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All I can picture too. Even the voiceover reminds me of a car commercial


The Kings are now available in an EV model


With 2.9% aper


[Did you really think this car cost $4,000?](https://youtu.be/WcEylCwkSxE?si=VQODPZH8UwTY4p8I)


That now has 100% fake awful sounding engine noises


The Kiefer Sutherland effect


Somebody give this logo the Donald Sutherland effect


RIP Donald Sutherland


Then they cut to highlights of Kuemper and the “real people ads” “He kinda looks Curtis Josephy, I can see a little Patrick Roy in there too.” … “this goalie looks kinda like a Mercedes… he’s kinda Hasekish…”




I’m really enjoying the league collectively admit that the last 30 years of rebrands and redesigns have all been a horrible mistake so we’ll just go back to how things looked in ‘94.


And the past 20 years was basically saying the 90s redesigns were a mistake. It’s a cycle


Now 90s kids are in charge of shit and changing things back to how it was when they were kids and fell in love with the game. The MLB sub was doing posts with each teams logos throughout their history and they all go through similar changes based on the times.


Can’t wait in 20 years for the Sabres mustard stain to make a comeback


Long live the Buffaslug


People were comparing that to Trump’s hair when it came out. A wild time indeed


Hell yea! Then my recliner would be relevant again! https://preview.redd.it/hwzrd435yr7d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5516999a726cb5962bb7d084d031264cc29b90a7


Give me goathead or give me something else I don't care I just have to take what I can get when it comes to these guys please please be good in 24-25.


Yes Buffaslug and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary silver piping *everywhere* /s


Waiting for all the OG r/MLS clubs to go back to names like the Wiz, Burn, and Clash. Because 1999 and EXTREME X GRAVITY GAMES!!!




One thing I’ve learned from working in corporate roles for the last 15 years - sometimes a big initiative like a rebrand is pitched by someone in marketing as a necessary move - so they then can have “leading a rebrand” on their resume, or can push for a promotion for having led a big initiative. Teams (minus players/coaching staff) are just companies made up of employees trying to grow in their careers too.


I think this is why the league did so many realignments. Why fix the problems in the league when you can just shuffle the deck?


I can't imagine that in twenty years we'll be seeing a return to the Buffaslug, Mooterus, non traditional wordmarks, or any of the piping designs they stuck with for so long. I hope not, anyway.


Reebok ruined a lot of teams looks after the lock out.


That’s an era that’s never coming back. Those jerseys flat out fucking sucked. 90’s got stale but it’s fine but holy fuck did the initial Reebok era suck ass. Everyone just went back to normal after like 3 years lmao


What, you didn't like half the team's having practice jerseys?!


That era of leafs jerseys were so fucking bad


As a 17 year old, even I knew they sucked and that they should go back to their roots. As someone in marketing now, it's doubly flabbergasting that they green lit that shit.


Yeah, the first round of the Reebok Edge designs were just awful. So many teams suddenly adopting that stupid piping across the front of their jerseys as well as sleeve stripes that stop halfway on the arm. Then you had teams like the Pens, TB, and Ottawa who had that weird template and kept them for way too long. But I will say the one team that they absolutely nailed was the Bruins. From the subtle logo change to a more traditional look, they killed it with them.


Ya Bostons jerseys where really good. The oilers pajama jerseys are the epitome of what was wrong with that template. Fuckin piping on the inside of the arms, vertical piping and wack colours. Good god those sucked


We had grey patches where the armpits were. That was stupid, that and the numbers in the front. I’m glad that trend is gone and we had it for so long.


Shoutout to Lou Lamoriello for holding a press conference just to tell people the Devils were not moving off their design.


Lou was a boss for that stuff. Probably saved us from a lot of crappy designs over the years. First chance the devils got they came up with the jersey jersey.


Seriously, there has been a couple…lesser…styles through the years, but mostly stayed true to what came before. Then…Jersey jersey. Yeah yeah, “Marty helped design it” or whatever. It’s an abomination. HOW do you go to an easy-win color like black and white and then make it shitty?! Now this years’s Stadium jerseys…fire.


