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I remember being shocked when I learned that many people regard Tremors as a bad movie. It’s literally one of my favorite monster flicks! Some people just don’t understand camp, I guess. I’ll defend it forever.


Who doesn't like at least first one?!?


Yeah, even Kevin bacon eventually warmed up to it.


That movie rules dude. Especially when it came out in like “91” or something I think. Pretty cool.


Tremors is a genuinely well put together masterpiece


Redlettermedia did a review of the first one and declared it a perfect movie


Aside from the cgi at the end, house on haunted hill (1999) is a fun ride.


I went on my very first date to see that movie. It always holds a special place for me. Geoffrey Rush was fantastic in that movie.


Geoffrey Rush and Chris Kattan are my absolute favorite parts of that movie. Shoutouts to Famke Janssen, Ali Larter, and Taye Diggs as well.  ...fuck it, whole cast is A+ in that one.


Rush is fabulous. Between Haunted Hill, Shine and Mystery Men he became one of my favorite actors. It was just a bonus when he appeared in the Pirates movies.


I have fond memories of seeing it twice in the theatre, first with my dad and then with friends. I also remember a year later, I was in college, and we went to a haunted house at a former sanitarium and then came back to the dorm to watch House of Haunted Hill, lol.


The Keep was nuts, and the backstory to how it got made is even weirder


Wasn’t the original movie a sound track by Tangerine Dream?


Fuck yeah it was! It’s right up there with Manhunter (1983) for a soundtrack that I both love and which totally takes me out of the mood of the film because I keep making old-school synth noises with my mouth. A demon from hell may be attacking and all, w/e, but the soundtrack just went *FweeYOWWWW PuhWHEET!!!* It’s available as part of [Pilots of Purple Twilight.](https://www.discogs.com/release/16136892-Tangerine-Dream-Pilots-Of-Purple-Twilight-The-Virgin-Recordings-1980-1983) You gotta scroll a bit to get to the part that’s the Keep.


Manhunter came out in 1986.


That’s true, I was wrong! However, *PeYOWWW PeeeYOWWW PheWEEW*!


I love Manhunter, much more than red dragon, and you could be easily forgiven if you thought Manhunter was just a long episode of Miami Vice without Crockett or tubs, but they did have Stan Sweitek in there, along with Frank Turillo, and Graham’s wife played Sonny Crockett’s girlfriend in one episode of Miami Vice, where they played that ending song, “heartbeat”, during a montage scene. During that episode, please note this is not the Don Johnson heartbeat song.


Manhunter is the best adaptation of red dragon in my opinion.


Yep, it's considered a cursed film. Greg Nicotero is doing a remake that's more faithful to the book.


I read the book many moons ago and loved it, so I'll definitely try and track the original film down in preparation.


It's on Pluto TV.


I've never seen the movie or read the book - would you mind giving me a quick breakdown as I may want to put this book on my never ending reading list? 😅


For real? That’s awesome. Anytime a conversation comes up discussing movies that are worth remaking, I always say The Keep. It’s awesome in its own way, but a proper remake could be great.


Children of the Corn (1984). I love the premise and the characters. The acting and the special effects are often criticized, and most people will argue it’s thoroughly bad, but I find it charming.


To this day I still laugh when I think of Courtney Gains (Malachai) saying people still yell to him in the street “OUTLANDAHH! WE HAVE YOUR WOMAN!” 😂


My group references this constantly. Hilarious.


I had no idea that people generally consider it to be bad until recently. It messed me up so much when I was a kid that it has stuck with me into my 40s and it's still just as creepy to me.


Man I love that movie. Saw it as a child and it stayed with me for a long time. Awesome movie in all the right and wrong ways


First one is good for the story, second one is good for the cheese. After that, I can't find any good defenses for the rest.


