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A little dose of positivity: you’re still here ❤️ you were able to nurture and grow your plant babies and you will be able to do it again, may the love you have in your heart extend through the tips of your fingers and heal your remaining plants, and bring into your life new ones to enjoy. Sending you a big hug!


This is beautifully written ❤️


This is the sweetest thing I've literally read in my life. Perhaps I'm ovulating but even shed more than a couple tears. I suspect you're a very kind person in your day-to-day life


Those are very sweet words thank you ❤️, I just think if I were in OPs position those are the words my mom (someone with a green thumb and knack for growing anything) would say to me. Just wanna share the good vibes 🌱


Of course he/she is Canadian.


🫡 doing my Canadian duty and measuring up to our reputation for being very nice, eh


Sorry, but I take offence to that stereotype. We aren’t all nice eh. /s ( in case it wasn’t obv)


(You can just use “they” so everyone is included ❤️)


This is why I love reddit! Beautiful community 😇


This is so beautiful it made me cry a little




Your plant room has more light now. Phew, glad you're safe, physically.


ooo and see if insurance will cover the cost of replacing your plants, some can be so expensive! It won’t replace the ones you lost but you’ll have the option to have plants that live on in their memories. A guy went this avenue when his motorcycle got stolen from his apartment, they are replacing the whole bike. Not sure if he got extra for modded parts tho


It’ll depend on their insurance policy. Renters/homeowners insurance typically has fire coverage and should cover this (minus the deductible). And for the bike I can *almost* guarantee he didn’t get extra for mods. You usually have to tell your insurance carrier about them before hand to get them covered and nobody I know (including myself) has done that.


Hopefully they can cover the plants they looked so beautiful and expensive! And yeah I definitely didn’t for mine either but I didn’t even know you had to report that! Does that increase the monthly?


Ye I know its not the same but my renters insurance just asked me if I had any proof of my belongings and they accepted pictures as proof. Now I take pictures of my stuff every once in a while just in case lol.


I second this; I lost my apartment & everything in it in a hurricane. Since you have pictures of what plants you had you may be able to get your insurance to cover some of them if you can find pricing examples of the same/similar plants. You sound like someone caring and I hope that you will be successful rehabbing your surviving plants. Sending you very best wishes. It’s a hard situation.


I’m so sorry! What country/area are you in? If you’re in my country I’d mail you some cuttings.


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) I’m in.


i’m in for mailing some babies aswel. WE SHALL REBUILD




Let’s all help! WE ARE PLANT STRONG!


Same. I’m over run by Monstera Delicioca and Swedish Ivy, trancendia “Purple Heart” and more. I prop what I crop and I have plenty to share 💚♥️💚


Down to send cuttings ! Monstera, pothos, snake plant, umbrella, large leaf philodendron. Anything you’d like from my small but mighty collection!


I second this. I have lots in my prop boxes and no one to love them.


Count me in OP


Me too!!


Me three! I have some props!


Came here to say this. I’m in, too!


Uh…would you mind sharing with me what a prop box is?


Any clean type container that also has a clear lid. You fill it with perlite or moss or whatever u use and add your cutting’s.


Yes, this. It is good for propagating cuttings because it maintains the high humidity plants crave*. *It's got electrolytes


Prop = propagation


Following for further instructions on where to send my offerings


Same OP, would love to send you some 4” babies from my favorite Etsy plant shop (I don’t trust myself to mail a plant correctly)


I would love to know your favorite Etsy shop to do the same! Supporting a small business and the OP sounds like a wonderful idea 💕


My favorite local (California-based) Etsy plant shop is [My Plants LLC](https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyPlantsShopLLC) and non-local (Florida-based) is [The Green Escape](https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheGreenEscape) :)


I’ll send some too


Getting in line with the Anthuriums from California!


Summoning u/brickplantmom with the Hoyas 💚✨🦎


I can send you some hoyas OP, just shoot me your address.




And my succulents !


