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I’m tired of endless sequels and horror movies that don’t have a real ending. You know they might want to make a sequel.


What? I don'tbelieve you! Everyone loves Halloween the 1340th!


Poughkeepsie tapes


There's one single scene that keeps me from hating the entire thing: when the dude's in the black body suit spinning across the floor. That visual is fantastic. The rest is an overly long Criminal Minds episode.


For me it’s when it turns out the woman was under the table all along.


I remember watching this and going, "Eh, this was supremely whatever" and then a few years later all these people were raving about it and I was like, is this the same film we're talking about...?


Can’t agree more some of the worst acting ever and the the non stop praise for the killer gets annoying really quick


Most annoying thing about the movie is how the killer does absolutely nothing to cover his tracks, records his every move and gives them to police, and even has encounters with people who escape him and go to the police, but everyone and their mother in the movie acts like the killer is smarter than Hannibal Lector and impossible to catch


So... I was in the audience for what I believe was the first public screening of that movie. We were told the filmmakers were in the audience for a post-screening Q&A. Well... the screening did not go well. Most of us absolutely hated it. When the lights came up, it was obvious that the crowd was ready to roast the filmmakers. And that's when we were told that they had to leave during the screening and would not be returning. 😄😄😄


I swear this movie only got popular due to edge lords on 4Chan back in the day.


I definitely remember watching that movie after seeing gifs of the person crawling in the mask on /x/ or something.


It was insufferable. Half the movie was a poorly acted cop saying “you don’t understand. This was the most super sneaky smart serial killer ever ever”


Meanwhile he’s picking up and attacking people in broad daylight


Any gore movie like hostel or the human centipede etc.


Yes. I can't stand gore movies. Whenever someone asks me what genre of film I like I always specify that I like supernatural horror and not gore horror.


Same, psychological horror for me! But hold the shock value blood and guts, please.


If you take Smile only as a monster movie, it’s okay. However, when you examine the movie as some sort of mental health message, it’s cruel . 


Smile's marketing was better than the actual movie.


Huge let down. I felt like the movie was trying to be "it follows".


Via The Ring. Its completely unoriginal


I got into a bunch of arguments with people about this about how stupid the mental health angle is and someone was like “you don’t know what it’s like to be mentally ill, that’s why you don’t like it” meanwhile I’ve been in a mental hospital.


This script was written by someone who has never visited or been near an actual working psychiatric facility. They did absolutely no research on inpatient or acute psych. My son refuses to watch the movie with me anymore because he hates my lecture on it.


even the first scene when she visits that girl I was like okay too many sharp objects in that room, the chairs and tables have corners, she has to physically reach an emergency phone instead of having a panic button on her person etc small things like that just took me out of it from the start but I do actually love Smile as just a monster movie


And think of what movie is saying from a mental health perspective. The only way to beat it is to completely isolate yourself from others to infinity OR inflict that pain onto others by taking their lives . Or if you do decide to confront it like she does and her past honestly , it won’t matter - it’s still going to get you and you’re done. 


The worst part is that if the whole “only way to beat it is isolate yourself or abuse others” thing was just what the entity wanted you to think and there was another way to **really** beat it (maybe involving empathy from others, effective therapy, idk), the movie would actually work and have a good message


It’s also like…what does “mental illness” mean to this movie? Anxiety? Schizophrenia? A personality disorder? I feel like this movie is beloved by people who self diagnose themselves with anxiety and depression and think the message is super deep. Meanwhile people with hardcore mental disorders are like “this is garbage.”


I work in a Mental Health Hospital. It is not even close to a realistic picture of a mental health ward, for numerous reasons


The mental health part of this movie (when she was acting in a professional capacity) drove me NUTS. You never put a psych patient between you and the door, no matter how well you think you know them. You never interview a psych patient in a room with things that can be thrown or broken into pieces. You never go into an acutely psychotic patients room alone. A 5150 does not mean a bunch of us tackle a patient calmly sitting on their bed. A 5150 is a legal term that a patient is a danger to themselves, others, or is gravely disabled and it designates that someone is being held for psychiatric observation for up to 72 hours on a doctor's orders. We do not restrain cooperative patients. We do not slam patients on the floor to restrain them (it's easier on the bed). I seriously wanted to jump through the screen.


I was in psych and I was hand wringing at the screen through the ward parts of the movie. tables and chairs with corners? ligatures and places to hang them off of? GLASS?


