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My favorite was Duonigue. It was so short I just laughed.


It didn’t even look dead! All of the others looked dark and dramatic, Duonigue just looked like it was rolling around living its best doggy life, like when it was in Sera’s lap getting, uh, belly scritches or something.


it died...! very sad!


I assume the point of their deaths isn't to create sadness but just to show us the threat of the big bad, but it's just wild tbh.


It sounds like how hoyo used to kick bronya ass every now and then to show how strong the current antagonist is




"Save me, Seele! This is base Wendy we're up against!"


So Bronya gets the Vegeta treatment lol.


"Bronya have you ever heard of the worf effect?" "I have no idea what this has to do with anything Mei-senpai" "Oh don't worry... You'll find out soon enough"


100% what this is. They choose to show not tell the consequences of letting that jackass win this time.  Personally, I love this method even though seeing their deaths made me down for two days. It adds a lot of weight behind why we can't let the bad guy win while also cementing a main cast members use on the team at the same time. This clairvoyance power though did surprise me, I thought the dreamseekers needed other people's dreams to use their abilities. I did not expect that their own dreams would suffice to channel their abilities. 


I do find that it was a pretty effective way of essentially showing us the full consequences of the events set into motion and allow us to feel the weight of it before giving the cast the chance to prevent it from happening without relying on a cheap element like reversing time. It was a very well done plot twist that not only brought numerous revelations but also serves to explain why we had a cloudy filter on the screen for so long


But like are they supposed to be dead dead or what? To kill off such a major chunk of potential supporting characters seems odd and sus to me


What? No, not at all. It was a vision. If we don't do shit, all that happens. Its our job now to alter the events to ensure none of these dudes die and the crazy thing dont blow up the world. The Main Character of Part 2 that you play as can see the future. All of act 3 chapter 1 was us seeing whats going to happen. Actually might even be more then that. Pretty sure where it left us was the break we took before even meeting any of those characters aside from the dog.


Ah thank you I haven’t gotten to act 3 yet


Peak HoYo writing - …. And then everyone dies.


lantern looks like danganronpa cutscene


It doesn't surprise me. Hoyo likes to kill some characters from now and then.


thelemas dead?


Not yet. The entire sequence was a clairvoyant dream of the Dreamseeker showing the events that they have to stop from coming to pass


oh yes nice


I mean, it makes sense since this sequence takes place in the Sea of Data or something...


Bro skipped their deaths faster than I skipped through this story chapter. Thank you, writer.


Casually announcing death ^metaphorically


Can’t wait for them to say Sike in the next chapter


Well that was “Specialz”


Fr tho. That played in my mind when I saw this post. Wasn't surprised and with that song just made me laughed hysterically.


oh man, well according to Seradina dialogue, tehy arent really dead since she implies she can get them back




Time for the PAIN... again


Just waiting for Ajita to join the roster


What the fuck? I'm like 50% into chapter 1 right now.


I still have 0 reason to care about any of this. are the shadows even honkai? Since Apho it seems like they are shifting from Pink to Red? 🤷🏾


APHO doesn’t have Honkai. It has the Sky People.


Tbf the sky people are after honkai energy, so there's still a connection there.




Do we need to be pedantic about "sky people" cause wouldn't that also make them SD type? Which are also identified as Pink.... 🤔 so unless everything is a wild coincidence and they just happened to release all of these stories within the app called Honkai impact 3rd, It wouldn't be too insane to see a connection but I'm just trying to understand how Part 2 is connected to part 1. The Prep chapter suggested that Kiana was the squad captain of Coralie and Helia from her introduction and not having anything relevant to Part 1 like if the Shu used a Divine key like 4th or something, I'm struggling to find the effort to read any of this story.


