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File charges and make sure his days of playing in your league are over. Not cool man. Hope youre alright




USA hockey sanctioned game? Dude will be banned for life. But also make sure you press charges


Sue him too. And file a restraining order


And if this guy has history, the league, too. A year for this means they are letting way too much shit slide.


Concussion =TBI traumatic Brain Injury. If this was in the past 2 weeks you really shouldn't be looking at a screen. Good luck in your recovery. It took me several months to feel 100% after my concussion.


After my TBI it took about 5 years to feel like myself again, although it put me in a coma so probably a lot different. Brain injuries are scary man.


Yup, my last one was about 2 years for me. Started feeling slowly better about a year ago, 6 months ago I felt sharp again. It changed my life completely for that time and I’m scared af to bang my head like that again.


Concussions are a mild traumatic brain injury, but are more of a functional injury than structural Also, the screen thing is no longer considered to be helpful — especially after the first 48 hours.


Not true at all about the screens. That's old Intel.


Flashing lights more than just screens.


I know that dude had good intentions, but it’s just a bad idea to take medical advice on Reddit. Talk to your doctor people.


Damn dude. I’m sorry. That sucks… I hope you recover.


Bro im filing a police report for assault charges


Im so interested to know the back story. O.p. Is only 18 19ish according to his posts i wonder what the age is of everyone playing. Granted its wrong no matter what, but i knew plenty of people like this back in the day. Not playing hockey but just general fucking assholes. Totally can see a 18 y.o player being a butt hurt little bitch about a call and checking another 18 y.o


I’m 19, 45 year old guy absolutely bodied me


Immediate removal from the game. No reason for that to even happen.


Removal from league too.


Forever ban


Assault charges...looks like that clown needs to learn a lesson


Yeah, I get people getting frustrated, I get *some* things done in the heat of the moment...but if you're a grown-ass adult that can't control yourself enough playing sports to not try to actually throw punches or a check on someone in beer league, *especially a ref* you don't deserve to play sports. You deserve therapy and at least some community service. I don't know what it is about playing sports that makes some people think they shit like that is acceptable.


Especially since it was a 19 year old kid. That’s some real fucking bullshit to pull on a young man like that, and honestly I wouldn’t be mad if someone from the other team went in there and rekt his shit for treating a kid like that.


If it was somebody from MY team, I would have gone after them.


Look. Us beer leaguers go out there and put up an NHL caliber product on the ice night in and night out. It’s not much to ask the same of the refs and if they can’t do it we should be allowed to kill them


You know, I hadn't thought of it this way. I've reversed my position. The ref should be put in jail!


I agree. It’s not like there’s a shortage of assholes and this guy irreplaceable. Just ban him from the league and move on. No one would miss him so who cares.


My area would ban him from playing organized hockey. Refs stick together on this shit.


Straight to jail!


Yes. The guy should never be allowed in any other league ever.


If he is willing to do this to a ref I can only imagine what he would do to a player. He should not be playing hockey.


Or his kids


I heard that some guy was reported and supposed to be removed. Refs knew him, saw him on the bench, told the teams “We aint dropping a puck till he’s gone” said it took about 3 minutes of everyone yelling at him to leave.


To be fair if it’s a guy doing stuff like this every ref probably knows him.


where i am, the league is a bit bushy. so if that happened in my league i would be messaging all the other leagues in our area and working with the town for a trespass order on the rink. if he is willing to do that to a ref, he is willing to verbally assault a ref at his kids games, or assault another parent. not worth the risk. i would be in touch with RCMP as well. i would also look at better cameras.


Press charges


Press charges, document any and all pain or injuries that result from this, document any lost wages or missed shifts, get a lawyer, sue. That’s 100% honestly what I would do in your situation. Even before knowing the ages of those involved, which makes this even more egregious.


Yup. He got assaulted. Plain and simple. Hope you are okay, but get this guy removed before he does anymore harm and get what you are owed if you are hurt.


And I’d be milking the fuck outta the aches and pains from that hit if I’m OP


45 year old is an adult. He makes an adult decision, he can pay adult consequences. Report to USA Hockey. File charges. Sue him for medical bills (court shit is stressful, so I understand if you don’t want to do this). But definitely file a police report bc a paper trail of his behavior is important.


File with police. Get medical evidence of your injuries. Consult with lawyers about civil litigation. People like this need to learn the hard way.


