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I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, aka Mormons. Back when I did my 2 year mission, we often ate at peoples house for dinner. I never knew what the meal would be and if it would be good or not so I carried a bottle of Tabasco in my backpack and would pull it out at meals whose food was disgusting and I just needed to change the flavor to choke it down. Edit: I spelled Tabasco as tobasco the first time.


Lol, on my mission in eastern Europe, we were just happy to find hot sauce stocked in grocery stores.


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Yeah, I keep hot sauce at my bff's house and my gf's families place. I also keep packets of cholula and whatever else I can find in my bag.


Some basil is spicy, in sort of a garlic kind of way. Obviously that’s the kind of basil I like best. That being said, I totally do keep a bottle of habanero powder at my folks house (I use it more than hot sauce).


I have a small bottle of Tabasco Habanero at my mother's house to use when I visit.




Yes, I also don't own salt or pepper shakers, because FUCK my guests.




I buy Hoff's Sauce by the half gallon. It's a local brand from my hometown so I'm biased, but I'm on my fourth half gallon so it's safe to say I actually like it a lot lol. Any time you buy a half gallon, you also get a refillable bottle. I've left a bottle with my dad, my father-in-law, and my wife's grandparents. Next time I buy a new half gallon I'll leave a bottle at my sister's house too. My dad and my father-in-law actually use it, but I'm pretty sure my wife's grandparents don't even know it's on top of their fridge lol. I'm tall, they're not, it's perfect.


My MIL bought some Tabasco and Cholula to keep at her house just for me because she knows I like hot sauce. She's so sweet.


Duuude, you should ferment a basil and arugula hot sauce for the in laws, could be good!


Keep it in your purse.


I leave a bottle of Matouk’s at my in laws. I can’t live without heat! One time her old man thought it was mustard on the cutting board. 🤣☠️


My parents think mild salsa from the grocery store is way too hot. I keep several varieties at their house.


Oh my inlaws can't even have salsa. They are strictly queso people.


My wife carries a small bottle of Malinda’s Ghost Pepper when we go to Mexican restaurants . Goes great on tacos and the sides !


Love their ghost, i find it artfully balanced.


I swear Tabasco has no shelf life. That's the one I would pick.


Do hot sauces really have a "shelf life" though? In my book they dont.


I've definitely had Secret Aardvark go bad in me.


They will eventually oxidize if they sit long enough. Still safe to consume, but the taste and color will change.


i keep a bottle at my parents house


Just 1 bottle of bourbon? How do you make it through family gatherings!?


Is she allergic to basil?


That might make more sense if she also didnt say her favorite restaurant was Olive Garden


I ask because I know someone who describes eggplant as spicy, and we found out it’s because she has an allergy and the “spicy” is caused by the allergic reaction.


I’ve had a bottle of Melinda’s in my FIL’s fridge for about 3 years. He doesn’t touch it and doesn’t mind keeping it there for me. He’s a great man.


I once met a great man. He’d saved kids from a plane crash suffering significant burns but he had nothing on your FIL. Truly a hero destroying the negative tropes in family dynamics.


Real heroes have hot sauce in their fridge.


I usually liked to keep an El Yucateco Caribbean flavor and habenero powder when going places to eat. My MIL does keep a bottle of hot sauce for me at their house, though.


My wife ought to keep a stash for me in her purse it sounds like.


You could also try to put your big-boy panties on, stop making fun of her family online, and carry your own hot sauce around if you’re this upset about other people’s preferences


Also also only someone who wears panties would refer to something as panties! My preference is that i asked a question and your answer is in the wrong community


Like im sorry but saying someone is vanilla is an insult to you? How do you get by in the day. When a sign says stop do you take offense because its telling you how to drive!?


Are people on the internet this easily bothered? Or are you solo on being small minded?


You replied to my one comment three times and you think I’m the one who is easily bothered? That’s cute.


Ahhh your a burner troll account.


You’re* and check our karma ratio, cutie


What are you even talking about? Cute? Are you in the process of learning the language of English. What concept of conversation you have? Can't talk about vanilla ice cream or spice levels because there are miles of egg shells around you.


You’re such a cliche. It isn’t edgy or offensive, we’ve all seen it a million times. All of the jabs you’re making about them have been used to death years ago. Especially on this sub. You’re just embarrassing yourself. Don’t post if you just expect everyone to coddle you, or you only want people to agree with you. That’s the cute part. An adult thinking that’s how any of this works.


I’ve been known to keep tapatío packets in my purse.


I have a little bottle of Texas Pete extra spicy at the in-laws’ place. Not much thought went into that decision but it works


That's the one I "leave behind" as well.


My in-laws got a new house and I gifted them a mild, a medium, and a hot hot sauces. They know they’re vanilla, not a BFD.


Bring the hottest you can handle to establish dominance (lol), and a super mild fruity/garlicky one to share! I would recommend a mild periperi style sauce to share, can mix with mayo to make a fry dipping sauce. Also, I would suggest making sure to try anything they make for you and compliment it before adding anything extra. And not add any at all if it's a special homemade dish. If leaving the really hot one, maybe put a funny warning label on it?


Probably 2 bottles. One to drink from and one for food toppings.


warning: hotter than basil !


This one!


Sounds like my parents and grandparents. I bring my own sauce and “sauce” when I go.


Dave's Insanity. My friends have a bottle in their fridge that they will never use. But it's the only hot sauce they have. We have monthly pizza dinners there. I just ever-so-slightly dip the tine of my fork into the Dave's for each bite.


I have a bottle of Dave's I exclusively use for spicing up other condiments, like mayonnaise or tartar sauce.


Why are you eating your pizza with a fork??


This is an evolution from eating a snickers bar with a fork.




Why shouldn't I?


Because it comes with a built-in handle!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)I know what you mean. That works well for basic pizzas, but we have a lot of stuff on ours, and without a fork it ends up all over the place.


Seems kinda rude to me


It’s your in-laws not strangers. Mine actually asked me what kind of sauce I wanted them to buy because they knew I thought their cooking was bland but was too polite to complain. It’s totally normal for us to ask them to stock something (hot sauce, beer, kid snacks, etc) before we visit and it’s never been an issue. I also stock Diet Coke and ranch for them despite none of us drinking soda or liking ranch. It’s just nice to make sure everyone has their comforts when visiting each other.


Imo the inlaws asking you, and not you just storing some sauce there on your own after criticizing their taste, is a major factor here.


Yeah, I just think it’s fine to ask, “hey can I leave this here for next time?” I may be spoiled, but I’m really close with my in laws and we have no problem just directly but politely asking each other for things like that.


I think you found the mother-in-law ✌️


I would never impose that on someone, I have no right to take up their cupboard/fridge space. If I need sauce at someone else’s house and they don’t have any, I’ll either bring my own or go without.


Yeah i guess i didnt think of it that way.


My in-laws wouldn’t care at all.


If you’re there often enough, and you feel they’d be receptive, ask them if they’d mind. Oh, and regarding the basil comment: I have a friend who once called ketchup spicy. I worry for her.


Tabasco Sriracha in the cupboard, ABC Extra Hot Chili Sauce in the fridge, and crushed red pepper flakes next to the S&P. Everything is out of the way (high up in the cupboard, low in the fridge). It is working out pretty well. I can mix these sauces in with other things for my own 'sauces' as necessary. edit:changed the spelling on tabasco 'cause bot shamed me


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