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It should be fine. Just salty. By the time time you mix everything, it should work. If not, give it to friends. I like mine salty. I go 4%.


This. I accidentally doubled the salt on a batch - I made a second one with the minimum salt I thought I could get away with and once the pH hit, I blended them. The result was a success, just a tiny bit salty.


I did some batches at 6% and it took what felt like forever for fermentation to start. How long did you let your first batch go?


I went six weeks with my first batch.


RemindMe! 5 weeks


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Blitz it and add apple cider vinegar šŸ‘


add sugar if it is too salty for your liking


I like to roll 3-4 months especially using a vacuum sealed bag


Bruhh just send me a little bit Iā€™ll let you know what I think of it šŸ˜‚


I was thinking the same thing šŸ˜‚


One week in and we've got some fermentation going!!!


You can always just blend it once itā€™s ready and try adding something to offset the salt


Any suggestions on what to add? I feel like adding water would make the sauce to thin.


I know lemon or lime can help reduce salt taste some.


Iā€™m a newb here, but I make tons of salsa at home.Two things come to mind: 1. homemade sriracha! Iā€™ve made almost everything homemade at one time or another (soap, beer, sourdough bread etc etc), where can I get a ā€œrecipeā€ or instructions for this? 2. Itā€™s saltā€¦ and you have chunks of peppersā€¦. Cant you just rinse off the salt? Or would that wash away some of the fermentation youā€™ve already cultured and set you back a bit? That might still be better than the ā€œblend it all up and add something to offset the saltā€. That sounds like bs adviceā€¦ you canā€™t remove salt once itā€™s blended and the only thing youā€™d WANT to add to offset the salt is more of all the other ingredients that you originally oversalted. Otherwise youā€™re just adding filler shit that you probably dont want in your sauce!


Should have used the lids on Amazon. Fermenting lids


Good luck


Never throw away. You can always fis it.