None of these people are wrong. If you look at my post history enough, you can figure out what I do for work. This is assault or battery, potentially with a weapon. Talking to the police is a very smart move, especially if he somehow gets wind of this post. It would be terrible if he did this to more people and he should get in trouble for doing it to you. If you get paid to ref these games by some league, and you are injured, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits. Medical treatment can be expensive. If you are injured, you can also talk to a personal injury attorney. Both of these attorneys should do free consultations to tell you your options, and both-usually-only get paid if you win. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or annoyed, having an advocate fighting so you don’t have to can be nice.




How did the pathetic old man react?


I know others have said already. But you need to 100% need to press charges on this clown. You never know how this will affect you down the road. File the charges, thank me later


45 years old, that jackass knows better. As everyone has said, press charges and make sure he has a lifetime ban and jail time.


Help protect the next person from whatever rage induced fit he throws.


Absolutely press charges


No one on the ice stood up for you after this bullshit from a grown ass man??? I’m sorry man that’s horrible this happened to you. people wonder why we struggle for refs. As others have said file charges.. get him banned from the league and…unethical tip.. drop his name to any big fellas you know in the league before he gets removed. Hope for a speedy recovery for you brother.


You can’t let that behavior slide. You need to report him so he can’t play any longer and hope the consequences force him to realize what a shithead he was. Until someone stands up to that behavior, it will continue.


Fucking loser. Sorry that happened to you man


that’s funny because my first assumption was that he was some grumpy old 50 something that is angry he never did anything with his life and takes out his anger on people in his beer league


I would have ejected the player from the game and showed the league the footage so they can be permanently banned from the league. There is no place for this in any league for any situation. Every player knows that. Case closed.


He got a one year ban I got a concussion


Even 1 year is nothing. That was a criminal charge.


Good luck with that, he could just say he ran into him and it was an accident. Cops probably won't do anything


clearly wasn't from the video tho lol


Yeah that's nuts, any league I've been in you do anything like that to an official it's pretty much a lifetime ban.


Wait for the criminal proceedings to finish and sue him. But talk to a lawyer now.


Let social media do its thing. Give us the league/ rink name in NJ Atlantic city. One year ban shows terrible decision making and support for their refs.


I hope you pressed charges. This isn’t part of the game. This is someone who’s an angry troll off the ice that is taking his anger out on a vulnerable person.


I’m 19, and the league asked me a favor to ref as they couldn’t find any. Now I have a concussion and this dude is only banned for a year


And hopefully a criminal record for assault


A year ban!? That's fucking ridiculous. That guy would never be let back in rec hockey period in our league.. That's awful man and I hope your concussion settles quickly with no lasting issues.


I would tell the league that you have suffered a very serious injury - a concussion - and that you feel banning this grown man for a year after he attacked an official who is essentially still a child in inadequate. They should ban him for life. If they don't agree, tell them you are considering a lawsuit against this guy for assault and if they don't ban him for life you will name the league as a dependent as well. They could very well be liable for not properly protecting officials and players, especially if this guy has any history of violence in the league and they certainly wouldn't want to deal with the costs and risk of defending themselves.


Yes. This. Let their insurance provider make the right decision for you. I’m petty - so I’d likely also contact the local press and name and shame those involved.


Absolutely add the league into the lawsuit for not taking it seriously.


Be careful with saying this like this. Making the lawsuit against the league conditional like that is borderline extorsion. Instead, name them in your lawsuit regardless, and be willing to negotiate a settlement where you drop the suit against them if they take more appropriate action against this guy.


I play in the league. Dudes a Pyscho and this is normal behavior for him. Every single game. Glad he’s banned, hopefully permanently


Fuck that guy. Hope you feel better soon dude


Definitely should be a lifetime ban


Push on that. He should be gone for life.


No wonder they can’t find any. The guy should never be allowed to play in the league again.


You were assaulted under their employ and have a long term and possibly life long injury. Lawyer up, and let them handle it from there.


Depends on how the league is set up, the refs might be "contractors".


Where is this rink? I come from a fighting league background in Quebec when I was growing up. Played high level hockey and would love to punch this guys eyes shut


Atlantic City nj


Now you know why they couldn't find any refs. Take this as a lesson to only work games that your local assignors give you. There are reasons why local associations don't work with certain leagues, and they're usually good reasons. Don't do shit leagues on the side. Either you pay the price like this, or if someone else got hurt you could be liable and USA Hockey insurance wouldn't kick in. It's not worth the risk for $50 man.


