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I watched Fall yesterday. It wasn’t a particularly good movie, and I understand if you know anything about climbing it’s ludicrous. But I know nothing about climbing and my palms were sweating *profusely* through the whole movie. I’m terrified of heights.


I was going to say this. The most uncomfortable I’ve ever been during a movie— and I watched Saltburn with my mom


>I watched Saltburn with my mom I am so sorry 


Haha my daughter told me to watch that movie, I spent the whole time texting her “wtf am I watching? Why did you do this to me?!”


The tension in this movie was pretty good. I watched it on my iPad on a plane and the lady sitting beside me kept watching my screen lol


This one really got me too! Heights make me so nervous and even watching a movie about it will make me anxious, so I’m definitely the target demographic for this film. People who aren’t afraid of heights may not be as on edge, but for me, that was probably the most thrilling thriller movie I’ve seen in recent memory.  The second one is scheduled to release next year :) 


Almost unrelated but I realized today this even applies to video games. I started Jedi survivor today and the whole game just fills me with this uneasy feeling because you are usually really high up and it’s a game where parkour is gonna be mandatory. Every time I jump to a different ledge my heart almost burst from fear and it’s a VIDEO GAME


Caveat from 2021 is horrifying. There's a sequence that is so unsettling and terrifying. But, the whole movie has this bleak feel that makes it an uneasy watch.


I know exactly what part you’re talking about. The movie as a whole was okay but THAT sequence is the most tense I’ve been in a hot minute.


I agree. I was genuinely horrified and it takes quite a lot.


That movie is the opposite of an eagles song. A peace less, uneasy feeling.


I thought I was desensitized to everything and then Caveat made me feel again.


I loved this film and several scenes terrified me. Which sequence are you referring to?


Probs in the wall with the lady


So excited to watch this now. Thanks!


It's so creepy. I liked how creepy it was. But I'm still a little fuzzy on what was going on.


Caveat destroyed us


Irish horror films are something else


I'll have to write an essay to describe how Caveat made me feel. Will post here someday.


The Dark and the Wicked


" Come outside ". I second this. The amount of dread in this flick is palpable.


o man, I watched this with my gf and we were both stoked on how creepy the whole movie was!


That movie really freaked me out. And I didn't think he'd outdo The Strangers but I think he did.


Very creepy movie! Watched it four times and each time is still scary af!!!!!


Such an underrated movie


Holy shit, what a great movie. Make it a point to watch every Spooky Szn, the atmospheric dread in this movie is like very few.


this movie is my answer as well. Soooooo creepy.


That scene when he comes back home!!!


seriously though!! my gf and I were like ![gif](giphy|26ufmYaTU5jqtkmuQ|downsized)


That movie had no story, but the vibes were immaculate


This is such a good horror. IMO way better than When Evil Lurks.


Loved this.


Came here to say this - throughout this movie had me hiding my face behind a cover and heart racing! So, so good. The girl who comes to visit later in the movie gave me goosebumps.


Man the title of the film is so...apt. Such an evil energy running throughout the whole thing. A f'n masterpiece.


Most awesome


Literally ran downstairs where the lights were on after I finished this lol


So glad I just watched this. Very heavy Hereditary feel.


Speak No Evil. I double-checked on my kids that night.


>!You check their mouths?!<


Loved till the end. Can’t handle parents who go full impotent at crucial moments


Talk to Me with the mom. Great creepy and fast horror, the acting and plot felt authentic to teens going too far


i was genuinely terrified when it played the short snippets of the boy's spirit in limbo getting tortured


Same. It was horrifying tho. Scary, but because it was extremely disturbing


The surprise Event Horizon scene was incredible.


Showed this to my mom recently. She was taking it pretty casually, up until Riley got possessed


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. There's one scene near the end where >!Charlotte is in the room with this humanoid creature and only her flashlight on. To me that scene was fucking terrifying, that thing mirroring her movement was quite creepy, but the thing that got me was how tense and anxious it made me feel, they didn't go for the jump scare right away, instead they held on to that anticipation and feeling of discomfort!< to the point where I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I've been chasing that feeling forever and I enjoyed it for that reason. Edit: punctuation


I remember I found this movie on a similar thread a couple years ago and it didn’t disappoint! Definitely recommended


Yeah, it starts kind of slowish setting the plot, but then it picks up and by the time I realized, it already went 0-100 and stays with that pacing until the end. I really like how they did the last 1/3.


