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I seem to remember this distinctly not happening. AI is crazy these days


I know right? It’s really out of hand.


Is this the too many men one or was that a different game?


It's the one that Cooper cried about because of a normal change on the fly. Lightning had 7 skaters on the ice at the time too


Huh, that's weird. I'm pretty sure the entire Avs team was on the ice at the time to watch it happen


I know for a fact this Lightning loss happened because the scoreboard say overtime.


Ofcourse a bolts fan thinks it wasn’t in lmao


Think the joke went over your head


I think the joke went over all yours. It was a light jab about 2004 yall take shit too serious


No, it just wasn't funny to the point where nobody recognized it was a joke.


So they downvoted and moved on lol. You’re over here trying to debate lord a throwaway comment


Nothing I said was a "debate," man. It was me informing you why you got a negative reaction to what you said.


Well thank you so much for informing me your opinion goes a long way lmao


The puck was in the net the man on the ice happened to be there illegally


Also I wasn’t even making a comment about that, more of a “I don’t like that this happened so I’m gonna pretend it didn’t”


Good lord the salt in this thread, Kadri Binnington is the western conference Kreider Price situation


In the Alternate timeline, the Blues never stopped winning cups.


This was awesome, but nothing was better than the hat trick against the Blues!


Kadri injuring Binnington was the turning point in that series Also, how hilarious that you think about anything other than the cup winning series more


1-5 vs the Avs in the playoffs Binnington wasn't stealing that series even if Rosen hadn't shoved Kadri into him 😂


Calle Rosen putting Kadri into Binnington*


Dude Kadri skates through Rosen to hit Binnington. He didn't get pushed into him.


Are you stupid. Two years and you guys STILL THINK somehow Kadri wanted to hit Binnington when it was an accidental collision. Like good lord. [please watch the video again](https://youtu.be/btCh5HYPyh0?si=lcCVJR2UBY-hlYhu)


You said Rosen pushed him. I said he went through Rosen. The video shows him going through Rosen. So >Are you stupid. No, but you are. >Two years and you guys STILL THINK somehow Kadri wanted to hit Binnington when it was an accidental collision. That's putting words in my mouth. You were wrong about what happened, and Kadri wasn't intentionally trying to hurt Binnington. Learn to read.


You guys are really gonna be crying to your graves over an accident caused by Rosen. As if 1-5 vs the Avs in the playoffs Binnington was going to steal that series you were outclassed in 😂


>You guys are really gonna be crying to your graves We won a cup. I'm not crying. >an accident caused by Rosen. We've both watched the video. If you want to keep pretending that Kadri didn't dive at a loose puck near the blue paint to try and score and it resulted in a three man collision that injured Binnington than that's on you dude. But let's go back to what you said, how did Rosen push a dude with his back while he was reaching forward to try and clear a loose puck 🤔? Fuck, the very video you posted as evidence points out that Rosen didn't push him.


>We won a cup. I'm not crying. Not that year. You're crying all over this comment section because we kept you at 1 in your 50 something year history and closed your window. >If you want to keep pretending that Kadri didn't dive at a loose puck near the blue paint to try and score and it resulted in a three man collision Of course Kadri went for the puck, it was in play. And he had plenty of room to go wide until Rosen shoved him. You might as well blame the ref for dropping the puck, starting the game that caused the collision. >how did Rosen push a dude with his back while he was reaching forward By colliding with Kadri's right side when Binnington was on his left. It's pretty simple, go back and watch the video without the homer glasses. Do you think Rosen is suddenly weightless because of the direction he was facing when he collided with Kadri??


>You're crying all over this comment section because we kept you at 1 in your 50 something year history and closed your window. I'm literally only responding to you. Stop with this weird shit you're doing of putting words in my mouth and assuming actions I'm not taking. >By colliding with Kadri's right side when Binnington was on his left. It's pretty simple, go back and watch the video without the homer glasses You do the same. He's behind Rosen the entire time, he jumps into Rosens back. The very video you posted disagrees with what you're saying. Kadri initiated the collision. Rosen got hit, and he didn't deliver the force. >Do you think Rosen is suddenly weightless because of the direction he was facing when he collided with Kadri?? Rosen was suddenly weightless because he was hit from behind. Glad we can both agree on that.


Still salty huh??? 😂


Yes… of course dipshit? That isn’t the gotcha you think it is.


Keep the rage coming…. I’m almost there


That is one of the cringiest things I’ve ever read bro lmao




Did you think this would affect me in some way? 😥


And now you can’t even make the playoffs…. How sad


Now you’re just embarrassing us both


Thank you Lmao


[RENT. FREE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lslyJ3g69A)


2022 Avs were on a whole different level. That team was just so stacked.


That was a satisfying final to watch


I certainly found it enjoyable.


Moi aussi


100% should have been too many men but it adds to the lore. I have the “too many men” t shirt that Kadri commissioned.


🥲 Never should have let you go Naz. Toronto really has a problem with letting go players who "care too much". Kadri, Hyman, and now Mitch. All while holding on to players who can't even be bothered to try to beat out icings or forecheck or even just do anything but glide completely upright like Nylander.


Colorado and Edmonton thank you for your sacrifices as a Leaf fan.


Mitch is scared of contact lol


It was at this moment I knew a team was going to give this guy a haul


Big sad 😢 honestly he's still been solid in calgary, just not enough of a team around him


Yeah, I watched enough Calgary games as an Avs fan to be impressed with Naz this year, but he has so little help by comparison. He was always gonna be overpaid in that situation, but he earned the money this season.


I figured he was gone before the playoffs started, he was great all year. I’m just so glad the Avs didn’t let down on what was clearly their best year in their window so far.