Hey man, hope you get better soon. First off, you need to call the police if you haven't already. 2nd, it sounds like you're not a regular certified official. If this was a USA hockey game you need to find a way to file a game report. USA Hockey has a system to do this, but it sucks. Id start with an email to your district referee in Chief.


You should sue the club and the individual for any and all medical bills, lost wages, etc. club might make the ban a little longer once their insurance is cancelled or their premiums go through the roof.


Their instagram says he is suspended indefinitely.


That's nuts. When my son played, he had a teammate with anger issues who went after a ref. The ref wasn't injured, but the kid still got a three year ban from the league which was effectively a lifetime ban because he would have aged out after, and an actual lifetime ban from the rink. And that was for no serious injury.


If you’re in the US get ahold of USA hockey and they will most likely revoke his membership for life. Then he won’t be able to play in any league. That type of shit is completely uncalled for.


I hope you recover quickly. Let’s hope no team picks him up after his ban. I play in Michigan and we have a process to filter these type of people out. No teams will take them.


A concussion is a serious injury man. Hope you get the justice you deserve from this dumb unprovoked attack


Yeah, idk where you’re based, but in many states touching an official in any way is an automatic assault charge. Other states need it to just not be something that’s “a part of a normal hockey game.” Fuck that guy, get paid.


Only a year?! Abuse of an official comes with a lifetime ban in every league I've ever played in.


Banned by the rink??? Appeal to USA to ban him for life


I think you need to also sue the league if they’re only suspending him for a year and not lifetime


Sue the league and that prick


dude I've been refing for 10+ years and have seen a year ban for way less than that. Last guy i know that assaulted a ref has not played any organized hockey in over 5 years. If this was a AAU or USA sanctioned league report it to them, go right over the local leagues head. that's a perma ban in organized hockey.


OP just reiterating, absolutely press charges


I did press charges


Good, dude. Keep us posted. Insane how people do this shit. No way this should ever be tolerated.


Confirm with lawyer prior to keeping us posted


If it’s only a year ban you should prolly start considering if the rink/league should be included in legal proceedings. Granted my league is definitely the opposite extreme, but I swear you look at a ref the wrong way in my league you’re gonna get sent home. There’s never any reason to body a ref, but a 45-year old hitting a 19-year old from behind!?


Missed this comment before my first one.. hell yea fuck yea man good on you for taking swift proper action


He got a one year ban from the league kmow as the UAHL, non USA hockey sanctioned. I told the owner I would not work this league because he always takes the players backs not officials. All 3 off the leagues commissioners are on the black team(team of the player that hit me) and they did nothing. I’m concussed, out of playing hockey and reffing for 2 weeks, and I’m pressing charges EDIT—— he’s now banned for lifetime, ive been fully Compensated, and the owners of the UAHL have it handled. I was personally contacted and apologized to, I was also told that they had my back in any legal battle.




Something like this nearly happened to me when I was doing 2 man adult rec this past year in my first season as an official. The player thought I missed an obvious call when he lost an edge when his possession was contested and went into the boards, came charging after me screaming. Managed to react in time and avoid being hit. We gave him a GM and sent him off. I'd already had a serious concussion earlier in the year that had me in bed rest for 3 weeks so I was a bit jilted. One of the league organisers was also playing on his team giving me a piece of his mind at the time. I had a meeting with the other league organiser, went over video and showed there was no call to make on the player losing an edge. Throw the book at him. That's a grown man acting like total scum towards someone not even half his age. Things like this are why there's so few people wanting to even be an official. Swift recovery and hope to see good news for you.


Sounds like you need to take the entire league leadership to court


You should also file civil charges against the player and the league. They should be paying you compensation for pain and suffering.


And lost wages


Good for you. Pressing charges is tough, but someone needs to dole out the consequences. Badass of you to step up. We are here for you if you need support. You got this


Don’t drop the lawsuit either bro. F that guy for real!!


How do you feel about owning a league, because you could sue the league and literally take them for lack of action as an employee in workplace violence.


I wouldnt have anything to do with their league ever again, and file charges against the league. Since they created the problem in the first place.


Sorry you’re dealing with this OP. As some unsolicited IANAL advice, I would avoid saying anything further about this on social media until after this is all settled in court. The defense will use every little thing to shape the argument to make you look bad. Even if it seems like it’s obvious to you or supports your side. Trust me it will come out in discovery. Also don’t delete this or anything else. It’s never gone, the defense will find it, and it will look like you’re hiding something. Get a good lawyer that tells you the same.


Go after the league as well for unsafe workplace. If they aren't disqualifying dangerous players, they aren't providing safe workplace.


