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I'd assume canucks are probably also getting Heinen?


What a call


Bruins and Canucks just swapping players at this point


Feels dirty after 2011


“Take our Zadorov will you? We’ll show you!”


Happy for Jake but sad to see him go. If you don’t watch him on a daily basis you don’t understand that half this value is his overall game. Dude is a stud defensive forward.


He should fit right in with Tochett’s system then, he’s all about defence


It truly is. If we were able to play prevent against Edmonton for 55 minutes a game and STILL be a threat, adding a guy like DeBrusk is sweet.


Is there a reason boston let him walk? I figured he would be a player they'd want to keep. Fans that I know seem to love him too. Or is just a situation of another team payed him more than what Boston was willing to offer?


Offensively he’s crazy streaky and can be very frustrating


Fair enough. I find teams are unpredictable with players like that. Some keep them around for way too long and others just let them go with no explanation.


They just didn't want to match that length.


But they wanted to sign Lindholm for 7 years? He was a good "3rd" center for vancouver in the playoffs but he didn't show anything more than that. Zadorov is a great personality and fun guy who went on a tear for 12 games in the playoffs but his likely true talent level is the 10 years he played in the NHL prior to those playoffs not the last dozen games...


Lindholm never fit in Vancouver. He's a perfect fit in Boston.


Do my future next!


Frankly I always remember him being a fucking pain to play against, and I think he will slot in perfectly in Tocchet's approach. The real question is if he can find some serious chemistry with Petey. I suppose he could slot in with Miller and we could swing Boeser over to Peteey but Brock and JT just had their best seasons ever pretty tied to each other and I kinda don't want to fuck with that. Especially when you consider Miller fucking up like 3 Brock goals in a row due to coach's challenges.


Love that for us, hope you guys love Lindholm and ZaddyDaddy the way they deserve.


A defensively responsible forward with streaky offensive tendencies? Sounds like someone the Bruins just signed that used to be a Canuck


Take that Boston!


Gladly! He's great in the playoffs. Just remember that for the next SEVEN fucking regular seasons.


Ironic given he’s making less than big Z.


He's going to need a new nickname...


Big Zed


Little Z... at least comparatively


Big Z 3rd pairing D man tho


If we play the Leafs he’ll be great


Enjoy Lindholm until he's 36 I guess.


So get him to pull a Mark Stone every February, got it.


It’s a joke after the Bruins signed both Lindholm and Zadorov and the Canucks sub is burning down.


We are?


Both contracts I and many others are very glad we did not sign. Idk what you mean by burning down.


Yeah I don’t know what they’re on about, the consensus is pretty clearly that the contracts more than made sense for us.


Yeah I honestly think this all good for Vancouver. Lindholm didn’t really fit in there, Zadorov was good but that’s a lot of money for what he brings. Debrusk deal is at a good price, maybe just a little too long.


I wanted to keep them both, but not for those prices yeesh


They are all shitty contracts, but the Debrusk one is slightly less shitty than the other two..


Don't mind if I go take a looksky!


lol what? where?


Well, sometimes at least. If he manages to time his quarterly hot streak for that particular time of the year.


Yeah, I dont think you'll find many Boston fans upset about this. He's a good guy, but 7 years is too long, and 5.5 is a bit too high.


Is 7 too long? He's only 27 so the last couple of years may be a bit of an overpayment but not much


He's a well rounded player who shows flashes of offensive stardom. As a result...people think he is a better player than he really is. He's just not that talented from an offensive standpoint. I don't even think playing with some superstar like McDavid would turn him into the player some hope he can be - he just misses the damn net too much and goofs up plays. Despite that he is a good possession player and has turned into a BEAST defensively. 7 years too long? Probably, but such is life. I didn't want to pay him more than $4M to stay in Boston.


A good possession player who has turned into a beast defensively is exactly what the Canucks need. Mikheyev missed the net too and he wasn’t too interesting at either end of the ice - speed was all he had aside from a stellar ability to shoot the puck directly into the goalie’s crest


Watch Tocchet squeeze more from him than any coach he's had to this point.


