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Since you seem to have a genuine interest and desire to play scary things, your best bet may just be trying to embrace the jump scares. Yes they're going to get you, but that is why you're playing the game right? So look forward to them, laugh at yourself afterwards. Make it an enjoyable experience.


Came here to say this, I found that when I was younger, I used to cover my eyes when something scary would happen, but kind of still peek out and that made it worse as in my mind I imagined it to be scarier than it actually was, when in actual fact, it was pretty allright.


Thanks random guy from 5 years ago. :))))))))


Thanks random guy from 2 years ago :)))))))))


Thanks random guy from 15 days ago. :)))))))))


Thanks, random guy from 5 and a half years ago.


Thanks random guy from 6 years ago


shut the fuck up.


No thank you


I wasn't talking to you. Dumbass.


That feels a bit mean. But that's fair


Okay I feel bad I was being ironic sorry.


It's all good man. Sometimes I just have a hard time telling the difference






Happy cake day


Thank you


thanks random guy from 7 years ago


Ah fuck. 12 days too late to say that xD


I will try to do this, thank you


Find a toaster with a random timer.


Scared the sht out of me


Late answer, but hope it helps. The best way to cope with Jumpscares is to die. No kidding, to die in game, or get captured, or whatever. Horror games are scary not because of the monster, but because of your expectations fueled by the sound design. When developing horror games, the dev always find an issue, when gamers get too many similar scares on the game, they start losing fear to that scare (because you see that nothing really happens), so they have to balance games so you get few jumpscares properly scattered through the game so you keep most of the game wondering if you are going to be scared, in reality, what is more scary is that you might find a jumpscare, not the jumpscare itself. So take the game you want to play, mute it, and play until you find a jumpscare, then repeat the jumpscare section until you are not uncomfortable, turn the volume a bit and repeat. In no time, you develop a tolerance to that game jumpscares.


Be more alert and always expect the unexpected!


Empty hallways and areas that are a bit too quiet are usually dead giveaways. (:


I played a game where the jumpscares appear in those unexpectable spot cuz in the game your vision is limited and you cant predict what's going to hurts or scares you.


Which game?


Close to the Sun is not a hardcore horror game. Its more like a softcore with some jumpscares. Like the thread creator jumpscares are scaring the hella shit outa me. And this game. Oh boy. Already played it two times and jumpscares WHERE I KNOW WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN WHEN still get me. Oh boy. Good game but for me hella scary. Like your gettin in an elevator press the button it starts going up and suddenly a man comes from the right (outside the elevator) and punches against the door. Where tf did he come from?? Theres nothing?!?! Oh boy. Im a puss but It is how it is. Sorry for my spam/useless post. ;)


Alertness works against you in terms of jump scares. You need to slow yourself down instead and relax.


Don't zone in so much on what is going on. That's how jump scares work. It draws you in, aggro locks your attention, then BOOM! The best way to train yourself is to get involved with something that you know will have the jump and not really pay attention to it. Start with something you are already familiar with but still always gets you then move into the unknown. This is how I conditioned myself. I mean, I couldn't be watching a movie with a new lady friend and [be all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXtxfMzF1dM&t=0m8s) link is not a jump scare




Thanks! I'll check that out. And yes; although jump scares are effective, they are waaay overused in games and movies.


One day I was browsing scary/paranormal askreddit threads. I came across a thread, "what is the scariest thing you have found on the internet". One of the top answers was just a link, no text. It turns out, it was something called the "bongcheon dong ghost", aka, the "scary Korean webcomic". Let me tell you something. You do not know fear, until you have browsed scary askreddit threads all night, and then click that link with your headphones on. Sometimes in the shower I still hear the clicks and see the head turning around to scare the shit out of me. I literally chucked my computer across the room. After that day, jump scares seem easy to me. Even while people cower at horror movies all around me and put their blankets over there eyes, I have experienced something far worse. sooo, thats how i got over it


So basically I have to expose myself to something beyond terror in order to get over my fears? I say this not sarcastically; great idea.


i just watched that for the first time because of this post


The opposite is happening to me. Jump scares are so overused that i don't even blink my eyes when they happen.