Talk to a lawyer. Pressing charges will result in criminal proceedings against this individual, but a lawyer can help you sue the individual and likely the league for your medical costs as well as pain and suffering.


Sue the league.


You gotta press charges big dawg. It’s horse shit that guy did that too you and that the other people there weren’t immediately responding


Who owns the rink? Show the video to them especially if it's a public rink. Maybe boot the league. Good luck pressing charges but don't be surprised if it doesn't go anywhere.


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Is this your incident? https://www.uahlhockey.com/news/official-statement-regarding-player-official-incident-49382


Yeah but, but that didn’t happen until later.


Also press charges against the league for allowing and endorsing this type of behavior.


Yeah dude you have NOT been compensated, based on your other replies. I’m a personal injury lawyer and I sure hope you didn’t sign a release in exchange for that, but I’m guessing you probably did for them to give you anything at all. Youre a kid and they know that you will be easy to take advantage of here. You are owed much more than just your wages for that game. They’re not paying you for your fucking concussion I presume. You need to talk to a lawyer asap, assuming you didn’t already sign away your right to sue the guy and organization. Any personal injury lawyer will consult with you for free, don’t worry about paying them. Then if you do have a case they’ll just take a percentage of the recovery, not charge you hourly. Wish you luck.


I haven’t signed nothing✌️


I'm assuming this was from livebarn? Let me know when and where this was and I can download you some higher quality video


File a police report for assault.


First off, try to find a better quality video then whatever this is. Then go to the league and recommend suspending this player indefinitely. You could probably go to the police as well but they’ve been known to brush of on ice hockey incidents.


It's right in front of the bench. The league can easily confirm what happened and any league worth being in absolutely would investigate and ban this guy. Most people I play with would happily report this to the league if it was their own guy that did it. Played with a clown like that for half a season and most of us couldn't wait to get rid of him.


I doubt they would brush off a player on referee incident. Player vs player I can see. Player against ref, that’s the same as assaulting a teacher.


Been there. They totally would. I got attacked by a coach after a game. I wasn't even the ref, was a linesman. The cops said if we pressed charges, the reffing squad would also be arrested for assault. You know, because the ref and the other linesman helped me pull the guy off and restrained him.


I’d take my chances with that one in court.


Yeah, maybe. But after taking some head shots, I broke his nose and knocked out half his teeth with a quick jab...


That sounds like an "I don't want to deal with the paperwork" type response... Always make them do their job.


This player was removed from the tournament and suspended indefinitely


That’s amazing to hear there’s some justice. This guy shouldn’t be able to step on the ice for a very long time.


r/hockeyrefs would be a better place to ask. I'd go with a match penalty for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. That'd be 601e - Abuse of Officials for USA Hockey. Numbers and wording may vary, but deliberate hostile contact with a ref is always gonna get you an ejection with automatic suspension in pretty much any league's rulebook. And yeah, I'd call the cops as well. Blindsiding a ref ain't part of the game. It's on video, and it was right in front of the other team's bench. Get their names/phone numbers if you can. Both for the cops and the league. This guy should be done with hockey and staying in a holding cell overnight. If there's even a question of an injury (you didn't pop back up), get checked in the emergency room.


Press charges bud. That's *fucked*. Alternatively, someone who isn't me might recommend to threaten to press charges to extort some sort of personal compensation directly from the offender. But that would be illegal and I *certainly* wouldn't recommend it.


It's not illegal to have a lawyer send a letter asking for compensation, "and if we aren't able to resolve this issue amicably then we will resort to all potential recourse both civil and criminal." Lawyers have that letter on standby just waiting to fill in the blanks.


You shouldn’t be hesitating what to do next . I hope you skated off the ice at the time of this . That’ll get everyone’s attention especially the league . File a police and get checked out for any injuries .


So I know in my state they view this no different than if you were to assault a police officer. It looks like NJ is the same. NEW JERSEY New Jersey Stat. Ann. Section 2C:44-1 (a) provides in part: In determining the appropriate sentence to be imposed on a person who has been convicted of an offense, the court shall consider the following aggravating circumstances: (8) The defendant committed offense against a police officer or other law enforcement officer, correctional employee or fireman, acting in the performance of his duties while in uniform or exhibiting evidence of his authority, the defendant committed the offense against a sports official, athletic coach or manager, acting in or immediately following the performance of his duties or because of the person’s status as a sports official, coach or manager. Guy is about to be the definition of fuck around and find out. Find a lawyer and press charges under this section OP.