You'll think thats what's happening and then January rolls around and you realize he's had 3 points since November 23rd


Allow me to introduce you to Elias Lindholm...


That 5.5 will look better as the cap rises


5.5 is a steal for the next 5 years of Jake DeBrusk. I imagine the Bruins just didn't want to give him that extra 2 years at the end. His 2-way game is wildly undervalued by a lot of Bruins fans due to his tendency to be streaky on offense. I hope he absolutely tears it up with you guys.


Uh, lindholm is older than him and you just signed him for 7…


I would have preferred a shorter deal for Lindholm too, but there's no argument that his value - both as a player and to the team - is higher than JDB's.


As the third line center on the Canucks, he was amazing. Wouldn't pay him 7.75 until he is 37 though. But that's not my call. What's amazing is that I just learned Wikipedia has his middle name as "Zebulon". I don't care if that's not been verified, it's still the greatest thing about Lindholm.


At this point I just assume that Boston has some all-world guy waiting in the wings to replace him and the team will be even better as a result


They do have Lysell


Poitras as well.


I bet they will.


He’s extremely streaky and emotionally sensitive. Decent playoff performer. Good luck


No rumors about this at all WTF


Yeah there was. Dhaliwal talked about it


He talks about literally every free agent lol


He covered all his bases so he's always right. The only downside is that he's also always wrong


I should have taken this approach to my uni exams


If you mention every free agent might come to Vancouver, eventually you'll be right


well he was right about this one lol


Death, taxes and General Manager Patrik Allvin making the announcement


I’m gonna go against the grain here and compliment the Canucks. I think this is a great signing. DeBrusk is unnecessarily talked down upon in Boston because of the 2015 Draft fiasco. He’s a great player. Bruins will regret not making this deal work with him.


I’m not convinced by any signing until I see the results on the ice, but at this point I have so much confidence in the discipline and focus our front office and coaching staff have that I trust anything they do. They’ve been really solid at identifying players that fit the style they want to play and having the team buy in.


"Confidence in the discipline and focus our front office" Imagine saying that a few years ago


I like our front office too... but they did sign Mikheyev and Kuzmenko to awful contracts.


That is true, they also were able to admit both those mistakes and dealt with them smoothly. At least encouraging in that respect


I think he's gonna fit Tocchet's system really well. And no offense to you guys, but he's gonna play with a much better centre than you guys gave him Woulda preferred a year less but that's the cost of FA and just look at how many players are getting term into their late 30s rn. I'm quite happy. I think a lot of people's perceptions are skewed because of how long we've been in the flat cap.


I mean he was streaky even when playing with Bergeron and Krejci, but I do love the guy and he will be sorely missed.


Yeah fair enough. Not saying it's a slam dunk but I think it's more likely to work out quite well. If he can gain any semblance of consistency playing with petey I think it'll age very well for most of the deal


Yeah it’s a good deal. He nearly hit 30 goals just 2 seasons ago but he got hurt during the Winter Classic. He’s also great defensively and turns it on in the playoffs (and against the Leafs). I wish him nothing but the best.


What was the draft issue? Out of the loop.


They had three consecutive picks in the teens and missed on all three only to have Matt Barzal, Kyle Connor, and Thomas Chabot drafts in the three subsequent picks.


Yes and I’m going to push back and say that DeBrusk wasn’t a “miss” - there were just other players picked after him who are better.


Boston drafted 3 picks back to back to back. 2 of them were complete busts. Debrusk was the only one that worked out. Those three were picked ahead of players like boeser Chabot and Connor.


There were 12 NHL all-stars selected in the first 24 picks of the 2015 NHL draft. The Bruins made 3 of those 24selections. They got 0 all-stars. ...and of the other non all-stars, one is Joel Erikson Ek. DeBrusk, being a nice NHL player was their biggest "get" in that borderline legendary draft.