I like Smile, but I can understand this critique. Plus there's been a glut of trauma porn movies ever since The Babadook so i feel a little beaten-over-the-head with that angle


I mean not everyone’s mental health can be improved when you don’t have the right people around you. Rose had no support to help her, it’s sad but it’s true that some people don’t get through it. And I don’t think it’s fair to knock Smile for not having a happy ending. And this is coming from someone with severe depression and problems with suicide.


The critique of the mental health aspect is really weird to me. Smile didn't really come across as some layered A24 arthouse masterpiece that intentionally steered us to some deceitful conclusions. It was a horror movie, one that has a lot of good things going for it, but also one that shouldn't be looked at for an especially meaningful take on the struggles of mental health. We watch NOES 3 Dream Warriors, AHS Asylum, and a thousand other horror flicks dipping their toes into the shallow end of pseudopsychology. I'm not sure why this one gets such disproportionate hate. It was entertaining, had some very memorable scenes, decent acting, writing, and direction, and followed through on its dreadful, if somewhat flawed, premise right to the end. In the bizarro version of this thread, count me as a fan of the mostly hated Smile.


The Babadook, it was like a trend to like it but damn that kid was annoying and everyone defended it the same way, “You just don’t get it, it’s a manifestation of her grief” 🙄 doesn’t make it better.


Exactly "The kid is supposed to be annoying" isn't a good defense if the kid is so fucking irritating I stop watching the movie so I don't have to hear his stupid whiny ass anymore.


“You just don’t get it” needs to be removed as a defense for 99% of art. The “it” in question here is about as subtle and complex as a brick to skull. Like no man, I get it *and* I have a migraine now, thanks


Lmao Amen brother


That literally every quirky “I love spooky stuff 👻” persons favorite and it’s just so (for lack of better word) mid.


I liked The Killing of a Sacred Deer enough. Was that even a horror movie? I thought it was just a weird little movie with an interesting idea.


I never thought of it as "Horror". I enjoyed it.


Tbh there’s a **lot** of weird little movies with an interesting idea that get called horror, especially on here


More like a psychological drama type of thing


Skinamarink. Honestly, when it was effective, it was really good. But it was a solid 40 - 45 minutes too long. Too many shots of an empty upside-down hallway that went on long enough to just be boring.


Everyone loves this??? I think one out of ten members of this sub reddit "love" this movie, at most.


Right. It’s pretty polarizing.


Which IMO are the best type of movies


I enjoyed it because I’m a big fan of analog horror. The only problem I have with movies focusing on just analog horror is that it can only really effectively be done once, then it’s not scary anymore. I doubt I’d enjoy another feature-length analog movie


Agreed. Boring as all hell


I don't turn movies off very often but this was one of them. I maybe got 10 minutes in before putting something else on. This is coming from someone who sat through We're All Going to the World's Fair.


I attempted to watch this at least 3 times, but the shakiness was so anxiety-inducing, which I guess was part of the appeal? The sense of uneasiness? I just couldn’t get through it. And I’ve seen total garbage, like human centipede 1-3 and still couldn’t do it.


It’s one of those that you kinda have to see in a theatre to get the full experience, it’s terrifying on a big screen with total darkness. I loved the movie but can totally understand how boring it can be for people, it’s very experimental


I had the opposite experience. I saw it in the theaters and hated it. The only people I’ve spoken to in person that liked it watched it alone at 3 am.


Hell House LLC. I was bored to tears and the acting was so unbelievable.


Ugh. To each their own obviously. But I love those movies. I stumbled on the first one right after it came out before it had a cult following. And I loved it. It started my obsession with found footage horror movies.


I can’t think of any that I actually hate, but X is extremely mid in my opinion


I loved X, however it definitely a little overrated, I also feel like there’s way better horror movies under the A24 umbrella then X




It's competent but kinda boring and the praise for it is more about how much people miss slashers than about the movie itself


I’ve felt the same way about all of Ti West’s movies. He is an excellent director and his films evoke their era brilliantly, but as a writer he is extremely lacking.


Oh yah, this movie totally lost me with the horror being naked old people. Gtfoh. I do like Pearl, though.




It's terrible at building suspense. A scary costume and gore alone don't make for a scary movie. It's all style and no substance, very much like AHS. I wanted to like it, but it just wasn't interesting at all. The 2nd one was a little better, but I still hated it. It was like a teenage boy wrote a horror movie. It's just a bunch of stuff that's been done before (but better) all mashed into a shit story and even shittier script.


