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Hellraiser (and its subsequent sequels/remake) I don’t care what anyone says, even the shittiest entries (and I’m not so naive that I believe there aren’t shitty entries) in the franchise have a special place in my heart. I just love the lore and mythology so much that I can’t help but enjoy anything that takes place in that world, even if it’s an objectively bad movie. And I feel like that’s just unreasonable to most horror fans. 😂


I hear what you’re saying. To me the original 2 Hellraisers are fantastic films, while the rest I think are a little harder to defend :D But for me, I can enjoy the ones that are bad in a cheesy way, like 3 and 4, but struggle with the ones that are more boring bad, like 6 and 7. And the 2022 film felt like it had some potential but it just ultimately fell flat and it failed to keep me interested throughout. But worst of all, I thought it made the Lament Configuration boring. The puzzle box used to be such a cool and interesting part of the series. Now, >!it just stabbed everyone who touched it with one blade, that had some poison/drug on it, and I couldn’t care less, it felt almost sacrilegious to me.!<


Yep, I've seen all of them and some of those films are fucking painful. Still, when it's good it's very very good.


Inferno is criminally underrated


I second this. Inferno was quite original and innovative. In my personal list one of the highlights of the franchise together with the first two movies and the latest one. I don’t get the hate inferno often times receives.


A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.


Welcome to Primetime bitch.


What a fucking movie. Best of the franchise.


Those are some fighting words. The original is way better


3 has such a nasty atmosphere and brutal gore. Love it.


You think that’s bad, I really liked the remake


Actually I’ve seen a bunch of people say that 3 is better than 1. It seems to be the general consensus: either 1 or 3 is the best Freddy movie


The Thing I just adore it.


That's my second-favourite horror film!


Me too. I became a rabid superfan after I stumbled across this behind-the-scenes blog by one of the producers: http://theoriginalfan.blogspot.com Deepened my appreciation for the subtle paranoia that got woven throughout the film.


I’m watching it for the first time tonight and I’m so excited!


I love both the Thing and American Werewolf in London. The movies are amazing but I'm particularly obsessed with the practical effects in both. 


The Witch


One of my absolute favourites.


Universal Monster movies due to their importance to the genre and its fun to see how movie making has changed over the years


Oh me too! Haven't quite seen them all. Still have The Invisible Agent and a few Mummy sequels to watch. James Whale was born in the town where I live, but no-one here has heard of him. Very sad.


For me it's not them directly, but I love Castlevania and the universal monsters are a staple. Dracula, the mummy, the wolfman, Frankenstein's monster and the creature from the black lagoon appear in nearly every entry


House of 1,000 Corpses. I dont usually watch movies multiple times, but ive seen it alot and watch it a minimum of twice a year. Ive dressed up as Captain Spaulding twice for Halloween. I cant really explain why i like it so much. Its not one specific thing. The combination of actors, hammy performances, the homage to 70s horror, and rock video appearance just works for me. And i didnt like the sequels, only this one.


I remember seeing that at the cinema. Watched Cabin Fever the same night.


The ending terrified me! The girl thinking she finally escaped only to be brought back to these monsters is horrifying.


I remember hating it, then I rewatched after one of the Halloween Horror Nights had a kick ass haunt based on it and since then I absolutely love that movie. Such a fun love letter to that genre and one of my absolute favorite Halloween rewatches 


This one surprised me by becoming a firm favourite immediately.


Same here, I love it! It’s basically an amazing horror amusement ride in film form Beginning to end


1000% The Ritual! It’s the only movie that leaves me on the edge of my seat every single time I watch it. So good.


The design of the creature stays with me long after I’m done (re)watching. And the cabin scene…?! Script and acting are top shelf.


Throughout the whole movie I was thinking they wouldn’t show the creature and when they did I was just in awe, well done


It's on my wishlist. Haven't seen it yet.


LOVE The Ritual! I’ve watched it SOOOO many times and I never get sick of it- that movie goes HARD!🙌🏻


The Ritual is underrated. I love slow build atmospheric movies with a lot of lore despite them not being very popular in this sub. If you liked The Ritual you may also like You Are Not My Mother, The Hole in the Ground,and Men


I wish so hard this was on blu ray. I hate being forced to get Netflix again just to rewatch this.


Agreed, I LOVE this movie and it's so slept on!!!


Return of the Living Dead. I love this movie so much. It's not an exaggeration to say that I've seen it hundreds of times.


Truly, truly brilliant. Great soundtrack too.


