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ask for paperwork showing approval of the work


There isn't any.


well then, they did work that you didn't ask for. sounds like no money owed. check with a lawyer


That's the way I see it. I thought the offer of $1500 was fair under the circumstances.


That is still more than double your original quote 😳🤯


I know. My daughter is stuck on $1K.


I don’t think I would pay for something I didn’t contract or agree to. I once had a gas company just come fill my propane tank w/o even knocking on my door; owners before us hadn’t lived there in over 2 yrs. They just left a $900+ bill on my door. I refused to pay it. I didn’t order it and I wasn’t even asked. We owned the tank [came with the house] so we had every right to shop around. They just thought they could pull a fast one. I told them they could eat the cost of their mistake or come take the propane.


What happened?


I didn’t pay and they didn’t take the propane back. Not sure where you are but that happened in Montana and we had only been living there for a few weeks before this happened. It was my first time having a propane tank so I wasn’t sure what would happen. But in the end they didn’t paid and they didn’t take the propane back. Years later we even ordered from them as their prices at the time were the lowest. Never came back up. Not saying you wouldn’t have to ‘prove yourself’ in court, but I don’t see how they could demand payment for something that wasn’t arranged. There is no contract or way for them to hold you accountable that I can see.


No, there is nothing written or verbal.


Give nothing at all. It is a federal violation to charge a leaking system. He failed to fix the leak first, then charge it. Pay nothing. They can sue you and mention to the court that : A) no work was authorized ! B)they charged a leaking system, so all the freon is now gone as well. 1500 is not fair? The fan replacement is too high at $700⁰⁰, but needing freon might cause you to replace the whole system. Find a tech on Craigslist who looks for leaks, fixes the leak , then get it charged. Most companies just wanna replace the system.


It is especially when you consider Even that old r22 Freon costs about $40 a pound. I honestly can't figure out how HVAC businesses get away with the margin that they do. They mark up practically everything about 5X. The fan motors., I don't know which one you need but most of them are under $200. The capacitors they charge a hundred bucks for typically come from the supply house for about 8 to 15. I mean I understand charging labor, I typically bill 250 to $400 an hour, that's labor though, this parts markup though is just insane. That r22, They paid around $120 for it. Plus it took the kid maybe half an hour. They charge you $875


For fucks sake...you are right about the freon cost. I just looked it up. I thought it would be much higher being that it was the old stuff. The Supervisor impicated to me on the phone that that was something that would be hard to negotiate. Now, I'm really pissed.


I used the model number to look up some of the parts. Fam motor was $235 and the capacitor was $35. The company charged over $1000 for both. There was also the disconnect and something else and they were like $350 each. Now we're at $1700 plus $875 for 3 lbs of R-22 freon equals $2575 plus labor for $2900.00


Also keep in mind that professionals use outlets like supplyhouse.com. prices are a lot lower than what you will find on Amazon or elsewhere. The average run capacitor is 10 or so. There are a couple of others but they all have pricing you can't see until you log in See what I mean now. They are marking up everything 3 to 5X. They try to write the bill to make it look like the labor really isn't that bad but the margin on the entire job is just insane. This is what happens when not enough people go into the trades


Any idea what a disconnect costs?


I'm not really sure what that would be. I even installed the AC in my own home. Basically you have a coil pack under the furnace, you run copper lines from that to the condenser, I can't think of what the disconnect would be unless they are considering that disconnecting the lines and then recharging them? That would involve rebrazing them. If that's the case they are charging you $350 for a weld Unless they mean disconnecting the fan? Disconnecting the power? Because I can't think of what part that would refer to


I wouldn't pay them a cent. Don't reward this shit behavior


Do you guys realize that asking a lawyer a question is $450-600 an hour when you constantly say that on Reddit? Like you were right in the first place. No work order, not their problem, companies can't just do work without authorization. A lawyer though, that is a terrible idea


the bill is 3k. spending a chunk of change to confirm my bullshit opinion is cheap insurance


So let me get this right. You want to spend $450 for the first hour, then another 3 to $400 to have them write a letter. Then if the HVAC company doesn't do anything you want to spend 5 to $10,000 to take them to court? Is that about right because that's the way it could very easily go Or, he can negotiate himself, he didn't sign the work order, if they try to go after him he can count sue them in small claims court. Walk into the judge, HVAC company will make their case, all he has to say is, so where's the work order I signed? Where did I agree to any of this? And that would be that


No need for lawyers , the value is for small claims court. Just go in and make the two claims , 1) that no work was authorized 2)he failed to fix the leak before he charged the unit , a clear violation of EPA laws regarding refrigerants . Mention the cost of a new fan motor is $225⁰⁰ with the markup, and the cost of a capacitor being $10⁰⁰.


