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Brennan’s of Houston is the sister restaurant to Commanders Palace. Both are owned by children of Ella Brennan. I think the food is slightly better in New Orleans but I still love the Houston location. We had our wedding reception there. 


Eaten at both, very similar in my opinion plus it’s not a multiple hours drive away. For those who say they were not impressed, they are being contrarian. The Houston location would be considered a top restaurant in any city


NGL, you had me in the first half.  I like their food for what it is and as noted they do a bang up lunch service…. but Brennan’s would only be a top restaurant in a city of 100k people. There’s no way it’s a top restaurant in any large market city. They do old world pretentious service well and there’s a couple great dishes but at the end of the day they will always be a place that impressive to take people because of the experience, not because they are slinging top notch dishes. Like the kind of place that  people say “oooh we went to Brennan’s for my graduation” not “OMG Brennan’s has the most amazing tasting food, every dish is fire”.


Anything tastes good after a couple 25cent martinis




Yep, hence the word “couple”!


I prefer the Houston location. I think the ambiance is better and the interior is more attractive here as well.


I prefer the NO location, but the one you are closest to can be the best as it is more geographically desirable.


Also of note it’s a different menu.


The turtle soup and bananas foster are the same at both locations; as well as the gumbo, bread pudding and fish pontchartrain. Houston location has big comfy chairs and a nice court yard. NO is still in the old blue house across from the cemetery and feels like I imagine it would have 50 years ago. Ate at Commanders recently for our New Years trip. Will be back at Brennans for food before the Lion King Broadway touring show because they have a shuttle to the theatre district.


Love both but I think NOLA is better


The one in New Orleans is way better, but the items you want should be fine at the Houston location.


I've never been to the one in nola but I've eaten at dozens of other similar places in nola and I liked Houston brennan's better than a lot of them.


I haven’t been to the one in New Orleans, but the crabcake on their eggs Benedict is the only one I’ve ever had anywhere and not liked.


Last time I was at Brennan's I was not impressed.


A one liner without any reasoning. Perfect. 


Go jerk it in the circle


It's food. What reasoning applies?


Service. Quality. Texture. Temperature. Portions. Selection. Lots of reasoning.


That's not reasoning, that's a review. If mine wasn't detailed enough, demand a refund from the manager.