I am happy to send cuttings as well. Someone has to tell me how to actually ship them safely but I’m happy to get you back up and running


Aaaand this is exactly what I was hoping to find in the comments. I love you guys 💙 keep being awesome


She is in the U.S.A according to previous posts


Ok thanks! I’m in Canada but it looks like there’s a bunch of Americans here ready to help! 👏👏


I will send Hoyas! DM me when you’re ready. So sorry you’re going through this!


Came here to say this! And it's so nice to see so many other people had the same idea!


Me too! 🤍🌱


This! If in the US, I can totally send you pics and stuff of what I have and send you some propogations and seedlings and stuff (: Whenever you're ready to start rebuilding, feel free to dm me! I have a variety of mainly philos, alocasias, a couple hoyas, anD anthuriums!


Me too! I have a few I can part with.


+1 with alocasias from California. I always have corms to give away.


Came here to say this. I’d be happy to donate


Commented this too! I’m in!


I have so many cuttings I can part with to help re grow your collection!!


I’ll send you some cuttings too! Need an address DMd and I’ll have it on the way tomorrow


I'm in, too! OP, message me. If you're in the US, I'll be glad to send you some cuttings when you're ready to rebuild!




Same here!!!


This is so wholesome ❤️


I would love to mail you some as well! I have bunches!


Came here to say the same thing! I’m glad you yourself are safe and I hope you can recover quickly from the pain of the loss. I know I’d be devastated, can’t imagine what you just be feeling.


Same here! I’ve got 4 prop bins overflowing with plants and cuttings that are just begging for a new home.


I’m in the southeastern US, I’ve got plenty of pothos varieties and variegated SOH that I’d be happy to send!


I’m in, too!


I can send parallel peperomia or Mother’s tongue!


Love seeing this! I would be happy to send some cuttings from my collection as well, OP. Glad you're okay.


I'm in SoCal (USA) and would love to send some plant babies. Please message address ☺️ also love this plant community coming together and sharing to help our fellow plant parents 🫶


I’ve got more than enough plants to share cuttings! img


Same! Or we can all chip in some $ if you let us know what your favorite local plant shop! Gift cards can be fun. 🤩


I’m so sorry! This sounds so stressful and difficult for so many reasons. I hope you and your little surviving plant babies rebuild quickly and easily.


First off, you’re alive. I’ve been in this boat. I’m so sorry. Second, remember the fire in Lahaina, Hawaii? The Banyan tree that was the center of everything and was SOOO old and vast was caught ablaze. Months later and she is blooming and thriving again. I can’t imagine losing my babies, but do keep hope for the 20 you saved…they are tougher than we give them credit for sometimes. Sending you hugs and light 🙏🏼


I have such a love hate relationship with that tree lmao. From a plant lover perspective I want to love it so much, it’s an amazingly strong tree that dates back centuries. But the history of the city and the colonization makes it *hard*.


Oh dang! Now I have to know and feel rather silly for not knowing 🥴 would make sense now that I think about it. I lived in the USVI for a few years and colonization is all I saw 😣


I’m glad you’re safe! If you’re in the US, I’d be happy to send you some cuttings and props, whenever you’re ready of course.


She is in the u.s.a


How do you mail them? Do they need moisture in the mail?


Usually the roots are wrapped in wet moss and / or kitchen towel and then put in a somewhat sealed plastic bag while the leaves and petioles remain exposed. Potted plants are shipped differently though.


I've never shipped a plant before but I will learn just for this lol. I have a ton of props starting to root.


Do you have a go fund me? I'd be happy to help restart what you lost. I'm so sorry for what you're experiencing and I'm glad you're safe. 


Please make a gofund me! Or even just drop a cashapp I'm sure a lot of us would love to contribute! Especially because it's not just the plants it's the pots, the shelves, the lights, on top of everything else! We could all pitch in and you can make an even better plant set up then you started with!