The lead villain in the third one has a good look and is having fun. The kills really go off the rails, and the plot’s pretty dumb. But I do think it works just well enough to be enjoyable. After that it’s a mess


The third one was filmed in my high school so I love it even though it isn’t great. 🤣


I'm not quite sure if the VHS found footage films are well regarded or not, but I've always appreciated those films. They managed to generate some serious Terror in a short amount of time, I was always impressed by how quickly things escalated in the various stories.


Love an anthology. Short form is fantastic for horror because you can cut the momentum-killing exposition and the slow character building and just get right to the meat; it leaves enough to the imagination—and if you don’t like it? The next part will be along shortly. Feel the same way about horror lit. There are weaker installments throughout the VHS series but I think overall/in general they are regarded pretty well?


I know what you mean. I’m crazy about horror anthologies.


Thirteen Ghosts


My issue is that everything around the actual movie is so good (the fucking house is insane), but watching Monk look for his kids for 90 minutes is a fucking chore.


The Embeth Davidtz twist was well played.


I loved the detail they went into on the different ghosts origins during the promotion for the movie. And I'd watch Matthew Lillard read the phone book, so bonus.


Them making the glasses something that worked IN the movie was fucking genius I’m sorry


Don't apologize! ![gif](giphy|zNbiX43QsqUAU|downsized)


Honestly they could make another one and I’d be about it


Same! I bring this up a lot! I would love for Del Toro to design the ghosts, Peele/Flanagan to write, and Aster to direct.


I was going to add this one to the list! I love this movie even though I don't know a single other person that likes it lol




Really? It's my wife's favorite horror movie and popular among horror fans I know.


Freddy vs Jason and Jason X


Jason X is not a bad movie. It knows exactly what it is and is a ton of fun.


Second best kill in the whole series is bashing one sleeping bag into the other in X. (Kevin bacons death is the #1, still messes with me)


Also has the liquid nitrogen kill. I still want to know how they did that effect lol The mean rich girl who’s been bullying Tina for the whole movie in Part 7 is my favourite kill just because it’s hilarious and cathartic.




The scene in Jason X where he dunks the woman's head in liquid nitrogen then slams it against the table for half it to crumble away, is one of my favorites in any horror movie Also the two chicks taking their tops off lol


Mine was when he fought the Boxer in "Takes Manhattan"


Freddy vs Jason was such a fun movie, didnt watch Jason X


It's goofy as hell, but they definitely knew that while making it.


Great send off for Robert Englund


OP asked for bad movies not amazing ones


Jason X is the best Jason. He literally has nanotechnology. Hella fun!


I've found my people 😍 Jason X was my favorite in the series until FVJ, now I can't decide.


Amen, brother. NOT MY ARM...... NOT MY OTHER ARM!


I think I mentioned Jason X in another post asking about "underrated horror movies". Jason X is a fun movie. Has its jump scares and the story is not bad at all. Love the kills and the suspense of where Jason is on the Grendell ship. Freddy vs. Jason was also a very fun movie. So many harsh critics that want fun movies like these to be oscar winning masterpieces. Anything short of this is considered a failure which is insane.


As a child of the 80’s, New Blood is my favorite bad Jason movie. We really loved our telekinetic girls!


I loved Jason X!


Not a bad movie but I often find myself defending Halloween 3


Halloween 3 is the second best in the franchise.


Halloween 3: Season of the Witch It’s not a great movie by any stretch but it’s completely bonkers and fun. The Silver Shamrock jingle is just constantly stuck in my head.


Every year around Halloween I get that jingle in my head and spend the entire month singing to myself. I hated H3 the first time I saw it because it wasn’t what I was expecting at the time. Now it’s one of my favorites and I try to watch it every year.


Chopping Mall. Its just good nonsense fun


Barbara Crampton is in it, so it's disqualified from "bad film" conversations. Sorry.


One of the most “fun” horror movies ever imo.


Horror legend Dick Miller plays the janitor.


I already love this from the title alone lol, need to check it out


Spoiler warning: There is no chopping in Chopping Mall.


Its well worth the hour and a half


He said bad horror movies, chopping mall is just a good movie.