The 90s are just popular again


Catering to the generation that remembers the 90s is also where the disposable income is now. Used to be target the people in their 20s with no real burdens but they're all broke paying rent now so the marketing focus has shifted.


God that's depressing when you put it like that


That’s why I’ve been seeing a lot of late 2000’s/early 2010’s music come back into popularity again because that’s when we were care free. I remember hating half that music then but looking back at least some of it was fun even if it was garbage lol.


So you're saying Limp Bizkit is touring because the only people that can afford to go to concerts are the people that liked Limp Bizkit the first time around?


Damn bro why am I catching strays at 9 am🥲


Millennials now in their 40s don’t have as much disposable income as Gen X or (definitely) Baby Boomers at that same age after student loans and credit card debt. Nowadays, companies are marketing to Gen Z who’re in their 20s and on that nostalgia, 90s trip.


Millennials have a significantly higher level of home ownership and are beyond the painful first few years. They also buy liquor at events which is a huge part of the profits where as venues have shifted away from Gen Z because they are pretty well known for drinking less, especially at venues, which really hurts the bottom line. I'm getting most of this from a friend who manages our regional marketing for beer sales at venues - the target is to get the highest proportion of millennials and gen X in the door whether it's sports or music.


Yes please. Bring the NHL to exactly where it was in 1994.


In my unbiased opinion the nhl should stay in 94


Bring back Pavel Bure and the crispy white Canucks skate jersey


I'm fine with that but I'd like to make one small change


Nathan LaFayette just needs to shoot a liiiittle to the left.


Nostalgia sells. I don’t mind it remembering the Reebok mess, but I do wish a team would take a swing and try something new.


I have an old pillowcase with all the logos from like around 2003. They are consistently better than the rebrands. I’m imagining these: https://preview.redd.it/qjcjlpmbzq7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28750925d84bcb81e516358e70fbdba53eaf799d


hell yeah, NHL Hitz 2003


I feel like a good number of those are worse. Columbus, Dallas, Nashville, LA, SJ, Tampa, Washington have all improved. Pittsburgh, Vancouver, Edmonton have better color schemes now. I'll always love this Sabres era though.


I like the old shark logo on old apparel and jerseys because it feels so classic, but they killed it with the redesigned logo.


I’m sorry but the D star is nowhere near as good as our original. Mooterus is still the best but the org will never touch that one again.


That Tampa logo is and always has been better than this practice jersey they peddle right now


That Tampa logo looks hilariously cheap. Two fonts (one 'handwritten') that don't match, the ugly light grey and the stupid 3D effect? Ew.


Ours was better in the 90s for SURE. So was Dallas and Washington.


I can agree on most of those except Dallas. Its just a star with a D slapped on it now. at least the old logo tried to make something out of the star and use the point as an A. Also leaping Cat is obv also a favorite of mine


On par with McDavid posting stats from the 90's lately


Islanders need Fisherman third and 90s kids have won


If ANA could get the memo that’d be cool.


They apparently went halfway https://preview.redd.it/nk6fztseyq7d1.png?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1be93239165d28039b4e21d38cc69178b4318a


I wish it had some purple, and the font isn't my favorite, but overall can't complain with this look! Excited to see how it looks on a full jersey now


Like I feel just the old crown itself would be a dope main logo


They have a new modernized crown as their secondary logo now.


wish that was the primary logo imo


Agree. Looks nice. Way better than current. Still wish it was purple


Oh it's going to come out in purple! Lol you just need to wait and buy this one first...


Definitely wish it had purple in there, needs some color to spice it up


i agree the kings really should be wearing purple. but at the same time, every league is required to have exactly one black/silver team, and the kings are it.


Feels like a missed opportunity not to bring back purple and gold. The colouring is part of the reason why the branding felt stale to begin with!


Same, wish it was purple (forum blue 🙄 lol) and gold/ yellow, but as long as they have that as the third jersey I'll accept this lol


The font looks very cheesy/basic in a bad way, like WordArt bad, everything else is great.


