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Honestly, Gerald’s Game, and not because of the hand scene. The moonlight man freaked me out so much, as a horror loving ADULT, that for weeks after I thought about that fucking guy just lurking in the darkened corners of my room. Pass.


Yes!!! I loved that scene!! It was terrifying. I couldnt sleep with a light for a min Lmao


i still can't have my feet dangling off my bed day or night bc of this 💀


Home alone for the week and what crept into my mind as I was tossing and turning last night?! The freaking moonlight man walking out of my bathroom looking at me. Sleeping with the covers tight around my neck!


Eden Lake. It's just so soul crushing (which I love), but it'll be a looong time (if ever) before I find myself watching it again.


I rewatched it recently to see if I remembered it correctly, and… I did. It’s just as brutal the second time. It’s not as hollow, depressing, leave you in a shell the second time (cause you know what happens) but I’m fine with not watching it again Edit spelling


I watched this one and just felt so bleak, I picked a random movie off my “to watch” list. Turned out to be a VERY similar movie named Killing Ground. I felt pretty shitty after that double feature


Ahhh, not enough nihilism is my life *adds Killing Ground*


I’d recommend I thought it was good, just was a REALLY bad choice for a double feature 🤣


This movie feels just nihilistic man. Great but very upsetting.


Glad this is the top comment. Immediately thought of this film as well. Shit it was rough.


This was my first thought too, love that it's the top comment lol. Watched this when it first came out in grade 8 and *that* scene is burned into my memory. Never again.


Great answer. I loved watching that movie but by the end...I was devastated.


My first thought also.


Dude this was one of the first horror movies I watched and remember being messed up for a bit


The scary thing is that those kids exist over here, man. [This happened recently](https://news.sky.com/story/shawn-seesahai-boys-12-found-guilty-of-killing-19-year-old-in-machete-attack-13147244) and it's shit like that that makes Eden Lake even more fucked.




Yeah, that's a very creative movie. I respect it. I know what they were going for. But I can't imagine myself watching that movie more than once more in my (hopefully long) life


If you feel the need to punish yourself it works


I had my folks watch Funny Games with me and my mom still occasionally mentions how much she despises that movie haha




Tim Roth, the dad in the English version, refused to watch the final product because the process of making the film was so psychologically taxing


The emotional rollercoaster that is this movie.. Holy fuck.


This is the one


I love it! I rewatch it probably yearly, the original is my preference.


I Spit on Your Grave. I actually think it’s a better film than people give it credit for, but I can’t fault anyone for finding it hard to stomach.


It's well done and the deaths are creative, but God damn the long and violent rape scenes are extremely hard to watch.


Is it worth the watch if I plan on skipping the rape scenes? I’ve been avoiding this one but do want to give a try Edit: realizing it’s a weird question in retrospect but it still stands 😭


Just watch enough to raise your hate level to the max, then jump to the revenge. It makes it that more delicious.


The gang rape takes up like 30 minutes of the run time, so you'd be skipping a big portion. The rest of it is a revenge story, and while the deaths are memorable in a Saw-trap type of way I'd recommend just to skip it.


Yes . The dialogues *IMMEDIATELY BEFORE* the rape scenes seems a collection of the myths of rape culture , making it worth a shot For example , they force her to drink to cause her to become drunk then someone says she was " drank and consensual " something that reminds some rape trial where after they forced the raped person to drink, they pretend she was drunk and consensual . Notabily, here in Italy where Beppe Grillo son and other 3 people raped a woman , filmed themselves while commicted crime while one of them forced her to drink at the sole reason to cause her to become drunk so they could claim during the trial she was drunk and consensual


That was barbaric


It's rough and that's kept me away from watching those reboot movies


Saint Maud. I fucking loved it but was so deeply uncomfortable. Maybe some time in the future though


I’m glad someone mentioned Saint Maud. Probably the only other film than Hereditary where I’ve just not been able to speak for a while afterwards. The score is fantastic, too.


It left me speechless, that ending was brutal!!