Every lawyer I've ever talked to gives a free consult. Lots of information can be learned during your free 30-45 min chat. $450 is also way better than $2900 if lawyer needs to draft a letter to the HVAC company telling them why you legally won't be paying them.


Well then you don't owe them anything. If they try to tell you that you do, inform them that they will hear from your lawyer for their vandalism of your AC unit. They probably won't even make you lawyer up, but be ready to. I had a similar issue with a lawn care company that I hired to take care of an overgrown area behind my fence. They came multiple times and sprayed my entire lawn rather than the small area I wanted them to. Tried to charge me for .3 acres instead of a couple hundred feet. I threatened to report them for illegally dumping chemicals on my property and they backed off right quick. When people start doing stuff on or to your property that you didn't authorize, you've got a pretty big stick to threaten them with.


Exactly. Is this a troll post? Quit all the bs. You didn't agree to it, you do not owe anything. Tell them exactly that. THE END.


Troll post?


Exactly, you owe him nothing


Tell em to fuck off and take you to court. That's what I'd do. You never gave permission and there is no written or verbal agreement. I'm not a lawyer, though. But I'd fight it out of principle. That dude is a complete fuck.


I looked up some of the parts installed using the model number. I could buy the fan motor ($235)and (capacitor $35). Company charged $1085 for both.


Dude's trying to juice you. Probably thinks you're gonna roll over and pay. Guarantee they just eat the cost and move on when you tell em to take you to court. I don't really think they have a leg to stand on. It's shaky for them at best. Not worth the trouble.


What gets me is that this is a reputable company and they know they fucked up.


well, you don't need to do much aside from gather docs and write a narrative of the timeline in case they sue you. spend an hour on a lawyer now to make sure you're solid


the other estimate was 700 - that sticks in my mind. plus, you wanted an estimate, not the work today


Yeah, and my daughter has a service contract with the other company that provides for 2 lbs of freon if needed.


well, this is at least a good training exercise for your daughter. take all the stuff i said to do and have her do it - someone will try to take advantage later and it's good to have practice


So reasonable prices,, you have 1085 For parts, 200 for freon, a couple hours labour. Another poster said he would charge 250 to 500 ,, so a 1000 in labour max. So taxes,, $2300..... So small claims would get you $600 . Sounds like it would be worth it.


It was like $1700 for parts...$875 for freon... $400 for labor.


I see maybe ,, Check YouTube to see if a fan replacement requires freon removal. If not In order to add freon there needed to be a leak... Ask for the repair details. If you can't get a deal then see if they are BBB member make a complaint,, the bbb put the complaint on their site and track if it was resolved.


Among other things , he added 3 lbs of freon then noted on the invoice that the system had a leak.


That's my feeling. Company admitted that kid normally worked with other experienced techs instead of being on his own.


Make sure all of this is documented. Take it to a lawyer and ask for a cease and desist letter so they stop asking for payment. There was no contract of any kind. The.work was done by an inexperienced tech who should not have been alone. Stop discussing partial payments, grow a spine and say NO! NO, I did not want this. NO, I am not.paying for it. NO, I will not back down and give in. Just NO!


Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Company supervisor came out and said they could apply the $2900 towards the purchase of a new 2.5 ton unit for $7K and would do $10K including the furnace. WTF?


lolno never deal with them again


And share all that on Google reviews. If they did that to OP, they're probably trying similar stuff with other people.


They’re entrapping you and then adding in the sunken cost to upsell more. They’re scammers.


A few items. 1 - Have another company come out and verify the work on the unit. If the kid messed it up, get records of it for potential legal action 2 - Do not pay them at all. Document your quote request, lack of repair approvals, tell them to kick sand The kid may have caused damage you're unaware of. Get it all checked out to make sure he didn't mess it up which could lead to failure and possible catastrophic results.


I would contact your state's Attorney General consumer affairs office for advice. My AG's office was helpful when a window company was threatening to put a lien on my house for windows I told them I didn't want.


This! Get your paperwork from the first company and anything the guy did to the AC. I would also have another company come out to see if what he said he did was necessary and if it was actually done.


The other company did a complete workup including photos. Real nice presentation.


I wouldn’t pay them a penny. If this technician is so bad that he doesn’t even understand the difference between a second opinion and approval, who says his work is going to be any good.


Ignore them, scam artists


Scum of the earth. Fuck them. They can sue you. Which it isn't really worth their time. They can just go sucker some other schmuck. Good on you sticking to your ground OP


You say this company is 'reputable'. What makes you say so? Online reviews, friends and family referrals?


Can't find one negative thing on them. Have done work for both me and my daughter. Installed a $6K furnace at her house a couple of years ago. They are known for good workmanship. They screwed up sending a young guy with no customer skills.