Hi! I made an update but still learning how to reply to all of you lovely Reddit plant family 🥰🥺🥺 I feel so loved and thankful! We do have a cash app we made one this morning it’s AliciaMorgan22


I appreciate that so much thank you!! We don’t have a go fund me but we did make a cash app together. AliciaMorgan22


Yes we can donate and you can shop new plants to restart your collection!


Oh no, I'm so sorry that happened. I hope you and everyone are unhurt physically. I know the heartbreak of losing your collection very well. My heart goes out to you. Hopefully, insurance will help with relocation for you, and now you can begin a new collection. I know this is sad and overwhelming, but you can get through this. Do just one thing at a time. Be kind to yourself right now. Give yourself time to grieve, but be sure to look for the things that glimmer in your life, too. You have a couple of plants that survived, and you did, too! Before going to bed every night, try to think of one positive thing from that day. When you are settled into your new place, have a housewarming party, and have everyone you invite bring you a new plant. You may be stronger and more resilient than you ever thought you'd have to be. ❤️


Glad you’re still with us. You can replace plants, but we can’t replace you. It’ll be a joy to watch new/different plants grow. Hoping your joy grows with them. Sending you virtual hugs! ❤️


I’m glad we all made it out, it’s just hard u know? I look forward to the new plants and the new memories but man I never thought I could mourn some damn plants lol


Mourning life is one of the most basic human instincts, regardless what that life was, it was still a living being that died. And that is very sad. Do not feel shame in your grief. It is normal. 🖤


Completely understandable! They were your green babies. Is there a Gofundme we can donate to?


I'm glad you're OK! If you need cuttings, DM me ♥️ I have lots of begonias!


if you are in SoCal hit me up, i have a ton of plants and would happily give you some!


Where in so cal? I’d love a plant friend to trade with! I’m in the IE. 🖤


Southern California. Where is IE?


The inland empire. Upland, Rancho, etc.


Ohhhh. I read that as where is SoCal 😅. I’ll dm you!


Hi all it’s me, wow I wasn’t expecting this 🥺 I love all of ur kind words and hugs and love from each and everyone of you. It means the absolute world to me. I appreciate people wanting to send me cuttings, I am located in Lakewood Washington. I would absolutely love some cuttings once I’m back on my feet and into a new home. I just wanna say thank you again for all the love and support I’m sending you all hugs and forehead kisses❣️❣️❣️❣️


Post what you lost! I would love to mail you cuttings of what I have.


That is so sweet I really appreciate it😭 I’ve been going through what I have trying to salvage and b like let u know


Take your time. Take care of yourself. The offer won’t expire. 💚


Let us know what all was lost.. we’ve got plants here! (Too many, here-here., many looking for homes even) help me by taking some off my hands!


That is so terrible! Looks like a really awful fire! A little positivity is that you have this beautiful photo from before to help you recreate it or just to enjoy. Such a lovely way you arranged them! Any chance your renter’s insurance or your landlord’s insurance can help you replace some? I know they won’t be the same as the ones in the photo, but hopefully you will come to love some new ones in time.


I'm so very sorry for your situation. I hope no lives lost like pets or....😬😢 but like others have stated- you are alive and can rebuild n recover. First time was practice, right😪🫣 But FR, you hot this like you did before. Better n stronger infact bc you know what you had n what work it took. 🫶🙏🙌


Unfortunately a neighbor seems to have lost their dog and cat, I can’t even imagine what they are going through. I feel so lucky but also so guilty at the same time


Suffering is not a competition. I hold space for you to mourn your plants and your neighbors pets. They were all loved.


💔😭 I understand. I'm so sorry. For you and your neighbor.


Aww, I so get this. During Hurricane Allison in Houston , everyone around me lost so much yet for some reason our home was spared and I felt so much guilty . Prayers


The way my jaw DROPPED. I was not expecting that. I'm so sorry, Op. Sending good vibes!!!


The skylights will look great


Haha that’s what I said I even got a new watering system when it rains 🤣


Not sure where you live, but, based on what I can see here, you're just a couple boards and some glass away from needing way more plants. Glad you're OK.