Agreed. It only feels like it was made to be gorey


Seems to only be popular due to the excessive cruelty played for "laughs". Yet the gore is visceral and far more real than most slashers.


This. There’s zero story.


I adore the terrifier films, but I’m not under any delusion that they’re plot centric in any way haha. They’re incredibly gory, the whole concept of Art terrifies me (pun intended), and they’re just fun to watch.


A good percentage of Blum House. The first conjuring was ok. Then it got out of hand. Annabelle was weak to me too. The first Insidious was good, then the rest were just kind of meh. The Purge wasted its premise to follow a house invasion. The TV series at least tried.


Still have no idea why they made the Annabelle doll look so evil, and yet have everyone in the movies treat it like it's supposed to look - a normal Raggedy Ann doll. It was almost like the scriptwriter had no input at all into the visuals. Complete disconnect. Also, >!in the first movie, why does the neighbour say "no, don't jump out the window, don't give it what it wants!" and then proceed to jump out of the window herself? It's like "no, I wanna do it!"!<


Yea totally, it was disjointed. Also, as a Chucky fan, it made me nuts. The doll wasn’t even alive lol.


Babadook - kid screaming nonstop


Im not a huge fan of allegory horror. Really takes away the horror when you realize the minster doesnt fucking exist. "Depression is the monster" therapy and medication exists! I know all horror is an allegory for human blah blah blah but when the minsters legit sont exist in the movie then that is too far.


Lake Mungo


Honestly the problem is misleading marketing and word of mouth calling it one of the most traumatizing movies ever made. I'd still call it a good picture with some reservations, it's definitely leaning a lot more to the drama/grief genre than it does horror


I went in with zero expectations and no prior knowledge about it and really enjoyed it. After later seeing the marketing materials I can guess that I'd have probably been disappointed in it had I done it the other way.


yeah. it was an ok found footage/mockumentary. but am unable to empathize with people who say it's scary. scary how? when? where?


Black Phone was so *meh*


I liked it, but the bit about the sister and her visions was completely unnecessary.


I thought the same at first but now I think it connects to the brother/mother having gifts also. He can hear the dead and she has visions. Helps make it more understandable that he can even hear the ghosts in the first place, runs in the family


I thought this movie was good but it didn’t feel like a horror movie.


I loved it so much😭. I loved the Halloween kids movie feels it evoked in me. The town was spooky. The kids acted very well.


Agreed! I like that it bridged the gap between that Spielberg “kids in a tense situation” type movie and a true horror movie. It didn’t scare me and it won’t make a best of list for me but I think it certainly has its place and I enjoyed it a lot


I wanted that one to be way scarier and better than it was... It just felt like they couldn't decide on how sinister the villain and story should be. Just kind of fizzled out


There wasn’t enough backstory for us


Definitely. Plus it felt like Ethan Hawke was totally prepared to scare the shit out of us but the rest of the powers that be who made the movie weren't. Like if something is supposed to be rated R but gets a PG-13 so they have to dial it back and the story suffers.


To each their own, but I thought there were several less overtly gory but quietly menacing parts of Black Phone that really stick with me... For example, there is a scene early on where the dad is freaking out at his kids that chilled me to the bone. IMO it precisely captures the vibe and devastation of an emotionally volatile parent.  I also really loved the baddie sitting at the top of the stairs, calm and waiting, kind of a remix of Michael Myers with a muted (but still batshit) crazy.


All the insidious movies and all the conjuring movies. 


I honestly liked the first half of Insidious 1 and Conjuring 1. Then they just fall apart for me. Conjuring 3 annoyed me. They have the Warren's whole files to choose from and went with *two* possession stories? But I also hate the Warrens but love Patrick Wilson so I'm conflicted anyway.


I’m in the same boat I liked the first Insidious until they get into the astral projection nonsense


Yeah, that's where I lose it as well.


Leave the Patrick Wilson Cinematic Universe alone, that man deserves his spotlight.


That man has such a lovely singing voice too


I found it really hard to watch the Conjuring movies because I loathe the Warrens. I didn’t watch them until last year, and while I was able to get past the characters being the Warrens, mainly because the actors don’t sound or look anything like them, I didn’t really care for the flicks. I can see why people like those movies, and I’m stoked for them, but they weren’t my thing. Edit: wording


This is it for me. The only way I can watch them is by pretending I'm watching completely fictional characters not based on the actual people. (Which, considering the Warrens irl, is kinda true- the people on screen are not accurate representations of them.)