Trick r' Treat! I love little Sam running around keeping people in check 😂


The Alien franchise. I even have a Xenomorph tattoo.


Growing up, xenomorphs toys were everywhere. It wasn't until I watched those movies in college that I understood how truly horrific they were


I have a board game, comics, PC games, several art books, the alternative script for Alien III by William Gibson, a face hugger Covid mask. Way too into it.


Oh hells yeah! Wish I could see the tattoo!


I sleep with a Xenomorph plush 🥰


Psycho Goreman


Fucking great film. Made me laugh like a drain.


30 days of night


Oculus. Great performances, great story, both overt and subtle scares that are brilliantly crafted. Ending goes hard, too. Love it and will always fanboy it to anyone willing to listen.


Okay, this is another one I'm putting on my watchlist.


I LOVE OCULUS so so much




Silence of the Lambs




Suchhh a good one


When the film ends, i always sit there watching the credits roll over the continued scene of the windy tropical street. I wish more movies had credits like this. The Howling also has similar, with an extended shot of a burger being cooked (poorly) on a grill


Seeing this comment makes me think it's time for the second bi-annual rewatch


Can’t get enough of Cabin In The Woods


This is basically a comfort horror movie for me! Amazingly unique. And the scene in the elevator where they see all the ‘possibilities’?!


Same! I’ve watched it twice this week already because I was craving some cozy horror time with those characters lol


Wish I'd seen it at the cinema because it's an instant classic.


Cabin in the Woods is so good in so many ways it is the only horror movie where scenes with fakity-looking CG special effects don't ruin it for me. It's the sheer *charisma* of the flick!


We need more like it.


YES. The scene where they unleash literal hell in the facility is the one scene I will NEVER forget or get over. It’s perfect and was just so horrific. I saw it in theaters like 5 times.


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre or The Thing. They were both early watches for me (probably a bit too young). Formative movies for sure.


Event Horizon


Don't even... There's some real darkness at the heart of that film


I know. I freaking love it. I’d kill to see the original version.


I don't think that footage exists any more unfortunately. Liberate me tute mare ex inferis!


It doesn’t 😞 But a girl can dream! I just decided to rewatch Event Horizon (it’s been a couple of months since my last rewatch) and I’m only 8 minutes in and my tv has shut down twice…. The evil is inside my tv


I have a friend who is a fundamentalist Christian and Event Horizon reeeeaaaally fucked her up.


Prince of Darkness, I can watch that every day.


It Follows. It really fucked with me and not enough people have seen it so I bring it up when I can.


Love it. Can't wait for the sequel.


I relate to this so hard, and happy cake day


I have a few. The Thing, Suspiria, Mandy, Child's Play, and Halloween 4. Halloween 4 and Child's Play were actually the first 2 horror movies I ever saw as a kid. Watched them back-to-back on VHS (my mom owned a video rental store) since they both had child protagonists.


Child's Play? Oh man, one of the most consistently good horror franchises out there. Only one bad movie in the series really. Halloween 4 is an interesting choice. I like it fine but Halloween 2 is my fave.


Totally agree about the Child's Play series. Probably the most consistently good horror series, period. I love the old Halloween movies, especially 1-4. Halloween 4 just has such a perfect cozy fall vibe to me, I love it. Just wish they hadn't done the Thorn cult shit.


I really liked H20 but Resurrection made me want to throw my TV into a river.


You said Suspiria and it reminded me that I still haven't watched it yet. It looks crazy as hell.


It's great! The color palette and music alone are amazing and really add to the craziness of the story. It's a must-see.


green room 😭 i literally watched it for the first time a few weeks ago and can’t get it out of my head, it’s so good & i will never stop recommending it on here


Check out “Blue Ruin”, it’s the movie the writer/director did just prior to Green Room


Solid film. Great choice.


RAVENOUS with guy pearce The soundtrack is soooooo amazing and elevates the movie from great to amazing!!


Don't know how this one has passed me by but I need to see it.


its soooooo good! You def should!


*Final Destination 3*. I've probably seen it more than any other horror movie, and I can't say enough good things about it.


I saw it a really long time ago. My mom was a big fan of the Final Destination Films and I find them difficult to revisit since she died. I guess I just need to suck it up and give them a rewatch.




Grave Encounters, it's a very cheap (and some say shitty) found footage movie but for me it's the ultimate ghost film. Not too keen on the sequel though.




Scream (see flair). It’s my favorite movie spanning all genres. I absolutely adore it and I will keep watching and loving it until the day that I die.


Mandy. Making people watch it is my love language.




