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A vacuum, broom, mop, whatever floor cleaning tool you might need on every floor makes life easier.


I assume the laundry is probably on first floor or basement, and bedrooms on second story, so think about how you are going to carry the laundry up and down. Good sturdy laundry baskets that are easy to carry can be helpful, but anyway you look at it, it's a pain. Alexa's for intercoms can be handy. Depending on where the router goes, you might need a repeater or mesh network. I have mine in the basement because that's the easiest place to access the cable, and I have a mesh network repeater on each floor. Washing the second floor windows will not be easy, unless you are lucky enough to have the kind that can be made to swing inward. Accessing the roof is not so easy as on a 1 story either, for putting up Christmas decorations, or cleaning the gutters. Other than that, not much. It will take you a while to get used to going up the stairs. We moved from a side split with eight foot ceilings where you rarely had to go up more than half a flight at a time to a 2 story with 9 foot ceilings, and damn, that full flight with the extra foot sure took some getting used to.


Seconding the laundry up and downstairs comment. You'll need a strategy, but I'm still figuring mine out. I throw dirty laundry on the stairs and then lug clean laundry up in the usual wide low laundry basket. First floor bathroom gets more use than expected, our bidet is upstairs, but ... Shit happens. You'll be deterred from moving furniture up and down stairs a lot. IDK if most people think about the direction the house faces, but my north side gets no direct sunlight inside, and I like having my office on that side. The south side gets to stay half or fully closed blinds to deter heat and glare, but that means I go outside to see the yard lol.


- not sure how having more floors requires any thing of knowledge to live in...