Same for me.  They're despicable people so I'm not gonna subject myself to hours of hero worship directed towards them. 


I think a more interesting film would be depicting the Warrens with all the negative press they've received.


I have a special hate for the Conjuring movies considering the Warrens were scammers and ruined peoples lives.


The series makes me want to give my “fuck the Warrens” rant every time I see it.


This makes me sad 😔 but you answered the question so well so thank you


The terrifier movies


The Babadook, I was so bored, and the payoff was not worth it.


I hate this movie and everyone in it. I have loved horror for 44 years because I like the escapism from real life horror. Another person suffering from depression in a world where we almost all suffer from serious depression isn’t fun to watch.


I LOATHE this movie and all my friends love it. feel like im taking crazy pills hearing them gush over it


A quiet place


Okay, so I liked the film. The part that asks me to suspend disbelief a bridge too far is the Deaf girl. As someone who lived with a Deaf person for three years, they are the loudest motherfuckers on EARTH. How loud would you be if you had no frame of reference for the modulation of sound? The first time she made coffee, the monster would have eaten them all. EDIT: Spelling


It could have worked if not for that insufferably stupid kid…and how inconsistent it was when it came to what noises the monsters can and can’t pick up. A lot of time there is plenty of noise and the critters seem to simply not notice, others, when it’s plot convenient, they zero-in.


Smile. Felt kinda corny at times and was very middle of the road and easily predictable. Lots of recycled tropes and the acting was meh. I don’t *hate* it but I also don’t think it’s anything beyond mediocre


Interesting. That’s the only horror movie that ever actually scared me. I have no idea why, but my palms were sweating and I was afraid to drive home at night after I left the theater.


I’m glad to hear it scared you like that, I love when horror movies do that to me! If I get home and immediately feel the urge to turn all the lights on and pause for ten minutes anytime I hear a creak in the house, it was a good movie lol. I remember feeling that way after the Fourth Kind. Objectively just not that great of a movie but I was petrified of waking up and seeing 3:30am on my clock and it creeped me out so much


The Babadook


It’s fucking crazy to me that some people have the balls to act like the movie has subtext that you need to pay attention to pick up on. Motherfucker it’s just the text. The movie turned its themes into a nail and it spends 90 minutes hammering that nail into your head with an excellent performance from Essie Davis and also a screeching child. Also this is super petty, but how did whoever was in charge of the sound effects create the incredibly creepy “babaaaaa doook dooooOOOK DOOOOOOOK” (which was accented perfectly with the cicada sounds) during the bedroom scene but then just shrug and use 30 year old stock dragon sound effects for the climax. Also also, it was very disappointing to watch this director’s Cabinet of Curiosity episode with Essie Davis and find out it’s just The Babadook but with a dead son instead of dead husband


The climax? Ending? Is what killed that movie for me. I was *so* into it I really liked it and then it just...fizzled with the cheapness of it all.


The Babadooky, agreed. Ugh it was intolerable.


SERIOUSLY. i get the motherhood, PPD, grief business. but omg, it's so boring.


What a disappointing movie that was lol. I typically like that style too, but it just didn't do it for me. Felt slow and boring as heck


The kid screaming


“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE NORMAL?!” **kid screams further**


I put it off for years because I knew it couldn’t reach the expectations set on it by everyone. I ended up falling asleep.


100% agree.




I really can't with the paranormal activity movies. To me, it gets boring and repetitive. Also just not a huge fan of the style they tried to do. To me, that style of found footage is supposed to be fore exploring, because then it makes the style plausible. Someone literally found the lost footage. But with them being in the house, as much as they try to justify the style, I find the found footage style whilst inside feels very wannabe. Like, it wants to separate itself, but in doing so, I think it just seems a bit odd.


I think these movies would be much more effective as short films. For 20 minutes it would be intriguing but a feature length film just drags it out too much.


First off, absolutely agree on that one. Hated it. For me though it's The Strangers. No idea how anyone was anything but pissed off at that silly ass movie


I do like that movie for a silly goofy killer kills some dumb people kind of movie. But damn. That couple was written to be DUMB. Like unrealistically dumb. Also Dennis from it’s always sunny gets blasted in the face with that shotgun which is a classic scene.


The Conjuring was very forgettable. I couldn't even watch half an hour of the first Annabelle because it was so boring.


