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Multiple people went through and downvoted every comment here? This sub is so lame Anyways… Poughkeepsie Tapes is so bad it’s insulting


I enjoyed that one actually. The acting wasn't anything special but the raw depravity of the killer in the tapes gave the entire film a very unsettling vibe.


Ax em. Nothing even compares.


Things 1989 it's definitely bottom of the barrel. (Someone already said Ax'em)


I'm glad that Rifftrax did a commentary for it, because that's the only way I could finish the movie.


Most people who want a bad movie couldn't imagine something as bad as Things. It's a conversation ender. There's lots of bad movies, but nothing even comes close to this one.


Only time I watched it was when The Last Drive-in aired it, and even then it was a struggle


Imaginary and Paranormal Activity 6 are not bad in the slightest. Even though you didn’t like them, doesn’t make them bad.


Winnie The Pooh


I need to watch this one foresure just to see how bad it really is


Oh it‘s bad lol


It's bad, but it doesn't set out to be anything but bad. The special effects are decent, and the acting isn't bad. The script is dumb, but you already knew it would be. The worst sin of it is that it's not very entertaining at all. It's by no means the worst movie.


The Banshee Chapter. its almost unwatchable


Oasis is of the Zombies… anyone?!


I know I'm going to get blasted for saying this. Troll 2 is the first thing I think of when I see these posts. Some people say it's so bad it's good. I just don't see it.


Why would you get blasted? When people say something is "so bad it's good" they still mean it's bad lol


I posted to a thread very similar to this. I ate a lot of down votes for mentioning Troll 2. One guy in particular was really offended. Some people are rabid supporters of their fandom. lol


I literally made a post on r/movies about “so bad they’re good movies” that just suck, and someone got mad that people were mentioning stuff like The Room or Samurai Cop for “be boring and not having fun.” It pissed me off, because I hate when people are “like you should just like it ironically” when sometimes you just can’t. 


I’ve seen people get mad at me for shitting on Pieces. It’s not out of the ordinary 


The first 30 min or so is where it's funny, but it soon becomes a chore to watch all the way through. Probably best to just watch a compilation video of the funniest parts.


Jeepers Creepers Reborn


It's bad, but it has decent acting, and the effects aren't bad... it's the script that it's bad.


gonna have to agree to disagree, I don't think there were any redeeming qualities of the movie. (spoliers in links for people who haven't seen it yet) * [This clip shows how bad the camera work was and how bad the creeper's skin looked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AwXFH6w8is) * The CGI of [this item being thrown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPb_8407BJ4) was just so poorly done for such a major scene, man that was so badly done. In fact all the outdoors scenes were awful because they were so clearly green-screened - which would have been fine if they bothered to do any post editing so that there clearly wasn't different lighting on the people compared to their supposed surroundings. * acting was mediocre at best - maybe it was made worse by the script, but there wasn't any scenes that stood out to me as having "good" acting to make up for the bad.


Mediocre acting still takes it way above all movies with non-existing acting with extremely poor effects For example this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqUjN-ylD14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqUjN-ylD14)


All of those films are shite. It's not really helped by the knowledge that the director of the early ones is a certified nonce, an all.


The first 2 are fantastic. The last 2 are the only bad ones


Eh, I guess they're not my cuppa tea for this opinion: I would've been more unsettled by the Creeper, if he weren't some demon-thing, and simply a murderous weirdo. I dunno, it's just my take, though.


Behold AX’EM! https://youtu.be/kVGmTUHbvkA?si=B2FlxEG4sIXWmMEk


Return to Salem's Lot. Absolutely no redeeming features.


Damn you for reminding me it exists!


It's not the worst ever made as there's actually interesting things like some of the visuals and the music. But my most hated is The Exorcist II, just a complete travesty cash-in. When Blatty and Friedkin refused to take part they should have just left it. Personally, i prefer the way Merrin's death is dealt with in the book with it being made clear Pazuzu didn't kill him, that he's actually pissed that he died and is demanding that Karras heals him so they can finish their battle and he can defeat him. The ambiguous ending in the movie is great too purely for Regan/Pazuzu giggling which is creepy as fuck, as Pazuzu never sounds like a little girl except in that moment which makes it so alien and bonechilling. The movie making it that Pazuzu crushed his hand killing him was fucking awful, just one of countless horrible decisions they clearly didn't understand what they were attempting to continue they just knew it made a lot of money so pumped out an artless studio think tanked product. The actual worst i've seen off the top of my head may be The Final Sacrifice which is best remembered as a MST3K covered movie.




Is that from the MST3K episode? I honestly can't remember it i saw it like a decade ago. Or is it something else?