Silent Hill - I actually felt it captured the atmosphere really well and the story was not as convoluted as some made it out to be.


Ooh, this is one of mine too.


love that movie!




Maximum overdrive. Personally, I don’t think it’s a bad movie, but apparently everybody else does. I just think it’s a lot of fun.


Same. I love it. I own it on VHS and DVD. I turned my kids onto horror with that movie. "You caaaaant! We Made Youuuu...!" It's a fun movie. Lisa Simpson was funny in this movie too. Lol


It's generally thought of as Stephen King's moron movie but I consider it a gem and a classic it's one of my all time favorite movies


"It's a moron movie for morons." Sometimes that's alright, Stevo. Sometimes that's just fine. Sometimes one requires an emotional and intellectual drama of considerable depth and pathos... ... and sometimes we just want to see some poor kid get run over by a possessed steamroller, directed by a guy off his nut on cocaine, with an AC/DC soundtrack. Such are the complexities of human desire.


Indeed. I contain multitudes, and a bunch of them are morons.


It’s AWFUL. And I’ll defend it to the end! 😆


Legit one of the funniest moments is “I can see just fine.” [https://youtu.be/AHfF89tOL8g?si=wD-ZF8yqxmjQFsY_](https://youtu.be/AHfF89tOL8g?si=wD-ZF8yqxmjQFsY_)


House of wax and Sorority Row!


Ghost Ship. I don't care who hates. I love the ambiance for some reason.


Best intro ever!! ![gif](giphy|3zl9cK3V4M2aI)


that movie and 13 ghosts are favorites! Just cheesy fun. Not everything needs to be Shakespeare


After all the bullshit and studio meddling Wes Craven went through to get Cursed made, the end result not being a complete unwatchable train wreck is nothing short of a miracle.


Darkness Falls - it's short as hell, cheesy, but the actors takes it seriously lol. Loved it since the first time I saw it in theatres. Also, the sound she makes still creeps me out Thirteen Ghosts - idk, it's just entertaining lol Ghosts of Mars - first Jason Statham movie I had ever seen, I like Natasha Henstridge, and the fact that the possessed people were mutilating themselves was different. It's cheesy as hell but it's also a John Carpenter film. It's bad but it's good lol


I have the same relationship with Darkness Falls. So nostalgic for middle school sleepovers! I look forward to spotting all the visible wiring when the villain flies around.




House of 1000 Corpses. I just love it. I love how nasty it is and the music and the random shots of the guy screaming in the desert like it’s just so perfect to me. Other people think it’s bad for sure, but I never have. ![gif](giphy|13XkN404SiaqqY) Also I saw it in theaters this past October for the 20th anniversary and that was such a cool and fun experience! I was way too young to have seen this in the theater when it came out so I’m very grateful to have gotten to experience that


That’s not a bad horror movie though - some people don’t like anything by Zombie but I feel like House of 1000 Corpses and Devil’s Rejects are both generally well regarded


I feel like I’ve seen a lot of people hold Devil’s Rejects in a high regard but not really “get” or appreciate House of 1000 Corpses but that’s fair of you to say! It probably wouldn’t have gotten the rerelease in theaters for its anniversary if it was THAT widely regarded as a “bad” horror movie 🫣🙈


I love that movie so much. It has that nightmarish feel that I love in weird horror.


I will always defend The Keep. The production was a notorious clusterfawk, but the remnants of potential greatness are still there.


Indeed. Wish we got a proper DVD/Blu Ray release.


Freddy vs Jason 👏👏👏


The Bye Bye Man is legitimately one of my favorite movies now.  Everything from the unexplained train to the psychopathic characters to the random meat dog?  I feel like a racoon at the worlds filthiest dumpster.


