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The actual favorite child


This is fucking bullshit because why won't they release it for global? I wanna enjoy too.


They did, it failed. (Don't tell hoyo the reason it failed is totally because of their own shitty decisions)


they didn't release it global, someone else released it global, and basically murdered it in its own app. HOyo took it back, but by then it was too late, they killed it to prevent it from doing damage to their image with Genshin being out.


I guess the global release was before genshin and star rail was a thing?


It was before HI3rd was a thing. It was bad. If people think WuWa has a bad translation they don't know how bad GGZ was. By the end it was basically just Google translate doing the work, basically unreadable.


no, by the end the translations were literally just ... ... ...


Not only that, some of the texts are not aligned properly and go over the boundary. It was a complete mess.


NO WAY. That so bad good thing this doesn't happen much in other mhy games too


Lol you were lucky enough to even have text in the game sometimes. Most of the times you will have to click empty boxes to proceed. Anyways check out project gekkou if you are interested in ggz


I'm downloading it rn. Hopefully i can enjoy it


It's one of the earliest predecessors (only FlyMe2theMoon, the earliest MHY game ever which barely existed is older). It's existence helped Honkai exist, which helped Genshin exist and which helped Star Rail exist. An early forerunner that ultimately couldn't make enough money in GLB to warrant continuing to exist after so many years. Also that is a truly old school MHY game, I don't think even releasing it after Star Rail would have dragged many to it as spenders. I did enjoy how absolutely free and insane it was though when it did exist.


Because being a 2D game with relatively simple gameplay, it's a lot easier for them to make Collabs for it. Also, GGZ kinda needs it to continue staying afloat.


Plus isn't it also in fewer regions than other entries? Makes a lot easier in that regard as well, since it's already cheaper from a game design.


GGZ can stay a float with it's story and characters alone, collabs are extra cash, that is in CN and JP cause we obviously know Glb didn't manage to stay afloat, which makes me sad, At least you can still play on the JP and CN servers, which I personally do.


I mean it's kinda understandable since it's much more simple to put characters of other franchise in GGZ because it's 2D than to made a bunch of of 3D models for the other games, as for a Hsr collab like the GI one it's something that will happen for sure just because of Welt existence in HSR we just need to wait for it.


Hsr collab is bound to happen, I can feel it. We got like a growing library of weapons types that fits to a lot of female cast there. Question is if its the type that is canon to the plot, since Welt already had Herta make an attempt to contact Earth on one of his dialogues.


If they make it canon, it'll likely have to be set way after APHO, so I can't see it happening unless they decide to release APHO 3 sometime soon.


Pretty much. My only "fear" if they go with the canon route is it'll take a bit longer before the collab happens, though canon collaboration between honkai games would be really, really awesome...at least in my book. How they would weave that plot to temporarily converge both games is interesting to see. Reading at it now already seems more complicated than I thought so it'll be more likely a non-canon collaboration, same as Genshin X HI3 before.


Imagine they just bring in HSR version Bronya and Seele lmao. Fr though, if Firefly breaks banner sales I can see them adding her, she'd make a good valk. And then maybe Herta for the 4*, or Pela.


PRISMA ILLYA!? Mihoyo are truly otakus. https://preview.redd.it/34o3ewsjod4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131fdd4d79c0347768dbc8c2dfe008c6e17126a1 >!Also obligatory “😭” and “💢” specifically towards Kuro Illya, best girl.!<


I'm so jealous of ggz and it just keeps getting better. Lowkey about to redownload when the update hits.


Because it is not mainstream and they can be true to their weeb side. It is not always about the money


I'm returning to hi3 if they ever get a Madoka collab like ggz did


bc ggz is the favorite child lol


Bro Fate Kalied Liner Collab💀 I WANT THAT IN HI3 OR GI MAN


Is GGZ actually still in development? I thought it was wrapped up a looong time ago


CN and JP version. In fact CN server just recently celebrated their 10th anniversary


Jp just celebrated its 9th,and we finally got the new storyline with new cast. And its actually good


Because collabs are made to promote the game. MiHoYo doesn't do Collab because they don't feel they have anything to gain from those IPs. They would rather Collab with some normie shit like Discovery Channel or KFC because that's the fields they haven't conquered yet. If it comes to anime and gaming they feel they achieved everything. What Mihoyo would really want is Fortnite Collab


It’s more niche less popular and thus doesn’t get much attention.


A collab with Prisma Illya ? Sickkkkkk, illyaverse shirou better be featured.


I'm more impressed that fate did an outside collab instead of their usual collab with them self. Then again it's just kaleid prisma not the main series.


Maybe cause imo ggz is better


As someone who still plays GGZ on the JP server, I feel like the Global community has a very romanticized impression of the game due to it not being available anymore and people can't play it. As a game, GGZ is pretty bad. Think of any problem people have with HI3, but GGZ has it worse. Rampant Powercreep, lack of pull currency, not at all beginner friendly, although the story is good, navigating through it is more of a nightmare than HI3. (At least HI3 didn't put important story bits behind limited-time events. Half of Retro is told in events and if you haven't played them... good luck figuring out what's happening in the story)


More like it’s a dying game that needs collabs to stay afloat… It was so unsuccessful on global that it got shut down lol.


Not to mention the poor EN translation that is basically copy paste google translate and bad text alignment. I don't know if they cheap out on that part or basically don't have enough budget to do so.


GGZ english was not publish by mhy originally, not to mentioned that was before they become big and a lot of gacha games at that time have shitty translation which is kinda the standard unfortunately. Even now that MHY have become a billion dollar company, only GI and HSR have really great english translation, HI3 english translation is still kinda awkward to read sometimes and definitely not on the par with those other two games.


because it's only in the east, they don't have to worry about multi-country licensing


That’s just what hoyo does genshin got nothing from the honkai colab and only added aloy cuz Sony pressure and they made her garbage. After that all the colabs were irl merch stuff with other companies and restaurants


Because ggz is their actual favourite


As a Nasu fan, I guess we can forget about getting anything interesting / lore nasu-wise, if the collab has a story at all (Madoka collab didn't have story, apparently). Would have prefered good old FSN over this.


Because it's Mihoyo's Actually Favourite game


Another collab? There was a Zombieland saga collab on jp server like last month


Wait GGZ is still alive?


CN and JP server, yes


Precisely because GGZ is a small, nearly forgotten game with small classic following and very indirect connection to vider Hoyoverse. Because of all above devs need to worry about anything- fan reaction, effect on vider lore and how to harmonize it. They can just do whatever they want as GGZ is too small to worry about potential losses.