I know they are overused, and I know when they are going to occur (usually), yet the loud noises and closeness of the face coming up still gets me. Even FNaF! :)


It just happens, I used to cover my ears and look down before jumps, i havent been spooked by them in a few years now


I do this weird thing where I squint my eyes so that the image on the screen is blurry and I can hardly see. Makes walking in-game very difficult, but I push through it. Muting the game volume also helps a bit, especially in "Outlast".


took me a long time to get over trying to play survival horror games. Some of them I still can't do without getting too anxious (silent hill). I got a lot better with it when I played Left 4 Dead 2. Music starts to play when there's a horde and then the more you play it, the more you can pick up on audio cues so that stuff doesn't just jump out at you from nowhere. Then I used that game to get really good at fps, so now I'm just not as scared playing survival horror fps in general.


The first "scary" game I ever bought was actually L4D2, and I was TERRIFIED to play it by myself. That is, until I realized how cheesy and noticeable the zombies were, especially when they are hiding. Now, I can play any L4D2 map (even custom ones) without getting scared. Although, L4D is NOTHING compared to some of the newer, and even older games (*cough* F.E.A.R *cough*) out there.


haha yas. I have almost 1000 hrs on L4D2 and <2 hours on FEAR.


Is not possible to control a jumpscare. It is a natural reflex of your body to protect yourself. Videogames and some horror movies just use a psichologic strategy to trigger this reflection in your body, so you think that the game is scary, while it is just a trick. As you can notice, videogames that are considered "scary" put you in the same situation, no matter which title you are playing. You are in the darkness, you cannot defend yourself with weapons, and you hear strange rumors constantly from every direction. All this premade environment triggers the state of alert in your body, you cannot stop it, it's an ancient natural instinct. I don't even suggest you to try to stop it, because fear is your best ally when it comes to survive, people without fear are not aware of possibly deadly situations. PS: try to play those games during daylight, with lights turned on in your room, without hearphones and with a low volume, so you don't feel "alone in the dark". This could help to counter the trick of the game.


Whenever I *do* try and play quote on quote "scary" games, I play them in broad daylight, windows open so I can hear the happy birds outside, and game volume completely muted. That improves my experience quite a bit, as most of the games I play are environmental scares.


So have you overcome your fear after 5 years now? I’m having the same „problem“


Ah hello fellow internet person, I also googled this question and stumbled upon this therad. Please help, I just want to play FNAF


If its Fnaf VR, I was terrified too but I purposefully got myself jump scared in Parts and Services. It's still scary but you can brace yourself since you know when you're setting it off (such as grabbing Bonnie's right eye first or throwing Chica's arm away) then graduate to letting Mangle and Plushtrap get you. A bit more startling since you don't know the exact second they are going to get you but they're not that bad. Learn the Fnaf 2 strategy and that's pretty easy. Fnaf 3 night 1 you can't die, and if Springtrap comes through the vent to your right you can see him coming and you can brace for the scare. I'd hold off on Fnaf 1 and Night Terrors until you are done with everything else as they are the scariest part of the game. After that if the jump scares are still too bad, just keep purposefully getting jump scared in P&S. Eventually they become more tedious and annoying than scary. Hope it helps you a year later!


same i just want to beat help wanted but those fucking plush babys in vr give the nightmare fuel


Scrap Plush and Nightmarionne are the worst for me. I don't want to play Fredbear. I still jump at flying-spaghetti-monster-puppet.


Don't worry man same here! I'm playing FNAF 4 on my ps4 and I'm genuinely scared to play it and get jump scared. If you are interested into scary things just say to yourself it's not real cuz it isn't. This usually doesn't help for me in FNAF. What I do is say to myself I play the game for a reason. To get a good time from it and it's only a game


For me it’s knowing when it happens that makes it worse. If it happens with no build up I don’t jump.


Play Valorant


>Valorant i have jumpscares in valorant too, so what the f i can do?


Play House of the Dead Like a zillion times over That might numb you enough 😉




A way to get over your fear is that in horror games just expect it to come. I mean, its a horror game and if a jumpscare pops up when you dont expect one its gonna scare you but if you expect it then it wont be that bad because you know its coming