This is my favorite bad horror movie. It’s so funny, legitimately super fun to watch with friends.


leigh whannell hamming is absolutely perfecr


Shark Lake (2015), and I will die on this hill. It features Dolph Lundgren as an action hero/former criminal, going up against the mafia and against a shark all while trying to repair his relationship with his estranged daughter. It’s as cheesy as it sounds, but oh boy is it entertaining


Here is my list: 1) Thir13en Ghosts (pure nostalgia. I was really scared of this movie as a kid). 2) The Thing (2011) - liked it, remakes can be bad, but this one was fun. 3) The Wicker Man (2006) - liked it. The whole atmosphere and the mystery hooked me as a young kid. I haven’t seen the original. 4) As Above, So Below (2016) - recently found out that this movie is considered bad and has somewhat of a low rating. I don’t get it at all. It’s one of the best horror movie of found footage genre. 5) The Boy (2016) - it’s a good movie. Fun and enjoyable, the twist is really nice as well. 6) Annabelle: Creation (2017) - it’s fun. It does not deserve the hate it gets. The setting is fresh and the story is engaging. 7) The Visit (2015) - I actually have many inside jokes thanks to this movie. When I watched it I was really captivated by the story, but afterwards I couldn’t stop laughing and joking about some parts after the reveal. 8) The Skeleton Key (2005) - One of my all time favourite movies. I was a kid when I went to watch it in theatre at late evening with my best friend. It’s a fun and entertaining movie with a great aesthetic and premise to it. The mystery and the ending are both solid, too. I recommend to check it out.


Love The Skeleton Key. Fantastic twist and good ambience.


Skeleton Key is proof positive that there’s a place for good PG13 Horror


Hellraiser 4. The studio meddled and entire filmed sequences and plot lines were cut, the director quit in protest, and some new stuff was added with a new director before release. [Here’s more about the major cuts and some stills of the deleted footage.](https://clivebarkercast.com/2018/11/30/barkercast-presents-the-original-cut-of-hellraiser-bloodline-does-exist/) They had *French clown cenobites*, people!


Killer klowns from Outer space


This is the best movie to watch with a group of people, it is such a good time


I love Killer Klowns too, but I really don't think it is--or ever was--thought of as a "bad movie." It was an ignored curiosity at first, but became a cult-classic through cable airings and is now a beloved classic. Being silly, campy or comedic doesn't automatically make a horror movie bad.


Hell of the living dead and nightmare city make a great pairing and the keep is a phenomenal Michael mann film


There is a double feature dvd of hell of the living dead and nightmare city that blue underground released but it might be out of print now.




The Feast movies are like junk food for me. Terrible but fun to watch.


Crazy, I ate up the "Project Greenlight" show that led to the first one being made, but never actually ended up watching any of them.


Mama 😂


Unfriended and its sequel Dark Web. Say what you want about both movies but the original was definitely something new to experience and Dark Web is my favorite movie yet.


The Happening. It’s one of my absolute favorites and while I recognize that it’s not for everyone, I think it’s great. The humor is fully intentional and I think it’s balanced well but this seems to be one of the biggest complaints.


I applaud the bravery of this take, and I might rewatch it in your honor! I also find Shyamalan’s loopiness kinda charming at this point, so maybe I’ll enjoy it more with that perspective.


I’m honestly influenced often in a positive way about some movies by the way someone is so enthusiastic about it or if they have a different perspective. But I’m also really “forgiving” about flaws in movies and just kind of relate to the emotional elements. I’m not thinking too hard about how silly things could be. You could probably make anything seem silly if it’s presented in the right way. I WILL say that Jaime French does a film review of The Happening and it’s HYSTERICAL😂 highly recommend YouTubing it. There’s something about this movie in particular that strikes a cord with me. And it’s not like I’m oblivious to *why* people have the gripes with it that they do cuz I get it lol. But it just works for me somehow and it will always be a comfort watch for me.


No ma'am...what? no!


And let the defending begin! Lol I’m a lover of all Shyamalan films. I just can’t help myself. I like his vibe and I think The Happening encapsulates it perfectly. I even liked Old for how nuts that movie was.


I enjoyed it too! I mean, it’s an obvious B movie spoof to me and I thought it was hilarious when I saw it at the cinema many years ago.