What should you do? You threw him out right?


That fucker should never play organized hockey in any league, ever. The world has gone to shit when this kind of behaviour gets justified and excused.


Lawsuit. You don’t assume the risk of assault.


Not sure where this is or what kind of league it was, but I'm a certified ref with USA hockey so I'll go with that. This is clearly a match penalty under [601(e)(1)](https://www.usahockeyrulebook.com/page/show/1084645-rule-601-abuse-of-officials-and-other-misconduct). You should have filed a written report with USA hockey no later than 24 hours after the incident and followed up with the district referee-in-chief as well. Once those balls are rolling its technically up to the local authority to decide the suspension but I was once involved in a similar incident and the district RIC called into the meeting to make sure that, at a minimum, they are following the [standard discipline policy](https://www.usahockeyrulebook.com/page/show/6669971-standardized-discipline-policy-match-penalties). If the guidelines are not followed there are procedures outlined in the USA Hockey Annual Guide to elevate it to USA hockey and they will make sure appropriate action was taken. This is in addition to any legal charges you may or may not be able to pursue (and you should).


Gotta say, 56 years old, played since 6 thru D1 college and 30 years of rec league, never saw this before. Crazy


Take note of who it is, his number and what league he's in. When his suspension is up, find a sub opportunity in that league against him. Then enjoy catching him with his head down. As a ref myself, that's disgusting, heinous and inexcusable. As a fellow player, I'm all for the administration of justice by hockey law as well. Good luck with recovery. Hopefully that prick gets his.


I’m so tired of rec league assholes.


Next time don’t miss that offside call. But in all honesty, charge the dude, uncalled for regardless what happened in the game.


Too soon 😂. IMO fuck that league and its commissioners that play alongside that hack. Sorry OP, you did them a favor by stepping in to ref and they did you dirty. Happy Gilmore looked better on skates than that bender. Please update here as you go through the court process! I’d also take IAmDirtyRandy up on the better video quality offer for your case. I’ve played and reffed most of my life and seen some shit but this is unwarranted and disgraceful to the sport. You deserve better man. Really sell those long term aches and pains if you decide to go civil (not a lawyer but would highly recommend reviewing with an attorney), especially since you have been diagnosed with a concussion.


Despite the false rumors, the player was suspended from the tournament and suspended indefinitely from our league. Our typical process is a player can appeal after 1 year, in which it can be approved or denied. In this very obvious case, it would be denied. He was not removed immediately from the game because no one saw it happen or alerted the league officials what had happened. He would have been immediately removed otherwise. Once the livebarn video was brought to our attention, he was suspended and will no longer be allowed to play in our league.




Were you the only ref? Game should have been stopped and at the very least “the player “ should have been escorted out of the facility and banned. More likely should have charges brought against him. This kind of disrespect can never be tolerated.


This is fucking vile man. That guy is a fucking loser. I’d 100% get him banned from the league and probably file charges. That puke needs to learn


Match penalty and assault charges. Easy peasy


Can I get some more of them pixels?


Yes, officer, I'm this pixel and he's that pixel.


It’s up to you whether or not to take legal action. I would sure consider it. I think you could do referees and leagues everywhere in your area a big favour by circulating this video with the guys name around to every league within 100 miles of where you live. Make sure this guy doesn’t end up playing somewhere else nearby.


At the very least eject him from the game and suspension to the fullest extent you can apply. Then go to the league show the video. If not satisfied and want to seek damages to him try a police report in whatever jurisdiction you’re in. Good luck. That’s one of the most fucked things I’ve seen in my 30 years playing.


Player should definitely be suspended indefinitely. He gets that angry over a game he will do it again. It's only hockey, it's only a game. Why you hef to be mad?


Police report, even if you don't want to go the criminal route file the report anyway and contact a lawyer for a civil suit. Contact whatever league this is and show them, contact the rink manager and show them. You didn't mention any injuries but the risk of one was there. This is something that you should feel no shame about making a stink over.


wtf, telling stripes he’s blind and belongs on a ringette game is fine… but this is fucking brutal, that guy needs help. wtf.




Press charges and make sure who ever runs the league actually suspends bans him. could have broke your neck.


Banned indefinitely


Good 🙏


Are you a time traveler? Because this was obviously filmed on a 2007 Motorola Razr


Filing a police report for assault.


People aren’t gonna learn until there’s no officials left at all.


What type of Samsung phone was this video filmed on? It’s worse than the quality of the TV when the Leafs last won a cup.


