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So is she still fucking him? Kinda sounds like it and some of this could be coming from him.


Nope they just text back and forth occasionally, even if she wanted to do anything with him I know for a fact he’s moved on (he’s not the kind of guy that struggles to get girls to sleep with him)


You say he has no interest in being friends with her... So why is he texting her if he's not fucking her or at least trying to fuck her?


It is different exactly as she says. He gives her the 'gina tingles, you don't.


How duo you give it to a girl?




Wtf bro, get rid of her.


No and I would not put up with a second of it. Fine with others but not her husband , mine would not have a husband for long if that was how she treated me


You’re so cool


Really why’s that because I have self respect and clear boundaries?


There’s a saying “women make rules for betas, and break rules for alphas”. Sorry.


She's a feminist when she wants to be then. I think feminism is nonsense to be honest. I've achieved more in my career than 90% of men. And when you support men playing against women on sports teams then you've essentially given up your right to be a feminist because you care more about the man at that point than you care about women. My 2 cents as a woman.


Yes my fiancee does basically the same thing


She grew up and gained some self respect. Then she chose to date you because you seemed like you'd be the kind of partner who could give her the respect she deserves. The question you need to ask yourself is: am I actually grown up enough to be that guy?


Yet, she still talks to the EX. The EX still degrades her. And, she's okay with the EX degrading her because that's "different." She's using OP for 'safety' while wanting others to be unsafe with her. She is the worst type of woman.


Absolutely this!


OP's text is a little unclear on the continuing nature of their relationship. I've maintained contact with exes I dated in my dumb days - trading a few messages doesn't mean I'd want to make that mistake again.


Says they still text occasionally. And, that's what he thinks. May or may not be reality.


It’s definitely in the past for her,since I found out about this guy I’ve talked to her about it and she complains about how much of a douche this guy was and how she couldn’t stand him (aside from the sex haha)


Then why hasn't she blocked his number? 🤔


100 percent agree 


Feminism is BS. My woman and I are feminine and masculine, that's how shit is supposed to be. We both accept our respective roles and embrace them wholeheartedly, she has no truck with feminism because she can see it for the BS it is. Men and women are fundamentally different at all levels and are NOT equal. Men excel at some things women at other, let's each work to our strengths because teamwork makes the dream work.


100% agree, your last paragraph sums it up well


If that’s what you and your partner decided, great. But what matters most is balance, and when it comes to brains, a lot of women have the same capabilities or better than men. When it comes to physical stuff, I think it’s a given that men have different capabilities than women (can lift more, have more endurance in certain sports, etc)


Jesus…I can’t relate at all but thats fucking hot lol.


She didn’t have the grit to stand up for her believes when she was dating those chads in her 20s but with you she feels entitled to do it


But she still goes and talks with her last "Chad's and lets him get away with it because he's"different"? Nah, she's trying to change but part of her still likes it.


That doesn’t matter. Women can build confidence and start to have boundaries they once didn’t have. What matters here is that she isn’t sticking to her own set of values (by texting a guy who continues to disrespect her)


Imo, it’s really weird that your gf still texts an ex she’s slept with, and that he continues to be sexist towards her. To me that’s an indication that she lacks self respect, as well as lacking respect towards you. Ask her how she would feel about you texting an ex and “being friends” with someone who share opposite views as you. If she says that’s different, she’s being hypocritical and just wants control.


To add to this, it’s also important to understand that there’s lots of women who change and don’t do things they used to, or have stronger values than before. This also means that people who stick to their values don’t give the time of day to exes that they no longer like/agree with. Your gf is texting this guy bc she enjoys something from the dynamic, otherwise, she would never reply.