I like the font. It does look very basic but I also think it’s a font that will stand the test of time. If it was the logo of an O6 team people would probably be masturbating over how good and “classic” the font is.


Ngl the new logo’s font really ruins it for me


Thanks for not lying.


Youre welcome bot. Also, I did not have sexual relations with that logo


Purple and gold for life. I was never on board with the Oakland Raiders palette.


What is up with this trend of revealing logos/uniforms with videos instead of goddamn pictures lol But either way, looks like an improvement from what they had been rocking. Now they just have to bring back the purple & gold!


>What is up with this trend of revealing logos/uniforms with videos Here it is, to save everyone the click: https://preview.redd.it/kq1qd1v24r7d1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=b58aca544585cc85ee1d02fd4d36c54f03a6ab45


So it’s the 90s logo with a slightly different crown 


Slightly different font too. Slightly less italic/sharp looking in the serifs


They posted this 2 minutes later: https://x.com/LAKings/status/1803805584845640119


Needs Purple


I thought for a sec the crown had some purple in it and thought that was cool but nope


Thats so disappointing


Looks like a fat Chevy logo to me


Can't say I'm in love with it but I suppose it's better than the last one.


Yes, we went from a 0/10 logo to a 1/10 logo. It is a positive progression!


Just FYI guys, it will look much different on a jersey https://preview.redd.it/kojftsmvlr7d1.jpeg?width=1566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776c0d1f7942ce2dc75f29ed3000f36b7db50211


It’s very bland. It’s trying hard not to be too interesting.


Call me new fashioned, but I dislike most serif fonts.


This was better than jersey reveals that barely even show you the jersey with super quick zoomed cuts atleast


Logo designer here. Clients have horrible imaginations and cannot fathom how a logo may look in context when presented with simply a logo on a plain background. Presentation is a large part of acquiring approvals. Typically this comes in the form of static mockups, but a video presentation feels like an appropriate amount of effort for an overhaul to a tenured hockey team valued in the 9 figure range. TL;DR You have to make the presentation sexy or else you're likely to get stupid objections like "make the logo bigger"


“Make it pop.” When clients gave me that feedback, I wanted to put a dancing squirrel on their project as a “fuck you” to them. I did so to get it out of my system, but only saved those copies for myself.


I work as a video editor for some corporate clients and I know exactly how you feel. Love getting notes like 'I don't like this shot' and then having to play 20 questions to figure out what they want there instead.


[Seven red lines, strictly perpendicular, some in green ink and some transparent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg)


“What is this? A LOGO FOR ANTS?!? I don’t want to hear any excuses.”


Yep! I’m a CD and logo presentations are 90% mockups so execs can visualize things. The other 10% is an explanation of how various intuitive/maybe meaningless design elements tie into their “strategy” and “brand values.” Sometimes my whole job is asking 8000 questions to figure out what a given client means by “We want it to feel premium.” SIGH. I know how you feel!


Video reveals are so annoying. Especially for a goddamn logo lol


Something about engagement probably, it’s awful.


*shakes fist at cloud* back in my day a picture was good enough


I went one step further, I came to the comments to see if someone posted a picture because I outright refuse to click on the fucking video link, lol.


I actually thought the video was pretty cool…


This new generation’s attention spans are so… My apologies, had to watch some TikTok’s …short.


100% this. To marketers, this is porn. Mostly because clients don’t know how to present and this is their way to get around to what they want without someone wanting to budge in because 99% of them don’t know better. They just want hype.


That's exactly what it is. Videos perform better with the algorithm. And we all know how corporate execs LOVE big numbers.


I actually liked this video since it showed past logos and connected them with big moments. Most jersey reveal videos are awful, though.


As far as reveal bideos go, I though this one was well done. You could actually see the logo for more that half a second


Prettayyyyyyyyyyy, prettay good


0/2 on purple teams bringing back purple


Better than the LA logo. Felt like that look was the most outdated in the league.


Now that title probs belongs to the Caps or Jackets. Ducks wouldve also if they didnt switch away from the webbed foot


Columbus needs to bring back the bug. I loved that guy.


