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I hate that they have a half dozen vehicles and trailers that they park on our street.




We don't have an HOA.




Not having an HOA is not the part that sucks in that statement


Their loud engines and music


Don't hate my neighbors, one on the right is my husband's best friend, on the left is an electrician and his wife. If they need help with anything we help. If we need help they help I have no problems with the neighbors


Most of them I like. But one lets their dogs loose and they have chased me down the street when I’m walking. I’ve pepper sprayed one and have an open complaint going.


People who don’t manage their pets are the worst.


Being a racist troll again Zach you need actual help son. www.reddit.com/user/Jumpy-Training-3523/comments/1cl3ar2/i_hate_that_blacks_have_moved_into_my_neighborhood/


Thank you for calling this cunt out before I dignify his post with a response.


I’m really lucky with mine. I wish there were some teens my older sons age… but otherwise everyone good.


They're too kind.


Not hate, but jealous of their kids are grown up and they saving lots of money. Seeing everyone with Toyota Tundras, full size SUVs all over the driveway. Another is the work from home options. I have to be in office 5 days.


There are tons of work from home jobs available right now in almost all fields


I hate that they run a code violating landscape company with several large marked vehicles, tons of trailers and gear, and employees who line the street with giant pickups all week. They are otherwise nice and friendly people tho thankfully so I try to live and let live


I have them.


The fact that the tornado siren for the area is 50 ft from my bedroom window.


Dog is never on a leash.


Sometimes their kids and music are loud but I can't say I hate them for that though but it's a little annoying


The lack of pride in their homes. They add a bunch of tacky lawn ornaments and don't mow or weed eat. 


He's a cranky old fart that tossed a fit if I touch his grass


They let their dogs bark constantly. Loud music. Driving terribly. I don’t mind most of my neighbors, just a few bad apples.


Leaving their little dogs outside for an hour or so multiple times a day to bark their heads off.


Don’t hate per se, but their outside cooking shack sometimes blows smoke into my house’s ventilation systems ‘fresh air’ intake and then my house smells like campfire unless I kick my HVAC to either AC or high fan for 6 hours (even with a MERV 13 filter in my air handler)


One is an oversharer. The other talked up how the cul-de-sac is always doing stuff but then neglects to invite us which hurts for the reasons you'd expect


They don't invite me over to their amazing family BBQs!!!!


He's a trumper, and conspiracy idiot. I ignore him.


Our neighbor's wife is a conspiracy theorist.




They smoke crack and tweak 25/8 and have been tearing down their house one drywall at a time for the past several years for stuff to burn. Haven’t had utilities on in atleast 8 years. It’s a fuckin landfill. the amount of bugs, flys, rats and other pest that we get because of their trash is beyond me.




Just as soon I can find something else I can afford and honestly idk how to do it I’m 26 this is my first house anyway let alone trying to sell and buy a new home all under 30… i would love nothing more than to move. Just don’t know how to do this.




Have you reported it to the city/county health department?


We live in the county and cops have literally stopped by and did nothing and drove off so I assume they don’t care because they know about it and do nothing… I have thought about calling but didn’t know who to call exactly.


Call the county health department and report the rat infestations because rats and mice can carry respiratory diseases (especially in rural areas). Police can’t always do something without probable cause (eg they don’t see ACTIVE use, drugs or drug paraphernalia etc) so they visit and see the torn up house but it’s not against the law to have a torn up house. I’d also report it to the county public works/code enforcement if the house isn’t up to code, as they could fine them and failure to pay fines could result in them getting kicked out by the county (as the fines can get treated like not paying your property taxes)


Zero lot line. They don’t clean their gutters so my yard floods from their overflow. I finally put them in touch with my handyman so now once a year I send them a video of their overflowing gutters and my handyman’s number. Alas the damage to my yard is done and the soil erosion means I have to re-do my fence. And they have a large dog they leave outside by itself where it cries and barks all day and night. It’s heartbreaking. When the temps get in the 20s they bring him inside where he’s crated 24/7. They have rats in their attic and they refuse to call pest control so now I have rats in my yard at night. They dug a French drain in their front yard connecting 2 downspouts and the opening is on my property. Called the city/HOA and after 6 months they put above ground drains on their property. But they didn’t seal the drains, so rats & mosquitoes. I sent them a link to an $8 foam sealant so one of the two openings is now sealed. But it could be worse.


Psycho starer on one side; 3 small dogs running loose and crapping all over the place, including my property, the street, and the sidewalk on the other side.