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Sounded like they were announcing him starting in net for a second there...


Serious question, he's gotta be their EBUG right?


I'm pretty sure that would be a conflict of interest because the EBUG is the same for both teams. Imagine both Skinner and Pickard get hurt and Lu goes in net just to let the Panthers score on himself on every shot lmao


"Oops, my bad fellas" - Luongo on his 7th goal against in 6 shots.


“Sorry guys, I shat in my pants on that one.”


“I’m a little rusty!” *shoots puck into own net*


>Luongo on his 7th goal against  It's still too soon


Toronto had their own employee as an EBUG


which people complained about for about an hour then the funniest thing happened. Also there is a gigantic difference between a random game in February and Game 7 of the cup final


Plus a gigantic difference between a Zamboni/practice goalies and a hall of famer...


Luongo was basically forced out due to a bad hip, has he played even casually since retiring?


He's dropped in a few Florida practices. There's pictures of him using his CCM retirement set on ice. https://www.nhl.com/news/hall-of-famer-roberto-luongo-plays-goalie-at-florida-panthers-practice This was from December.


Yeah, everyone is clowning on the Panthers for this epic collapse but we're forgetting about the most embarrassing thing to ever happen in the NHL.


Which is hilarious that anyone would complain given that any person who's played sports could tell you if you get a chance to play in an NHL game there's not a chance in hell that you'll purposefully let in goals to help the team you drive the zamboni for win


So, you're saying we need to sign Luongo for a zamboni contract?


Geez the cap circumvention ploys are getting insane these days.


Excuse me, sir. But that "employee's" name is David effing Ayers, the greatest zamboni driver to ever live, crusher of leafs, winningest tendy, and leader of men.


That’s why they let him win to show they are unbiased


yeah he was one of their practice goalies at the time, would pop by leafs and marlies practices when they wanted an extra goalie around


I mean yeah they did but it's not like a zamboni driver has a lot on the line regarding the team's success. He's just there to clean the ice. An executive on the other hand has quite literally everything on the line. Also Ayres was technically a Marlies employee but I understand where you're coming from


On one hand: yes. On the other hand, what are the chances that Lou goes "holy fuck this is my chance to win the cup as a player" and just locks the door, then buddy gets passed the cup right from McDavid and he does the fucking wildest cup lap in history?


Wait, so if an EBUG comes in and that team wins, does the EBUG get their name on the cup?


even if they didn't by default, the team would petition the league to allow it and the league would say yes. It would be an insult to Lord Stanley to leave such a great story off the cup


I believe so, since everyone who plays in a game in the SCF automatically gets their name on the cup. Teams can also submit an application to the commissioner to get people on the cup who are otherwise ineligible.


I goddamn hope so


[Bob Essensa was an EBUG for us while he was our goalie coach.](https://youtu.be/7mDSC-IslU8?si=A1MbCINsgJHV8p51) The rules might have changed since then though


Win or lose, he would get the cup in that situation. Right? Gotta imagine he’d rather earn it on the ice than in the executive box.


Each team has a 3rd goalie for the EBUG in the playoffs, ours is Spencer Knight, idk who the Oilers 3rd goalie is


Ah, yes, um, that'd be Jack "5 Million Dollar Cap Hit" Campbell.


That would be quite the redemption arc


Funnily enough Campbell actually has pretty good playoff numbers. It's a relatively common opinion amongst Oilers fans that we might've beat the Knights last year if we had started him after Skinner faltered later in the series. Woodcroft's decision to ride rookie Skinner that whole series even though he was struggling was baffling. Probably one of the first major complaints people had with him as coach.


Maybe some delusions by Oiler fans as opposed to reality. It was a small sample size (51 saves) instead of anything relevant. Don't think he went from AHLer to all star just because of it being playoffs which would've been sandwiched between two comically bad regular season stretches.


It's more a very specific thing about Campbell going back to his time as a Leaf - when he has time to prep or be relied on, his brain gets to him. When you toss him a cement shoe at the last minute with no prep, he's fine.


I mean he did go 17-3-2 as the Leafs starter in 2021 and 31-9-6 the following year putting up solid numbers so I think what you're saying is more so narrative than supportable


I might be wrong, but my understanding, mostly from the All or Nothing series, is that he wasn't supposed to be the starter, and then they literally ran out of options.


Fuck it ile do it myself- Bobby lu


At least this should be a better effort than 84 year old Jack Nicklaus


That was terrible, immediately sucked the air out of the room


Look people can meme him for his own choking, but theres nobody else I would rather cope with than probably the most beloved player in franchise history lol


There’s nothing I’d love to see more as a Canucks fan than to have Luongo finally win one, even as an executive.


The Canucks scored 8 goals in that series. A team is gone in 4 or 5 with that amount of support typically. The fact it went seven is amazing.


The flip side of that is Luongo's numbers on the road in that series more than made up for it: 3 games started, 15 GA, .73 sv%, and an 11.1 GAA. Getting pulled early in Game 6 skews those numbers, but that's what happens when you give up 3 goals on 8 shots in nine minutes. The fact that it went seven is even more amazing when you look at those numbers.


Is there another recent player like Luongo who's so beloved by two fanbases? Maybe Shea Weber? I feel like usually, there's some resentment when a star player moves to a new team mid-career (like Tavares). But in Lou's case he was just traded both times.