The Bruins had 3 picks in a row, of which DeBrusk is easily the best player. Problem is Mat Barzal was taken immediately afterwards


Why on earth is this the deal where people are up in arms about the term? Like 10 guys today got signed into their late 30s. Golly. 27-34 is not bad naturally Debrusk just posted a 90% WAR jfresh chart Seems he is a slightly late bloomer One of the best FA deals yet by far


It’s a very fair deal. 7 years for a 27-year-old is completely manageable.


Yeah, at least 5 of those 7 years are legit good value on this contract. Having it expire when he's 34 is good business, imo. Odds are he'll still be serviceable at that age.


I don't get this reaction either. Seems most are in arms about 7 years but as you point out, why is this one taking all the heat for that considering he's younger than the other guys. He's not some 30+ year old being signed for 7 years. I'm a very big fan of this signing. Fits the Canucks needs and system quite well and he could certainly provide excess value.


I’m happy for Jake. Vancouver is a beautiful city, the team is good, the goalie is a stud, and being on the west coast of Canada puts him significantly closer to Louie in Edmonton. Great move for him.


That’s Tyler Bertuzzi money !


Idk it’s not terrible It’s a lot of term but if he can figure out his consistency issues he will be a 30 goal scorer


Seems similar to when Hyman got his contract. I think Vancouver can get more offensive production out of him than Boston did.


His dad will be conflicted.


7 years???????


Better than five years to Marchessault or four years to Toffoli really…


I don’t think that’s completely horrible. Will turn 28 when the season starts.  Maybe a year too much. 


I’ve noticed Allvin is banking hard on the rising cap by giving young-ish guys term. He’ll be 34 when the deal is over, he should be serviceable at 5.5M after 7 years of rising cap He’ll be the same age as a guy Iike Toffoli when this deal *ends*


yeah the logic behind it is fine given how young he is, just don't know if he's the player we need for Petey given the finishing concerns. hope there's not too much trade protection


He has finishing concerns? All I've heard about him is that he's a great defensive player, and that he's a prolific goal scorer for his role




stats last year were terrible but apparently he also had a broken hand, so hopefully that recovers well


People are not prepared for the salary rise in the next 4 years. 3 years from now guys like DeBrusk are going to be wondering why they signed for 7 years.


You guys are hitting your window now as well so sacrificing term for lower AAV benefits you in the short term


Please no COVID 25 please no COVID 25


I don't think he's a 5.5 mil player though.


Nah, a guy who could be expected to score 20-25 is definitely in that range. 7 years is the bigger risk.


Career 0.33/gpg, 0,5/ppg. Solid PO performer.  I thought it looked steep at first but I guess thats what these players cost nowadays. 


What do you think it takes to get a good FA?


Winger for Pettersson I guess?


That seems like a fantastic fit to me. Gives Pettersson his winger for the rest of his prime. Hopefully.


The DeBrusk - Kadri beef continues for another 6 years Flames fans, get ready to PK more when you play Vancouver


Aren't they looking to trade Kadri? 


[Will love and miss you.](https://images.app.goo.gl/KznQ5vTwgcnNjF8c8) Enjoy BC, Snek. Treat him well




I'm not upset. It's a long term, but he's young and the cap value is decent.


Well they win the cup if they meet the Leafs in the finals


Bro thinks we're making it past the first round lmao


Chances have gone drastically up on account of not having to play Debrusk until the SCF


I'm just looking forward to how civil g----- all of Canada will be when Toronto faces off against Vancouver for the cup.


my wet dream


> Leafs in the finals Ha! These are still the same Leafs that have only once won three series in a single playoff year in their entire history. And that was so long ago that the first round was a two game, total goals series.


... when was that? edit: ooo, 1931. First year in MLG. Even before the O6 era.


I bet he does well under Tocchet


Dont listen to any Bruins fans ripping on DeBrusk. He's an extremely streaky scorer, but I mean who isnt outside of the elite players. Plays with his heart on his sleeve, and ALWAYS has a few big goals in the playoffs.


Seems pretty solid tbh


Not bad tbh.


Yeah I don't get why people are upset by this. He's only 27. It's not a steal, and it's not an overpay. Seems pretty in line with market value.