It's Livebarn in an older rink. The download feature compresses video a ton and as people sent it around (I played in this tourney) it kept compressing more


It’s one of those flip phone camera phone thingies.


At least it’s in colour.


Is it though?


Press charges. Hope you’re okay


You get off the ice and call the police and file assault charges.


Throw him out the game


Police report, and a report with USA hockey. Likely a lifetime ban


Whether you press charges or not is your call. But this should absolutely be given to the league and if they are worth a damn, that player will never play another game in that league or in that barn again.


Press fucking charges!


Press charges and report to USA Hockey/Hockey Canada.


Idiot should be banned from the league and charged.


Press charges, put his name all over social media, send to every person that you can to tell them to spread the word "Never to let this guy play a game again." Maybe even get a few of the by's to go meet him somewhere after and teach him a real lesson in being tough


This is a lifetime ban from the rink and assault charges.


He should pay all your medical bills and face felony assault charges. Sue him the video is absolute proof your life was put in danger. What if you went headfirst into the wall and broken your neck ? Fuck that POS he should pay severely for his asshole behavior. I was a refs worst nightmare when I played, but I never physically harmed a ref, but I did verbally abuse them at times. I worked over a ref for not calling a hook on a breakaway, and cursed him every time I skated by him. He skated up ice with me and said….. I’ll make a deal with you, if you don’t curse me I won’t tell you all the mistakes you make in your shifts. We both couldn’t stop laughing and I never worked him over again. We became friends and he would join us to grill brats and have beers with the boys in the parking lot after our games. It’s not an easy job being a ref. Make that J O pay.


Immediate ejection, suspension and probably ban from the league, most leagues will tolerate a zero percentage of abuse towards officials Outside of the league? Press charges and get some kind of restraining order so that you never have to deal with them again. If they’re the type of person to attack a ref on the ice, they’ll do it off the ice too


As a referee for many, MANY years I can tell you that the police would've been called before the next puck drop. A match penalty would have been called, and if anything less than at least a season-long ban was given then I'd be driving my ass to Colorado Springs.


This is a game misconduct for violating Rule 601 (d) (4) "Interferes in any physical manner with any on-ice or off-ice official, in performing their duties".  If the player was "applying deliberate physical force, or attempting to inflict physical harm to any game official", then this is a match penalty under 601 (e) (1).  From the video clip, the player skated into the official, but did not appear to target the official. I would recommend a game misconduct and write that up in the report to the league. 


This is horrible I mean I get being mad at a call or smth but taking it out on you is just terrible I would file a police report


This is why I stopped playing hockey. Too many grown ass babies taking the random Sunday game seriously.


This is not contemplated when Reffing a game. Thats an adult with anger issues. Stop it now before someone else gets it worse. He’ll get off easy, but maybe he’ll get closer to learning this isn’t acceptable to anyone, even on ice…. Against a ref


God, that is terrible! People are so damn angry for no reason. That was 100% uncalled for, and a one-year ban isn't enough. I hope you're able to press charges. Rest up! Fuck that POS! Hopefully, he gets what is coming.


Make sure he doesn’t get to play anymore. What a pussy.


At the time of the incident, match penalty, review to local tribunal. File changes with local authorities.


Buddy post a video that doesn’t look like a potato


Definitely file a complaint against him or you are complicit the next time this manchild has a temper tantrum and assaults somebody else for daring to do something with which he disagrees. File a complaint. Go see a doctor. Then, go get a second and third opinion. If there are any lingering effects, see specialists for them too. Document everything. Then, you sue bitch ass.


Sue everyone involved, including the three teammates that apparantly run the league.


Would probably be fined and suspended in my league, maybe even banned. Not sure a police report would go anywhere.


It’s just beer league, no way that guy takes it so seriously. What a clown. I’m 19 and also a ref, people have said some nasty shit including a few death threats here and there. You’ll be ok.


File a police report and take him to both criminal and civil court. Ruin that fool so he can't do that shit again.


My friends play for a team in that league. Remember the night it happened everyone was furious over it. Hope you’re feeling better boss


I was purposely punched after breaking up a fight. I reported it to the organization and they did nothing. I resigned.


I'd assume the player got himself a lifetime ban, which for me would be enough... but if he somehow didn't and is still able to play? Sue everyone, bad as that sounds. The player, the team, the damn league, and threaten to shut the whole thing down. That way, even if you don't follow through with it, at least you'll set the standard going forward: getting physical with a ref = your whole team/league gets fucked.


Fuck his wife