I think he takes the premise seriously but the weird lines like the Colonel saying “cheese and crackers!” And Mark speaking to the fake tree as examples are things that felt intentionally funny and weren’t meant to be taken seriously but I don’t think it was meant to spoof anything. I love the idea that we are destroying the planet so parts of the planet fighting back on a biological level. I think that idea was handled well by Shyamalan and something about it really hit hard for me. There are parts where I genuinely feel a lot of emotion and particularly the scene where Jess walks over to Mark, says something to him and they both embrace each other and we never know what is said and I start to cry every time even though I know it’s coming. There’s just something about this movie that resonates with me heavily. I’m also a big fan of all the main cast. That will make me love a movie more than if it was casted with people I didn’t particularly care for.


We’re normal! *proceeds to sing doobie brothers* See normal


I will go until the end of my days defending The Purge series. Is it perfect? No. Is it still good? Yes. If the criticisms were actually about what's in the films and not just some made up garbage about "but but but if crime is legal then whatabout" because buddy that's the first thing that tells me you didn't watch the movie or really didn't pay attention.


Some of these “bad” horror movies y’all listing are some stone cold classics. Nightmare City is a great zombie movie and I think the first in which they run?


Friday 13th VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. 🗽🛳


Just admit it, they should of called it Jason on a boat and not Jason takes Manhattan


Jason Takes ^^Forever ^^To ^^Get ^^To Manhattan


I just love Sleepaway Camp ✨😅 everything is there, nostalgia, funny dialogue, weirdly creative kills, to me it’s a yes to rewatch every time


Snoop Dogg’s Hood of Horror (2006) ik it sounds crazy but i promise it’s sooooo good!!! the gore is fucking amazing, the stories are interesting, the music is ofc good, and there’s a mix of animation as well! it’s amazing fr fr


The village. Fight me.


The Banana Splits Movie I don't even think it's a bad movie


Of all the “killer animatronics” movies, The Banana Splits Movie is the best.


Yeah 2nd best is Willy's Wonderland


It was a better FNAF movie than the actual FNAF movie, without a doubt


Chopping Mall. One of my all time favourites and everyone shits on it. It's terrible but I love it.


The Haunting (1999). It’s cheesy and gets terrible ratings everywhere, but I’ll casually watch the sh*t out of it. The casting was perfect (from the text of Shirley Jackson’s book, The Haunting of Hill House), and it’s a good scare. Overdone? Yes. Poorly written? Somewhat. A bad horror movie? Not at all.


Puppet Master. I absolutely adore that movie.


The original 'My Bloody Valentine' is a bad drama with a terrific horror movie tacked into it, and it's a mess but the photography is great, the horror parts of it are excellent, really atmospheric, and the villain is seriously one of the all-time greats and scary as hell.


Killer Klowns From Outerspace


*Call that movie bad again!! I dare you!! I double dare you!!*


Absolutely love this one!!


That’s not considered a bad movie. It’s campy but not bad.


Street trash


Deep Rising. With Horror Queers talking about The Mummy, I’m more inspired than ever to go back and watch it. Possibly paired with The Mummy as a Stephen Sommers double feature.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)


Halloween III Season of the Witch. It’s so so bad but love the atmosphere, the androids, the synthesisers, the whole idea of this movie is just great


Nightmare on Elm Street 2 I know that it is not universally disliked, only as an entry into the series. But for me it is the best of the bunch! The soundtrack, the kills, the cast, the craziness/campiness. Especially when you know some of bewind the scenes stuff that was going on (i.e. the „gay“ entry)


Malignant is god tier. I’m baffled people don’t love that movie more. It’s so good


Rob Zombie movies in general. Yeah, they're not high art, but they're fun movies.


The Devil's Rejects is so fucking good. Anytime I hear the song Free Bird I think of that scene in the movie.


Demons & Demons 2, all time greats in the horror community so damn bad it’s so damn good!


