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The director said in an interview something like "this was the first time Art the Clown has died", so I think he's got something in mind for him. He was suggesting that Art didn't know he was going to come back.


That kinda sucks. I like my version better!




If we think about his part in ALL HALLOWS EVE, he is supernatural in that. He appears in or around every short and he comes out of a video at one point. If you haven’t seen that movie, you won’t know this. I think there could have been more hints earlier in the film but remember this was shot on a tiny budget and it will have some bumps in it.


Yeah, haven’t seen that one. Overall I enjoyed this one—the ending just threw me off a little.


This is what I came to say. He has supernatural abilities, he's very evil. So when I saw Terrifier and he shot himself it was pretty obvious there would be a reveal where he comes back.


My theory is that All Hallow's Eve takes place AFTER Terrifier 2. I think he came back from death as a supernatural creature.


Art is supernatural, that's why the lights were flickering and the phone did that trippy shit


But the way he was knocked down by that woman and had to use a pistol doesnt look special or supernatural to me at all. Looked very much like a weak psychopath (ok and then he can saw a woman in half....). Doesnt really add up. Still makes more sense if he is just a very crazy man and cannibal or sth.! That shot in the head though suggests something else ....




I watched the 2nd one and he looks weak as fuck in that, he has some insane feats of strength but it seems like anyone with any training at all would get the upper hand on him.


The supernatural thing ruined it for me.


Wait a minute!!! You mean there’s more of this clown already available?!? So stoked...


He's been in three films. First one was All Hallows Eve


The only two problems I had with Terrifier were the framing story at the beginning and end and the cliche 'dead' killer rises from the bodybag ending. I didn't get it either, he seemed to suddenly be a supernatural killer despite no prior suggestion of it. I wish it had just ended on the gunshot. If the credits had rolled right after the close up on blood gushing from his face that would have been such an intense balls to the wall ending. If you want to make a sequel write around it later, it doesn't need to be built into the movie.


Dude... watch "all Hallows eve" Art was supernatural from the beginning.


Is all hallows eve explicitly tied to Terrifier beyond sharing a character idea? I considered Terrifier a standalone movie. Within Terrifier there wasn't suggestion of supernatural powers that I remember. I don't think Jason can possess people in other F13 movies just because he can do it in Jason Goes to Hell. I don't think whatever happens in all hallows eve should matter much to my opinion on Terrifier. --i just googled, i've seen the original terrifier short - that's what's in all hallows eve? i don't see how anything that happens in there should matter, that's just like a rough draft that got reworked and expanded into a different story in the full film.


Well obviously it did matter since at the end he is supernatural. Who's to say that all Hallows eve isn't actually a sequel? More than one way to run a franchise homes.


Art is very much a supernatural creature, even in the Terrifier movies. He just doesn't have a bunch of powers like Freddy and Jason. You an even see his presence to cause lights to flicker.


> he seemed to suddenly be a supernatural killer despite no prior suggestion of it. Art watching one of his victims on television saying he died was definitely a suggestion of supernatural.


Art is crazy, I don't think him seeing things that aren't there is necessarily supernatural.


At no point do any of the movies insinuate that Art hallucinates. Everything you see is real, as far as the lore is concerned.


But the guy in the laundromat didn't see the girl he was talking to


Yes, because she was a demon only seen to Art for the moment. She is very much real, seeing as she interacts with the phone later and even uses her mimicry powers to pretend to be whazzisface


What makes you think he is seeing something that isn't there?


First things first,when art was in a dead bodt bag,you would've notice that lights were flickering and phone was ringing all that supernatrual kind if shit and when the doc open the bag he was looking right away at him.Art has some supernatrual powers like teleportation,immortality,suoer human strength,stealth mastery and many more.So he was not just psychopathic human


I am so confused, someone please help me understand. So basically Art and a dead body at the end of Terrifier were in the dead body bags for a little bit of time after he had shot himself, and Art killed that guy the same day. Then in Terrifier 2, Art went to the laundromat the same day after that murder. And then, a couple days Atleast, he was in his secret place with the little zombie girl watching a live interview with Victoria saying that it was a year since the county attack, when it only logically seems like a couple days ago that it occured. Im so confused😭


It’s been too long now since I’ve watched them, but yeah there are definitely some confusing things/plot holes.


At the end of the first terrifier movie Victoria is finally released from the hospital in a wheelchair with the caption one year later and in the interview where it said that the attack was a year ago even though Arty hadn't been "dead" for more than 3 hours. I have a theory that when all the lights were flashing and shii he went into a time loop. That's also when he becomes supernatural all of his feats in the movie are manageable without strength or speed on a superhuman degree so when he kills himself he simply comes back supernatural and goes into a time loop.


I like horror but I have this problem with many horrors always making shit supernatural. Like with the first terrifier I liked how real they made as in it could happen in real life but just like every fucking horror they have to make shit supernatural and unrealistic. Like terrifier 2 she drowned and the sword brought her back like FFS