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Didn't he end up in NY in part because of his wife's career? Can't imagine he has much appetite for anywhere outside of NJ/Philly/NYI


Yep, I think she has one year of residency left, which isn't something you can switch hospitals for.


It's not common, but it does happen.


Definitely not in your last year lol. You can barely switch after r1.


It's more likely she'll finish her residency in NY.


They have a new baby too.


God help us if they had an old baby.


Hey it’s hard having a new baby in this economy, sometimes you have to find an old beater with high miles to get by.


And don’t you dare think about trading it in, the value goes way down after you drive it off the lot


Certified pre-owned babies are where the value is at.


It's called a Benjamin Button


That’s so shitty, damn


They won’t struggle


I mean a resident doc can’t raise a kid solo and neither can an nhl player so they’ll have to nanny and be apart. Obviously they are loaded but that objectively sucks.


They can’t do long distance for one year? It’s not ideal but a lot of people have their jobs transferred and have to make it work. At least she can move back to Michigan with him when she finishes the program next spring.


Why do that when you have a clause in your contract that says you don't lave to move if you don't want?


They were long distance for the vast majority of their relationship. Hell, for part of it she was even on a different continent. For much of the rest she was in a different country for the majority of the year. I can definitely understand not wanting to return to that way of life after struggling for so long to find a way. They're both driven, high achieving people chasing their own career dreams. Them taking a few days to figure out how they both feel about it all is perfectly reasonable.


The absolute horror of having generational wealth, fleecing a team with a 7 year contract, and having to move because your on ice play was horrific for multiple postseasons


Lol agreed. They’re setup for multiple generations, they can handle one more year apart ffs


Lol the Trouba saga is extremely funny to me. If anyone can afford to do long distance for a year, it's definitely a fucking neuro doctor and a professional athlete.


Since when is the issue with long distance affordability? I’m sure being away from your family for a year isn’t top of anyone’s list. Long distance isn’t gonna be easier just cause they have money


I think they meant its 2 really busy jobs with long hours away from home.


I think that would make the time they do have together more valuable… in that situation you lose the little slices of time where your schedules coincide or that open up spontaneously


Resident doctors don't make any money, really. My wife is a resident, and she makes the equivalent of 11 dollars an hour. That's not hyperbole. That's right around what it math's to. The salary looks good, but she does work north of 70 hours a week, though. Obviously, they can afford it, though, lol. But they're eachothers support system. Both of them work in high stress work environments. She works with life/death, he works under a storm of media and millions of people with his name on their lips. Anyways, it's easy to say NBD from your perspective. But that's tough for them.


I don’t disagree, but did find it funny comparing her working with life/death as her stressor, to his playing a game for millions of dollars more than she’ll ever make doing real work. It’s tough all over, pony boy 😅


I take it you’re not married. The money isn’t the issue. It’s being married to someone you care about and not wanting to spend more time away than you have to. He’s already on the road for several days at a time, multiple times in a nine month span, I’m sure they’re used to being apart for that amount of time. But this would be different if he’s in another state altogether Edit - these responses are comical. Shows the average age of this sub must be in high school and has no concept of how relationships or professional contracts work


They also have a new baby iirc


I think most people understand the situation, but he's going to be very well compensated for it so most regular people just don't care. These are the kinds of things that can happen to you if you decide to become a professional athlete.


He’s made $73 million dollars in his career. I refuse to feel bad.


Trouba and wife is not the only couple in the NHL impacted by moving.


i could manage for tens of millions of dollars. be real


If it’s that important take a year off. It’s not like he can’t afford it.


People are married but have to work away to afford life? Say your in town and the main industry closed your family is established and you own house. Main earner sometimes works a two in two out type of shift. Point is life happens deal with it.


Yeah, but does he want too? I wouldnt leave my wife and kid and move away from NYC just for the sake of things lol


>fucking neuro doctor My understanding is that she's in her final year of her residency. Residents work a ton and don't make that much.


Ttouba bitched his way to NY in the first place, he'll probably bitch his way to whatever suits him.


Didn’t he bitch his way to the NYC metro area hoping his wife can match at one of the 50 hospitals in the area and she ended up matching in Florida anyway?


She matched at Lennox Hill on the Upper East Side, she went to medical school in Florida.


I mean residents make shit, but his salary is more than enough


It's more the 14 hour days 6 days a week thing. It's not just long distance for a year, he could afford to fly someone with a 9-5 to whatever city he is in. Her schedule plus night games mean they will barely talk for a year.


My comment was 100% to correct the idea that residents make good money, not to comment on their actual situation. Trust me, I know all about residency and long distance


A whole lot of those people would have prevented the transfer if they had a clause in their contract that allowed them to do so.