SAME. I cannot possibly quantify the number of times I've seen it.




Signs. It's just so comfy.


The Strangers (2008). I recommend it all the time. People seem to dismiss it on this sub for the "cheap" jump scares, but I think it works. How is a horror sub so against jump scares?! It baffles me. That's what I want in a horror movie. Make me scared. Give me some shit that can really happen in real life and none of that supernatural shit that seems to make everyone else terrified.




Brightburn. It’s the only genuine Superhero horror movie. (Chronicle is more sci-fi thriller, Venom is not even all that horror, Upgrade is also sci-fi action thriller)


30 days of night. Horror, dread, isolation, wilderness, and Josh Harnett.


Love 30 Days Of Night. Saw it at the cinema 1000 years ago.


Return of the Living Dead. I am absolutely obsessed with this movie. I really like that the zombies are near unkillable except for fire(which, if you've seen the movie, you don't want to do) and that the zombies can run, talk, and think allowing them to even set ambushes. I can actually imagine the zombies being able to take over the world and push humanity toward extermination.


Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight


Midsommar. Beautiful. Each time I watch I notice something different. And the older I get the more of a feminist I become. **and I know how it feels to not have a community.


Brilliant. Loved it.


Hammer Horror Films. They took the foundation of what Universal made and built a chapel on it. Such fun, well made, theatrical, complex stories behind the monsters. I mean Peter Cushing came in and delivered a crushing performance as Baron Von Frankenstein, Christopher Lee made his name and brought a version of Dracula we hadn’t seen at the time. You can’t forget the woman either like Ingrid Pitt, Caroline Munro, Madeline Smith, Martine Beswick and plenty of others. The content Hammer Films made could be silly, serious, action packed, slow burn I mean you get it all. I just love that era of horror from Hammer.


I absolutely adore the Hammer Horror films, Cushing and Lee are so amazing together! The gothic sets and backgrounds are gorgeous, especially Frankenstein’s labs


The Birds - I don't even know how many times I've seen it, but I can say I've been late to one wedding and more than a couple parties because if it's on and I know it, I simply must watch it.


Scream is mine 100%. The entire franchise, but especially the original


saw!!! the first four movies are some of my favorites of all time, plus saw x was just fantastic. i also love the first conjuring movie, rewatch it all the time


ghoulies 3: ghoulies go to college. It is so ridiculous and fun. I guess it techniqcally isn't a horror. More horror comedy but it is so ridiculous I love it! Also munchies..love this one too!


Mad God. There is basically zero plot but it's super rich in symbolism and every time I watch it I find a new interpretation. It's a fantastic film.


Watched it recently. Blew my mind.


Noroi: The Curse


SCREAM(all of them)


Dead Silence. I know it's corny, but I really like the creepy puppets. Plus, the band Aiden based their music video for We Sleep Forever on the movie.


Pearl, because I relate to her emotions & circumstances (minus the murderous impulses) a lot


City of the Living Dead (aka..The Gates of Hell)


House of Wax (2006)


The conjuring franchise, first horror film series that I fell head over heels with


I recently saw 'Antrum: the most dangerous film ever made' and I can't stop thinking about it. I know the 'real cursed film' angle will get on some people's nerves, but the theams of religious trauma hit way too close to home. It's literally about 2 kids digging a hole to hell to save the soul of their dead dog, who their mother said couldn't go to heaven because she was a bad dog. And the way the younger kid was so ready to believe any his big sister told him really got under my skin. It's hard to explain, but the traumatizing effects of stories told as truth is something I haven't seen so well articulated. 10/10


The Descent for me. It isn’t even my favourite horror movie but it really punches above its weight for what it is imo and is a lot better than it could have been (see the sequel for an example). It’s also just an amazing overlap of so many horrors: claustrophobia and being trapped, fear of the dark, the uncanny valley of the humanoids, not knowing who you can trust among your friends, etc. There isn’t a second of comfort from the moment they enter the caves.


Silent Hill.




Antichrist. It’s the only film of its kind and it’s filmed beautifully and very poetic and disturbing at once.


Yep. That movie was definitely...definitely...definitely a thing


MEN. That soundtrack and the pastoral shots are so stunning. I sort of just ignore the birthing scene at the end because it’s out there. But I could watch the first hour of that movie endlessly


I saw MEN at an arthouse cinema with my friend and I still don't think she's recovered from it.


You're Next, Scream (original), Night of the Hunter, Black Christmas (original), Perfect Blue


Night Of The Hunter is astounding. I studied it at college funnily enough.