The kid and Rowsdower get away from the cult and end up at an old shack. The kid sees a table and blurts out FUUD! Honestly, The Final Sacrifice is a fantastic MST3K episode. It's a shame YouTube is constantly taking it down.


lol, i may have to rewatch it. Yeah, MST3K make bad movies super enjoyable so it's hard to look at them properly. However i'm just picturing myself watching it first before i saw MST3K, and thinking of its actual qualities or lack of them.


In all the years I've watched them, there's only one movie they did that I can watch without the riffs. Teenagers From Outer Space. That one is so delightfully cheesy and fun all on its own. That's definitely my favorite episode.


ThanksKilling and ThanksKilling 3 are a good start. The "3rd" one is particularly despised by many. Lmao Jack Frost The Killer Snowman 1 & 2 are another infamous pair. Then you got the Gingerdead Man series. Good Lord!!!! Lmao


Thankskilling was first to mind for me too! That scene, where she doesn't know it's a turkey behind her, is when I realized what a steamer that movie is. Pretty funny tho.


House of the Dead [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317676/reference/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317676/reference/) Uwe Boll at his finest


Oh God does that guy even know how bad his movies are?


The happening


I agree, but I find it to be one of the most unintentionally funny horror movies out there.


One of m nights worst movies by far! Which is unfortunate because it had a good premise and a great cast but even the acting was bad. I don't think that movie was even meant to be taken seriously though


I won't presume to give you the "worst ever made" but I'll give you one of the worst I've ever seen. Necropolis: Legion. It's only 62 minutes long but will feel like an eternity because it's actually only 20 minutes of film stretched to the breaking point and then driven around the block a dozen more times. The director says it's a reboot/reinvisioning of 1986's "Necropolis" but all he did was reuse a single character and surround her with meaningless filler that goes nowhere yet takes forever to do so. This movie fails in practically every category in which a movie can be judged. But if you like establishing shots, then, boy howdy, is this your movie. You will see practically nothing else.


Black Christmas 2016, Shadow in the Cloud 2020 Both are complete brainfart.


I thought the remake of wicker man was dire. It had big boots to fill but come on. Dire.


Couldn’t finish Plan 9 from Outer Space. Not even as comedy. Ended up fast forwarding through things that looked interesting or funny.


Leprechaun in space. You guys will have a blast with that one


Not a bad movie


Pretty much every Torture Porn film out there. Displaying the special effects to realistically display something sadistically gross happening is a major turn off for me in respect. It just shows the filmmaker lacks the talent to actually scare me. Note that I do not include Body Horror in this category.


Why would you not say something very similar about body horror?


Because of the sadistically grossness of it. Something just hits me very differently about it. I love the Thing but I legitimately found Martyrs to be purely nauseous. Admittedly, part of that also has to do with the story and characters, which are something that mostly all Torture porn lacks on.


I dunno, I absolutely love The Thing but if someone made the argument that showing a dog’s head exploding into a flesh flower or a man’s chest ripping open and chomping another’s arms off was particularly gross and sadistic, I’m not sure I could disagree… I do understand what you’re getting at, I think The Thing is so fantastical that it doesn’t hit close to home in the same way that like Hostel or Human Centipede would, for example. But I don’t think the filmmakers make those flicks for lack of talent. Those movies can be absolutely terrifying and unsettling, and if it’s not for you it’s not for you. It’s not really for me honestly, but I’m not saying that those filmmakers lack talent.


Fair enough, and I appreciate the understanding. The root issue for me remains what I described as sadistic grossness, which nauseates me in a way that the Thing does not. Understand I’m not bothered by gore; in The Boys, Homelander crushed one guys head against the wall and torn another guys guts out to slop wetly on the floor. Gore doesn’t bother me, but the handling of it absolutely does.


Loved Martyrs because the storyline and ending though. It’s a solid piece of work. I thought you were talking about August Underground and such. Those are just horrible


Why is you being turned on or turned off a good factor for determining the worst movie? *The worst* isn't about whether you like it or not... There are movies that are great for a different audience, great for children etc. Even if I don't like watching Teletubbies I can't call it bad because I understand it's well done in terms of what's appealing to small children. I know I often prefer a bad horror movie over a decent action movie; mostly because the bad horror movie sometimes surprises me with a twist, while the decent action movie sadly never does. A movie can still have good production value, good actors, good special effects or be interesting in some other way.


No, determining the best and worst movies absolutely is an opinion. There is no universal criteria or measures for saying a movie is good or bad, which is among the good reasons we have Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic.


While I agree that it's to some degree about taste, you can still respect the craft of it. Sometimes the effort that went into something needs to be taken into consideration.