I know someone who watched it in the cinema and MISSED IT. They’re a sneezer, the type who take an age to sneeze. He literally found out the blink and you’ll miss it real ending about a year later on a Facebook discussion post haha what an idiot XD


that is hilarious 💀 i got jumpscared by it lol


Not horror, but I’m beginning to feel this way about Baby Reindeer. There’s just so much second hand discomfort that I’m just crawling out of my skin while watching


me too!! i’m only on the 3rd episode, but it’s really hard to watch


I have a bad habit of rewatching movies I love way too many times in too short a window to the point where I make myself sick of it - Saint Maud is one where as soon as it ended the first time I immediately restarted it haha not sick of it yet but I'm sure I'll get there eventually!


The ending left me a bit numb


i just kinda…stared at my tv after it ended. i was shocked


Human centipede. 😳


Oh, I refuse to watch that movie. Even thinking about it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable.


The first one isn’t that bad gore wise . A lot of it is implied. The movie isn’t great by any means though. The second one I watched parts of through my hands, that’s the one I won’t watch again.


That was my first thought. The second one haha.


Never watch part II then. Holy hell it's depraved.


Grave Of The Fireflies. The most horrific non-horror film I’ve ever seen. Beautiful film but I am never watching it again


THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT I take into account the tumultuous time that this was made. Craven was always a filmmaker who had something to say about the world around him through his art. He snapped back at the zombie genre through The Serpent and The Rainbow. That was brilliant. But, damn. This one was tough. I couldn't make it through in one watch. I had to take a break and come back to it a couple of hours later. It's brutal and visceral and heartbreaking. After the credits began to scroll, I had to step outside and cry. I don't know why it affected me that deeply, but it hurt. I love Wes....but never again.


I read an interview where Wes Craven said he was recruited by a buddy to write a horror movie script, & he'd never seen one, then wrote LHOTL solely based on the horrors of his Baptist upbringing. He also said he deeply regretted putting that misogyny & shit out into the world & that's part of the reason he made his leads in Scream badass women!


I knew that would be high up on the list, although I wouldn’t say I’m glad watched it. It was the only movie I’ve ever seen that made me physically vomit from anxiety.


Yea. I concur. I almost returned dinner. That's when I had to take that break. It's a powerful film...but ouch.


Not a horror movie, but The Wrestler (2008) made me feel so utterly shit that I have no desire to ever watch it ever again. On the horror front then Mother! (2017) would be the one. The film does a great job of helping you feel mother's agitation, to the point where it's difficult to watch without actually getting angry.


Omg The Wrestler 😭 What a performance by Mickey Rourke. I don’t know if I could watch it again either. Just heartbreaking.


He went out doing what he loved. Which is some small comfort.


I hated mother so so much - it made me infuriated


I hated it on first watch but I actually think it’s good on re watch


I think about The Wrestler every time I get deli meat.


I'm so pissed that *Mother!* received so many Razzie nominations that year. While I can understand why people dislike the film, it's still really well-done and beautifully acted.


The reason it makes people annoyed and they hate it, is because it's actually delivering everything it intends to perfectly!


Instant panic attack inducing movie, probably why people didn’t like it because it’s not enjoyable for some people due to being so intense in how it’s filmed. But that doesn’t make it bad. Seriously one of the most divisive movies ever. The director has 2 of the best movies I never wanna watch again.


I was NOT prepared for the (wheres my) baby scene, it's still haunts me, it is burned in my brain.


Mother was like a dream I had that made no sense and no amount of my logic would fix it. That being said, the " explanation" of the story was some of the most non sensible drivel it made me angry


I loved Mother but couldn't ever watch it again. It has that dream/nightmare chaotic feel to it. Plus the two scenes at the end (the baby scene and then them beating her up) I can't stomach. Great movie though.




This is my favorite horror movie.


I don’t think this falls under horror, but Requiem for a Dream. If I could remove the mothers story from the movie I’d rewatch it, but her story makes me sick to my stomachhh


I knew so many moms just like her. My best friends’s mom just got scammed out of literally $5000+ for a lightbulb thing that’s supposed to reverse her aging


Noooo that’s so sad 😭😭💔


Her talking on the train to strangers saying “I’m gonna be on television.” Just breaks my heart. Ellen Burstyn is phenomenal.