Hell House LLC and that movie Underwater


The Hostel movies. Hate them all. And everything that Rob Zombie has made, aside from *maybe* Lords of Salem and 1,000 Corpses. That whole white trash aesthetic he regurgitates into all his films is just so forced and shitty.


Reading through all these comments, the only answer I can sort of give is Skinamarink. But it probably doesn't really fall under "everyone loves it". Just about every other movie mentioned here that I've seen, I enjoyed to some degree. And some of the big repeats are a little mind blowing to me. lol To each their own, of course.


I despise Skinamarink with a passion. It felt frustratingly torturous to sit through. Sure, it gave me two good scares, but they weren’t at all worth sitting through the rest of that slog.


Absolutely did not enjoy Split


Both Terrifier films. The same people who claimed Hostel was torture porn with no plot are the same people who love Terrifier and Terrifier 2.


I love Terrifier tbh but I love that it's a gorefest and it doesn't bother me that the plot is all over the place. They're fun and not everything has to be deep or have a ton of substance for it to be enjoyable for me. Sometimes I just like to watch a ton of dumb, over the top shit happen..


Agreed. The concept of evil clown with a felix the cat style bag of nasty tricks could make for a great horror villian, but he... isn't. Shallow uninteresting torture porn *yawn*


The hostel films have a better plot, too


I really enjoy the Terrifier films (second way more than the first) but I never deny that they are truly absolutely shitty. I just think all the crazy blood and kills are what I like.


Lake Mungo. The beach scene was cool but that’s pretty much it. IMHO it was boring as hell and a slog to finish. Edit: Also The Witch if that counts. Lots of people like it but it was a snoozefest to me


Oh, man. I *love* Lake Mungo. >!The spirit photography that is debunked but later juxtaposed with real images captured in the same frames? The interviews with the psychic showing that Alice and her mom were experiencing a nonlinear haunting experience? The anguish of seeing Alice’s spirit left behind when the family moves on/away?!< It was a slow burn, for sure, but I thought it brilliant.




ngl, i wanted to like X because i'm a huge fan of slashers, but it bored the absolute shit out of me. the kills and cast are great, but the actual movie itself felt super slow and dull.


I think the message about age saves it for me. The more I think about the idea that we’re all gonna get old and undesirable is way more existential than I ever thought this movie would get.


Honestly fair, it was better upon second viewing but it’s a bit overrated


The new IT remakes.


The first remake had me cackling. It’s hilarious. When I was a kid and saw the one with Tim Curry I was terrified and when he said “we all float down here!” I was thinking, you know, dead bodies float. But with the remake, “we all float down here” they really *do* float. Like in the air. I was crying laughing when I saw that scene. Edited for clarity


Tim Curry had an extremely effective creepy vibe for that role. It's like replacing Robert Englund, just one of those people who owns their role.


Yeah, I think that's something that just doesn't translate well. You can redesign the clown makeup and change your voice as much as you want, but you can't replicate the creepy vibe that just naturally emanates from Tim Curry.


![gif](giphy|74yD9EZ3dMQFi) He was just so good. As cheesy as the series is, it will always hold a special place in my heart


Perhaps its just that you guys were kids at the time hence why it creeped you out. The new IT was damn good and creepier than Curry's more cheesy take on it tbh. Part 2 sucked compared to the first but the same can be said for the originial TV mini-series. The ending with the spider was just crap. I too think more fondly of things I saw as a teen but it does tend to cloud judgement.


The Devil's Rejects. It's the only movie I've ever walked out on.


Im fascinated with Zombie as a niche creator but so much of his stuff doesn’t do it for me. Im glad he exists and is putting horror content out there but I feel physically dirty after watching any of his films


Much love to Sid Haig (he played the clown), he was my acting coach and passed away a few years ago. Absolutely adore and miss him.


I really, really hate his movies. I’ve seen most of them because I love to suffer (and many of them are lauded, especially this one). Hate his writing, his style, his direction, his sets, all of it.


Wow, House of 1000 Corpses is one of my top three favorite movies ever. And I very much love the trashy bloody mess of that movie but I definitely can see how people do not. His Halloween remake on the other hand… yikes


For me it was 3 From Hell. If I *had* gone to the theater to see it, I would've walked out.


I can't believe house of 1000 corpses got so popular, I was just a TCM rip off with his own "spin" on it.


When we bought movie tickets to see it the guy working the counter tried so hard to change our minds because so many people walked out of asked for their money back.






A Quiet Place


Malignant. I get that some people liked it because of the ending, particularly the twist. But it’s so bad, the acting, the plot. The crazy ending doesn’t even begin to make up for how bad it is.


