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I can smell and feel this picture


I can see and taste this picture


Dually noted.


Stop licking your phone.


I can swim through the air in this picture


This picture slapped me and called my momma a bop.


It's so goddamn hot I just laugh when I go outside. Sweat through my clothes just going from my front door to my truck. It's like the cicadas make it seem hotter too


Can you imagine someone stepping off the train in July 1880, with no AC anywhere, and saying "Yeahhh now THIS is where I want to live, screw Cleveland."


I say this to people all the time, I can't believe somebody got here without AC and thought yes, THIS is the spot. Now lets COVER IT IN CONCRETE YEAAAA


Probably wasn't this hot 100 years ago, but then again they didn't wear shorts lol


It’s been noticeably hotter since I moved to Houston in 89


Actually it’s was hotter: https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/houston/year-1924


I don't think it was hotter. If you scroll down, the daily temps for June sit at the low to mid 90s. And July after it has only like two 100+ degree days. You may be reading the highest recorded temp for that year, which was 103. But if you jump month by month, the summer looks very different than the temps we've had I can't fathom only having two 100 degree days in July


Yeah that's the hottest day for 1924 only. Our highest recorded temp occurred just last year at 110F. Climate change is real.


With WOOL SUITS lmao


I started sweating reading this post. Now I’m cranky, no — IRATE 🫠🫠


Are these temperatures adjusted for inflation?


That was hotter for that year only. Highest temperature ever recorded in Houston was LAST YEAR at 110F. It regularly gets up to 104F according to my car's external thermometer https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-weather/forecast/article/houston-all-time-record-18280819.php#:~:text=The%20hottest%20temperature%20ever%20in,city's%20official%20weather%20observation%20station.


It's starting to feel like Texas is almost too hot to live in these days.


they (the Allen brothers, maybe? I can't remember) had a PR campaign tricking people into spending their life savings to move here. They sent out pictures of Missouri or something on brochures to the east coast and said it was Houston, then when people arrived in this swamp they were stuck and had to make the best of it. That's one reason why we have the tradition of having such wonderful indoor spaces in the city - you literally can't go outside for more than 10 minutes for huge segments of the year lol


Not even hot when I get inside, just wet.


It’s such an uncomfortable feeling because you come inside so sweaty that your clothes are wet and then get hit with the AC so it’s suddenly too cold- you can’t win


Don't complain about water though, we all miss it when we get a bad drought and everything dies.


Don’t you tell the Houstonians not to complain!  Gotta complain when it’s cold. Gotta complain when it’s hot. Gotta complain when it’s raining. Gotta complain in the drought. 


You're god damn right. There'll be a list on my gravestone


~ RIP AquastarRedHeart ~ “I did not have enough to complain about”


Yeah it’s a double edged sword. It’s not as miserably hot and dry as last summer (so far) so my electricity bill is lower and I am not constantly worried for my AC units. On the other hand- I’m damp allllll the time and my legs look like I have a pox from all the mosquito bites


I'd accept a drought right now if it means I can stop mowing my grass every three days...


I work at a garden center and our parking lot had soooo many cars at 2 p.m. like, who the fuck walked out of their house.and said "ah! A balmy 97° I need to garden today!"


My wife. Unfortunately, she wants ME to do it. Uh. No.


I get this, my work has me outside for long period of the day so when I come home I have very little motivation to be outside. Hell I have to regularly convince myself to mow the lawn or tend to outside chores everytime because I don’t want to be outside if I’m not getting paid at that point lol


Oh, he'll no! I'm a wife. If I'm gardening, I want to plant it and care for it myself. If I'm not willing to do it, I won't ask anyone else to


Can I ask for a divorce and marry you?


I mean you can ask. I'm not gonna leave my amazing husband tho.


I'm doomed.


The wind was really nice today. I got a sombrero and a very thin light colored long sleeve shirt. I also have a beach umbrella that I setup when I garden. It's not that bad if you be smart about it.


free sauna


You positive take is noted yet unappreciated because 🫠🫠🫠


Hopefully people remain clothed!


Nice n steamy now


My ass crack just began to sweat looking at that... I have early-onset swamp ass now thx...


Some British guy on TikTok is losing his 💩 because he can’t fathom heat beyond 80°F AND he’s visiting Texas. I’m not sure if he’s doing upper panhandle or lower but bless his tea drinking heart all the same.


I was working for a returning company about 8 years ago, we had a site in OK so she of the guys would come down to Houston once in a while. On this insurance, it was our voice guy's turn and he came down right in the middle of August... Me and the team were waiting at the Sugarland flying saucer for him to arrive when he drove up and parked in the garage. We were treated to a glorious rant about the heat paired with the humidity making him sweat profusely in the shade.


Like throwing water on hot rocks in a sauna.


Like living in a butt


A swamp ass if you will


Who doesn’t love the smell of petrichor in the afternoon?


I kinda do love it tho


All I could smell was wet asphalt and swampass.


