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They estimate speed was 80-85 in a Prius… Sounds like this dude cut the wheel fast trying to exit. RIP that little girl. Just awful…


Neither parent was wearing a seatbelt. Three children in the back were. They must not have been buckled in correctly if the 5 year old was ejected. Those who survived had serious injuries. I have seen dozens of high speed police chase videos where many of them crash and roll over multiple times at speeds much more than 90mph. Very rarely are they NOT belted in. When they aren’t, they pay the ultimate price. I have seen older cars without all the new airbags and possibly only seatbelts. One I remember happened in Phoenix where a man in an older model station wagon (that alone says how old it was) was in a chase. At one intersection, he hit an innocent driver and the lost control rolling at least 3 times on the street, not relatively softer grass. Clothes and other trash was flying out all the windows. He got out and tried to hide in a small group of people outside a building. Probably on a smoke break. The police were not fooled for long. Properly restrained, they could have all survived the crash with only minor injuries. For many years after seatbelts, just lap belts at first, I didn’t use my seatbelt. It just didn’t seem important. Then I got pregnant. I immediately started wearing a seatbelt when more than one life was at stake. That baby just turned 39 and I have continued to wear a seatbelt EVERY TIME. It doesn’t take long before it becomes part of the routine of putting the keys in the ignition, checking mirrors, etc. If I occasionally get interrupted while in the routine, I might miss the seatbelt, but soon realize something is missing and then buckle up. How sad for a young family.


Looks like it was actually the mom who was driving


That exit is a Go Straight, likely almost missed the exit. 


This section of 90 is insane. Constant on / off the highway and feeder because I guess the didn't want to build the bridges to finish 90 combined with the insane speeds of people trying to get to Crosby/Dayton/Liberty makes some fun driving.


Oh man, that's where it happened? Yeah people treat 90 like a goddamned Autobahn and those unfinished sections always seemed like a recipe for disaster.


Isn't 90 the speed limit? /s


You might be thinking of 99 on 99.


You might be thinking of the 9th green at 9... Be there


And sprinkle some commercial trucks in there hauling pipe/containers pacing with the rest of us. Shit is wild.


That part of 90 sucks so much ass. It’s so stupid.


The mom wasn’t wearing a seatbelt but the child was. How was she still ejected from the car?


It isn’t a guarantee, a vicious enough accident can still eject someone from a car and the child may not have been belted properly (in the correct booster seat for example). The parents are absolute idiots for not wearing theirs though.


6 year old should really be in a 5 point harness. My kids set in a britiax grow with you click tight till they were 9. Guy pulled out in front of my wife why she was going 50. She T- bone his truck and made it swing around and do a 180. All 3 of my kids were safe, I took them to ER. Insurance wasn't happy about dropping almost 1000$ in new car seats.


Exactly. Most people do the bare minimum on car seats and put kids in seat belt boosters way too early. Kids need to be in 5 points as long as possible. Glad your kids were ok.


My son is the height and weight requirement for a smaller booster seat. Nah, he’s going to remain in the safest possible five point harness car seat until he’s of the age, height and weight to get in and out of the car seat on his own. $340 for the car seat, with three seat belts strapped through the back to hold him in one place and the locking straps attached to two separate points. His seat is the sturdiest part of the vehicle.


We have britiax and they are tanks. I hate having to move them around. We bought spares for every car.


Lmao moving them sucks for sure. We have three, one for each vehicle and a spare just in case.


Car seat safety is one of those things that I really don’t play around with because people are fucking crazy out there on the roads. I got a lot of flack from family for keeping my daughter rear-facing well past her 2nd birthday. She’s about to be 3 and is really big for her age so I finally caved and turned her around. But it scares the shit out of me and has me feeling like a bad mom for not keeping her RFing until she officially hit the upper limits (she’s close but not quite there)


It is amazing how many people do not properly install a baby car seat. A couple were getting out of their vehicle and I was mine and noticed the man take the car seat put with the base attached. I tried to tell the couple and the wife indicated she had tried to tell her husband. She was in Muslim attire. I hope a man told him it was wrong really soon before something bad happened.


My niece was super petite when she was younger. The poor girl wasn’t big enough to be out of her booster until nearly the end of 6th grade. I know it was super annoying for her, but she was so tiny. Somehow the kid is multiple inches taller than me now which I find hilarious. Looking at accident statistics kids are so so so much safer in proper car seats & boosters. Even small women get tossed around with standard seatbelts. Stories like yours are a perfect example. That could have been an awful accident, but they were all okay!


This!!! My kids were in a 5-point harness until they weight-limited out of it. They will mewl and complain because their friends don't have to but their lives are my responsibility and I will protect them at all costs, especially in a vehicle...ESPECIALLY driving in Houston.


>Insurance wasn't happy about dropping almost 1000$ in new car seats. Any car seat involved in a crash, even if not in use, should be trashed.  Not sure if its a legal requirement to pay for them, but most insurances will glady pay just to not have to deal with the liability of a future failure.