>!The hands scare when they’re in the water at the end was absolutely brilliant. !<


This is my bar for scariest movie. Nothing I've seen since comes close. I'd love more like this.




Whisper girl lived rent free in my head for like two weeks it was so unsettling


That scene gave me actual goosebumps, and I don’t recall getting those ever while watching a horror film


That scene gave me chills. The anticipation was more effective than the jump scare.


Autopsy of Jane Doe


This. Wasn’t expecting much from it but it gets more and more unsettling the longer you watch. It’s a good one.


So good when you watch it for the first time


Seriously underrated


Agree. Yikes.


Waaaaaay back in 2005, both The Descent and Wolf Creek in the theatre. Terrifying. Nothing since.


Wolf Creek fucked me up. I'm not ever allowed to mention that movie around my mom because it scared her so badly. Might have to watch it tonight lol


Both movies are great! I wish I would have seen them in theatre. I especially love Wolf Creek but both are in my wife's top 10 scariest.


Most movies aren't scary for me but disturbing or unsettling. The last one that genuinely scared me was the american remake of The Ring.


those images in the tape...they make you feel some shit. Good movie that was underrated on release.


That fuggin spinning chair...


I saw the Ring in theaters with my friends when I was 14. Had no idea what it was about going in except that it was a horror movie, and I naively thought I was over being scared by horror movies. Boy, was I wrong 🤣. It was over the moment the girl in the closet scene appeared, and I knew I was watching something unlike anything I had seen before.


Same moment for me, plus the ending when the TV suddenly turns on and the girl climbs out of the TV. That was a masterfully shot horror scene.


I watched The Ring pretty much every single day of summer vacation one year when I was in middle school. I loved how truly and consistently scary it was, so atmospheric and ominous throughout. Still my favorite to this day!


This is the one for me as well.




I haven't been freaked out in a long time until I watched that movie. The intro couple where the bf investigates the bathroom the following night solidified it for me off the bat, and it didn't disappoint. Overall the whole movie was so perfectly crafted for a creepy environment - I still can't believe I watched it alone and at night like some kinda masochist. And that reminds me, I need to watch When Evil Lurks!


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. **All work** and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work **and no play** makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play **makes Jack** a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack **a dull boy**. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


I agree The Shining was scary asf


Interesting, I have had Summer of 84 in my unwatched pile for some years and I always end up choosing something else, your post has convinced me to check this one out. I am almost desensitized to horror now, but ones that were unsettling for me are The Dark and the Wicked, and The Autopsy of Jane Doe.


Summer of '84 keeps you on your toes in a really authentic way. Definitely check it out.


You might like The Boy Behind The Door too. It's another pretty disturbing horror centered around kids.


Honestly one of my favorites of the year so far. Didn’t expect much going in, but it was fantastic!


Blair Witch Project - first film I saw to genuinely cause me fear. Lake Mungo - second film I’ve seen to genuinely cause me fear, along with dread and anxiety. Struggled to sleep after this one actually To a lesser extent, Babadook


Hell House LLC really scared the piss out of me. I absolutely HATE clowns and had no idea the main spooky thing was a clown. My partner and I also watched it at like 1 and I had to sleep with the hall lights on. Also for a bonus answer a movie that I watched recently that really disturbed me was Mother! Just a slow, stressful, anxiety-inducing decent into pure chaos


Hell House LLC: The Carmichael Manor is up there with the first Hell House imo. On Shudder


I wish shudder was available in my country


Use a vpn!


Mother! is a massive practice in gaslighting. Like everyone is so confused about why she’s concerned about her house being destroyed. It is SO stressful in the same way that Rosemary’s Baby was.


Ever since I saw this movie, my nightmares are paced the same way. With people continuing to show up at my apartment nonstop as all hell breaks loose. 😅


God I also have those nightmares, just the most mundane situations escalating into ridiculous scenarios of hosting/housekeeping hahahah


I also hate clowns and that shit was terrifying for sure. So creepy and effective


Highest level scares. Sequels are pretty fun too.