That wet asphalt is part of the petrichor!


Went on a run the other day and I don’t think I’ve ever sweat that much in my life. That period between 4-6pm is ridiculously humid.


4-6pm is like the lowest humidity part of the day….


Lowest *relative* humidity. It's still quite humid as indicated in the dew point temperature.


It’s also generally the lowest dew point throughout the day.


Terrible in the morning, goes down during the day, back to terrible again in the evening


True and real


It makes the plants and bugs happy. Just listen to them sing.


Houston used to have a lot of trees before urban sprawl and concrete. The concrete is what is causing all this excess heat as it absorbs and releases it regularly and keeping water on the surface to cause more humidity. Tree shade naturally reduces the heat by 10 degrees, now think of a grove a trees, and now a forest like most of suburban Houston used to be. It did get hot, but there were trees and homes had windows that acted like ventilators focused on the cardinal directions to optimize the best wind that actually VENTILATED the home to keep the insides cool versus...whatever we have. Not to mention, homes also were optimized for best ventilated flow of air than they do now. My aunts home out in Victoria was built post Civil War 1800s and in the 90s, most summers she had the windows open and we wouldn't be hot. Even now, as long as the heat index isn't too bad, she won't turn on her ac as the air flow from the windows ventilates the house very well. What we need to be doing is reclaiming tree space, that can help with flooding and cooling the area down very well, but after large storms like the derecho and hurricanes, people are more likely to get rid of trees, and not realize that they keep areas cool.


I was waiting for traffic to pass by and noticed the steam rising. I think my car was starting to sweat as well.


Every summer just keeps getting worse and worse. We have our house for sale because we're not doing it anymore. Fuck the heat, humidity, and hurricanes. Enough is ENOUGH.


every summer will be the coolest summer we’ll ever have again 😭


I'd rather shovel snow tbh


Where are you guys moving to?


Had my first golf lesson today at 1 pm. It was very successful. I also was completely drenched at the driving range in the shade.


Mother Nature: "Here, have some humidity and mosquitoes, and some greasy mud all over your windshield."


What about 100% humidity? You've already had it. We've had one yes, but what about 2nd 100% humidity?


I would have killed for a small sprinkle last summer so I’ll take these quick afternoon showers


Last year was much worse. We had 100+ degree weather for months. At least it rains this summer.


Summer started a little over a week ago. We are just getting started


But there's that little window..where it's pretty amazing


But it’s water….in a drought.


Y’all don’t like it when you breathe in and the air has texture?


You guys (poster and most commenters) are so wimpy. Move away if you don’t like it. Houston was a much better city without so many complainers!


It feels like pneumonia outside.


Just think you are in Norway in a Woden box in a field with a towel wrapped around your neck sweating out those darn impurities.


I can take the heat, having lived in SA…the humidity is a whole different beast.


You would think Houston would have a better night culture since it's slightly better at night.


Covid killed the nightlife that was there.


yes... i live with 8+ acres, and the humidity is stiffleing!


Naaaaa 5pm yesterday it's 97 out and that rain brought overcast that dropped everything to 85. Humidity may suck but overall temp went down for me


I have had to get up at 4am to do my gardening the last couple of days because it’s the only time I don’t feel like I’m going to die after 5 minutes. But it’s almost as bad because the humidity is so close to 100% I come inside completely drenched after an hour. When I’m working out there I can literally feel wet perspiration running down my face and back. There’s a point where you reach critical mass and your just leaking water anywhere there’s a sweat gland. The salt gets in my eyes. I forget that I love my garden and I say lots of dirty words. Pretty sure the neighbors think I’ve lost it.




These brief showers are driving me insane.  It rains enough to make mud on the trails, which is where I’d normally go to be outside and avoid the heat. It washes enough crap into the bayous that it’s nasty to be in the water after a rain. It’s not enough to keep the plants happy so I still have to water. It does nothing to cool the air down and raises the humidity which just makes it worse. The rain needs to shit or get off the pot. Either pour for a few hours and let things kill off or just don’t. 


This is just normal summer showers, enjoy the misery cause it means a wet summer and not drought filled one.


Better this than Beryl in our future.


You take her name out your mouth before she hears.


I thought it was a Man's name!


Not if you're watching Sailor Moon!


Well dang. Put me on to a good episode. It's too hot and miserable to go outside.


Oh man, I haven't watched it in years, but the nostalgia is still strong when I think about it.


It's a lady name, just hardly ever hear of it around these parts.


I meant Shadynasty


😂 I googled this and found fishing lures. But then I realized it was a typo. Goddammit. I'm going to watch this fucking show all summer.


I love this time of year only because it is the only time other Houstonians can begin to understand why I dislike my ratchet ass hometown so much. You can’t enjoy the outdoors FOR OVER HALF THE YEAR! I enjoy your company my miserable countrymen 🤠🫡🫠🇺🇸🦅🗽