I’m sorry OP🪴 sending you a hug. I have plenty of cutting propping rn. You can have them all💚 https://preview.redd.it/mg49ct3f3e9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd519f4ad620300f7fca978bcdd43042940ad38


Oh no! You poor thing! How did that happen?


You arw still here! Yes it sucks but the important thing here is you're safe.


I’m so sorry. All the positive vibes. You are healthy and safe. I’m sorry about your babies


Plants never die within… their seeds are always with us.


I am so sorry. I had my apartment flooded from the apartment above many years ago, and I lost everything. I seriously understand how awful it feels. At the time, I only had a few plants, but I lived in a very old building, so everything basically was contaminated with asbestos and it was heartbreaking. I am so sorry. I let it all go. My insurance "replaced" everything via...well.. money. And I didn't replace most of what I had. I just saved it, and moved. And now, many years (10) I have many many plants. That doesn't make it easier, but I am just so freaking sorry.


I’m truly so sorry. Your plants looked so well taken care of and beautiful. Whenever you rebuild your family, the love and care you possess will still be there. In the meantime, it’s crucial to give yourself some love. It’s just not enough to be alive sometimes, and this is just a new path. I wish you all the best.


I want to send you some plants! Let’s GOOOOOOOOO


Hon I’m so sorry. But we are so happy YOU are okay. If you are in the states, just DM me and I can send you some Micans and melanochrysum 🩷 You can nurse your saved babies back to health and then rebuild up again. ❤️


Oh no, I'm so sorry. That is so traumatizing to lose your home and your plant babies. I hope it's mended quickly and that the babies you were able to save will be okay. Hugs <3


💔💔 i’m so sorry! I’m glad some of your plants survived, I feel how devastated you must be, I quickly internalized how I would feel losing my plants and I would just die. Most important thing is that you’re OK and it’s gonna take time but you’re able to start over


Oh no! I’m sorry this happened to you.


I’m glad you’re safe. That’s what’s important. When you’re settled if you are in the USA and reach out I’d love to send you a plant or two. Hugs.


I am in the US of A lol in Washington i definitely will thank you so much


So sorry this happened to you AND your plant babies💔. A fire is VERY psychologically devastating so give yourself some time to cry and grieve your losses. So glad you and the rest of your family are safe tho!


Could've been worse. You weren't on fire. That's something good and positive. It sucks to lose plants but losing skin to burns is even worse. The shit's bad, but it isn't the worst thing that could happen. Far and away.


Does it help that I gasped out loud? I'm so fucking sorry this happened to you.


Lending you any strength and courage I got in myself rn. You will build something even more beautiful one day.


How devastating! Our hearts go out to you, friend❤️‍🩹 May the (near) future bring you solace and support, and may your devotion to a Lovely Life reward you with many, many more healthy 🪴babies


You survived and you will be able to get more plants.


New plants will grow and you will persevere, Good Luck.


Sending love and positive energy ❤️☀️


Thank you❣️❣️❣️


I am so sorry this has happened to you. Wishing you the best in your recovery!


Thank you so much❣️


So very sorry that you are going through this 😢 💔 just want to send some care & calm your way and hope that you can find some more stability soon. Your plants looked amazing, and in time you will reestablish your collection and more!


Oh no. I am so sorry. 😞


Omg I couldn't even imagine, it'll be ok. You got this. That's crazy and those plants were so pretty


Love plants a sign of life and yours are sure loved I can see that


I’m so so sorry. Sending healing hugs and prayers. I’m glad your ok. What plants did you lose? You need plant mail. Plant mail makes everyone feel better. Amazon let’s you share a public wish list and none of your personal information is public.


Yes we are gonna make an Amazon wishlist soon! We just made a cash app sense we have no idea what kind of things from Amazon we need rn


Sending you strength and comforting thoughts. Important thing is that you’re safe. You’ll be able to rebuild your collection.