She's doing her residency and they had a baby in January.


The question isn’t can they. It’s why would they when he has a contractual right to stay put.


put yourself in his shoes, why the fuck would you do this and go from a top 5 team to a bad one want him traded as a rangers fan but I'd do the same exact thing if I were him


I cannot imagine the mayhem if Trouba somehow ends up a Devil. Chaos. It’s not likely and I don’t want it to happen but how funny? Newark is closer to MSG than even the Islanders are. A taste of the Rangers own medicine is almost good enough to be worth it


It will be a mixtures of boos and cheers with more boos Maybe a flying elbow thrown in for shits and giggles


Even at the max of 50% retained, that's not cheap enough for him to play on the Devils third pair for two years. Islanders can't afford a 4 million third pair either.


Laughing at the thought of him being paired with Jeff Petry, who so hated the long distance relationshipping himself even Montreal's radio broadcasters booed his lacklustre play.


Fans can get mad all they want, but if players are given NMCs and NTCs they can actually use them to their advantage if they want to. Plenty don’t, but they are all within their rights to.


Ok but can exceptions be made when it’s my team?


Yeah, I'm always more annoyed at the GMS who hand them out. Imagine if you signed a contract at work where try promised you no weekends, then they get upset when you don't offer to work weekends.


Yup, exactly. We desperately need the cap to keep going up. If GMs can offer more money, hopefully they won’t feel the need to hand out NTCs and NMCs like candy. We can then get more trades and roster flexibility and avoid situations like this. Dare to dream I guess haha


What is annoying is that this isn’t mid season. It’s June 30th and tomorrow the M-NTC kicks in. What’s the difference of one day? He’s being (within his right) petty and it just comes off, as a fan of this team, as irritating and petty. This is also on top of being frustrated at his lack of talent, being overpaid, and being a dirty player. As a Ranger fan it’s extremely hard to root for Trouba right now. It’s more than just “it’s his right”


Not saying you have to root for him. I said you can get mad all you want, and I’d be annoyed too, but this is just the reality of NMCs and NTCs


Yeah I hate handing out NMCs it’s so frustrating. Now that cap is rising post covid I’m hoping to just pay up and have flexibility.


Howcome he don't want me man


you should be extremely grateful he is digging his heels in the ground right now


Well, right now our RD consists of 1. Seider, 2. Jeff Petry, 3. Justin Holl. Would Trouba really make that worse?


for $8M? absolutely purely based on ability, ehhh


The reports/rumors I've seen say NY would retain 2.5 of those millions. Everyone lies around this time but if that's true, I wouldn't hate it


I have a feeling his problems will surface a lot more in front of a goalie who isn't Igor Shesterkin.


That isnt the issue. We have Petry and Holl. Again Petry and Holl.


He's still a 2M dollar defenseman making 5.5M dollars after salary retain. He would not be a good pickup honestly, not starting with the fact that I do not wanna be seeing his headhunting shenanigans ad nauseum in red and white.


Please talk some sense into the wings fans, I'm clawing my eyes out. No one watched Trouba and there so desperate to get themselves into another Walman/Petry/Holl/Copp contract


He does some things you’ll like and some things you won’t. He’s a fine 3rd pair guy when healthy but his contract is a boat anchor.


3rd pair defenseman making too much money? He'll fit right in!


Penalties and suspensions yes.


This is trouba, he's dug in with his elbows.


I am


God damn, we need uncle Phil.


Because his wife has commitments in New York.


why would he be inclined to enable a deal from a team he forced himself to be traded to


Are the memes not enough for you?


The lights were too bright in MSG so wanted to go home to USA’s Winnipeg.


Someone has clearly never been to the twin cities, Green Bay or Duluth


As a former thunder Bay boy, I miss going to Duluth


From someone in Thunder Bay: Duluth is still cool.


Detroit is nothing like Winnipeg


Man you really aren't aware of what Detroit is like at all are you?


More specifically, Birmingham/West Bloomfield/Northville (I heard Northville is where tons of hockey players live). Not exactly the sticks.


Fans, media and players will continue to trash on Detroit. Its just something we have to accept even if its all bs now.


That’s a weird way to describe Columbus


Columbus isn’t remote like Winnipeg


I think USA’s Winnipeg is somewhere in the Dakotas


One of the most incorrect analogies I’ve ever seen on reddit


Wouldn't that be North Dakota?


Cant he just put Detroit on his no trade because of all these rumours?


