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You gotta find where they are coming from, put the traps there I just did this for my grandma house. Put the traps at the location I see them coming from, it worked


I see where they are coming from. They come from a basement vent and climbs up on the wall instead of the the ground. I put the bait near their trail but still see them continuing their way like the bait is not there


I use a tooth pick and dap a tiny bit of the poison across their path and lead it to the bait. Ants then follow it.


I tried using qtip and draw a line with Terro to direct them to the bait. Looks like they are eating it up ! šŸ‘


They'll find it; just place it as close to where you see them as you can Terro works better than anything else I've ever used


yeah its like opening up a new restaurant. they might not come right away but once the word gets out how good the food is...


Looks like they are finally ā€œdining outā€ with my baits now šŸ‘


Yea Terro is great. I have used it before and luckily the ant trail was on the ground so it was easy. This time, the trail is on the wall so itā€™s like the ants are going their way while my baits are sitting there, chilling on the groundā€¦


They should still smell / find it on the ground. At times, on the right surface, I will pour a little out on the ground. Ā Gets their attention.


Yea I actually just pour a little out. I had a stick inside the bait while the other end touching the wall so make it easier for them to reach the bait but nothing


It takes a while sometimes, they are busy.


But itā€™s been three days šŸ˜Ø


I would strongly recommend using Advion Ant Gel as this takes care of the source of the problem, which Terro does not (Terro will kill foraging ants, but it's not a very good product for taking out the colony). It's also easy to add the gel to the wall--put a few layers of painter's tape on the wall and then put the gel on the tape.


Nvm. Like others suggested, I had to use qtip the draw a line with the bait and lure them right to the baits. They are eating now


Advion ant gel works way better. Just put a little drop on their path. It comes in a syringe and you can apply it anywhere. Kills the whole colony cuz they'll take it back and it poisons all of them


Terro isnā€™t bad. The issue here is to get their attention to the baits on the ground while they are crawling on wall šŸ˜…


Terro is a boric acid solution. You can buy powdered boric acid at the hardware store. Mix a little bit with a bit of honey to make a gooey consistency. Then you can use a toothpick to make a trail from where the ants are emerging to the stakes. But honestly, itā€™s cheaper and easier to just mix up boric acid and honey and smear it right where the ants are coming up on the wall. Just keep replacing it. Just be aware that if these are Argentine ants (small black ants found in the West and South), they form supercolonies that are many miles across. So you canā€™t really kill the colony, you just have to keep trying to kill the cell that has found your house. It will eventually be replaced with new ants. Itā€™s a continual battle.


I once made a trail for ants to follow using sugar water and a q-tip as a teenager (rural Texas. Don't ask). Worked pretty well to make shapes out of them lol


As the first commenter said, place them where you see them coming from. They will find it. Donā€™t panic when their numbers increase. They will go away.