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I love and hate the “o wait I’m the idiot” realizations in life lol.


It’s what makes us who we are.


Why? Some people are completely missing the Realization-Phase and stay Idiots their whole life. If you notice you can do something. Be happy, everybody is an Idiot once in a while.


Once in a while?


Years back I had a service call at a house in a rural area. No answer at the door but loud music coming from the shop. I beat on the door for a bit and eventually the music stopped and someone came to the door. "Come in, come listen to this! Here, sit. You like Van Morrison?" I sat in a chair and the guy started to play Moondance on CD. It sounded good. "Whoops, I have it set to mono." He flipped a switch and it was the most incredible sound I've ever heard. Concert level bass in the chest and a soundstage so wide and detailed I felt like I could reach out and touch the instruments. I thought it funny he was so excited and then realized it was set to mono and he was even more excited after. The guy really got me started with good quality audio. I found out he died a few years ago and my friend listened to the same setup at the funeral and told me it blew him away. Hopefully mono wasn't left on.


A surprisingly wholesome story!


What kind of setup did he have?


The pre/amp/CD were all Sonic Frontiers which was bought by Anthem. All tube-based gear. The speakers I was never able to identify. They may have been custom but they were triangular with the woofers angled up. Pretty ugly but absolutely incredible sound.


Watch ready player one, the first race scene


That's my self-demo scene. Dune 1 is also there, and Dune 2 will be once I watch it again to pay attention to where in the movie that stuff is


Dune 2 thumpers are a great bass test


That entire movie sounds great. Really impressed with it overall. Also, just liked the movie


Paul's first worm ride.


Check out Civil War 2024 the last 30min or so. Saw it in dolby and the atmos mix is amazing.


This is the correct answer right here.


ive heard this comment before. Damn is it that good?


Yes, while only mixed for top centers, it makes great use of it


what you mean "mixed for top centers"


Instead of havin a top front and top rear mix, it's only a top channel. X.X.2 instead of X.X.4


In Stereo, O.P.


Did that once watching MI: Fallout and I had family over. Half way through I was all “this isn’t as dynamic a mix as I thought it’d be” and then I realized I had it set to Stereo. 😩


Things can be great, but the one time you demo for visitors, failures are common, damnit.


Gravity in a good movie theatre in 3D was nerve wracking!


It was the last movie I saw three times in theaters.


I've had the same issue with a blu ray set to stereo rather than atmos before (forehead slap)


I’ve been trying to get my hands on this in 4K. It’s sold out everywhere AFAIK. Where did you find it?


there's no 4K bluray for Gravity. there's a 1080p bluray with atmos that was out of print for a very long time and it was re-released a week and a half ago.


Nice. thanks! 🙏


Holy shit, thank you for posting this! Been trying to buy the out of print version at a decent price for a while now.




it has been re-released on bluray 10 days ago. it was out of print for al ong time but now they've rereleased it


Looking for the same answer


i answered him! it was re-released on bluray! go pick it up on amazon!


Damn, I thought I looked recently. Absolutely will pick it up


Apple TV had it in the free movie section with ATMOS a couple weeks ago. Might still be there.


Haha… yeah it’s an absolute BANGER


I saw this movie in imax and it was so stressful and scary.


I actually saw a post by someone this week who said they didn’t think the Atmos mix was good because nothing was mixed 100% to the ceiling speakers. Good to hear this isn’t another one of those posts! Yeah, *Gravity* is the first movie I ever saw in Atmos (in theaters) and is still my favourite Atmos mix I’ve heard.


That's such a stupid claim to make though, not everything is supposed to be in the ceiling speakers


Yup, my thoughts exactly. I’d even argue the *advantage* of Atmos and object-based mixing is that allows sounds to be in-between the speakers instead of tied to only where you have speakers placed. Apparently some people don’t see it that way though. One of the comments on it was someone saying that the height speaker sounds “bled into the bed layer” as if that was an error or something.