That's what the Rangers are afraid of At which point it becomes a question of whether they'll waive him a la Goodrow


Friedman pretty much just said they would on 32TTP EDIT: [SOURCE](https://x.com/TomUrtzJr/status/1807219097689551330)


Can't imagine waiving the captain would go over well at all considering the stink the Goodrow thing caused, and he's just a 4th liner


If it was like The Blues or someone that did that it would have lasting impact on free agency for them for years. But NY? Nah. There’s always the allure of NYC and MSG. Plus everyone always thinks, “Man that sucks for them but they wouldn’t do that to me!” Right up until they do it to them.


Seriously, plus I'm sure most players will understand that business is business. Trouba and goodrow havent been anywhere close to be worth their contracts and their cap space could be more used for much more valuable players. That's just how it works. If he was playing well or paid less he wouldn't be into this situation.


“They’re trading their captain so they can sign me, why would they ever want to get rid of me?”


Tbf it was only people with insanely bad contracts


People keep saying this. But we currently have 5? players on the roster who FORCED their way here. I think the organization will be fine.


Now it would make sense why yzerman sent a sweetener to SJ, if it comes to Trouba being waived SJ has first claim and can send him to Detroit for future considerations


NMC doesn’t allow the same type of waiver situation that they did with goodrow


His NMC becomes a m-NTC tomorrow


I think it switches to no trade clause on July 1st


Given Detroit's cap situation, I don't think they'd be the ones to claim him if they have to resort to waivers


I think that would apply to the following season, not the upcoming one, but I could be wrong.


It would go from July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 and then he would have submit again for the year after


I thought he already submitted his list


All we know is the Rangers asked for it. Nobody said Trouba or his agent actually did it.


Is he even obligated to until tomorrow?


I think it's going to come down to: would you rather play in Detroit or be waived and play for SJ/some other basement team? Like it seems clear that his NYR days are done. Now it's just about controlling the damage. But I could see why he would want some time to process that.


Either he consummates the trade or we waive him, that’s what it has to be


Consummating the trade is a hilarious phrase


Consummate the trade to completion


Ah, so that's what Armstrong meant with sucking and blowing.


I have a way with words


If you never consummate the trade, it can be annulled


Waiving your captain seems brutal.


I think Vegas has taught us that sometimes brutality is necessary to win a cup. The fact of the matter is that he’s not worth 8M and we need to get rid of him.


I wonder if now that Vegas has won a Cup they will calm down. Like will we see them backstabbing Stone or Eichel or are they going to reward these players for loyalty via money and contracts when they’re no longer as good like normal teams do?


They traded Logan Thompson in the middle of a scheduled meet and greet they arranged during the draft, so my guess is no


To be fair Thompson was hardly essential during the actual Cup run, unlike Hill, Eichel, or Stone


LT requested a trade


Who’s claiming him if he gets waived?


I honestly don’t know, but often times the threat of it is enough to get players to waive


Assuming we're the intended destination then it's us or someone higher up the waiver wire. I wouldn't be shocked if a team worse than us grabbed him though. As rough as his play was it's clear he's a good locker room guy that a bottom team would love to have as a leader to their team. Honestly it would be hilarious if a west coast team grabbed him and then got him to waive his no trade clause in order to send him to an East coast team for peanuts.


That's why I think he'll eventually come around to getting traded. I don't blame him for feeling a bit of shock and needing a few days to figure his stuff out. He's better off using whatever control he has to end up somewhere that he and his wife would prefer.


So there's no elbow room in Trouba's contract?


Sure, retain most of his salary and also take Holl in the deal.


Sounds like a fair deal to me


It would be easier to buy him out


Sounds like he doesn't want y'all either way lol


Oh no, anyway!


When he first came here, he basically threatened to sign with the Red Wings (hometown team) to extract every cent possible from the Rangers and Gorton just gave it to him. I was expecting maybe $5-6M a year for Trouba and he got $8M...


Which was very odd since everyone at the time knew that he wanted new york


Not sure why we even traded a first and Pionk just for the right to negotiate with him before free agency. That also pressured Gorton to give him whatever he wanted for an extension.


Yeah.. im not sure If i remember corectly, but Islanders or Devils werent after him, right?


That’s a shame


As stubborn about where he'll play as he is about taking headshots for no good reason.


Oh no.


2024 jets some how get both Trouba and Laine back!? One can dream


Trust me you do not want 2024 trouba


How is it that Trouba is constantly throwing headshots with his elbows yet he's the one not braining properly


Jacob Elbows can stay away


I love Jacob Trouba I would love Jacob Trouba back on the Jets I do not love Jacob Trouba at 8M


> I do not love Jacob Trouba at 8M Well the Rangers are gonna retain 2-3 mil. Do you want Trouba at 5mil? You still probably don't.