Keep in mind that an unbelted adult is a couple hundred pounds of deadly missile inside the cabin in a crash. It’s entirely possible that the adults slammed into them in such a way that it tore her out of the belt vertically as it rolled. A small child in a three point harness is still secure, but not if the forces acting on them aren’t linear (rolling car plus lateral forces from adults hitting them).


Could’ve been that her car seat straps were too loose or that she was in a booster but was small enough that she still needed a 5 point harness. A lot of people do car seats based on age but you really should go off of weight and height.


that’s so horrible. my heart goes out to that family. poor child


That area of HWY 90 doesn’t have too much traffic flow, so people tend to speed through the curves while zigzagging between cars. Sad to see this kind of news on Easter.


Wear your seatbelts, folks.


If not for you, for the people who will respond to your crash.  I've witnessed several unbelted accidents and rendered aid.  Not a fan of blood and cuts all over, or knee shaped holes in the dash and face-shaped imprints in the windshield. Unbelted rollovers are especially disadvantageous to life.


80 mph, no seat belts, 3 kids in the back. Daddy deserves some jail time when he gets out of the hospital.


It literally says in the article the mom was driving…


That article has been getting updated constantly.


It was reckless for sure but the mom and one of the kids died. I don't think the dad being put in prison would be what this family needs right now...


You want to give the kids back to the guy that killed one of them and their mother. This seems…. wise.


“Tiffany Rodriguez, 25, was driving her family on US 90 near Uvalde Road”


Your critical thinking skills aren’t as sharp as you think they are.




He was going 80. The speed limit is 75 and the road is normal and then suddenly absolutely fucking whack, multiple times over. It’s the worst road design imaginable, really. The children were all buckled in, two were in car seats. He got into a car crash and his wife and child died. You’re wanting to punish him because you aren’t thinking critically about the individual situation at hand, you just want to accuse and punish because “bad parent” or whatever. Gross oversight of a singular situation that you should approach with more analysis, not to mention empathy and sympathy.


I get what you're saying but I just felt the need to point out that the speed limit on 90 is not 75 mph. From where it connects at 610/I-10 to the beltway, the speed limit is 60.


The 5 year old should have been in a car seat, not just buckled in. Allowing a 5 year old to be buckled in a regular seatbelt is absolutely negligent.


Depends on their height and weight. NHTSA no longer recommends car seats and boosters by age because children grow differently.


Ah yes, the car just magically unbelted him and his wife and just flipped multiple times because it felt like it. I’ve seen the error of my ways. Also, I’m guessing you drive like an absolute dickhead but I have no evidence for this.


I don’t even have a car lol.


Did you read the article? The mom was driving.


I think his lesson is learnt, what more could jail do


Because he was maybe going 5 over the limit? If he didn’t murder them on purpose. Give the man a hug


On an off ramp? Do you know how roads work?


The mother was driving.


No seatbelts for the adults in the front and no booster seats for the 5 year old kid in the back (the other kids with seat belts survived). Wow …. I never had booster seats as a toddler or kid and was kind of annoyed with all the rules today, but this is a good example of how modern speeds can throw out a small kid even with seatbelts.


I didnt read anything about no booster seat for the 5 year old. It said all the kids were buckled in back and the sheriff’s FB post said something to the effect of all 3 had car seats but said whether or not they were buckled correctly was unknown. It’s possible the girl was still small enough that she should’ve been in a 5-point harness but was in a booster instead, or her straps weren’t tightened properly


People are making such a big deal about 80-90 MPH On empty freeways, I'll cruise 70-75 and I have people passing me on both sides. I think newer vehicles, you don't notice the speed as much. IE its very easy to roll 85 on empty freeway or Hwy.


> think newer vehicles, you don't notice the speed as much. The heavier the vehicle, the slower it feels.  And modern cars are much heavier than a few decades ago.  I rented a truck from Home Depot and they gave me a F-250 or 350.  That bastard got up to 80 easily but felt like it was doing 40! Those of us who grew up with 2,500 lb 90s economy cars felt the exact opposite.  Going 75-80 felt like a rocket ship, with horrible suspension.


Except it's usually the clapped out Nissan Maxima with paper plates and no insurance doing 80-90, not the brand new Mercedes GLC.


Hwy 90 sucks. My wife has been in 3 accidents (none her fault) on 90. I told her to stop going that way and take 146 instead.


Like I cannot stress enough how bad the speeding is out here. People are SO unsafe on the roads out here. Like cars are not indestructible 😔 Thats really sad




Because the average flow of traffic in Houston is over the highest speed limit you'll usually see which is 75. Doesn't seem like much more, but it does add velocity and momentum the more you exceed. Could someone die going the speed limit too? Absolutely. Some people don't use common sense when driving, people going 70 will cut someone going 85 off instead of letting them pass and THEN switching lanes....and slowing down gives you more time to react accordingly to idiots on the road. It's common sense to wear your seatbelt, but it sounds like the adults in this family didn't wear their seatbelts. Smh. RIP to the ones who lost their lives.