Predatory Moon (2017)


Of more recent bombs, I present Hollow - a Brit FF horror about a killer tree. Yes, the old killer tree. It’s streaming now. Don’t waste your time.


Bad horror; Street trash 1987. Although there’s no way psycho 1998 is a bad movie. It’s a shot by shot remake of the Hitchcock classic. It didn’t do well because of that, not because it’s bad. Or maybe you don’t like the original either 🤷🏻😂.


Bro Street Trash is amazing


I wanted to like it soooooo bad.


The psycho remake is very, very bad actually. Shot for shot doesn’t equal quality performance or even mood. It fails utterly.


That’s not entirely accurate. Those aren’t reasons why the movie didn’t do well, and certainly not what it was criticized for.


The movie didn’t do well because it’s fucking terrible.


What an enlightening criticism🥴.


Compared to your ‘nuh uh’ argument it’s pretty inspired in fact.


I’m sorry, where exactly, did I make that argument? You’re huffing that copium, bruh


Your first comment about psycho. Also ignoring what I said about why it sucks in regards to shot for shot not equaling it being good. You’re terrible at this. And also wrong. Psycho 98 is a soulless recreation that fails in every level compared to the original particularly due to the performances all around and isn’t worth watching whatsoever and absolutely sucks as a movie.


Yea that would be a gross oversimplification of what I said. Generally, you can’t reason your way out of a situation that didn’t use reason to get into the situation in the first place, so I won’t even bother. I neither have the time, nor the crayons to spell it out for you.


Well if you ignore even my basic argument then don’t know what to tell you. You say that you have reasons that it doesn’t suck and instead of explaining how you say then we must all hate the OG film too. Which at least for me, isn’t the case. You have made no arguments whatsoever. At least I could put even simply why it sucks. Cause it does. It made terribly. It feels terrible. It’s acted beyond terrible. It holds no joy while watching or measures up to the original and just because it’s shot for shot does not make it an equivalent. A lot went wrong w this film and I find zero reasons to laude it let alone even enjoy it in any capacity. Bad movie is bad.


The mean one


Dracula 3000 :o)


Jaws: The Revenge


Children of the living dead. Terrifyingly awful.


Unknown Visitor


Gore-met, Zombie Chef from Hell (1986) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0144223/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0144223/) The '80s shot on video stuff was not good.


Exorscim in amarilo or whatever the fuck it’s called. You’ve NEVER seen anything like it




I’ve never heard of this, but the title loan made me laugh!


It's free to watch on Tubi


House of 1000 Corpses. Derivative of Texas Chainsaw Massacre bullshit with horrible acting


Not a bad movie


If that is the worst movie you've seen... you haven't seen many movies!


Brilliant commentary


Thank you.


Return to Sleepaway Camp is up there


Basketcase. I only paid attention to the 2, or 3(?) one, 'cos I was 16, and I saw boobs.


Halloween III: Season of the Witch


Ok season of the witch is a popular movie to hate because Michael Myers wasn't in it. John Carpenter originally intended on the Halloween franchise being an anthology series where each movie would be a different story but because people loved Michael Myers so much season of the witch tanked.


it’s not just my inner-tween disappointment over not having Michael Myers…microchips powered by Stonehenge? there’s good bad and then there’s bad, bad


175 days ‘till Halloween… Silver Shamrock


*trigger epilepsy warning


FNAF Boogeyman The nest


Terrifer. Both of em


Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)


Paranormal activity


Not a bad movie


It's an hour of watching people sleep with a green filter over the camera lens. It's terrible.


This is worthless as criticism, you can reduce so many great movies to this. You aren't actually criticising it you're just simplifying it to make it sound bad.


Nah, it's just bad movie.


It doesn't matter if it's a good or bad movie, i didn't even give my opinion. Your comment is worthless as criticism either way.


Sorry you can't handle the truth.


Sorry you can't formulate proper criticism. Again you don't know what i think of Paranormal Activity. It's not about the movie it's about that simpleton style of "criticism", it's the same thing as saying Lord of the Rings is just people walking around. Says more about the person attempting to criticise than the movie.


Sorry you can't understand what criticism is.




Worst take ever


I enjoyed the first three installments of PA the rest were whack


None of them are bad


Well my lowest rated ones on letterboxd are The Killing Of A Sacred Deer, The Basement (2017), Satanic (2016), Thankskilling 3, Silent House (2011), Beyond The Black Rainbow, Antichrist, Philosophy Of A Knife, One Missed Call, I Stand Alone, Begotten (1989), Rabid Grannies, Blood Diner, Guinea Pig - Devil's Experiment, Salo, Warlock Moon, Cannibal Girls, Man From Deep River. All them I only gave 1/2\* but I rate more on if I liked them, I'm sure a lot of the sub will disagree and some are technically competent - I just hated everything about them. Actual worst worst is probably Begotten - it's a black and white arthouse mess with no dialogue and a plot you have to look up on Wikipedia cause there's no way you'd get it from the actual film.