He’d be better than Pionk so I’d take him




So we dump a guy who loved playing for us because his defense was bad and it was bringing everyone down so we can bring in a guy who doesn’t want to play for us?


Look at the bright side... His defense was also quite bad during the latter half of this season.


He’s like Risto but with twice the talent and twice the cap! Can’t beat a deal like that.


I think he wasn’t the same after he was injured when he ran into the net in November. Maybe at that point we still looked like a solid team, because it was early on in the season, but after that he seemed to have fell off. If I can remember right.


Nah he did something at the end of the season. Lalonde commented on it saying he wasn't himself, and absolutely no one on the roster posted anything saying goodbye or goodluck to him.


And when Yzerman was asked about the trade by Bultman recently, he made it a point to emphasize that he didn’t want to move *Gibson* but also had to get rid of a “contract”. Didn’t refer to Jake by name, didn’t wish him all the best or thanked him for his service or anything. Nothing. To me, what he didn’t say actually said quite a bit.


people need to stop assuming he's committed some crime until there's some evidence, it ain't right


Nobody’s assuming he committed a crime. Just that he did something that burned bridges with management and the locker room, and got himself kicked out of town over it.


You still don't trade that guy for absolutely nothing.


We gave up a 2nd round pick. A second round pick we obtained minutes before by swapping prospects with Nashville. He might have been worth a 2nd at the most.


two 2nd round pick is still better than fucking nothing. Also, Im sorry but nah, if Yzerman had just tried to scout the market for him you really think he would have gotten nothing for him? A team like Tampa who are strapped for cap space and defensive depth would have been all over him. Heck maybe you could have tried working it out to get Sergachev? Stop deluding yourself that this deal was ok cause your gm is Yzerman. It was not. It's not going to make the Red wings fall into the gutter, but they're awful asset management.


For all our entertainment, please trade him inside the division.


Get ready to learn Long Islandnese


BEC SPK, salt life, lirr.


Alright fine. We’ll take Fox instead but just remember we did ya this favor.


This is something Ron Hextall would’ve gone for if he were still a GM in this league. Guy doesn’t know how to GM


Chris Drury may take an elbow


Strip the C


NVM moved there for his wife to do residency. How can she be so nice of he's so elbowingly evil


She's a brain surgeon, he gives her a pipeline of work. Perfect system.


That’s fucking hilarious




Amazing how his performance has diverged so much from that of his old partner in Winnipeg, Josh Morrissey. They were a great tandem. Now JMo is a Norris candidate and Troubs a buy-out candidate. What went wrong? The guy was excellent in Winnipeg.


Im so tired of this dude. Just an atrocious hockey player and now this tomfoolery


I don't want him. Send him to Florida or... Colorado or Boston


Players that come to florida have recently gotten better than before. However i dont care for the guy either so send him to Utah.


Hes a Michigan native, youll take him and like it!


Boston would be funnier though


Honestly, Trouba and the Devils seem like a perfect fit


Finally get that Stevens replacement




then maybe Drury shouldn’t have given him a no movement clause? why would he waive it


Wasnt Drury it was Gorton, but agree




lol this guy is such an dingleberry. Elbows aside, he has been nothing but difficult to work with since he came into this league. Dude was brutal every negotiation in Winnipeg. Now looks like he’ll make it as difficult as possible to get out of NY. I understand his wife is in residency but trust me players have made much, much more difficult commitments than one year away from their wife.


Hey! That’s the Mark Messier leadership award winner you’re talking about. Let show some respect and keep the dingleberry talk behind closed doors.


dirty player


Heh. Trouba's finally doing something right.


If Trouba adds Detroit to his No Trade list would the league/PA be cool with Detroit trading Holl to the Rangers for future consideration, where the future considerations are Detroit claiming Trouba off of waivers?


Don’t think we’d take him at his full cap hit.


What do you think the point of the Holl part of my question was if not to be a de facto salary retention on Trouba's cap hit?


Sounds like the current idea is NYR retaining on Trouba and taking Holl back, which brings us even more cap savings to make additional moves in the market.


I always find it so weird when fans advocate for the large and profitable organization over the rights that the player has signed into his contract. It's ridiculous.


If yzerman really does this then he really has no plan. Such a shame of this dude ruined a promising team, he’s done nothing so far and blown all the cap space this team had on washed up vets. Sad


Great guy on and off the ice. A true shame he’ll no longer be a detriment to the rags.


He and his wife actually do a considerable amount of charity work: https://nypost.com/2024/04/17/sports/rangers-jacob-trouba-nominated-again-for-humanitarian-award/


Honestly I just hope this plays out in whatever way makes it the biggest shitshow possible