The only movie that I found to be more insane than Mother! was Climax by Gaspar Noe. Well, that and Uncut Gems but I bailed on that halfway through bc I knew I wouldn't make it through the rising stress likely from the second half.


Which one?


This film really left a deep impression on me... because I was scared to tears


Hereditary... Man the way that little girl was beheaded suddenly genuinely scared me... wasn't expecting it at all. And that is the turning point of the movie as well. The buildup till the end was also nice


Toni’s screaming after that was gut wrenching


For real.


I saw Hereditary in the theater and THAT scene is one of my all time favorite theater experiences. It was packed and for several minutes you could tell no one in the theater was breathing. You could hear a pin drop.


This is the only movie that has legit scared me in recent years.


This is definitely the movie that comes to mind as far as recent horror movies that legit unsettled me. I hadn’t experienced that in quite some time.


Just watched and and I said WTF out loud multiple times.


Yeah exactly that is one hell of a scene 💀


My wife and I had rented it when the price came down. When that scene came on my wife muttered "Fuck this!" and turned off the TV.


This movie left me terrified when I watched it at home in 2019. I thought I was fine when it ended, but later when it was time for bed, I had to leave the lights on. Later my partner came home from a late shift, they woke me up because I was yelling in my sleep.


I watched When Evil Lurks last night. Normally demon seed-type movies don't rmuch resonate with me, but this one knocked me on my ass. Looking forward to what the director and writer do next.


This is the last good horror movie I watched as well. They didn't hold back and some scenes are brutal.


Smile And before that was Sinister.


The scene when the psychiatrist is at her home... 


Loved Smile. It was formulaic in the best way possible. It wasn’t trying to push any boundaries, redefine the genre, challenge people’s perspectives, or whatever else movies try to do. It was just a straightforward horror movie with a straightforward horror movie story arc, and it was scary as fuck.


Sinister is a great choice.


Sinister. Seen it years ago and recently gave it a rewatch. That lawnmower scene almost made me roll out of bed haha


SUCH a great one. Far and away the best flick Blumhouse has put out. Fond memories of watching that one for the first time in college with my now spouse ❤️


I still get nightmares, 10 years after watching it


The Invisible Man - 2020


Really? I thought it was much more of a thriller than a scary film, but to each their own.


There are some scary sequences, its because how good the screenplay and direction is !! Also, yeah its not supernatural horror but it’s scary nonetheless, the same way hush is..


Yeah to each. I was scared out of my mind. Horror to me is anything that scares you, and that movie scared me so it’s horror.


super underrated film


That was so much better than it had any right to be. Leigh Whannell is so great. Upgrade.was dope too.


Ghostwatch. Only ghost stuff scares me. I'm not entirely sure why either I don't give much thought to whether or not ghosts exist or anything but they just get to me more than a serial killer or monster movie or something like that.


Pipes behind the curtain haunted me for years!!!


The Blackcoat’s Daughter. >!It wasn’t the demonic theme that scared me, but rather the portrayal of loneliness and desperation that was “psychologically scary”. !< I had to watch it twice to really understand the plot, but now it’s one of my favorite horror movies. Definitely a slow burn, but worth the watch.


I enjoyed this one so much, I thought it would be a typical demon movie and was blown away. Especially the ending left me with an open jaw.


This is one I'm going to re-watch soon, I was very impressed when it first came out. Crazy it's been 7 years already!


Does existential crisis count? "The others" 2001. This was probably a year or so ago. I watched this with my GF, and i was already feeling a bit depressed around that time and I'm not going to spoil it for anyone who haven't watched it yet but the ending gave me an existential dread. I've thought about it a couple of times over the years randomly and seeing it visualized on the screen made me even more sad. Lol


Barbarian…i had the thing where I would just start thinking of it while falling asleep and it would freak me out


Talk to Me got me good. I definitely jumped a couple of times!


Mothman prophecies


the poughkeepsie tapes. it was so scary / disturbing. i was feeling paranoid for a week and it still creeps me out now and then…


Came to say this! Watched it last week for the first time. Really disturbing.


Midsommar. Not in the jump scare kinds of way, but in a very subtle, psychological way. I was left extremely unsettled by the whole thing.


It Follows. Still scares me. 


Silence of the Lambs. Saw it in a movie theatre in NY when it came out, so 1991. Had my heart racing.