In previous times you used them, did you get proposals for the work and did you need to sign them?


Got proposals...for furnace. On my leaked out Trane...I just told the guy to fix it...16 lbs of Freon at $100 a lb.


The irony that he goes “no one authorized the repairs so it’s gonna cost $2900” and then does work that was not authorized lmao wtf I hope you didn’t pay a cent. Like the top comment says, “show me the approval paperwork for your work to be done” “there is none” then it isn’t your problem.


I have had a somehow similar issue......I asked for a price before booking an appointment to troubleshoot my AC. I was told they cannot give me a price over the phone and only the technician will be able to give me the price. He arrives and never gives me any pricing and simply proceeds to troubleshoot. In about a week a bill arrives. The interesting part was that there was an attachment to the bill stating that I whose signature was below agreed to the pricing. The kicker is that it was not my signature !! I called the company demanding to know who signed the agreement in my name. I told them I would not pay until this is clarified. I have never heard from them again.......


My son does HVAC.They can only do the work approved on contract.If anything else is needed they have to get approval from customer on work order. They messed up and it’s on them. If you agreed to $700 then that’s all you need to pay.


I swear I literally had a nightmare about this exact thing this weekend (going through my own hvac issues and avoiding calling pro's until I can exhaust all options that are within my DIY scope) In my dream I called this crew in to do a diagnosis on my systems issue, by the time I came back in to check on them they already stripped out my entire system and were installing a brand new one without ever talking to me about it and big drama's unfolded that im on the financial hook for everything they swapped in. Fight this tooth and nail OP, it's quackary they moved forward with work you didn't green light. That is not how reputable business's operate... especially not to the tune of $3000.


Sorry about the nightmare. But, trust me the real thing is worse. Company just emailed my daughter that they would come down to $2400 if she didn't choose the $7K unit replacement option. Big of them, huh?


Its laughable. The price they offer is irrelevant, the issue is they did unapproved work and now think they can strong arm you into paying for it anyway. Dont discount the impact that some prominent negative reviews online can make. Some of these places rely heavily on their google/yelp reviewson their biz page to drive customers their way… a one star review sharing your experience could hurt their business and lead to a phone call from them with a much more palatable compromise (likely in exchange for signing a NDA and taking down said reviews). Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I wouldn’t pay anything as i asked for a quote. I’d also not have left them unattended either


My wife relieved me to house sit as I had an appointment. Tech never asked her for permission to do any work.


Be careful of mechanics lein on house. Scammers do that. Contact AG, BBB, FTC, County consumers service at prosecutor's office, etc. I'd write one letter explaining the issue, send to all. Don't let him get the upper hand.


When I was doing HVAC our trip charge diagnostic fee w/e was I think 99 for up to an hour. I would do all of that when said issue was found go talk to the home owner or give them a call. Or get a pre authorization for up to said amount. Parts mark up is usually 70-100%. Labor rate was 185hr after the first. If parts were not on the truck you got a ticket and the office would send over a tech when the parts arrived. Home warranty companies would not repair any unit with r22 they all got a change out.


Yeah, kid just went to work without consulting anyone even though he had acknowledged,upon arrive, that he was there to give a 2nd option and a quote.


Definitely try to negotiate the bill down since you only authorized diagnosis and a quote initially. Offering to pay half seems more than fair for what should've been a simple motor swap. I'd make it clear you never approved the shotgun repairs and freon top-off on a 26 year old leaky system. If they won't budge, I'd honestly just cut my losses and find a new, more reputable HVAC company at this point. Let them know you'll be leaving negative reviews everywhere and reporting to the BBB. Then call around for repair quotes from other pros before deciding if replacement makes more sense than dumping more money into outdated equipment. Maybe even consider some other equipment brands like these [Lennox A/C parts](https://www.technicalhotandcoldparts.com/lennox-ac-furnace-parts/). Get quotes in writing too. If they later say more is needed, have them walk you through it and get authorization. It'll save headaches like this unauthorized work situation down the line.


Daughter settled at $1800 and they put some sort of stop leak in the system.




BBB is a joke now , especially when you can pay to remove negative reviews


This is a strange thing. Service companies don’t really show up to do quotes, they show and do work and bill for it. So it’s a massive bill but wouldn’t the 1st done the exact same amount of work assuming the unit required it to properly run?


Are you telling me that service companies don't provide estimates of cost of work to be performed before doing ~$3K worth of work? Is that what you're saying?


I see I’m getting down voted pretty harshly but whenever I need service it’s stuff like a trip charge, plus hourly and parts. And FYI I sub out trades like this and deal with plumbing and gas fitters on a regular basis.


Wrong, on that expensive of a repair I’ve always had them give a quote and they usually want me to sign something saying I’m liable to pay before they begin. They tried to pull a fast one