We didn’t match that? Wow…. I’m sad, goodbye Snek


That ain’t bad.


So we swapped, 2 for 2, neat


How else?


Lindholm and Zadorov to Boston, DeBrusk and Forbort signed with the Canucks


Did you break the forbort signing? Haven’t heard that anywhere lol


I’m literally Patrick Allvin


Thanks for waking up today Patrick


SEVEN YEARS????? GMs get a cap raise for the first time in years and lose their minds


he's 27? this isn't even that crazy lol


I swear people see ages of a hockey player like this now: 18-20: Prospect, entry-level contract 21-25: Prime, big money contract 26+: Oldest fuck in the league, should be retired, sign anybody this age to a PTO and then a 1-year, $775K deal.


Lol ya, and it's annoying. Lots of players are very solid into their 30's. Hell, it's not uncommon these days for them to have one of their better years at that time. There was a study years ago that kind of pointed out players may peak at 25/26, and people took that as right after that age they then start an immediate decline and suck. It also didn't factor in that good players tend to be good for a lot longer than fringe guys, but they were lal grouped together.


"This player is 30 years old. It's a miracle he's even alive."


28 at the start of the season. Still, not terrible. Takes him through his age 34 season


Better than Gentzel at least.


I think this is a totally fine signing and I’m honestly a bit bummed the Bruins weren’t able to keep him for that AAV. Term is a little long, but he was a great defensive forward and could play both wings while contributing to the offense in spurts. Versatile guy and I totally understand why he’s making 5.5


It’s the only way Canadian teams keep the AAV down basically


The 26-28 range is like THE perfect time to sign a long contract. You've seen enough to know what you're probably getting, first half of it is likely to be worth it, the latter half you pay it back but hope the cap raises. Signing a 7 year contract with a 24ish is much riskier unless we're talking about a franchise player who produced immediately AND is willing to do so when they know they could potentially fetch a higher price with a bridge


American teams do it too tho....


GMs today acting like me after payday lmao


GM go crazy after years of dead cap


Its like we made a trade today!




Decent contract. 7 years is a bit long but should be a contract that can be moved if necessary in later years. $5.5m in years 4-7 will not be that high of % of Cap, teams will take it. He should fit into the system Tocchet is putting in place.


great signing


I am fine with this. As a Bruins fan I could never fully get behind this guy. He was making $4million last year and I thought that was equivalent to his talent. Glad someone else is paying him this money


Allvin ( Even tho Rutherford is pulling the strings ) cooked with that.


I don't hate it for Vancouver but I wouldn't have loved it for Boston. He is a frustrating player because he has all the tools to be a consistent 30-goal two-way player. But I don't know how bad he wants it. I'd certainly take him over Evander Kane in Edmonton though.


Ill take this over ehat the bruins did to sign Big Z and lindholm woof


That’s not bad


Debrusk is a very solid player who is still young AND has upside AND plays well in the post-season. This is a good #. I don't think the Bruins could pay him that so good for him!


Man ... JR/Allvin must have a lot of faith that DeBrusk is about to break out cause 5.5x7 for a guy that has only broken 50 points once is a long time.




Nyr fan laughing when Drury just bought out Trouba lmfao.


That’s a lot isn’t it??


no :/ he's a really good playoff performer. this is a big loss for us. he may have been streaky but he fully bought into the boston bruins bullshit and looked great in the uniforms too. i'm sad. i'll always remember him and bergeron looking adorable after jake's 100th goal :/ also his dad is kinda hot in a canadian flyover province way


Appreciate you chiming in, it does seem like a slight overpay but its free agency. And obviously he's going to slot in next to Petey cause that's where the gap on our roster is. Don't worry though, Lindholm was killer in the playoffs for us so you'll replace the production. And Zaddy, pfft holy shit, another level in the playoffs. Honestly he was better than Hughes against Nashville.


definitely not an overpay. he shows up when it matters: playoffs. his regular season is where he gets streaky but he really came into his own last season. probably due to a combo of playing on the bergeron-marchand line as well as monty's coaching style. i have no doubt he will be just as amazing if not better for you. tochet seems like the perfect coach from him too. i'm definitely excited for lindholm but i just don't love change lol


He has 47 points in 86 playoff games, what makes him such a great playoff performer? Seems like that aligns with his regular season pace.