One of the really cool advantages of multichannel audio that shows up in a good sound mix is that it allows you to re-create a listening environment by inserting reflections and reverb into the different channels. The Hans Zimmer "Live in Prague" doesn't have objects flying overhead, but the sound field sounds like you're in a large concert venue.


Yeah I saw someone post up a bunch of tracks that were the overheads isolated, complaining they didn’t do enough. People get obsessed with measurements instead of understanding it’s about the final product. If you only need subtle sound from the overheads for great effect that’s what you do.


Yup. I think I responded to one of those once by saying that what it sounded like isolated didn’t matter to me as I watch movies with all of my speakers active.


Cant remember what movie this happened to me with, I think Goodfellas? Accidentally watched most of it in Stereo 😭


same souud supervisor/designer as Gravity!


I recently learned that the reason it’s praised so much for its Atmos mix is bc the mixer who made the track was one of the first to use the Atmos software. Atmos was released in 2012 and gravity a year later. It basically went as followed: “here’s a new Dolby codec, go nuts with it and use it to its full potential to demonstrate what it can do” In order to make an awesome praise worthy Atmos track, a lot of time is needed. Clearly it was granted for the reason I stated earlier. Unfortunately in today’s time, the time and resources is very small which is why we get a lot of lackluster Atmos movies and only get a few gems here and there. It’s already been proven what Atmos can do, Dolby dominates the market with 4k disc releases with little to no competition. They have nothing to prove right now without any true challengers. Dts dominated Blu-rays but dropped the ball with 4k discs. With Auro CX on the rise, maybe will see Dolby finally step up their game.


I heard squats in the ceiling speakers


I recently saw a 35mm print of Gladiator at the Egyptian in Hollywood. Two different reels switched to the analog soundtrack from the digital- the difference was shocking. And of course one of those was the battle of Carthage- so disappointing!


was the analog reel worse?


Yes, significantly so.


Dang it. I had that movie in my hand today available for $3 and I put it back.


make sure it's the version with the dolby atmos track!


Probably wasn’t the disc with the Atmos mix. Up until a few weeks ago it’s been limited (in North America) to the Diamond Luxe edition which is in a cool magnetic close package and had had resale prices well over $100.




Yup, that’s why I said up until a few weeks ago. But if someone found it for $3 it almost certainly wasn’t the new one that just released.


Saw it in the giant imax in Houston…after doing helicopter ditch training all day in a corner of the giant nasa nbl pool! One of my favorite days of all time. Great movie and great sound design!


My mom hates it.


This is another reason to have a dedicated disc player - ensure that input is set to film settings at all times.


I do! But somehow the music mode passed over between the inputs, really weird


Yeah that is odd!


You left out the opportunity to relish 48-year-old Sandra Bullock...


Actually I watched in atmos and didn’t think it was all that special. I sold the bluray on eBay because I had the 3d version and felt the visual 3d was better than the aural 3d of the atmos track. I followed the hype and was disappointed. It wasnt bad but it wasn’t amazing as I was lead to believe especially for a $40 Bluray. At that time it was outrageous prices now we drop 40$ on 4K without a pause.


For me i had same experience with Dune,  it's good but not perfect. I advise you try to watch deepwater horizons. 


Watched it! It has amazing Atmos


It's really too bad that movie sucked so much because the atmos implementation was top notch.


i think the movie was actually pretty good


*Breathing intensifies*


it did kind of annoy me of how he kept telling her to not breathe that hard and she just kept going lol, but it didn't annoy me to the point where i would stop watching or think it's a bad movie


Why would that annoy you? She was panicking and he was constantly giving good advice and saying what she needed to hear. He was doing exactly what he should be doing in that situation and she was doing exactly what you’d expect.