I would send you some cuttings as well!


Devastating. But you will recover! You are strong.


DM for plant cuttings. I have so many I would love to share with you.


I am SO glad you are safe. I'm sorry it hurts to start over, but give it few months and it will be good. ❤️


My heart breaks for all of you. Glad you're safe though.




Oh OP, so sorry about what happened. Main thing is that you are safe. Although you can't replace the babies you've had for years, you can look forward to making new ones with your new hauls! Sending you positive energy and virtual hugs!


I'm sorry. I know this hurts a lot. I'm not sure it will help, but when I was in basic, a drill sargeant told me this: No matter how much it sucks, eventually it will be in the past and only a memory.


If you were able to grow such beautiful plants, you will certainly be able to take the ones who survived and make them thrive. And just like you, they will rise from the ashes victorious! You’ve got this! Every day that passes will bring you a little closer to normal and the time will pass faster than you think. You can do this, I believe in you for your gorgeous attention to detail alone


We love you! We care abt you! You are incredibly important! You’re resilient and strong. Soon, you’ll be able to rest. This isn’t the rest of your life.


I am so sorry. I’m happy you are safe, and so are some of your plant babies, but I can’t imagine how devastating something like this is. I have several propped plants in infancy right now and I would love to send you some if you’d like! Whenever you like too, I understand if now wouldn’t be a great time however if you want some later please dm me and I’ll happily ship them free of charge! I’m sending you so many well wishes and good thoughts. If you set up a go fund me as well I’ll do what I can.


Thank you so much I love you 🥰❣️❣️


Glad you’re safe. Everything else can be rebuilt. Take care. Don’t where you are but if you’re close, I could share what I have.


Oh man, I am glad you’re okay. If you’d like cuttings I’m happy to mail you some to help get you started.


I'm in as well. Are u in US???


Cherish the ones you have left & start over. You need them to help heal you. You are alive. Life is full of surprises. It will be okay. I can cut some of mine down for you if you’re in the PNW.


Definitely trying challenging but I know we will make it through! I would love that i am located in pnw!


Oh man, I'm so sorry! I'll keep you and your neighbor(s) in my prayers. I'm glad y'all are OK, but I know you are going through it.


Now you can add that sun light you've always wanted and it'll help regrow the salvaged plants


Just an fyi - Water used to extinguish the fire will have picked up contamination from soot and other things that were on fire and ended up in the plant soil. if you can i would remove as much soil as possible and repot them. If we have to wash our gear and selfs throughly after I would think the plants wouldn't want it either.


That was not what I was expecting. I don't know what I was expecting but it sure as he'll was not that. I'm sorry OP. Once you're all situated. Reach out. I'll send you some cutting to get you back on your way. On me.


I’d be happy to send you cuttings too!!


this broke my heart. Sending you all my love and hugs and please remember! You built the first photo with your own two hands and all your love. Luckily for you, you can continue to generate that love for yourself, your home, and your plants. Take all the time you need to grieve and process, but know that you can and will rebuild yourself, your home, and your plants even more lush and healthy and vibrant than the first time💜 lots of people here for you OP, you are strong and can do hard things! Grateful you’re safe.


I'd be happy to send you some cuttings if you want to start building back your collection ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/6zm9ayyx3f9d1.png?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659857a31cfebfb99f2a29195508833664c69f01 I... Have never related to a plant more. Thriving despite *gestures wildly* I'm so sorry this happened!


I literally laughed so hard when I seen this, I had just moved this guy the night before so glad I did


Thay sucks, dude. I'm so sorry! You're okay, your home can be repaired, and you will build another beautiful collection. If you're in the US, I'll be happy to send some cuttings when you're ready. Message me! 


Oh, that’s heartbreaking! I’m so, so sorry. Is that a monstera thai con looking all perky? When you get settled, let us know where to send cuttings! I have some hoyas and lipstick plants, African violets, pothos, all kinds.