Was coming here to say the same thing. The mom’s story kills me, but the others were pretty horrible, too. I believe Requiem is referred to as “the best movie you’ll only watch once”.


Oh all of their stories are absolutely horrible! Watching elderly people go through pain and suffering is extra horrifying to me, and the actress that played her did way too good of a job 😭😭


The arm scene....


So bad 💔💔 Jennifer’s ending breaks me too


On my first date ever, in grade 9, I went to this guys house and we watched it. High school relationships are weird.


I still count it as psychological/existential horror


Hereditary. It’s a good movie and I’m glad I watched it, but the middle portion is sad and painful enough that I have no desire to ever revisit it.


It's emotionally exhausting. Feels like having a horrible conversation with close family and then doing an intense workout 


It’s an ultra-marathon for your emotions. Tony C. Is such a brilliant actor.


I had to rewatch the movie after having a bad experience the first time (went to theaters and had the wrong expectations) Holy hell, I loved it on a second watch (years later) but it was so exhausting and hard to finish The movie landed much better because nowadays im much more into the “A24 style” But I had also experienced the loss of my father in the years between the first and second watch, which I think is why the movie felt so *exhausting* this time around It’s one of my favorite horror movies now, but I will probably not watch it again


I’ve seen it probably 5 times. I love it.


Yeahhh I’ve watched it once every six months or so since it came out lol.


Fantastic movie. The whole time I was like “I don’t want to be here. Please is it over”


I don't watch it that often. But it's really fun to watch and keep an eye out on the cult things lurking in the background. That family was always doomed.


Men (2022) Great allegory, very surreal and bizarre. Deeply unsettling throughout. Excellent acting, great cast, good sound/music. Holy hell, though, that last scene is a lot.


Of all of the movie endings I’ve seen, *Men* definitely had one of them.


“Good boy” is up there


I'm so conflicted with this movie. Everything apart from the script is an amazing experience, and the ending is like nothing I've seen before. Loved the pagan aspect too. But I think Garland completely missed the mark on the script. It's too over the top that it almost becomes caricature, thus undersells the actual issues it's trying to represent. It lacked depth where it needed it, ie her struggles and all her interactions with men. So on one hand you've got amazing, visual horror but on the other you have a story that falls flat and delivers no real point.


The character writing in particular really killed it for me, like the lack of any real characterisation for Harper was especially egregious considering the films subject matter. Female leads having no personality traits beyond their trauma is such a common trope I almost wonder if it had to be on purpose - which I might believe had there been any women on the "core" production team. Such a shame since the great visual horror and atmosphere was hard to even appreciate through the completely underwhelming script. The cool imagery ended up falling flat for me when there was no real point to any of it. I've always been confused about who this movie was for, but as a woman it sort of felt like being stood amongst a group of guys all patting each other on the back going "ugh, aren't men just the worst?" without any deeper discussion. Haven't seen Civil War yet but hopefully Men was just a particularly bad bump for Alex Garland since I've enjoyed his other work!


The Strangers. When I saw it in the theater with my girlfriend, we were both shaking.


Such a good movie. One of the only ones that actually scared me. 💚 Do yourself a favor and skip the one that just came out. Saw it in the theater and it was soooo disappointing.


Thanks for the recommendation! I had no desire to see those films because the first one got me so good I didn't enjoy it. But I respect the hell out of the first movir because of the fact that it was too scary for me. It won. Know what I mean?


Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America.


Finally someone who has seen this!


*The Nightingale* I know it's not horror, but it deserves to be mentioned regardless.


Martyrs the original version not the remake. Amazing movie but don’t think I would find myself watching again.


I actually just showed that to someone last night. He was quite disturbed. It had also been awhile since I've seen it, so I got disturbed all over again. Great movie, but damn.


I just commented about Eden Lake but this is another one that makes you feel weird and so empty inside. I’ve rewatched it because it’s so well done, but it’s rough. So rough


The girl next door. Knowing it happened for real, I just can’t rewatch it.


My dad saw I was reading the book so then for a family movie night we watched it lol. I was like 14 or something. Good book tho.