[I may be in the minority here, but I miss their “CBJ” logo.](https://content.sportslogos.net/logos/1/9/full/42.png) Maybe it’s because they wore it around the time I started learning about hockey. Dunno.


Actually really enjoy that logo too. But I do think nostalgia is blinding me a bit.


I would not be surprised if the Caps plan a rebrand after Ovechkin retires. The current red wordmark uniforms will forever be associated with the Ovi era and the 2018 Cup run. Perfect opportunity to refresh the entire brand as the team begins a total rebuild. Personally, either the [90s era Screaming Eagle (in red)](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpEKLt6aUcuSv-zuXTWNI81zDO-55v4Vusmg&s) or [current secondary Weagle](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhdrmoip08p1b1.jpg) logos would be ideal.


The context of the LA logo mattered a lot, though. That LA logo came at just right the right time, as the team was finally gearing up for Cup contention. Felt like the team "got serious" after having those purple crown jerseys for the 2000s. Which, in a vacuum, were good looking sweaters - they were just the sweaters of lousy team after lousy team. Court jesters. The Black & White LA jerseys are boring, agreed, but they came at the right time and will forever be legendary because of what the team did in them.


I think it had it's place and it was really fresh when it came out, but that's already 13 years ago. [fuck, my team still sucks]


Their best logo, but it was done best in their RR, in the purple. I'd love to see it as an alternate someday


They really blew it by not going with RR1 or RR2. I'm personally partial to RR1 but would be ecstatic over either.


In 24 hours we lose the pentagon logo and don't have to pay PLD a single cent anymore.


It’s been a good week for you Kings fans


That will change real quick if Edmonton wins the cup...


PLD took the logo with him on the way out


I’m not sure what it specifically is, but something about the logo just doesn’t look right, almost like it’s a bootleg version of the 90s logo that you’d see on a fake jersey. This is better than the old logo without a doubt, but this just isn’t what I was personally hoping for. I think the Kings missed the mark by not incorporating purple. Maybe they will in an eventual third jersey.


It’s the font


The speed lines make it look amateurish.


It's not a great logo in general. The Los Angeles and Kings text don't seem to share the same font. The corners around the Los Angeles text are square but the other corners are angled. The crown juts out at the bottom in an unflattering way. The crown looks detailed, but it's not a good looking crown.


Surprised so many people like it. It's a super bland logo in my opinion


I would call it *aggressively mediocre*. I have no issues with it, but... is this really your "brand"? Why are the Kings so averse to the crown logo? Kings = Crowns. It's that simple. It's like if the Leafs slapped "LEAFS" on a polygon and used the actual leaf as a shoulder patch.


Agree. Some sort of combo to the old Purple and gold crown in the current colours. Done.


It's a decent wordmark for letterhead for the corporate memos, but as a LOGO and a brand identity, it's terrible. Nobody is looking at that and saying "Cool, I want that on a hat, t-shirt, etc." I'm biased as a Sharks fan... but there are Sharks fans all over the world who say, I got into hockey and chose the Sharks as my team because the colors and logo are cool. That will never happen for the Kings with this garbage.


Sharks are another good example. Can you imagine a sharks primary crest that was just a shape and "SHARKS" with a tiny little shark at the bottom of the logo?


Yeah I don't get the point of just not using a logo representative of the actual team name They're the Kings. They have a crown logo. Why is that not the main one?


I agree with you. It's like an off brand of the old chevy logo, which I also am not a big fan of. Definite improvement over the home plate though! Overall I feel less outraged that jerseys are being handled by fanatics now, because this logo and designs don't really appeal to me much and I won't have an interest in getting one. I'm the weirdo who thinks our best jerseys are from the 00s though




Yeah, the shield from the 2000s is massively underrated in my opinion


It’s objectively a bad logo. Gretzky and NWA is what made that era of Kings branding cool.


Obsessed with people using the word "objectively" to describe something that by definition is subjective


Guess what? You aren't the arbiter of what is objectively good in terms of logo design. Just because you said it, doesn't make it objective truth.


nonono you don't understand this is the internet, everything you say is objective fact.


that's real nice, now ducks just drop yours already lol


As a non-Kings fan, just needed some purple. Sad.