I think part of its charm is that it's kind of goofy but they try to play it off seriously. And it just makes it more goofy. For some reason it worked for me


Hell House LLC. Very meh to me.


The Babadook. Not scary, she defeats the monster by yelling, awful kid. 0/10


I agree, I feel like most of the movie was her yelling.


I don’t understand everyone’s love for Mia Goth / Ti West stuff. I highly dislike it all and feel like I get flamed hard for that opinion.


I don’t think Hereditary is as deep as people make it out to be. I don’t think it’s terrible, but I really don’t get the glowing reviews.


I never thought I’d find other people who don’t agree with the hereditary hype. I’ve found my place🙏🏼


I couldn’t agree more. Not that it’s bad it’s just way over hyped.


Thank you. I watched it again recently to see if I missed anything. Nope, still meh.


The purge. I mean seriously I felt like it was so overhyped. Not to mention it just feels unrealistic to me. I mean not everyone is secretly a knife weilding psychopath.


Thank you. Sacred deer is just so mean spirited and I get it’s fairly well made but not for me haha


Skinamarink, it’s just one that I can’t get into. I understand it’s supposed to be creepy like from the eyes of a child but it’s so long and repetitive


I think part of the issue is going into a movie expecting it to be a horror based on group misinformation. I love Lanthimos and Killing of a Sacred Deer is one of my favourites, but I would never consider it horror and he certainly doesn’t. There are so many directors out there with a unique style who try to get shoe-horned into the horror genre because people are unfamiliar with their work and find them weird, and for them, weird = creepy and therefore horror. Jan Svankmajer is another example. Anyway, my choice is “The People Under the Stairs”. I find everything by Wes Craven, other than Last House on the Left to be overrated tbh.


Us. I genuinely dont see what people see in this movie.


Fair but I’d rather watch 10 movies that’re as different from the norm as Us than 1 more Night Swim, Imaginary, or $1k budget found footage movie that’s just Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity with zero flair or creativity


I have always been afraid of dopplegangers, and the scene where the other family invades the house is deeply disturbing to me. I also think the imagery is m beautiful and rich with meaning. I especially like the shots with the family walking on the beach with their shadows stretched out beside them or the hall of mirrors sequence.


I honestly love it and I think it’s just the acting and production value that does it for me. The twist and mechanics of the world are pretty shakey but it’s such a fun ride I don’t even mind.


The new Scream movies wipe major ass.


Going to get down voted to shit, but I didn’t care for hereditary.


I don't think you'll get downvoted. It's kind of the point of the thread. I love it, but I'll never make someone try to love something they don't.


Barbarian. I thought it was meh .


The first half was incredible tense psychological thriller. The second half was a comedy. Did not work for me at all


I absolutely hate Don’t Breathe with a burning passion. I don’t know if people love that movie, but it’s the only horror movie that left me actually angry rather than disappointed after watching it.


I think most people’s opinion is, “Jesus… the turkey baster…”


A lot of people seem to like As Above, So Below, but I *hated* it. To each their own, though.


I watched it three times just to be sure. I kept thinking maybe I was just missing something. Nope! It totally sucked.




Like someone said, all the conjuring and insidious and all the other boring PG-13 supernatural jump scare movies. But worse of all hereditary. I don't think I see any other movie talked about here as much as that movie. It's so boring and up its own ass.


I do not care for Paranormal Activity. It insists upon itself


X for sure.


A Quiet Place. The premise might have made for a good Twilight Zone episode but there wasn't a Twilight Zone's worth of good ideas in that script.


Hereditary, followed closely by Midsommar. Neither of them did it for me.


Midsommar was scarier to me because it seems more plausible. Religion in general is inherently scary to me.


It follows and midsommar


Hereditary and Midsommar they get talked about so much but I can’t stand them there’s worse horror movies but at least they’re fun Midsommar and heredity aren’t really they have interesting concepts but they just aren’t really that good


Sinister. I was one of the three people who actually saw it when it came out. There was a reason it flopped. Then suddenly it was on streaming and everyone was wetting themselves over it, and I was very irritated and confused because it was a bad movie. Like dude, if your movie relies on a badly lit house for 90% of the horror, you've got a problem.


Hereditary. Just didn't dig it. Didn't get the hype.


I hated every second of Hereditary. It's not even THAT bad, people hyped it up WAYYY too much. It was just tame.