I'm just glad he's out west. It felt like the guy was a nightmare for us every playoff series.


Monkeys paw curls, he scores a game 7 game winning goal in the Stanley cup finals against us


Tbh seems like a sweet deal


I don’t think the price is that bad. It’s the term I would have an issue with.


Maybe a year too long, but frankly we're staring down the barrel of a competitive window and I'm okay sacrificing that year down the road.


No he had 27 goals in 64 games last year.


Should note he did that in the cushiest position imaginable, net front on a lethal PP and top line with Marchand and Bergeron. But he’s a solid player and if he’s with two good linemates I think 25 goals is a good bet. 30 in a career year


He’ll probably be net front PP1 with Miller, Petterson, Boeser & Hughes. He’ll also be 2nd line on Petey’s wing.


Should be a good fit. He was loved in the locker room too. Fans were hard on him cause he’s streaky and they interpreted that as an effort issue but I don’t personally believe that was ever very fair. He is what he is - you put him in a scoring situation, you’ll get 20-25 goals, 50-60 point production. You put him in a less than ideal spot, you’ll get 15 goal, 35-45 point production. You’ll get solid 2 way play no matter what, and good penalty killing


Hes going to get the most favourable linemates and opportunities. Our #1LW slot is wide open


My man, y'all just signed our boy Tanev to six. But yes this seems like a lot.


Good now Vancouver fans can stop commenting in every thread saying, "I guess we're not signing anyone today. 😢"


So many whiny babies on our sub




And Vancouver got Debrusk, they’re just trading free agents lmao


I’m going to trust this management again, is this better than the Lindholm contract? I’m not sure


Jake the Snek, gonna miss him. Such a bright bubbly kid. Ill always remember him scoring a big goal in the playoffs and he skates by the bench while gesturing to the spoked-B on the front of his jersey


Probably only would’ve given him 6, but more playoff performers is always a good thing.


I liked Jake. I'm sad to see his overall game leave, but I think Vancouver fans will be a bit disappointed at his production for this type of contract. We'll see. Part of me thinks he's going to have a fall off just because the Bruins are so strong system wise and that might have helped him out a bit.


Woo-hoo! Out of the east!


take care of him nucks fans. nothing but happy for jake and wish him the best. he was a divisive player among the fans in boston at times due to his streakiness, however he always produced in the playoffs when it mattered most. my personal favorite memory of his: single handily winning the 2023 winter classic by scoring 2 goals on a broken leg. legendary shit right there.


I've completed my emotional rollercoaster and decided this is a good thing. Hopefully he slides in nicely with Petterson and we all live happily ever after.


I guess the canucks are my western team now.


I think Tocchet and co. are going to be able to bring his game to the next level.


I wanted Vancouver to stay away from DeBrusk. He’s streaky and can be extremely frustrating. A lot of Boston fans have said he’s not a big market team. Seven years is a long commitment. It’s time to put faith in the coaching staff to make the most of this player.


Gutted to see him leave the Bs. As a transplant Bostonian, I’ve come to really enjoy watching/attending their games. DeBrusk’s complete game was/is pretty solid. Surprised they didn’t hold onto him moving forward.


DeBrusk is only inconsistent when it comes to scoring, his defensive game has been basically always there since the last few years. He had a great season in 2022/23 before his injury


I like Debrusk but he's too streaky for a contract like that. He's consistent defensively and fast but when he disappears offensively, he's a black hole. The main thing about his streakiness is you hope he gets hot at the right time. People rave about his playoff performance here and last year was great, but he has also had some not so great playoff runs.




Not for that term LOL


Well he's only 27 so the term doesn't hurt like he's in his 30's.


Why would we be on suicide watch over this?


More like celebrating we avoided this contract lol


What the fuck


I'm sorry, what?!?!