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Books of Blood volumes 1 to 6, good place to start. Mixed bag of short stories, read a few and you'll know if his longer novels might be for you. Then maybe Cabal or Hellbound Heart before the epics like Weaveworld and Imajica. Have fun.


Seconding this. Books of Blood are still my favorites of his work.


I keep reading/hearing about how Barker is a master of fantasy-horror, and I'm definitely interested in him for that. That said, I liked (but didn't love) volume 1 because I found it a tad... vanilla. If that makes sense? Like maybe it was edgy at the time, but it felt pretty tame and narratively straightforward by today's horror standards. My favorite story was definitely the Midnight Meat Train along with the overall frame story. If I wanted to skip to the more fantastical horror of his, which volume would be best to read next? I'm also aware of Imajica, Weaveworld, and Great & Secret Show, but woof, they're all so long. Not sure I'm ready to commit to something like that.


Felt similarly about BoB Vol. I, although I enjoyed it more than you it seems. I absolutely loved The Hellbound Heart and The Damnation Game though. Would definitely recommend you give those ones a shot.


Imajica is easily my favourite novel of Barkers. It's stupendously ambitious, kind of a hot mess in the middle and sometimes overwrought - but if you resonate with Clive, it's both beautiful and profound. Shoutouts to BoB vol. 6, which rocked my world as an adolescent, back in the early 90'ies, and saved me from thinking that horror was only King or Koontz, neither of whom I "got" at all back then. The Last Illusion gave me nightmares for weeks. It was the worst, in the best possible way. I got The Damnation Game for Christmas sometime after that, and have been thoroughly hooked since then. So I'm pretty biased towards that anything you pick will be a great read. Pick early stuff over later stuff, if you want to lean into horror - his later stories get a lot more "adjecent".


Weaveworld and The Great and Secret Show are two of my favs and classic Barker. Imajica is brilliant but a huge novel. Definitely his most ambitious work. Galilee and Sacrament are absolutely worth checking out as well.


Damnation game is great too


I love Coldheart canyon.


This novel was so horny


Yes! Even more than his other books, which is saying something.


So you’re saying it’s quite Hollywood?




The Thief of Always was my first and started a lifelong adoration of Barker’s work, so it will always be my favorite.


This was also my first Barker! I read it in detention as a boy and didnt even know I'd never heard of him. Later I'd get into his books purposefully and was thrilled to discover that ToA was one of his. Love that book. That ending was splendid. I'd never read an ending like that at that age.


My favorite Clive Barker is the famous writer. Lol I'll be here all week.


Metonymy's joke.


I’ve only ever read The Hellbound Heart, but it was great.


it's a classic for a reason! :)


Books of Blood and Weaveworld are the Must Reads imo. I also enjoyed Imajica, The Great and Secret Show, and Sacrament


Imagica by far. It's really long but worth it. I also like Great and Secret Show and Everville but they are the first two books of an intended trilogy that it appears Barker has given up on. They are still good, you just have to realize some things in them will not be resolved.


He just spoke about his intent to finish the third Book of the Art, the two final Abarat novels, and a sequel to Thief of Always a few months ago.


Imagica, but if you wanted to start with something shorter/that you can consume in bite-sized chunks, I'd jump into the Books of Blood. Jaqueline Ess: Her Will and Testament is my fave BoB short story/ies - there's an audiobook version of it on YouTube if you're into audio! You simply must read Imagica at some point though. It's the most beautiful book I've ever read, and the only book on my favourites shelf I've read once - it moved me so deeply that I don't even feel worthy of reading it again. Sublime novel. All of his work is worth reading, honestly.


The Great and Secret Show and Everville, Weaveworld, Imajica, The Thief of Always, Cabal, Mister B. Gone, and The Scarlett Gospels are his best novels. Books of Blood are hit and miss but In the Hills the Cities and The Yattering and Jack are both great. His YA Abarat books are fire. The rest is meh.


In the Hills the Cities is my favorite short story.


It's a good one!


Just finished it and loved it. That last paragraph. My God.. 


The Great And Secret Show followed by the sequel Everville.


Read The Yattering and Jack. Fall in love. And keep reading after that.


I loved that story, it was a fun read. Had me smiling the whole time.


The Books of Blood kickstarted his style of grotesque but beautiful horror. It's a good starting place as any. If you want more horror, try The Damnation Game. If you want more fantasy than horror, move on to Weaveworld, then The Great and Secret Show (and its sequel Everville), and finally Imagica.


Weaveworld is my absolute favorite. The Great and Secret Show is awesome. The Thief of Always is probably my second favorite even if it’s written for younger readers. The concept of the story is magical!


Cabal, Imajica and The Damnation Game are my favs.


I liked Books of Blood - some stories are very mid but some are incredible


Pig Blood Blues. I’m not sure where else it’s published, but I read it in the first volume of Books Of Blood.


Definitely the first few books of blood and Hellbound Heart


Books of blood, WeaveWorld, The thief of Always.


Hellbound Heart


Thief of Always. Geared for teens, it’s easily his most approachable work, memorable, a classic. The kind of thing you read and feel like you just binged a great Netflix show, left wondering why there isn’t a movie/show. And it’s like your first step in the shallow end of the pool of Barker’s work.


Cabal is my favorite of his novels and novellas. Books of Blood is probably my favorite short story collection ever. Then there's Sacrament, his most deeply personal book (he came out as gay when it was published and at the time it resulted in poor sales...the book is a pretty dark, uncomfortable fantasy and also reflects a lot of the turmoil Barker experienced as somebody who lost so many friends to AIDS. It has some deeply unsettling parts but also some incredible moments of pure fantasy). If you like those, start digging into his longer works, starting with The Damnation Game and then working your way through Weaveworld, The Great and Secret Show etc.




Way late to the party, Coldheart Canyon, Great and Secret show and The Damnation Game, in that order


I'm late to the party, too.. I'm obsessed!!


I read The Hellbound Heart recently and loved it! Hellraiser is one my absolutely favorite horror movies, so it was good fun to read the book. Looking forward to reading more of his works!


I'm surprised Sacrament has been mentioned. Loved it!


Reading it now and very into it!


LMK know what you think!


Currently reading Weaveworld, and after coming off King/Straub’s hot mess of a horror fantasy called The Talisman, it is SO refreshing. Imaginative, engaging, fast paced. I’m in love. I read The Great and Secret show a few years back and while the beginning knocked me outta my socks it dragged towards the end. But I did enjoy it overall. Other than that I’ve read the first two Abarat books, which are fine for YA.


Weaveworld. By far.


Definitely start with "The Books of Blood".


Books of blood. Great place to start


I started with Hellbound Heart and Books of Blood Volume 1. You really get a feel for his writing. I'm actually reading Imajica right now. And it is LONG. If you are not ready for his style it might be difficult to get through. But Hellbound Heart, Mister B Gone, Books of Blood are much shorter and easier to get through. So I would start there.


I think in reading the way he describes Quaid's mustache in "Dread" I might've decided Barker's my favorite writer lol


Coldheart Canyon is the best horror novel I’ve ever read. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable in the best possible way.


The Thief of Always


I haven’t seen anyone recommend the two collections of plays. The History of the Devil is my favorite in Incarnations, where the devil goes on trial to see if he can re-enter Heaven.




Coldheart Canyon isn't one of his most popular, but it may well be my favorite. Brilliant characters combined with brilliant horror. It's Hollywood themed and set there.


I’d start with Thief of Always. It’s a quick read and one of my favorites.