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That looks like a plain monstera to me. Is there any white on the stem? Like not the sheath, but the stem itself?


? This is a regular monstera


I thought the same thing. Either that or she got sold the reverted Albo leaf. šŸ¤” ā€¦ also so tinyā€¦ I hope he bought it for just like $10ā€¦


where I live you can get a decently sized normal monstera with atleast some fenestrations for under 10


For all we know the node might show a good portion of white. Can't really see it properly.


Yes, but this is a one node cutting, and itā€™s been spent on this stem. Which isnā€™t variegated. It could 100% be from an albo mother plant, but this has reverted. Itā€™s very unlikely to throw anything new w variegation.


There is variegation in the petiole. Edit: I am well aware the variegation needs to be on the stem for it to be stable and reliable. I only pointed out the variegation that was visible because they said it was a regular monstera.


Needs to be on the stem


The new stem will come from that petiole but I still don't see any variegation...


I know, was just saying it isn't a regular monstera.


Sometimes those yellow if there's damage lmfao


Is the albo in the room with us?


*glances at all the Thai con spottings around big box stores these days* šŸ‘€šŸ’€


Bought one with like 7 leaves for $25 from bros with hoes. Shipped during a heat wave and arrived 100% healthy


All I wanna knowā€¦ is how much they paid for that tiny alboā€¦ bc even albos are going for a bit cheaper these days (I still prefer the genetic stability of a Thai con tho lol)


Ooh I hope you didnā€™t fall for a scam :/


Fellow Omahan, Nodest is a responsible, great place to buy houseplants so I would trust them that this is an albo, and that theyā€™d be good to work with if it doesnā€™t show as it grows!


Looks like thereā€™s a white stripe on the stem if you zoom in, so this is probs a very low var albo. Hopefully the price reflected that. https://preview.redd.it/1pdjs45n759d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f29dacb8dbe1e97d35a8536451719f89561b710b


Looks like that's a cataphyll or a prophyll, but there should be another petiole forming in there which may be variegated


https://preview.redd.it/n9tyr97gba9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820523cbd9a448e2a6658fd635795fb032b50d64 Right along the stem here. Hopefully it doesnā€™t revert, my tc is about to any day now. Good luck, OP!


Thais donā€™t revert. The variegation is in their dna. Albos are regular monsteras with a mutation that can and does correct as the plant grows.


My normal monstera has sheaths that color too. This isnā€™t a sign of variegation.


No, not the sheath lol. The actual petiole has thin white striping to the right. And not Thai, my bad. Tissue culture albo.


All I see is an Arakis sandworm.


Also it clearly was a thoughtful gift that made op happy maybe people could just be nice.


Theyā€™re being honest. Honesty doesnā€™t always come in pretty packages, especially on Reddit.


How is pointing out that isnā€™t not an albo being mean? Iā€™d rather have honest people around me my plant isnā€™t what I think it is. Could save me so much headache in terms of stress over why Iā€™m not seeing what I expect of it.


its so sweet that your husband got your dream plant.


Iā€™m here for the price.


I just really like the sticker on it. So helpful!


Donā€™t know why the downvotes, for first time growers this is super useful for trying to figure out where to start. I get things vary for seasons and climate but still gives a great overview for beginners


> Donā€™t know why the downvotes Reddit dogpile effect. If there's more than one way that a comment can be interpreted, and one of them could be considered "not nice", the first one or two downvotes will start a slide of everyone assuming the comment was sarcastic. However, the slide can be reversed, like you did here. Reddit votes are really a measure of niceness or how sympathetic the commenter sounds rather than usefulness to the discussion.


Iā€™m mostly just happy the community came back together to bring this post back up! Redditā€™s brain rot is real and seeing this post turn back towards a healthy direction is so nice


I hate to break it to you. Alboā€™s will revert variegation and turn normal (happened to me with a low variegation one I bought). This one looks like it already has or is just about to.


Yep! I'm currently proping/babying 4 different ones over here who have given me several greenies each. šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve had/have many albos and not a single one has reverted??? Just because your low var singular albo reverted doesnā€™t mean they all do?? This is misinformation.


I said Alboā€™s will revert, I never said they all will. The Thai Constellations for instance cannot revert and all of them never will. Alboā€™s on the other hand absolutely can revert and the one in the picture looks like one that is about to if it hasnā€™t already. Itā€™s not misinformation, itā€™s miscomprehension.


Yes, you did say albos will revert. You didnā€™t say they CAN revert, you didnā€™t say *some might* revert, you said *they WILL revert*.




OP people here are being spicy but if you are happy with the plant, then thatā€™s what matters! I am happy for you and I hope it brings you joy as you watch it grow.


Sundowner soil what's that?


Probably a variety of soil mix the store sells, apparently they are based in Omaha from what I garner here in the comments




Calling the soil ā€œsundownerā€ is wild lmfao. Evokes sundown towns or dementia patients


Yeah, I didn't like that. Plus, if you need soil that's not from that shop, you need to know what kind of soil it actually is.


What a good man! I say the word ā€œplantā€ and my husband immediately tunes out! šŸ™„šŸ˜†


He's a keeper! The husbands good too.


congrats OP, donā€™t listen to those who shits your plant, I see the leaf still has variegation, low var can lead to high variegation, high variegation can lead to low/reverted to full green, itā€™s all chances. My low var leaf just got a good new leaf.