Beyond The Black Rainbow First time I saw it I just couldn't get into it, but I must have been impressed on some level because when I saw Mandy I was like, 'Hmm. This is okay. But that other movie by this guy was better maybe.' So I went back and watched BTBR numerous times since and, well, it's just the greatest sci fi/horror film ever made and I cannot stop thinking about it.


Happy Birthday to Me  It’s not good… and I love it and watch it frequently. 


I have movies that I know other people wouldn’t enjoy that I constantly rewatch and adore. I always want to show them but I don’t want to be disappointed when they’re like “..wtf was that”


Loved it. So original.


Hellraiser and Evil Dead. Most of them. Both franchises are fun and I rewatch them consistently!


I watch Alien, The Thing, and The Shining once a year every year. I also think about Jordan Peeles US a lot


saw. im fucking ennamered by the traps. i wish every movie had more traps!


Very respectable movie to be obsessed with - perfectly reasonable! :)


Would You Rather. I think of this movie for no reason, SO often. I think that the ending was 🤌 and that's why it stuck with me. Also, Truth or Dare and Fantasy Island. Maybe just cause i love Lucy Hale in horror. These are more just guilty pleasures because neither is particularily good, but i could rewatch them over and over.


The original dawn of the dead I watched in college every day for like 4 years. I also had the anchor bay release and just recently saw it on the big screen here in Pittsburgh. It’s one of the reasons I moved here!


Oh man seeing dawn of the dead for the first time is one of my favorite stories. I was 14 and didn’t think I was afraid of horror movies anymore, nothing got me. Then my bff and horror movie partner brought over DotD just because he said the bus scene was so cool, like more of an action movie and I had to check it out….. I stayed awake until dawn with all the lights on, on the phone with my other friend who talked me through the night I was so terrified! Sparked my zombie obsession for sure now it’s a comfort movie 😆 what are your other favorite zombie movies??


The Shining. The Overlook is a frightening but familiar place I like to check into often.


As above so below for me


A girl who walks home alone at night The love witch Rebecca


Oh hell yeah. A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night is one of the best ever


Those are some great picks. Best Iranian feminist vampire Western of all time. Have you seen Valerie and her Week of Wonders, Ginger Snaps, or the Suspiria remake?


Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. Just the perfect version of the 80s slasher, and it’s also really interesting that it’s the best entry in the series, and it’s the 4th movie. That is just so fascinating that it took 4 movies to get the best in the series


It's not my favourite but I'll concede that it's really good.


Texas chainsaw!


Late night with the devil. The VVitch. Hereditary.


Us… so many unanswered questions


The new Candyman and Smile


Smile was great. So excited for the sequel.


Huge fan of the new Candyman! I own a screen used prop from that movie, that’s how much I love that one


The Alien movies. I've loved them since I was maybe 6. I am obsessed with xenos.


I’ve watched Night Eats the World more than any human should. In my defense it’s always streaming somewhere and it’s always suggested for me. Who am I to say no?


Not exactly a horror movie but, Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy I've seen this documentary so many times I can't get enough of it.


Probably Alien/Aliens. Just this past month I bought a reproduction of Brett's Hawaiian shirt from Alien (the original is a pattern probably from the '60s that they just got from like a UK thrift shop, long since out of print). I also have a replica of the hat he wears, and I did some weathering on it to make it look used. Been slowly putting together a Brett costume. I found the exact wings patch they used with his Engineering crew pin. I also have the shoes they used for Alien. I still need to get the jacket and pants custom made, but that's ridiculously expensive. Years ago I bought a pair of the very limited edition Reebok "Alien stomper" shoes Ripley wears in Aliens. The most expensive clothing I've ever bought, even at a significant discount compared to what the scalpers were selling just a few months before I bought mine. I have NECA figures of the Aliens from the first 3 movies including the Queen. I got the Blu Ray of the Alien Quadrilogy because I couldn't find an HD copy of Aliens online that wasn't the directors cut (I much prefer the theatrical version). Etc.


The Fog / My Bloody Valentine / Jaws I tend to watch them all the time. At least 2-3 times a month in the past year


Black Mountain Side. A very obscure cosmic horror movie I love.


Two films that nail the uncanny loss of reality and control, plus the despair and loneliness, that most horror cannot and does not even touch: Jacob’s Ladder and Pulse. Cult movies for sure, but highly underrated.


Killer Klowns From Outer Space, and anything involving Catholicism. I actually really enjoyed The Pope's Exorcist, The Nun movies, The Exorcist, etc. Reading one of Father Amorth's books was super interesting.


