullmark, done lol.


No take backs. We will even throw in one slighty used Elvis


Laine for Dubois, who says No? Probably CBJ


Zegras for Laine. The trade is one for one.


Laine wants trade: you're so precious PLD wants trade: you fucking donkey


Laine didn’t quit on the team mid game at least


That being said, the Kings have an opportunity to do something really hilarious.


Context is key.


One is an entitled prick, the other has been battling mental health issues, guess which one is which


It's almost like context is important


Are you the one Kings fan who wouldn't trade PLD?