Jesus fucking Christ. I'm so sorry you experienced something like this. I have too, but when I was younger, with my family home. It's really devastating. Sometimes the best thing you can really say just amounts to "I'm glad we are all okay." It's a traumatic experience


How did the fire start?


If you're in the Seattle area, you can adopt one my baby alocasias when you're ready.


I could mail you some cuttings!


Oh, op! ❤️


Hey OP, I’m so sorry this happened to you but I’m really glad you’re safe. Lots of us here in the comments would be thrilled to help you restart your collection whenever you’re ready! Of course, take your time recovering and putting your space back together, but as soon as you’re ready just say the word (and maybe get a PO Box so you’re not sharing your address with a bunch of strangers), and you’ll have a home full of plants again in no time :)


Yes I’m definitely starting a pi box soon! I definitely don’t want to be stalked or get someone’s finger sent to my house lmao


Some day in the future, I don't know when, The first photo is the after, the second photo is the before, And it was a great project you undertook to rebuild after that fire, That happened so long ago it's just a memory.


This sucks and I'm sorry you are going through this. You had a beautiful collection and with your talent, you'll be able to get back to your collection. I'm grateful you're ok


If I could, I would have loved to sacrifice my Sunday to clean out with you and repot and save what can be saved. ![gif](giphy|VIKa3CjZDCoymNcBY5|downsized)


I had a house fire when I was a kid and it did so much damage on my family, keep your head up and remember one domino needs to fall for the others to react. Good things are coming


https://preview.redd.it/k62ei29dni9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23ddaf6d5911f0f22ef62a7c44e19643a43a85a These acorns are everywhere, Aang. That means the forest will grow back! Every one of these will be a tall oak tree someday, and all the birds and animals that lived here will come back.


op im so sorry this happened to you. im sure you feel defeated but know that you WILL rebuild your life, your belongings, and especially your collection. this too shall pass. 💜 we’re all here for you!


https://preview.redd.it/prhbj2ohui9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a895a509e706e1247b11b0da7e82c41de9f7f7 Hoya lover here. Totally game to send you some cuttings if you’re in. I’m SO sorry you lost so many plant babies! I hope you’re able to recover.


At least the fan is still attached to something…


Honestly we were laughing so hard about the fan. That piece of shit always sounded like it was gonna fall off but there it was still hanging on 🤣😭


Glad you are safe.


Oh no! I seen your post on facebook! 🥺🥺☹️ so sorry!


Omg what a small world! Hello plant bestie! Thank you i appreciate you


UPDATE! I posted a separate update but just wanted to put it here that we do have a cash app and it’s AliciaMorgan22 We appreciate all of ur kind words love and positivity and all of those who want to help us out thank you so much


So very sorry. Sending you as much love and healing and forgiveness and blooming as possible 💕🩷


I hope you are okay.


So sorry for your loss, I went through something similar last year, it gets better (hugs).


That sux. Hope you had renters insurance. Glad you’re not hurt. The plants can be replaced. For now, {{hugs}}


I have some cuttings to send too. Feel free to message me whenever you get back on your feet and we can discuss what kind you'd like, even if it's months from now. Just remember that this is temporary, you'll look back on it and marvel at the strength you didn't know you had. I'm so sorry for your losses, I'm glad you're okay and with us still.


I'm so sorry. I wish I could send you some cuttings!


I am so sorry this happened to you and your babies.


oh my god my heart sank... i went from thinking what a stunning place to... absolute shock. im so incredibly sorry... i know how you feel about the plants, its not silly at all, i mourn them too, theyre basically our pets so how could i not? ive had some for over a decade and sometimes it takes only a moment for them to die.... but with that you will have an opportunity for new ones, new growth in every sense of the word. i recently made a huge move and so many of my babies died even when i held them in my cramped up arms for a 4 hr drive and took 20 trips... i know words mean little at a time like this but you will be able to replace all of them and even find new ones to cherish and love... the most important thing is you didnt go down with them! be strong, you will get through this!


Just be thankful you are still alive