Resurrection (2022 Rebecca Hall/ Tim Roth movie)


Easily John Carpenter's The Thing.


Return of the Living Dead


Event Horizon.


Event Horizon. Scares me to effing bits, but I've seen it a million times.


May (2002) I literally have to pace myself and give a good month/month and a half in between watching so I don’t get sick of it. I save it as a reward. It’s my comfort movie


Noroi: The Curse


Halloween 1978 Blair witch When evil lurks It follows


28 Days Later


Now you can own it on Prime, too


Humanoids from the Deep, Wax Works, Intruder (love that it was shot in my home state), and Urban Legend.


Army of darkness or the fly they are both great in different ways also not super long which is good I’d say army of darkness more cuz it’s a more fun watch the fly is really quite dark at points


The Fly. I wouldn’t say unreasonably obsessed. But others might. Nobody does body horror like Cronenberg.


I have a fixation on Ready or Not. For me Samara weaving is just the most charming and badass final girl. I love watching her fuck up riche people. It’s got the perfect mix of action and comedy and commentary. I could watch it forever. I know alot of horror fans do enjoy it. But I really hope it one day becomes a true classic.


Willy’s Wonderland (Unrelated to question but Willy’s voice is kinda hot lmfaooo)


The Dark Secret of Harvest Home, a dark 1978 TV movie set in upstate New York about a pagan death cult. It's adapted from Thomas Tryon's excellent horror novel *Harvest Home.* It's in the same family of folk horror movies as The Wicker Man and Midsommar. It's lo-fi, beautiful, and weird, and Bette Davis is mesmerizing in it.


The Shining. I have that carpet design as a background for my entire right arm tattoo sleeve.


Martyrs (2008) and the entire saw franchise except spiral !


Ju-on. First time I saw it I was legitimately scared. Granted I was 16-17 but the memory of the first time watching It remains. It's a movie I've watched several times and the uncomfortable aura is always there, nothing like the first time though, but nostalgia is powerful. It's also what got me into J-horror and it still remains one of its best examples in my book.


as above so below. got me looking into alchemy and shit 😭


Martyrs. I've probably watched it at least once a year since it's release and I keep recommending it to people who probably aren't really ready for it


Witching and Bitching. I don’t know what it is about that movie, but I can’t get enough of it. I watch it like once or twice a month.


The Dark and the Wicked. So good.


Of course the original scream and Halloween. Lately it’s also been Evil Dead Rise


Shaun of the Dead. My husband and I find even the smallest reason to watch it at least once a month..


Dawn of the dead (original), Aliens and The Thing. I remembered a scene from Aliens (the motion activated guns in the tunnels scene) that for years I could t remember what movie it was from and none of my friends knew what I was talking about. I rewatched aliens on dvd over and over and couldn't find the scene. It was driving me insane, I thought maybe I'd imagined it. Finally decades later they released a box set with the theatrical version and low and behold there was the scene I remember which means I had to have seen it in the theater when it came out, I would have been about 7 years old. My dad must have snuck me in, he was awesome. That movie will forever be a top 3 for me.


One Dark Night, since I saw it as a 12 old on Sky Channel in the 80s.


The Saw franchise. They're the perfect combination of ridiculous and gory, and Hello Zepp slaps as a theme song


It’s been a couple months since I watched Speak No Evil and I straight up can’t stop thinking about it.


Black Christmas (1974). I never miss an opportunity to recommend it, and give it a nod.


the house that jack built


Night of the Demons. Say what you will about the special effects or how cheesy it is, that movie took some wild swings. From the intro being what looks like projector art to having the kids dance to Computer Date this movie was unashamedly weird. Also every actor looks like they were having so much fun on set.


Dawn of the Dead for me as well, the 1978 version. I've watched it over 500 times in the last almost 40 years. I've owned at least 12 copies on various formats (including UMD). Currently rocking the DVD Ultimate edition with 3 versions of the movie and the OOP Anchor Bay bluray.


The Witch, probably


Ichi the Killer


NOPE. I can't exactly say why, it's a mix of a few things. For one, we saw it for my birthday in IMAX and it was the perfect theater experience. I jumped at one point and spilled popcorn like in a campy movie. The Star Lasso scene was genuinely one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen and my sister and I almost walked out. But we braved through it and I loved every minute of it. I even bought the soundtrack on vinyl, which includes original art from a kid who was 15 at the time he drew it. It's totally become a comfort movie for me and will probably go down as my favorite horror movie of all time.


Shutter Island. It's my going to sleep movie.