Not to mention leading to all white or mostly white leaves. Part of the charm of chasing albos.


Love how OP posted this then vanished šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Please water the plant when it needs water and not when the cup says it.


The real question is, what did you pay for this... If you paid anything over 20 usd.... you been scammed.


I love the care instruction label!šŸ·ļø


This has to be troll


Op not responding to any questions. Doubt


Yep. Look up u/SashaCutey




You got scammed


Hi! Iā€™m the owner of this shop. This 100% Albo came from my mother plant. I priced accordingly to variegation on the stem, so OP didnā€™t pay much. To the OP: Thanks for coming in! If youā€™ve been to my shop you know that I stand by my plants. Let me know if you need anything. ā¤ļø


I want one!!


Congrats and enjoy šŸ˜Ž


As others have said, this does not look like a good specimen. If the first leaf is green it is highly unlikely youā€™ll ever get that classic albo variegation. If it cost much more than $20 Iā€™d ask for a swap - say your hubby didnā€™t really know what to look for. Then choose one that actually has variegation - 50/50 is good for aesthetics and plant health. More than that and you begin to risk ending up with a ghost down the line (100% variegation / white will ultimately kill the plant).


Is the albo monstera in the room with us?


Lucky! How much was it???


I hope you didn't pay much.


Good for you!! Hope you enjoy your new plant.


I just saw this on the denver houseplants fb. Small world.Ā 


I'm happy for you that you have a thoughtful husband. I hope the plant grows beautifully for you and brings you a lot of pleasure.šŸŽ‹


Congrats! you have a great hubby šŸ«¶


I love that they put recommendations on the side!! Most of the time those are BS but at a local nursery Iā€™m sure they give better instructions


I have been looking for one but have not find one.


Maybe the albo was the friends we made along the way


This is mislabeled. It's a standard monstera deliciosa. There is no albo variegation here.


Congratulations! That's amazing! Where did your husband bought it ? I've been wanting to get one too!


Looks like Nodest Home Plants according to the label in the photo


Little coffee shop/plant store in Omaha, NE.


Itā€™s the thought that counts! Itā€™s a gift not supposed too know how much they spent! And this plant would be loved no matter what they spent or how much variegation it has. You have a wonderful husband that tryā€™s too be supportive. I am jealous of that! People paid $1000s for this plant for it too be worth a factor of the price they paid. So donā€™t let some of these comments get too you! I have one that had beautiful variegated leaves. I chopped and propped, sold cuttings too get leaves with very little too no variegation. Joke was on me!




Albos are a genetic mutation though, so if this is how green it is, it will stay that green.Ā 


But every leaf on a plant doesn't have the exact same variegation, so how could this assumption be safely made?






No, I am telling you why thats not gonna happen. If the plant reverted to growing green leaves it wont grow white leaves again because the genetic mutation is gone. Thats why people prune their albos if they grow too much green back to a node that had lots of white in the stem. Thai constellations have the white in their base genetic code, but albos where a fluke of nature and therefor aren't stable mutations


Oh dang. Well thatā€™s good to know, not sure if I want one now.


If you have a good starter cutting its usually fine :)Ā  Or get a Thai, I see them for pretty cheap now and they just stay that way. I only have an albo because I was gifted the cutting, so far I did not need to intervene and she is growing very pretty :)


If you get a marbled one (like 50% white, 50% green, mixed across the entire leaf), itā€™s fairly low maintenance! Thais are def way easier, though.


Ohhh, that's super interesting! So in a very simplified way, the genetic code carries from one node to the next and if white goes to 30% per leaf from 40%, it will not go to 40% again? Damn. Buying unstable plant mutations seems like a lot of effort if you really have to worry about losing the very thing that makes the plant special. I suppose it can be fun for the people who like them though.


That is a bit too simplified, the leaves still vary in variegation since its a bit random in the growing process of the leaf. So after a 40% white leaf its totally possible to get a 50% white leaf.Ā  I did not need to prune mine in a year, and the friend that gifted me this cutting has 4 other cuttings from the mother plant and all are still producing white variegated leafs :)Ā 


Ohh okay, thanks for explaining! To make sure I have the general idea right.. if I've gotten like 5 leaves with maybe 10-20% variegation in a row, it's simply more likely to go fully green at some point instead of going back to something like a consistent 50%? In other words, the mutation is more likely to reduce in presence over time instead of increasing?


Yes :) but also keep in mind that the white part is not providing any energy to the plant. But to really sustain half moon leafs you'd need quite a lot of light. So I think a variegation of 20% is perfect for the average home.


You shouldnā€™t assume someone is just trying to be discouraging or negative if they are sharing knowledge. Sometimes the truth just isnā€™t good news.




This is almost completely reverted. At which point, it goes back to being pretty much a plain monstera. The mother Iā€™m sure is an albo. But this baby isnā€™t. I would pay absolutely nothing for an albo this size w almost no variegation. So even if you charged ā€œunder $50ā€ thatā€™s still a huge rip off. Either youā€™re scamming or youā€™re not as knowledgeable as you think you are.


I mean, anybody who uses "sundowner" as a cutesy soil term is an ass anyway, and yeah, this looks scammy, esp with all the comments from this supposed shop owner.