Just use the crown, guys.


That video is there to remind us they chose the least good logo of all the ones they’ve had.


Put some color in it. Royal purple in the crown would’ve been nice.


Goodbye worst logo in franchise history (yes, I am including the Burger King logo in this discussion).


Burger King was at least fun, home plate was just boring.


Aww...I liked it :(


Yeah I was gonna say I actually really like the Burger King logo… I am in the minority for this lmao


Jack Bauer with the narration on the official video. Love to see it


Kiefer Sutherland narrating the video. Nice.


Sadly on the same day his father died 😢


Excellently edited video and music was very good too. Great unveil.


Ducks jersey design team 🤝 Kings jersey design team Minimal Effort award


Sharp, love that.


Love it


Bring back the purple! This is the best the Kings ever looked: https://www.nhluniforms.com/Kings/Kings14.html


Oh man do I disagree, that's probably their worst ever look. I like the purple and gold ones from their early days the best.


Marketing people are overpaid


Enough with the 90’s rebrands. It’s 2024. Going from modern to outdated instead of vice versa


Yeah this looks like a paint logo with the default fonts. I feel like I’m completely missing the love for it. The lines going across KINGS look low quality and Los Angeles is in such a bad default font. I get retro, but it should have a modern day twist. This looks like a low res logo


Unfortunately it seems like they went with the font to be the “modern day twist” which just looks lame


I agree. Seems like they're just pandering to 90's nostalgia.


Honestly. It's lazy. Member Berries in action.


Wait until we get to 2000’s retro jerseys coming back. Get ready for the Mooterus, Buffaslug and the Screagle coming back soon.


I’d welcome back the Screagle with open arms but the other two I’m okay without


I'm so tired of this nostalgia push. Create something new ffs.


Fucking preach 9/10 times some team "rebrands", or even just comes out with a new extra jersey, it's some "remember the 70s/80s/90s????" thing. Like yeah, we had some cool designs back then Can we maybe get some *new* designs so that people in 20 years can be nostalgic too?


Especially when it's not even good. Half the time its appeal is entirely nostalgia driven. Like nostalgia aside, this logo sucks. It's boring, ugly, and immediately looks outdated. It's only there because gretzky wore it and 90s kids are all grown up now and want to feel like kids again. I feel the same way about the canucks alternate though I know that's an unpopular opinion.


They went back to the Gretzky era logo to a certain degree and I think that's great


It's definitely better than home plate!


“We were the first team in California….. And the second to win the cup” Quack quack fuckers


First team to win 2 Cups then :)


I love it. 


That's pretty sexy.


Sharp, I like it. Now ditch the chrome buckets lol


They probably are, it’ll probably look like the uniform we wore at away games during the LA Edmonton series but they’ll make a black version too


Anyone else want to buy a Chevy now?


Hey, the new Colorado is pretty good looking and pretty comfortable on the inside.....


Looks good


Great choice. Classic.


Great release video and very slick logo!


So it's the Lakers meets Chevrolet


Much cleaner, I was never a big fan of the “home plate” logo.


Chevy Logo > Home plate


I love it. Huge improvement.


Those poor LA fans, going to be tricked into buying fanatics merchandise


I don't like the little racing lines on the letters, and I don't understand why they seem to hate purple so much. The purple and gold crown was iconic and yet they refuse to use either color for this shitty grayscale look. Talk about fixing problems that don't exist. They could've kept the crown by itself all this time and they'd have one of the best and most iconic logos in the league.


It's pretty easy to understand: Kings don't want to share an identity with the Lakers. There's enough competition in LA.


Purple and black is and always was the solution to that IMO


The purple and gold was the Kings' first. When the Lakers moved to LA they were still using the Minneapolis colors. I kinda understand not wanting to go back now, after they gave it up for so long, but they shouldn't have ever changed it in the first place.


Improvement over the boring "LA" logo.




I like it


You bastards


Bit of forum blue trim wouldn’t hurt ANYBODY