Lol, wtf. How was that movie night?




I went to school in IN. They did not execute her because in their culture of the time that kind of sht is fkn normal. I have heard a lot of totally unhinged unimaginable crazy sht coming out of this area. I got a lot of stories from the police files i try to forget. NPD personality disorder breeds and runs wild here. Some places worse than others. Sometimes i felt like i was surrounded by literal demons.


Indiana is scary.


Max Booth has a short story called Indiana Death Song.




Ringu and Ju-on. Masterpieces in Japanese horror, but the experience was.... Long story short, a friend and I watched Ringu by mistake at age 15 and I got physically sick that night after viewing.


Be My Cat kept me properly uncomfortable for the whole viewing but also the acting was top tier. I'm really not into movies that involve pointless torture. Even less so when it's specifically targeted at women. This however managed to be horrifying without getting too deep into the gore if I'm remembering it correctly. It kept me on the edge of wanting to turn it off because I was uncomfortable but it was well done enough to keep me watching.


Is that the Anne Hathaway one? I rented it a few weeks ago, is it worth a watch?


It's worth a watch, one. Only one, because you won't really be able to make yourself go through it again, and I mean that in the best way. Also definitely don't watch this with other people. It's already awkward enough as it is.


Yes that one. I think it's worth checking out. I found the acting to be particularly realistic feeling. It's not a life changing movie by any means but it's a well made movie.


Decent acting in found footage films is a huge must, so many ff movies fall apart cause the acting sucks. Makes it way more immersive when the acting is realistic. Is it better than Butterfly Kisses?


Creep 2. Mark Duplass's performance was phenomenal. I feel like he definitely kicked it up a couple notches compared to the first film. I also loved Desiree Akhavan's character and I REALLY liked the ending. However, I experienced such visceral second hand embarassment at times that I found it tremendously difficult to keep watching. I wasn't bored, certainly not, but damn if I wasn't uncomfortable **the entire time** lol. Loved it. Never again.


Creep 1 was horrifying for 12 year old me. I gotta check Creep 2, can’t believe I haven’t seen it




one of the few movies that genuinely disturbed me mostly just the idea of animals being people trapped inside. it actually spawned a fear in me of animals with human looking eyes.


That’s the one. Holy cow but it disturbed me. Although listening to the audio recording playing during the credits when they/writers discuss the ending (and understandably laughing until they cant breathe) took the edge of some. But still no.


Pan’s Labyrinth. It was the most frightened I have ever been in a theater.


I feel like that movie is so underrated. I saw it as a kid and was like “what the fuck is this.” Watching it now and finally understanding what’s going on makes me appreciate it even more.


Can you explain to me please what u mean I’ve seen it a few times but it’s been a while I wanna watch it in the light u see it in


I wish I could've seen it in theatre! One of my top films for sure but I'll always have to look away during the bottle scene no matter how many times I've seen it, grim.


Starry eyed messed with me. I broke down watching it when I was 20. Her being stuck doing sexual things for the old devil man haunted me.


I never see anyone talk about this movie it's so good!


No one ever talks about this movie!! I love this film so much. Thanks for mentioning it.


Hostel. Gross. Never again.


On the bleak level, Man Bites Dog. Maybe not traditional horror, but horrifying none-the-less. Horror movies I’ll never rewatch, Nekromantik, Cannibal Holocaust, and I Spit on Your Grave. Mostly because of the animal mutilation and sexual violence.


Colour Out of Space I usually enjoy all types of gruesome body horror flicks but something about the M/S monster (can't remember how to do spoilers so trying to keep it vague) was so awful and horrific that I can't bring myself to put it back on. The mere thought of it makes me feel ill.


Yeah that was pretty rough. Wouldn't say I was glad to see it but I don't wish for the time back either. Definitely a weird one and as usual Cage was pretty great in it.