Yeah he did give her some awesome advice, never said he didn't!! But she just knew she was gonna die if she was going to breathe too much and she just kept gulping air like it was an ice cold cup of water at 3 AM


I didn't make it past ~15 minutes. The breathing in the background was obnoxious and they completely misunderstood how weightless physics work (you don't keep pulling on a rope in space after it's stopped you). I get that sometimes it's easier to change how orbital physics works, but they went way beyond what suspension of disbelief covers. It's great if you like it though.


i mean it's not even that long and you can't criticize a movie you watched barely 15 minutes of... just give it a chanch, i think just for the visual effects and the sound mix alone it's worth a watch


Well I watched it all, twice, and I'm criticizing it. It's fucking bad. Clooney literally goes up to her on a spacewalk and asks her what she's doing on the mission. As if he wouldn't know exactly what her mission is. Such a dumb fucking movie.


15 minutes is the chance I gave it.


for me the first 30 minutes really flew by


Why do people selectively obsess over movie realism when *none* of them are ever remotely realistic?


Because sometimes things like that pull you out of the movie. No matter how hard to try to forgive it, they just get it completely wrong to anyone who understands the first bit about it. It's not like they stretched it for dramatic effect or there were no other options. I was already debating turning off the movie, but that was the last straw for me.


Buddy I've been in IT for decades... if movies doing things wrong that I understand made me turn them off I'm not sure I'd be able to watch any movie set in this century. Long as movies have internal consistency I really don't care. If you tell me that unicorns can fly and cure cancer that's fine, just don't have a scene two minutes later where the main character is falling out of a plane while dying from cancer and the unicorn is standing there going "oh nooooooo we can't do anything to help!". Movies aren't real, why anyone would *want* them to be is beyond me.


>Buddy I've been in IT for decades You're not significantly different there. I'm an engineer. >if movies doing things wrong that I understand made me turn them off I'm not sure I'd be able to watch any movie set in this century. I'm not saying it's every movie that does this. There's plenty that I can forgive. But there's occasionally a few things that I can't. >Long as movies have internal consistency This is where it failed. Conservation of momentum being different wasn't one of the thing's that gravity tried to change. It didn't have internal consistency with how it approached it. >Movies aren't real, why anyone would want them to be is beyond me. Because I want them to be believable. Edit: It's not a great sign of maturity when you choose to block me after responding just so you can have the last word.


> You're not significantly different there. I'm an engineer. I never said I was "different", just pointing out your snarky little comment about how things were hard to watch for "anyone who understands the first bit about it" was entirely off the mark. Plenty of us understand the real theory that goes on in movies and enjoy them just fine. I actually suggest you learn a little more about movies and why they often have to make the decisions they do and why they often veer away from reality. A lot of the time these changes are made to make things more entertaining or just to make the movie work. Or don't, and fail to enjoy some great films I guess, your call!


Duh? EDIT: My comment was in reference to the *"please check on what sound mode your receiver is set to before you start watching a movie."* That just seems to be a pretty standard thing to do. I always check the disc for sound options and make sure my receiver is in the right mode. That just seems like the natural thing to do.


obviously it is, i always say to myself that i should check and then end up forgetting like what happened to me with Gravity. so i was just reminding the good folks here to check their receivers.


*"obviously it is"* Hence my "Duh?". I added the question mark as if to say am I right. I didn't condeem you or anything like that. It was meant in a friendly way, no offence was intended.


The sound was the ONLY thing that movie got right. That movie was so horrible I cant believe it made it out of production. Halle Berry phoned in her performance and her ex husbands acting was worse. Found the 4k at a pawn shop on 2 dollar Tuesdays so I got my monies worth.


halle berry is not in this movie and it doesn't have a 4k. are we talking about the saem film?


You might have the wrong movie, it was George Clooney and Sandra Bullock.


this was NOT Tom Hanks' best work.. ONE STAR


Halle Berry?


Are you confusing Dark Tide with Gravity? The plots are surprisingly similar, so I see how you could make this mistake. /s