To me there's nothing bad about these movie. Excellent films especially the first


Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows. It's stupid as all hell but I had so much fun watching it. I enjoyed it infinitely more than the 2016 film


Welcome to raccoon ciry Lords of salem IT 2 Pet Sematary remake


They (2002), commercial and critical bomb but something about it just stuck with me


The Cube sequels. Although not as great as the first, and some shotty cgi throughout, both are still compelling and fun additions.


V/H/S because I love found footage horror and The Greasy Strangler because I love a weird black comedy that leaves you going “wtf did I just watch?!”.


i’ll forever defend alien vs. predator


Haunting 1999 version. Elenor was so sweet and it was a fun movie. Also first horror movie I liked.


The Haunting in Connecticut. Dreadful movie, and I love every second of it.


I often suspect I am the only person who actually likes Wes Craven's My Soul to Take. 


House of Wax (2005) and Dead Silence (2007)


•Splinter •The Baby •Joyride •Pet Sematary 2 •Maximum Overdrive •Tremors •Beast Within •Ghost Ship •Virus


Dead Silence. Listen, I KNOW it's stupid, but I love it!!


Jeepers creeper 2


Not as good as the first one but it's a masterpiece compared to everything that came after


Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. Dumb as hell but I love Freddy fully embracing his "evil Bugs Bunny" status.


Alien Space Avenger (1989) original idea, some crazy goofy kills, comic books, and boobs, what more do you want? Shriek of the Mutilated (1974) super low budget but I am a sucker for that twist, right up my alley Warlock: The Armageddon (1993) not as good as the first but Julian rules, some dark kills, even with the bad CGI


Shriek of the Mutilated has an ending that is waaay to clever for a movie that cheap and trashy! I kind of love it.


Nightmare City is wonderful, wonderful trash! Burial Ground Hell of the Living Dead Galaxy Invader Cruel Jaws


Knock at the Cabin


Blood Rage. Also all of the Saws.


Vamp. It's kind of hard to take seriously, but it does have a certain vibe to it that pushes it into horror. And it's got boobies.


Ghost ship Does the Wraith count? Killer clowns from Outer space is fucking great, and I like Critters


The Gate with Stephen Dorff.




The horror comedy Little Evil got pretty terrible reviews but I absolutely loved it. The stepdad support group run by a butch lesbian? That’s fucking genius. Great movie.


The rob zombie Halloween movies. I loved em for some reason




IT mini-series. It's bad quality and corny, but FUCK, if Tim Curry didn't play the shit out of the role


Who shits on the It miniseries? I feel like it’s pretty well regarded.


That one guy, Josh, I went to school with in 2013. If you're seeing this Josh Donaldson, fuck you.


Hahaha yeah fuck him!


Winnie-the-Pooh Blood and Honey. It's not a good movie, but I will die on the hill that the people making it had love and passion for the concept lmao, and I respect that. The animated intro, and going out of their way to use a honeycomb violin for the soundtrack? You can't convince me there isn't love there.


Seed of Chucky is a modern classic


Shark Night


Does Legion count? I can watch the first half of that movie weekly.


13 ghost. I love the whole assemble of ghost that may all have different back stories. And I've not watched it yet, but I get the feeling that new movie that came out Tarot, may fall within that range as well.


I still like Friday the 13th part 2, 3, and 4. The second because bag head Jason is INFINITELY scarier than hockey mask Jason. The 3rd because the 3D effects are terrible, and as result, hilarious. Plus the disco theme music. And 4 because of Crispin Glover and the "don't be a dead fuck" guy.


Knowing (2009) and The Happening (2008)


Truth or Dare (2017) I find it entertaining enough to overlook it's flaws. And I liked the choice to have the ending it did.


…Jason X 🫡


Alien vs Predator


The Wishmaster comes to mind 😅


Haven’t seen it all the way through but I’d say Poultrygeist. It’s technically a horror comedy but it’s so stupid that it’s kinda brilliant.


Oh for sure The Village and the Omen 2 & 3