I need to rewatch this because I dont remember anything like this lol


The Exorcist, though that may change in future


This is one of the few that I will watch now and again. Holds up extremely well for how old it is. Speaking of older satanic horror movies, one I can't do again is Rosemary's Baby


The original Night of the Living Dead. Obviously iconic, but the ending broke me


That ending hit hard


Cannibal Holocaust, was happy that I watched a piece of horror history, but with the real animal violence, among other things, in the movie I'll probably never revisit the film and it will just be a nice piece in my DVD collection


You and I are kindred spirits, friend. Except you opted for the DVD and I went with streaming lol Very glad I watched it, but don’t need to see it again.


I Spit On Your Grave the original. Not only are the rape scenes repellant, it’s incompetently paced and boring.


Does Mysterious Skin count?


The original Martyrs and Inside (French versions) because they're so intense. Infection (Japanese) because it creeped me out so much. Splinter, too, awesome monster movie, I cannot deal with the splinter stuff.


This 2013 movie called “the den.” the last 20ish minutes scared me so much. I immediately bought one of those covers that go over your laptop camera and a slew of antivirus software lol. I’m someone who likes to rewatch movies that scare me but I am way scared to rewatch this one


Snowtown Murders and Human Centipede 2


I give Snowtown Murders a rewatch every couple of years, but holy hell, this one is rough


1BR, not sure why it got to me so bad but it did


It’s a really hopeless and mean-spirited cult/torture film


see, it is! but i love Martyrs, and I love Funny Games (ik it's not a cult). 1BR just has some very intense portrayals of >!the relationships with people outside of the cult!< which was neat but SO stressful. I also wanna say I'd never watch Inside again, insofar as hopeless and mean spirited movies go, but I feel like I will have to revisit it at some point to terrorize friends.


Terrifier 1 and 2, they're just Gore movies so there's no reason for me to watch them again


Until Terrifier 3 comes out later this year




Pearl and X. Sloooooooow character-centric build up with a massive dump of action near the end. Not bad movies at all, but I don't know if I'd want to hop on the ride again.


A Serbian Film.


Lol l, can't say I'm glad I watched that one


I can say I'm glad I haven't 🤞


Skinamarink. I get it, I just don't feel like wasting another 2 hours.


Horrible movie


Trauma, Chilean movie inspired by the Pinochet regime. Ghastly and horrific.


Never watching The Poughkeepsie Tapes ever again…


That needle in the neck scene when he crawls!


The Girl Next Door. What a horrible case of mistaken identity when I was just looking for an Elisha Cuthbert comedy! I love a good nasty film. I’ll happily chomp through a bag of popcorn watching Eden Lake or Martyrs or Inside. But The Girl Next Door was next level awful and I felt horrible for having watched it. I watched it a second time as prep for a podcast recording and I vowed never again. Horrible, horrible movie.


Midsommar. Way too depressing and the only likable character is treated like crap throughout the entire film.


Mother! It doesn’t help we had a bunch of people living in our house to film an indie, but that baby scene will stay with me.


Requiem for a Dream I don’t care what the package said that film was a horror movie.


I'm glad I saw Come and See to understand the brutal realities of WWII, but I only need one watch of it


Come and See - it’s excellent and I never want to sit through it again


Nothing Bad Can Happen.




probably Martyrs or Human Centipede 2 but never say never


Bone Tomahawk


Rosemary's Baby. It might have affected me so much more because of something that had happened in my personal life, but I watched it because I saw someone describe it as a "comfort" horror movie. The fact that she never had any control over what was happening with her body or with her baby. I feel like I just spent the whole movie feeling sorry for her, worried about a fictional character, and just incredibly uneasy for a while after I watched it. It sounds so dramatic, but it just made me feel queasy and anxious. No media has ever made me feel that way, before or since.


I've seen most of just about every fucked up movie mentioned here. ASerbian film, salo, tumbling doll of flesh, flowers of flesh and blood, angels melancholy, august underground1-3, aftermath, come and see, celluloid nightmares, men behind the sun, concrete, grotesque... Fuck all that shit. Dear Zachary, grave of the firefles


Haunting Of Hill House, the series. Technically not a movie, but made like one. Excellent, just too scary for me, the bent neck lady haunted me. Used to feel that way about The Ring after seeing it in the theater, but kind of want to try again and see if it's still so bad, as two decades have passed. Killing Of A Sacred Deer was just a feel bad movie, bleak, but well made. Men was pretty uncomfortable throughout, and what a climax. Good, but I've lived all that enough as a woman, lol. Found, it's about a young boy who discovers his older brother is a serial killer. Not sure how many people have seen it, but it was pretty awful. Not bad, aside from some of the acting, just stomach turning awfulness.