My mother refuses to watch anything with Anthony Hopkins in it because of that. One time she accidentally took us to see red dragon… I was too young to remember why the hell she didn’t think this was Hannibal Lecter lol, I don’t think she remembers either. But is soon as she figured that out, she made us leave the theater lol. Luckily they gave us a refund because my dad said I threw up


I rewatched The First Omen today and those three scenes, if you know you know, still caused me to jump and I knew it was coming. I don’t think I’ve seen something as effective since I first watched it. Maybe the end of I Saw The TV Glow, but that was more horrifying than scary.


gotta say it- martyrs!!!!!


It didn’t scare me, but I fell in love with it.


Not horror but No Country for Old Man. You couldn't get away from him and the fact that he got away at the end. I kept thinking to myself where can I hide from him.


Cormac McCarthy skirts horror. Read Child of God or Blood Meridian and tell me there aren’t horror elements in his works.


The strangers the original scared me for two weeks


Smile. I never watched the trailer and was suggested it by brother. It got me good.


Paranormal Activity


Yh the first was terrifying cos it was so fresh, authentic and domestic.


X Those creepy old folks. Yuck.


Skinamarink. The part when the girl talks to her mother. Her voice sounds so strange, like she's talking in her sleep or from some other far away, eerie place. And the sounds from the closet afterwards - eew.


This is probably my answer, too. It actually Made me feel scared. I understand why people don’t like this movie, but it is extremely effective. I wish the girl in the basement scare was better, but that’s my only complaint.


As a child IT (1990) terrified me so bad that i had deep fear of clowns, couldn’t even look at them the same way


My kids agree that the original IT was way worse because he looked friendly!


Lights Out 😂


One of my favorites! So glad to see that David F. Sandberg is going back to making horror.


Lake Mungo is unimaginably creepy.


Such a great one!


Madame web




His House Not only is it a highly rated movie and I felt it was a great movie overall, there were actually a few ‘cover my eyes with my fingers’ moments during that movie.


I’m a senior citizen and not much scares me. But the dread, tension, anxiety and horror that season 1 of Them caused was excruciating. Sometimes I had to take several days off between episodes to recover.


When I was 13, and saw the OG Paranormal Activity I slept at the foot of my parents bed. I saw the flick while on vacation in Phoenix. The movie theater we went to was old, and a but ghetto for lack of better words. I fkn look back and love the experience. But the movie scared the absolute shit out of me, I was grabbing onto my dad (rest his soul). The part where they show the chalk imprints had me fkn traumatized in 2007.


The Last Shift. That movie had some terrifying scenes


In recent years: HUSH It Follows Barbarian


Hell House LLC 4.


I never get scared nowadays unless I watch a movie on a computer/ipad with headphones on. Evil Dead 2013 was the last one I did that with and that is not even a scary movie, but that time it really creeped me out.


Eden lak3


Last two were definitely Incantation and The Dark and the Wicked. Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor was also very good at getting me creeped out. I've been deep in horror for ages so it takes a lot to really get to me but all three of these did it so very well and I appreciate the fact that I'm not so jaded that nothing gets to me.


Parts of Beau is Afraid left me genuinely uncomfortable


Lake Mungo. The Poughkeepsie Tapes also. Watched both last week for the first time. Don't think I'll revisit either of them. Too freaky.


Lake Mungo was a snooze fest to me. I was seriously let down after all the hype it had received. The Poughkeepsie tapes I haven't seen yet. I'll have to check it out


I tried watching Lake Mungo like six times I don’t know why I can’t get past the first 30 minutes


The Ruins. When they realize there is no cell phone.


Summer of 84 is an underrated classic that does not get talked about enough!


The Strangers. The OG one. I don’t really get scared by horror movies, as much as I enjoy them. But this movie had me looking over my shoulder for weeks when I was in a room by myself.


Quiet place didn’t scare me per say but the silence through the whole movie gave me so much anxiety lol


“Summer 84” One of the best movies I ever seen


I was so impressed by it! Does a great job of lulling you as the audience member into a false sense of security!


Commented so I can come back and check out all the movies mentioned that I haven't watched 😁


I rewatched creep last night in honor of creep 3 coming out and omg that scene when he’s standing at the top of the stairs and trying to make the guy not leave was really unsettling, and I was genuinely scared great movie can’t wait for the new one.