I grew up in ND so saw him play there as well. But Zach Parise is loved by NJ, MN, and even Colorado now. Literally everyone loves him.


Look no further than tonight's game: Ekholm


Damn right. We'll always love that big red viking.


*cries in 7uongo*


Careful, Kodak Black got in trouble for banging at a Florida Panthers game.


I gotta say, seeing a picture of him in his gear and reading "Roberto Luongo is scheduled to..." really had my imagination going for a second there.


shouldve brought in an actual cage of rats and let them swarm the drum.


rats in a cage? despite all their rage?


As long as he puts in a better effort than Jack Nicklaus... "We really need to rev up the crowd. Let's put an 85 year old up there, he'll do great."


The 90+ year old veteran they had on the ice for the anthems had more energy than that.


As an aside, even as a Boston fan who hated Luongo during that run—- he got done dirty in his career. Lost a Vezina to the weird Marty boner the league had, and he’s remembered as a playoff choker, and the Bruins loss was his last appearance out of the first round, and it’s like- my man was a clay pigeon for most of his career and locked shit down most of the time. He didn’t have a career defining blunder so much but he was one of the best goalies of his generation, and he’s forever tied to the “I would have saved it” and getting sorted by the juggernaut Bs. Almost everyone on that Nucks team should own that loss, except for Kesler and maybe Bieksa. Henrik especially. The Sedins combined for 2 goals and 5 points in that series, and they only registered points in games 2 and 6. You can’t have your main offensive engine shut out for 5/7 games and then blame the goalie. Ffs, Sedins were each -4 in the 4-0 shutout in game 7. Sedins had no response to the Boston game and they get a pass from a Vancouver fanbase that would be justified to be pissed at them. But so much of it gets hung on Bobby Lou.


I totally agree with everything you wrote, although I think that probably sells Bergeron and Chara a little short as well. They absolutely **smothered** the Sedins in that series, and it is probably part of the reason people remember the Sedins a little more generously than they maybe should.


Can’t take that 2010 Gold Medal away either. 


I have to imagine that "starting gold-medal-game goaltender for Canada" counts as a vote of confidence on someone's career. Especially when the other two options are Martin Brodeur and Marc-Andre Fleury of all people.


Most Canuck fans agree about Lou - anyone pinning the finals loss on Lou doesn't know hockey. We scored 0 goals in game 7, on home ice. No goalie would have won us that game. Lou was the only reason we got as far as we did and had two shut-outs in the finals. Team should've been able to bring the rest home, he did his part.


Dammit, a Bruins fan who actually knows about hockey!


The refs and NHL own that loss. Boston injured so many Canucks players the game 7 lineup was 1/3 AHL quality.




They should let him suit up.


Luongo is THE Florida Panther. The perfect person to get the arena hyped. Do it for Lu <3


Bingo, bango, bongo. His name is Roberto Luongo!


Notable Mr.Game 7 Roberto Luongo


You cant win if your team doesn't score. Yes, he shit the bed in the Boston games, but at home, he was 3-0 with 2 Shutouts.


Well I’m talking about game 7 where you guys outshot the Bruins 37-21 in that last game and lost 4-0.




Imagine.... Draisatl elbow to bobrovskys head Whoever is backup tonight has a poor warmup and gets injured. Luongo goes ebug. Total wall. Conn Smythe


The headline was truncated on my screen and all I saw was Roberto Luongo is scheduled to bang the Florida Panthers and I thought that was an interesting strategy


Oh they are so fucked


Immediately afterwards he's going to pump Tim Thomas' tires.


Thomas is the greatest goalie in Florida Panther history, after all.




They're brining Luongo who lost game 7 Stanley cup final to inspire them win game 7! 🤔 Jokes aside, good to see Bobby Luo again


This is the big news everyone's been waiting on for today


I thought it was rumored to be Marcello Hernández lol?




LOL He just did it!


Does his wife know about this?


Big game tonight Lou ☺️


An interesting omen bringing him in so the team doesn’t shit their pants in the playoffs. Good thing this game isn’t in Anaheim.




Can i get a voodoo or mojo expert to tell me what this means for the curses at play here


It’s joever, sorry Florida!


Oilers should bring in Tim Thomas in as well to give Lu some nam flashbacks


Mr. Bobongos.


I hope he doesn't shit in his pants


Should be Kodak Black, the panthers turned everything around after his press box performance in 2022


Not a great plan given Luongo's record in SCF game 7's.


Fitting, this will probably end in choking and rioting eitger way


He should be pumping tires.


Lol oh no


Is it going to be a dirge?


Well, bang the drum slowly. They're going down.


That’s a weird way to refer to your mom 


Bad omen, letting a goalie who lost in a Stanley cup game 7 do that.


Well that’s it for Florida then 😂




Holy fuck the Panthers really want to make an Oilers win the greatest sports storyline ever. What's next, there's a controversial no goal for Panthers with 2 mins left because of the parallax and a skate in the crease? Are Iginla/Sundin/Lundqvist going to be in the lineup for the Oilers so they can all get their ring?


Oh daaaaaaaaaang. That actually scares me. Can you believe the hype?! I wish they would just bring back that old golfer who lightly tapped the drums. 😭