It's been so dam long I don't even know the reason anymore, but I'd seen The Exorcism of Emily Rose" and decided to pick up the dvd in the discount section, to this day it's still in the plastic. "maybe" one day i'll give it another chance but a first viewing of "Hereditary" (not my type of movie) was only IMO boring, so prolly never try to watch it again but who knows. Another movie I watched "Prey" (the slasher one, not either of the good ones) I couldn't decided if it was a nature special or a horror movie , so yeah won't be giving that one another shot. As brutal as the extended cut was the first time for both movie I have no inclination to ever watch "The Last House on The Left" or "The Hills Have Eyes" ever again once was enuff. There was another movie where the entire movie was about these two unfortuate girls being held captive in a house by a crazy couple and yeah not at all my type of movie and never again. I really try to avoid that entire genre of movies. That being said , Fulci's The New York RIpper doesn't bug me at all.


Emily Rose is such a good movie. Jennifer Carpenter was perfect in it. It’s one of my faves


Emily rose is one of the first scary movies to fuck me up at 11 and it still does at 28


Inside (2007).


Apostle- I loved the movie and enjoyed it but those torture scenes really got to me. It stayed in my head for a few days after I watched it.


Angst (1983) - I enjoy slasher flicks but this one disturbed me. Def worth a watch but not a "fun" experience.


I haven’t read through, but Men


Skinamarink for me. Hit way too close to home on that first watch. Only film to make me have bad nightmares afterwards. Honestly still scared to watch the short film he did before it.


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum. Got my heart rate go so high, holy


I have seen it mentioned once, but I will go for it since I've seen Martyrs or Human Centipede many times : C L I M A X Thanks a lot, never again.


Midsommar. Wasn’t necessarily scary but it had me unsettled throughout and after. Had to watch something to get my mind out of that headspace (which I don’t usually have to do). Funny enough, Hereditary as well. Directed by the same person. Also, same reason as Midsommar. I also watched the Poughkeepsie tapes recently. That was pretty upsetting considering that shit could and has happened in real life. So, I don’t think I’d watch that one again either.


NOPE, loved it. The ufo scene is so upsetting


Not a considered a horror movie, but it is for me. The Road. That bathroom scene with his kid. Good gawd.


Bone Tomahawk. Edit: for the downvoter - it’s a fantastic film, and I’m never going to watch it again. Cry about it.


The Witch (2015) - Yeah. I bought the BR on a whim, watched the movie, then promptly moved it to the garage. I don't even want it in the house. I love horror and willing to watch all the sub-genres but (well done) Witch stuff messes with me.


Black Phillip and I ask you to reconsider.


The Coffee Table for sure. I appreciated the elements of dark comedy, but the whole thing was so anxiety-inducing and distressing for me personally.


In a Glass Cage (1986) Tubi


Not a horror but Tyrannosaur left me feeling weird for a long time after. I’ve never watched it since .


Salo. Only once.


Martyrs. I was extremely uncomfortable throughout the half of the film


Salo 120 days if Sodom I remember renting it from Netflix when they mailed you DVDs lol There was a lot of rape & shit eating piles of shit stuck in their teeth gross never again


The Vast of Night, but in the sense that it was a good movie that I'll never be able to watch as if it was the first time. Same with The Endless and Resolution, I would give almost anything to be able to watch Resolution without having seen Endless first.


Irreversible. That rape scene scarred me.


Last House on The Left. It’s a classic and launched the horror career of Wes Craven. I don’t need to watch it again.


Human centipede: who was the "genius" that thought body horror would mix well with eating shit?


Probably A Serbian Film. I wasn't as unsettled, as I have pretty thick skin, but more pissed off about how graphic and gross it was. I remember I had rewatched Terrifier 2 after that to soothe me a bit. Sounds weird, I know.


Tumbling Doll of Flesh