Scared as in startled and deeply unsettled, probably Talk to Me (the scenes with the brother). Scared as in made me nope out halfway through, The Banshee Chapter.


Started watching The Banshee Chapter without lights on. By the end, every light in the house was on.


I'm gonna cheat and say 2 that I watched this week:   - When Evil Lurks (2023) an Argentine horror film. It has great sequences that scare the shit out of you, plus, the whole despair/dread/hopelessness you feel as you get into the story and characters is both terrifying and amazing.   - Poison for the Fairies (1986) an oldie mexican horror film about a 10 yo girl who believes she is, and constantly pursues being, a witch, as she slowly and terrifyingly drags a classmate along the whole thing. Man, kids can be scary. 


Nothing has affected me more than that combo of the Grudge and The Ring in the early aughts.


Last year I watched Lake Mungo for the first time and it genuinly freaked me out, and that doesn't happen that often anymore that one shot when they found her cellphone is one of the creepiest shots I've ever seen. What also struck me is how melancholic the movie left me. It gets both sadder and scarier the more I think about it.


That is such a great film!! Talk to Me and Late Night With the Devil tripped me out a bit.


Loved Late Night! Talk To Me had some seriously intense moments!


I don’t know about “scared” me but hereditary was fucked up and I didnt know what was coming next. I also felt that way about Men.


Probably Lights Out, the jumpscares were good and the scene that >!explains the backstory!< is horrifying.


I love scary movies but what hits home is movies like Black Phone & Fear of ‘84 bc it hits home to the scariest thing ever… a monster coming after a child. Both are good movies and the acting is so great that it stuck with me and I only watched it once. But I can watch Hatchet and Terrifier and it’s all good.


Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (2010) must’ve been eight or nine when I saw it lol, very scary for a little kid watching it on Chiller TV


Omg yes!! This was one of the few films that really had me looking at shadows!


I would love to see the 70s version again. The 2010 remake was a totally different thing, I think they did a great job with it. The creature design in it did freak me out for a while.


The original was HUGE for me and my family. Creepy for us kids. Ahh, the 80s. We watched A LOT of questionable shit back then. Didn't help we had a fireplace!


Late Night With the Devil for the same reasons you explained for Summer of ‘84, which is another fun and then really disturbing watch.


I LOVED that one!


Hell House LLC. I know that movie is a classic but I wasn't much of an FF fan since REC (2003) and Quarantine (2008). I found most FF movies either unrealistic, bad writing, over the top reactions, etc., but HHLLC genuinely creeped me out. It felt too real (save for the few seconds at the end)--- acting felt normal for once and so damn plain that it helped create that FF atmosphere.


Only 3 horror movies/thrillers have ever had a lasting effect on me, and I’m constantly looking for that high but can never find it. The first was Insidious, probably bc it was my first *real* scary movie outside of Poltergeist & Jaws and I was only 13. The random demon face jump scare & the picture at the end scared my little teen self sooo bad. The next was Requiem for a Dream. I watched this alone in my college dorm and could not get it out of my head for weeks. It disturbed me so deeply. And lastly, Hereditary definitely spooked me out for a few days afterwards. I would get images in my head of the final 20 minutes of the movie and feel the need to have my blankets tightly wrapped around me from my feet to my ears. I’ve seen lots of horror movies since that I’ve really enjoyed, but none have had a lasting effect on me like these 3 did.


noroi; the curse


Love this one!


The Borderlands (2013) - I think it's called Final Prayer in the US. The ending unsettled me so much I still dream about it. Wolf Creek was terrifying. I saw The Silence on the Lambs in the cinema when that came out. So many scenes in that. The ambulance scene, OMG.


I agree on final prayer... that last scene .....jesus christ smh


Revenge (2017) was horrifying. It was stuck in my head for days


Under the Skin when >!that dude’s body deflated!<


Probably Smile. Unnatural proportions (like said smile) freak me out a little.


Stop-Motion on Shudder. Just. Damn!




When Evil Lurks. But, it didn't scare so much as it had this pervasive, impenetrable dread which amplified whatever WAS actually scary by about a billion.


Summer of 84 scared me pretty bad. My bedroom has the attic door right outside lol. Other than that I'd say Terrifier 2. That movie really fucked me up.