Killing of a Sacred Deer is one of my favorite horror movies.


Yeah I see a lot of praise for it here, knew it'd get me downvotes lol


Salo is horrible, but not in that way. I think it serves its purpose as a work of art. Kind of feel that way about AntiChrist too. Fully agree with Guinea Pig


No I meant it in exactly that way. A bunch of naked people sit around listening to a woman tell a bunch of crappy (pun intended) stories. The 'message of the film' that everyone raves about is so good amounts to "fascists are bad, dem likey da poopoo" and goes no deeper. The only extreme or torturous acts is in the last 10mins and not even that bad. IMO it deserves none of the reverance or awe or respect it is afforded. Old men poop, shock fucking horror.


Frightmare. It was too boring for me to even be able to laugh at it


Don’t go in the Woods… Alone  Slaughter High


Manos The Hands Of Fate. I forgot it was a horror movie while I was watching it. It wasn't scary in the slightest and it was boring. Surprisingly though, I've seen worse movies than that though. Lol.


Had to scroll too far for this. But Torgo though. Unforgettable.


Grotesque (1988)


there are so so many. just hop on imdb and grab some films with a rating of 3 point something


How can there be many? There is only 1 movie that is the worst, at least in any given category.


Dead alive is legit good to watch and laugh at with friends Motel hell


Dead alive is bad, but it's also epic and deserves respect for that. And despite being bad it's extremely entertaining. This is why it's a cult classic; it's not a candidate for worst movie by any means!


Just about all the ones on Tubi and Amazon Prime. I’ve seen the worst ones on those 2 services.


Some of the best movies. Less likely to be Hollywood formulaic. They have some real horror films in there


The very last lake placid movie. Just... So bad, it's bad.


The Fearway was really bad, like REALLY bad.


**Muck**. Holy shit it was next level trash.


Worst in what way? First of all, me liking or not liking a movie isn't a good criteria... I like bad movies... and often I prefer to watch a B-horror over an A-action movie. Several here suggests movies that, while not great, have aspects like good cast, plot, effects etc. I understand that someone might not like **House of 1000 corpses** for example, but it still has decent production value and it's clear that a lot of people enjoys those movies (I personally love that movie) so by any means it can't be the worst. Then we have movies that are truly bad, but somehow managed to become cult classic. **Plan 9 from Outer Space** is tricky in this regard... there's no denying that it's really bad... but it has attained cult status, and that alone makes it interesting... and a movie that is interesting is a lot better than movies that aren't interesting; meaning... it's not the worst movie. **Leprechaun in space** is also interesting... it's bad, we all know it; but it sets out to be bad... it basically aims to be a parody of itself, and it actually does this with style. It's the same with the **Evil Bong** series... they set out to show tits and people being high; the plot is intentionally ridiculous... so even if they by no means are great, they achieve what they strive to achieve, and thus they cannot be the worst... the worst has to be a movie that sets out to be at least decent but fails on every single level. I think The VelociPastor is in this category as well... I thought it was horribly bad.. but I think it's bad by design... Then of course we have the pretentious movies. I personally hated **The outwaters (2022)** and **A field in England** but people either rate these really high or really low, so it's clear that they speak to some people. I personally categorize them as pretentious bullshit where the film makers tries to hard to make something special... but even if I hate them I can't say they are the worst because they seem to succeed in their goal of being pretentious drivel... I would suggest something like... * **Dead Again (2021)** * **The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death (2014)** * **The Mummy Resurrected (2014)** I can't think of a single redeeming factor in these movies, and I think they actually set out to make decent movies.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022, Halloween 2018


Jug face. Ridiculously bad!


Terror Toons (2002) I almost don’t want to say it, because then people might watch it. Never, never watch it. 


heh... I do a trashy movie review show on Youtube and Terror Toons is one I'm keeping an eye out for.


I hated the Thanksgiving movie, it’s not the worst horror movie out there. But for me personally I’ll never watch it again.


Amityville It's About Time Amityville Dollhouse


Hmm. I enjoyed the Amityville movie from 2018


Megan is literally the worst horror movie I've ever seen


Not a bad movie


It's extremely cliché. It feels like a chapter of a sci-fi anime for kids from the 90s.


How is cliche a bad thing? Basically every movie is a cliche. Not a big deal.


This guy has experienced a lot of different stories.


Anything recent 😆😅




X trilogy is recent and its really good


I watched those, they were good but not my kind of horror :)


What's your kind of horror?


Scream 6