The sky people in APHO and the SD enemies are very clearly different kinds of beings. That’s like comparing the bio Honkai to the psy Honkai or mech Honkai. Also yeah we need to be pedantic, because the sky people aren’t Honkai. In any capacity. They’re red because the parts that make them up are red, they’re mostly machine rather than flesh


So if the sky people want to harness Honkai energy and turned void archives into their tool, what are we facing? I know that's basically a "gun or the wielder" kind of debate but both are still targeting humanity and for some reason, fighting back using that very same honkai energy seems to be effective So at the end of the day, we're still shooting the same bullets regardless of who they are aimed at. If they were like "oh here's a completely different power source that is completely irrelevant to honkai" I think they would probably focus on that under a different title, starrail perhaps? We can bicker over the details but I'm just looking for a theme that makes sense? Part 2 feels like Kyuushou in GGZ. But more bubble world map jumping. There's so much world building that's exclusive to this set of characters and besides referencing older scenes, going from SD Griseo and Full Power Fufu to all new people on Mars just feels like they didn't actually know what to do next and this is all filler. That's just how I feel about it


There’s definitely narrative inconsistencies but it has nothing to do with the color scheme of the enemies


So the pink theme in eclipse/SD and honkai is just a coincidence? All the minutes I spent on my conspiracy board... Wasted orz


The prep chapter didn't suggest Kiana was their squad captain, it quite clearly stated that they were getting additional training on the moon. The main connection between part 1 and 2 is that the shadows are a manifestation of Mars' great eruption which means it's the after effects of what the Cocoon was doing on Mars.


So does Mars have its own set of Herrschers that have authorities related to the martial civilization? Or is this because humans went to mars and basically pulled another Pilgrimage bringing along all of our plagues to wipe out the natives of the planet? Except it's honkai instead of small pox? Since welt is in HSR and he hasn't been patient 0 for spreading honkai there, i guess it's not the second one but who knows it's still pretty early in the game.


The remnants of Mars' civilizations have been dealing with the shadows for 100 years for them, but because of the stuff that the Cocoon of Unwoven mentioned we know that time was basically in super slow mode for them, because we've been told that the Cocoon left Mars a really long time ago and that official timeline that Hoyo posted states that it happened about a billion years ago. As for your first question, I don't think it's been made clear whether or not Venus and Mars experienced the same herrscher problem that Earth did or if the Cocoon tried different methods before. IIRC Part 1.5 didn't specify and so far in Part 2 I don't think anyone has made that clear. There is some kind of power that can be harnessed from the shadows that some people seem to have to done, but I'm not sure how if there's any parallels between that type of stuff and Herrschers.


Since Earth had 2 eras where they fought against honkai manifesting as herrschers albeit no where near the same degree as what the Flame chasers dealt with, I feel like that would suggest that each planet has its own set of Herrschers as they would govern over that world per se? I would be interested to see Herrschers of similar themes manifesting differently on each planet. If Mars' Herrscher of Reason is more like Serapium unifying the creations of the populace creating Beasts of Eclipse, compared to Welt or Bronya, I would be very interested to see a new Divine key Room in Oxia but I still feel like we jumped ship before actually tying up lose ends on earth. All of this Time and dream jumping we are doing on mars feels like we should be encountering more Quantum Beasts or Imaginary hence why I'm confused about the Foul beasts and their typing. How are the spinning goombas psychic but the poison spiders mech?


Well after the current story update, seems like I was right about how mars' herrscher equivalents exist. Calamity/almost impact event #1 is Baiji's fault however it wasn't a full one since the shadow didn't condense into 1 vessel. The current chapter would suggest this being an attempt to harness the shadow as a fear gathering but manipulate it. It doesn't however answer where shadow came from as it's arrival to mars would technically be the 1st impact. And I still fail to understand why we aren't seeing any quantum enemies during our sea of data escapades. All in all i still feel that this story is premature as a lot more should have been done to set up for Mars. I would have way less gripes if any of the Part 1 valks were playable in Part 2 even if was Sea of Data traveling similar to the old Armada Matrix because at least we could see how the ELFs have astral Ring functionality and how to create teams that function when you are missing a Battlesuit Why would anyone pull for any part 1 character or battlesuit when they aren't usable in the current game? If it's just "cause you pull for what you like" then what a fuckin bait and switch.